Ovomit needs to be tried and executed for treason the pos.

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I say yes, once proper courts show treason, he and anyone like him must be hung...

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Isn’t O’Vomit a member of the secretive and apparently malignant sect of Islam, courtesy of his deranged mother?

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I do think he is

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I do not understand the subud cult.

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Wonder if there’s an at to find out more about Subud and the possible O’Vomit connection? If it’s true, what Subud actually does, etc.

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Meant to include the NAME of the sect: Subud. How does one edit one’s comments? Sometimes the editing function seems to work, sometimes it doesn’t!

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substack does get glitchy

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Obama is the one that has placed Marxist Vietnam generation they want a revolution before they die and this Larry Crest is a Marxist national left wing nut. They are out to destroy the justice system let the criminals rob and loot so they don’t have to do it. Communist are taking over America slowly but it has been happening for many years since the Vietnam era or before. They are pushing for America to be locked down by a disease that they are creating. We could lose our country very quickly because many aren’t paying attention. If democrats get in again, you can kiss America goodbye

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Already the demoncrats plan is inaction, illegals getting the vote, the use of ballot boxes again in some states. They are already challenging some laws that the republicans got in, they are fighting them, so get ready people! They are coming WITH CLAWS AND FANGS EXPOSED, GET READY, THIS IS FOR OUR LIFE!

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I believe the government is going to say that Biden died in his sleep and go from there.

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But, Dr. Jill won't leave!

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I bet they offer her a post or an ambassador position.

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The Obiden regime is in the process of imploding before our eyes. Expect anything between now and Nov. No matter what they do or who they run, Trump has this in the bag.

It all hinges on guarding the votes, preventing the massive ballot and vote fraud planned by the Dems. Even the RINOs in GA have now started putting their corrupt election officials in place to facilitate the steal there, like they did in 2020.

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Could Biden in his many Covid " Vax" and boosters, be given by mistake or intentionally,the real, not Saline water, "Vaccine" containing Prions, (Mad Cow Disease) accelerating his Mental decline?

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There is NO way JOE took the JAB. He'd be dead by now.

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Sorry Obuma, no can do on that 4th term! The wicked will NOT inherit the earth or America!

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It’s entirely possible that the Dems will keep demented Joe as President. The only way they could pull this off would be to put someone they view as a strong voice and equally strong fund raiser in the VP role. If so, the bad news is that would be Killary. She may not be liked by all of the Dems, but she’s ruthless, she has a big mouth, she knows how to bring in the money, and she will cover for Joe.

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I honestly don't believe they ever expected to get another term out of Biden or to win 2024 with any Democrat. They've slid way too far to the left and know that the pendulum must swing back. They've achieved about as much destruction of the US as possible in 4 years. They need Trump back in office so that Americans don't lose complete faith in the integrity of elections. The destruction of America is a long term plan that will take a bit longer yet. Their best case scenario is to have the dollar completely collapse under Trump so that Republicans will be remembered as the ones who destroyed the US. If the Democrats truly wanted to win in 2024, they'd have swapped out Biden long ago and the Republicans would have made moves to impeach him..

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the democrats achieved a lot this past 4 years.

they have moved the overton window drastically

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Trump is doing the same thing. He is ignoring the Latinos so he can beg for votes from Negros. It just goes to show how shallow and worthless the advisors are on both sides.

Trump has the gun owners vote, that's a plus,and even though Trumps advisors don't know a thing about Latinos we will still vote for him over Biden.

The way to trust Trump is hard.

But there's no way to trust Biden.

Maybe Trump should talk to some Latinos for a change. We don't have rabies, you know.

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You know Darkstar, maybe Trump and Biden and any other wannabes only have one interest at heart, their own!

After more than 4 years and counting, starting before lockdown, it’s become quite clear, “nobody but nobody” gives a flying turd-dump about fixing America!

I am absolutely convinced and here’s why. Think about everything we’ve learned since lockdown. Lockdowns, though a double edge sword, provided something valuable for everyone to see.

“We the People” have continuously been scammed! Year after year, day in and day out, be it outright lies or double down lying, I believe what’s happening is complete theatre!

Theatre in order to usher in a “Fundamental Transformation of America”! Does anyone think it’s odd, Obama made this statement and all things happening can be directly linked to him! Everything! I won’t list them, they’re obvious and quite extensive.

Add to this, every government and nongovernmental organization has been involved, comprised and actively pushing this transformation! Why? For what reason or benefits? Not you Darkstar, certainly not me. Most definitely not America!

You know as I know, in one hours time, we could list what’s needed to fix America! Maybe 2 hours, nevertheless, half of Americans know this. But not a damn thing changes. Again I ask why?

Because there’s a private / public partnership so entrenched, so large and powerful, honestly even a president trump administration can’t penetrate this!

So we’ll continue to hear the battle cry’s, all the “I’m going to” nonsense which they know they can’t, they never will and all they’re doing is “placating” for a chance to satisfy their own ego’s.

Sometimes, the salt shaker is right in front of your nose, this is one of those times. Actually there’s been many times similar, but we have been accustomed to changing direction on the fly and look over here! This is exactly by design.

If you step back and start over. Look at how many people have so many times deflected us from paying g attention. This kind of subtle manipulation sometimes is easy to spot other times, not so easy. Nonetheless, this is happening every day, 24X7.

It’s like a divorce and those not directly involved, see clearly why as opposed to the people getting divorced. Not the best analogy I agree.

I’ve concluded and I’m convinced America is heading towards, and quite quickly, a “one party” government! Ultimately, a

“one world government”! But steps and actions must happen before this occurs.

Trump will only slow the inevitable. He’s one man against a world of men seeking complete control over the world! I hardly believe Trump isn’t on this list. Unlike you and me, we’re definitely not listed.

There’s most definitely a “Fundamental Transformation” occurring. Here in America and across the “great divide” sort of speak. This “Great Divide” combines powerful, socialist, marxist, communist, etc. but it doesn’t contain as we have come to know, these United States of America!

How the “Transformation” looks when complete is anyone’s guess. Those involved may eat themselves in the process, but ultimately, these United States, though prosperous and free, have cross the point of no return.

Honestly Darkstar I pray, what’s coming has only been a bad nightmare. But far too many elements are as clear as the “sugar bowl” on the kitchen table! Many tentacles can redirect, collapse and or completely destroy the world in the process.

I just don’t believe those seeking such power and control, don’t really give a damn! Because if they did, well if they did, there’s far better solutions to help the entire world, not only a few as what’s been proposed and executed before our open eyes.

Your post tantalized my emotional state of mind to ask, “What the Hell is going on?”

Thanks Darkstar for you insight as we all know what’s wrong, but we can’t individually solve this.


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Thanks AJR 😊

Anytime you have a Public-Private partnership you have more problems than before you started.

As part of my studies in gang warfare, I worked with an NGO

called "The CHANCE".

This was a safe house for gang members to come into if they wanted to chill and have some coffee, or play a game of pool.

The guy who ran the safe house was a reformed CRIP.

With full ink,, and three tear drops. He became a Christian while in prison and did his best to trun gang members onto Jesus.

But his hands were tied by red tape and government regulations,

He couldn't talk about Jesus while he was working.

So he'd leave the safe house and talk to the gang me.ber outside the safe zone.

We had a trash can on the porch

That said "ALL GUNS HERE"

and a strict rule of NO COLORS

I learned how tribal these gangs were. If you were a nonreconized civlian, you were :Prey.

If you were from a rival gang you were ;Enemy.

That simple, but you know what?

The cops never bothered to study the social structure of gangs.

The DOJ did, and they helped me alot with my studies.

I actually liked my assignment at the safe house.

So I tried to get a full time job there.

But they could not hier me. You know why AJR?

I wasn't a felon .

"THE CHANCE" Only hired convicted felons.

Are you seeing why things will.never change?

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You’re welcome Darkstar. Amazing story and first hand experience you’ve acquired, no doubt.

My gut instincts, for that matter everyone’s gut instinct provides a level of depth you can’t learn or be taught. Kind of like experience. As we age our gut instinct becomes sharper and stronger regardless of what you might be trying to understand.

When I combine my gut instincts with what I’ve learned these past few years, something very different, very ominous comes into focus.

I am, as I have written, extremely positive person. But you have to look beyond the diners tables of life and connect together, all wires. Suddenly, a picture begins to develop. All around us varying degrees of clarity is emerging.

Whatever the end result, I know we are not going back before lockdown and forward viewing is at times, down right bloody and other times, passive. Two opposite sides of what I see in between.

All I can say is that from information you’ve posted and others, my life has been enriched. So thank you very much DarkStar. Maybe one day we will see each other “on the dark side of the moon”.

Anything is possible.


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I am pretty certain the latino population has far out numbered the black population.

Most latinos are conservative.

I am not sure why pols choose to solicit one group over the other.

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Probably because the candidates are too busy hob nobbing with rich people. Trump doesn't care about abortion and all that. If he did he wouldn't support Israel bombing babies in Palestine.

It's a pointless race to the top so whomever wins can get those perks that are so important.

Trump is just reading a script.

If he cared about any of us he'd be warning about how we are just weeks from a nuclear war.

Thank for your kind words Rosemary 😃 😊

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Playing a Hail Mary to win at the line that looks very far away can he make it without a fumble? Coach calls time out with Joe Nameth lately now doing Medicare advantage commercials nowhere to be seen went off field chasing after a vendor he didn't get product took the yellow pill now he's out of the game chasing cheer leaders now only if that could of been used in the game. Poor guy had to have the body drained at hospital. They call in the backup quarterback Kilmer and Palmer they keep them warmed up and focused not sure what these guys are doing today. Kilmer gets them to the half field and tears something up in the leg they next get out Palmer he goes and makes lemonade the referee is fit to be tied so he sends the ball with a golf club. The flags are all over the place 5yards till goal the referee sends him back to the half line you must kick the ball not use golf clubs are we clear. Then he pulls out an iron ref stops the game give me that iron now! He sent the ref to the goal line of all things don't think that one counts. Well they got one more punter Manning out he says he will kick the ball well for them and makes it out of the stadium the crowd goes crazy did that count at all. Ref came back it should stay within the stadium now go back to your original line and do it over. Manning stayed within bounds until some huge guy looked like a lumberjack got on top of him and the ball was loose no one is sure who has the ball.

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Stealing the Election will be more difficult in 2024. Trump’s lead is massive and election fraud will be better countered. The DS will need to create enough chaos to cancel the election.

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It’s all too late

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Good doctors? Especially the one who proposes to put more siRNA in ppl? What is this?

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We have to get out the vote. Tell everyone don’t be afraid to speak your mind stand up to these liberals that are communist Marxist. They will vote for Obama just like they do Biden all for control. The 12 year plan was with Obama and Hillary. They were both out to take away. Our rights and freedom forever as it would be gone already if it wasn’t for Trump. Now they are pushing ESG not good. CCP plan develop weapons to kill Americans And they also dominate Wall Street Hollywood read Captain James Fennell, Naval intelligence officer. Obama has planted his own army to carry out Jihad . We also have young males Chinese trim and very fit with packed backpacks new clothes scattered throughout Texas and God knows where else. Remember the BioLab in California. There is so much going on with the cult, globalist elite trying to take away our freedom of speech and choice. The communist government is pushing to diminish the dollar and control us with CBCD’s that’s when they can control us.

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If you don't have the intelligence community, your chances are slim.

Biden should know that ,but the old boy is brain dead.

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