Obama was to have his 4th term to complete the ISLAMization of USA & take over by illegals but NEEDED Biden to get there; why? b/cause Harris is not electable; plan was one (1) debate EARLY & then
pull out claiming Biden is busy etc. & take the heat but would have 1st debate in the bag (needed NOT to win, just basically show up) and he would drag to the finish line; that was the plan
But now pandora is out of the box….the gig is up…Biden has always been neurologically unfit…the democrats know they are losing their grip on power, they do not care about the American people, they care about votes and now selling the black voter out for the brown Latino voter (giving the illegals money while turning their backs on blacks) as they just wish to stay out of jail (keep crimes covered up and need Biden to ensure that) and retain the grip on power;
their problem is that they were caught, exposed, that night on debate stage, we always know and knew and they knew but covered it up…now you will see, in a matter of days, someone deep inside Biden’s White House (maybe more than one leaker) will leak something that will shock us…and it will end then! If Biden will not step aside, they will DETONATE his campaign…he lost the intelligence community and when you do that, it is over!
So this is interesting yet troubling, for it is really about getting Obama his 4th term and Kamala cannot get over the wall in terms of winning on her own…she polled near zero among democrats in their primary, if you recall. She is that hated, and she failed devastatingly as the border security CZAR and the point person on ending the Russia-Ukraine war. Look how well these 2 items turned out.
So, Obama and the deepstate need Biden yet he is failing and fading fast. He cannot remain as POTUS until November even. Biden has elements of dementia and Parkinsons (maybe not classic but serious cognitive decline and portions of these due to age…maybe another neurodegenerative type condition that affects memory and gait? I will develop something ANW said in my stack). They had a plan but that blew up and what was the plan? How was it working?
Amp him up for each podium or press talk as we have been subject to for 4 years…he comes out, booming voice, shouting at us, barking essentially, hurried speech, especially at end of sentences, no questions, chose press to ask questions, questions given ahead of time and key is the teleprompter. The debate was the problem for could not amp him up else we would have detected the amp up as his responding would have been wrong…so he came out PLAIN, normal and then we saw the REAL Biden. Aim was to do this until election, get him over the line, then replace him after one week with Kamala and the new VP…someone who under no circumstance not even democrats would have elected. So, these people seek executive power by fraud basically, a con game, a backdoor game, deceit, getting in people who the voter will NEVER tolerate or elect, both sides, but now it seems using the VP slot. You, democrats, no one, would have never ever voted for Kamala Harris…she got the VP slot not via election, and could be POTUS…and they will put in a new VP who also is unelected…
seems Obama may well get his 4th term…so do not take it as a done deal…we have to work now to ensure the election is fair and the right person wins…the democrats do not want to WIN at elections, those do not matter anymore…they are just taking the slots to power.
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Please consider support of a good company Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (with antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
Ovomit needs to be tried and executed for treason the pos.
Isn’t O’Vomit a member of the secretive and apparently malignant sect of Islam, courtesy of his deranged mother?