This is old data.. But, yet mor evidence of you pushing the Zionist narrative...

Maybe you can be PM of Isreal.. After Trump.. After Trump's second term..

After 80% of the global population is wiped out.

The King of Nothing

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I only am interested in US and Canada yet the world...what zionist narrative? I am talking fact...why don't you dispute what I just wrote? why dont you take your wife or daughters etc. and live there or better yet, why dont you open your home to a few illegals who are islamist and let them live among your wife and daughters and you go to work...live life normal...your grand daughters...try it...come and tell us what happened...seeing that I am a zionist...

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Oh it's happening all right... All over the Western Christian world.. And it has been going on for decades.. Not just one administration.

And who is behind it?

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There always has to be a moron or 2 in every comment section

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I wonder who is behind the flooding of Europe and America with immigrants? You don't have to look to deeply to find out. But, you have to be prepared to look. How people can profess to be religious and sanction the deaths of women and children, all to fullfill an end times prophecy leaves me baffled. Personally, if heaven is full of people with that attitude, I'll take my chances elsewhere!

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I think I nose

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deletedJun 6
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Indeed.. Keep trying to bring your messiah, the antichrist. The game is nearly over.

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Funny.. The Canuck who landed at HHS sucking Zionist public hair has no "early life" on his wiki... His CIA/Mossad buddies have his back.

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deletedJun 6
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The Zionists deny Christ.. They are the ones who killed Christ.

Too bad your discernment isn't as long as your nose.

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deletedJun 6
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Try reading it... You will find "The Synagogue of Satan"

That's who you worship.

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Actually I knew this gosh at least 5 years ago .

Little girls would go to the bathroom in Sweden and not come back to class.

This they found out was due to FGM

Sweden did nothing.

All Jews had to leave not that there were more than a few hundred.

These Nordic countries are way more disgusting than reported.

Thank you

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Exactly what Obama supported! Exactly what Muslim islam Obama is! Evil! Marxist communist is the Biden regime with Obama in his DC skiff running things!

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Only the Left wing sick brains in power are capable of such stupidity.

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Correct. But how come all of this does seem unstoppable?

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its not...unstoppable. sometimes it has to happen in your own backyard for your eyes to open.

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The reality should spur the solution. That solution has to come from Swedish males who will take every opportunity to punish moslem mutts in fitting ways both legal and illegal. The solutions are readily discernible and I need not even suggest them. The utilization will cause a push back and that would have to be countered by armed force even to the point of elimination by any means of the perps. These scum have no right to attack women, any woman and the imposition of the death penalty at this point now in time is the only solution. Roll out concealed carry. Stash the lie that multicultism is a strength when in fact it is a weakness.

This is what fools get when leftist loonery prevails. Confront the problem with the only solution that will work. This will mean war. violence, injury and death but the end result will be elimination of the problem. There is no other solution and women will have to be a part of the solution by their desire to protect themselves by use of armed force legalized and written into law.

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Sweden and Germany made their bed. Now, let them sleep in it.....

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in some way I agree...but these are good people now subject to Merkel and Obama et al. desires. it is our children, girls who pay the price at the hands of the medieval barbarian

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Not true. it was the corrupt leaders as in other nations who imported the death cult religionists. Blame turdo for Canada mess and ovomit/biDUMB for USA mess and merkel for German mess, etc

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boom, turdo of Canada, the tampon man himself

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The pigs would freak if I I told them what I will say here. (pigs as in bad cops, not the regular police) I run a business and have for over 30 years and have had contact with retired police, OPP, RCMP, judges, lawyers, tycoons (one billionaire, many multi millionaires and piles of regular millionaires.) I am open with my clients and they with me and I have never heard the hatred and raw contempt as has been directed towards turdo. The outpourings of many who hate him and would like to kill him are the most I ever heard towards anyone in my three decades of interaction with others. The closest in death threats far behind was omar kadr.

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deletedJun 6
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thats ok, we keep talking, sharing...the truth is coming out.

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Jeanine, the enemy is the politically correct CYSTem. Linkedin has ben chasing me for years to be a member. I have always rejected these cowardly farcical f*uck ups. They can take their stash of wimpy wanker males and wanker woke females and go to bloody hell where they belong as truth there is denied and punished. Just another gathering place of f*cking idiot leftist loons,.

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Oh yee of little brain....

A Zionist Catholic.. Not much difference these days.

But if you pretend to be a follower of Christ my

Try reading the book... Instead of letting men in dresses read it to you.

I know that would require you leaving your cafeteria.. But you might learn a fee things.

If you want to know how things end...

Start at the Book of Revelation

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deletedJun 6
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excellent decent reply, Chris knows we are correct...he is trying to get a rise...but huge hugs Chris...if thats your name, and thank you for being here and partaking...I want all views, different, diverse, and we must disagree too and all I ask if we be civil...no threats etc.

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The Goy are noticing 👀

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deletedJun 6
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It's all there for those who have eyes to see.

Read it!

You won't.. Just ignorant insults.

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deletedJun 6
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Learn.. Or continue to lie..

This is your Zionism

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deletedJun 6
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Enjoy your cult of raping three year old girls.

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Hey Chris, stop being a meathead and coward harassing Jeanine. Matter of fact she is correct and you are a complete idiot! Jeanine? You cannot reason with a fool nor can you perform a miracle by dragging this dork out of the darkness he lives in and into the Light. He has his mind all made up and will always refuse to be confused by the facts.

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