The chances that Mayor Bowser sends her police to help, are pretty close to ZERO.

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then let it get out of hand and burn...these animals on campus capable...let us watch it.

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Meanwhile, our elected officials have very good security! And excellent health care, unlike the peons.

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Obama and Biden brought the wolf now to pulverize the pelvis in gang rape of your girls

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In the late 90’s early 2000, the police didn’t help me with a known predator. My domestic violence organization got me an apartment for a year to get back on my feet. This man had been harassing and raping the women who were placed there. I got the apartment shut down but the animal went on to continue his terrorizing the neighborhood high on crack back then. His cousin Jo-El Scott was part of the intimidation. He’s in jail for murdering a woman named Dorothy Royal in Albany New York. And situation like this will become common.

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They should let it burn along with all the Ivey League Higher Education crap traps.

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IDF would just airstrike the whole university. Ok with you?

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Yep. Kill them all ! Is certainly the motto of Israel

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If you really want the mind blowing breakdown of WHY it's happening...


Kabbalah of the End of the World Gaza (Philistia), Palestinians (Philistines) and Netanyahu (Samson)

This is a ceremonial reenactment of an ancient genocide story.

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Thank you for the link.

It's very interesting.

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This reminds me so much of my days back on the farm, where my father's favorite expression was, "Son, never forget, the Chickens will come back home to roost (or sleep)" (They may wander about the farmyard, all day, but by dark they will be in the Hen house up on the roost.)

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the wolf is at the door...remember your legal 2nd, once life is threatened by these islamic beasts, use it

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The US Congress just ( unconstitutionally) limited free speech on college campus', if it is critical of political zionism. Don't be surprised if the 2nd amendment is next.

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Very true Adam. To protect genocide is to invite it on ourselves

People won't admit that jew have supported every anti gun law ever written.

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Beheading? Why am I not surprised? It was only a matter of time before today's Americans started chanting " Allahu Akbar" and "Behead the Infidel." Moral and political philosopher Robert W Malone has a stack on fascism by one of his colleagues from the Brownstone Instiute. Note, however, that it says nothing about this new American islamofascism:

The Machinery of Fascism Revisited, By Jeffry Tucker, Brownstone Institute



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Brownstone is a fake, I was the senior author, helped start it...its not what you think it is...at least what it became...to write there you must be a friend of Malone as Tucker sold out to that...did bad things to Breggin that I think Breggin can even sue them...in spite of a private rag...look, I am so disgusted by these money whores used COVID to benefit themselves

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Obama was the greatest threat to USA and shariah islam, radical islam is the gravest threat...wahabi, salafi

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How come Israel has a forward operations base in Muslim Azerbaijan?

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To spy on Russia

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Thanks for that link!

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Funny how you call out the many horsemen of the apocalypse but also support government that openly commits war crimes. I don't support Hamas either, but all the women, children, and doctors killed there were all Hamas? Students protesting war crimes are Hamas? Watch this and see the other side of the story.


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The Democrats wanted No Law (or) Lawlessness and Disorder...Defund the Police...Sanctuary Cities for Criminals, and take over of Portland with Antifa and BLM. Now it looks like they are going to be the ones to reap what they've sown.

Better do a Reality Check to see What Kind of Seeds You are Sowing.

To make it simple... Heaven Seeds or Hell Seeds as now You are Learning You Reap What You Sow.

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Marxists burning marxists’ strongholds))) Funny in a way

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Once again, right on point!

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Hopefully this will spread to Harvard as well.

I doubt that the individuals involved actually know what they are protesting about nor the importance of the stakes we as a nation have lost.

DR Paul, we disagree on whether or not Israel is something that should be protected.

I think that's our only difference.

These crowds are making it so that no Jewish influence can be questioned.

Thus the anti gun campaign by the ADL and the pro immigration campaign lead mostly by anti Christian influences will never be dug out by the roots.

Just something to think about.

I'm actually glad you post thoughts that you may disagree with.

That's the only way we can learn.

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I dont think any US tax dollars go to any nation...I do think that the world are not aware of what was done Oct 7th...full disclosure, I went to Israel with govn officials as a bear witness team...went to Gaza border, Lebanon..I saw things that destroyed my soul a bit...I am of Lebanese decent...know this, I want no innocent Palestinian or Israeli killed, no child....but we foll ourselves thinking what coming from Middle East are our friends come to play house...my ancestry fled middle east as were catholic christians.

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Dr Paul,I have much respect for you and your work. I was raised As a Catholic Christian and remain one to this day.

Aside for my basic love for humanity in general, I have no need to care about Arabs. They treat their women like crap 💩 and are very violent when dealing with Christian people.

I do know that most of our anti gun laws come from jew run organizations.

And that worries me greatly.

Thank you for your kind response 🙏

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May 7
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great point

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Matt Gaetz called out George Soros for some stuff recently and was viciously attacked bt Jerry Nadler as being "antisemitic" for doing so. That's why nobody is calling George or his son out.

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no nads NADLER as Rush would say

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