Oh now you want POLICE? In Washington? George Washington U? No more defunding? You bitches created this monster, these pro-HAMAS monsters, these freaks on US campuses protesting for rapists & killers
now want the beheading of the school president and members of the board of trustees? See you did not 'get' that these are the very islamist jihadists among us & they will behead the President
You best put this monster down fast for you created it, you allowed it, you worked with Obama to do this, Obama the shia ex-manchurian US POTUS who did all he could to benefit Iran, that Obama, who gave Iran the Air Force drone and naval gunboats to in turn attack US (and Israel) with…that Obama.
Now its your baby, let us see how you manage this…
George Washington University Now Begging DC Police for Help as Student Protesters Start Calling for the BEHEADING of School President and Trustees (VIDEO)
Pro-Hamas student protesters at George Washington University are now openly calling for the beheading of the school president and members of the board of trustees.
Gateway Pundit
The chances that Mayor Bowser sends her police to help, are pretty close to ZERO.
Meanwhile, our elected officials have very good security! And excellent health care, unlike the peons.