77.3 million Americans voted for Trump (I'm one of them). This means 77.3 million Americans want Trump to succeed in his missions.

In order to accomplish these missions, he needs the strong team he has assembled for his administration. This requires as many of the 77.3 million Trump voters as possible to contact their senators and demand they confirm RFK, Jr and all other appointees.

I sent messages to my two senators through their websites; this took 4 minutes total. It doesn't matter that both are Democrats. The more voices senators hear demanding they confirm Trump's picks, the more pressure they will feel.

Imagine tens of millions of Americans sending this message to their senators. Imagine the enormous impact this will have.

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excellent sharing, informative, uplifting

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Primary the RINOS who don't vote to confirm the nominees. They should also be removed from the Republican Party. Those clowns care more about the Ukranian drag queen than they do about the American people.

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call them weekly. send e-mails. write actual letters with envelopes and stamps. i'm taking an all of the above approach

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Starting immediately with their snake oil bio-weapon after halting its distribution and use pending further detailed investigation. Although not a drug or vaccine the Covid testing device that was used with escalated amplification to deliberately increase the Globalists required number of positive tests should be fully investigated for its deliberate misuse and ceased to be used until clarification is given on its correct use or total future ban.

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very excellent, BOOM, thank you Dez

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Dr Alexander, I wonder ifone can set up a business, crowdfunded by all awake people around the world to independently test drugs and vaccines. Then publish the independent results. And get the awake people in the world to insist that these harmful drugs be taken off the market. In a way that is being done now. But the people who are doing this, are being improverished. ...as they, to my knowledge are doing this pro bono.

Over a decade ago, I spoke (in a social setting) to a PhD in the drug approval section of Health Canada. I asked how Health Canada approved the drugs...did they conduct the test themselves? replied no, the drug companies submit their test results. I asked: 'Isn't that allowing the fox to guard the hen house?" The answer was the drug companies would be in great trouble if they provided fake results. Health Canada would come down on them hard.

The truth is coming out, but very few people believe it. Health Canada was created for population control.... this genocide has been going on for ages. Health Canada is not about health.


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excellent question, so you mean crowd fund our work?

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boom "I asked how Health Canada approved the drugs...did they conduct the test themselves? replied no, the drug companies submit their test results. I asked: 'Isn't that allowing the fox to guard the hen house?" The answer was the drug companies would be in great trouble if they provided fake results. Health Canada would come down on them hard."

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Yes. Though I am sure there is great danger in doing that...since politicians, banks, universities etc are all in on this. But you have a great following, and very smart people who followed you could figure out how to do this, and keep you and the others in this endeavor safe.

Dr.Makis in Alberta, Canada is being threatened with jail time from the supposedly freedom loving Alberta government ( he has exposed the protected people committing pedophila in the Alberta Health Services). He has been fighting this alone. He has successfully treated turbo cancers created by the jab , and the Alberta government is trying to shut him down. He crowdfunded his fight and within two weeks or so, he raised 150,000 from people over the world....


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Wow, we should look at his example stand up stand out! We have no choice, get of the fence, myself included! Of course they want to shut him up! I “ll be glad to see the 20 Jan safely passed, as they are cooking up whatever, same with the drones! More and more migrants New York completely taken over, this morning on Tousi! What on earth is Trump taking on? Obama is not leaving will stay sly behind the scenes giving his instructions! They have done somany bad things even in the last weeks, sending billions to Egypt as well! All shocking!

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And maybe make a little money on the side with some organ harvesting before the kill off the patient.


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By the way, I sincerely believe that the PhD was/is a good person. Like so many people he trusted....the reports...

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— I M M E D I A T E L Y —


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— A B S O L U T E L Y — !!!!!

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Gosh. Suppose they would rather buy EXPERT opinion. Folks who work for free can't be trusted after all.

Red and white, blue suede shoes

I'm Uncle Sam, how do you do?

Give me five, I'm still alive

Ain't no luck, I learned to duck

Check my pulse, it don't change

Stays seventy-two come shine or rain

Wave the flag, pop the bag

Rock the boat, skin the goat

Wave that flag, wave it wide and high

Summertime done come and gone, my, oh, my

I'm Uncle Sam, that's who I am

Been hidin' out in a rock and roll band

Shake the hand then shock the hand

Of P. T. Barnum and Charlie Chann

Shine your shoes, light the fuse

Can you use them old U.S. Blues?

I'll drink ya health, share ya wealth

Run ya life, steal ya wife

Wave that flag, wave it wide and high

Summertime done come and gone, my, oh, my

Back to back chicken shack

Son of a gun, better change your act

We're all confused, what's to lose

You can call this all the United States Blues

Wave that flag, wave it wide and high

Summertime done come and gone, my, oh, my

Summertime done come and gone, my, oh, my

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very nice, thank you for this beautiful piece

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Dr. Alexander when I encountered you with the Truckers I was amazed.

Imho that you hold to a very positive and upbeat view is admirable. You would know far better than a cynic like me why you for your loyalty are ignored. I disagree of course that your hopes are well placed. My cynical view holds this is impossible. Still I am pleased to see even as a cynic, that humanity remains strong in your life. Gives me a tincture of hope, on the road to Damascus a loyal servant of Trump's Rome changed their mind.

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Dr Paul, I love your precise target. Thank you for all the work you continue to do. I already emailed the government representatives, but all I ever get is an autoresponder, even when I want a follow-up.

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What is the chance that Trump will go along with ending the EUA for spike based mRNA therapy?

I had thought that Biden extended the EUA for 5 yrs.

Do you think it can be easily repealed?

We know RFK Jr knows the truth and is just keeping quiet right now.

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Snowball's chance in hell. The current shots will be quietly withdrawn but new spike based mRNA therapy will replace them. And now that the Russians are using mRNA therapeutic vaccines for cancer to shrink tumors and prevent metastases Trump will want the US to play catch up.

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Yes Maria I hear you but if you privately set this up on YouTube they close you down instantly! What Dr Alexander is doing on sub stack is excellent, for all to see for all to participate but of course we are not the sleepy ones! And I already have lost most of my friends over this! Everyone knows where I am coming from but think, Rebecca is gullible she believes everything! But really other way round! I go sofar then it comes down to common sense, they can do what we all did! Or stay where they are! And … Enjoy the nothing!

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That is great news if he can get it through! The world who are not asleep are totally behind JF Kennedy! WEF will be furious, pray for his safety, same with Trump they will do all in their power to stop them! God is on our side but we are expected to stand up and pray!

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About that Nuremberg 2.0....

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You mean, on behalf of the American people, the ticker tape parades for, and awarding of medals to, Fauci, Pence, Walensky, Birx, Bourla, Bancel and all the others who produced, promoted or mandated the shots.

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And pretty much the entire medical-industrial complex who went along for the big bucks, let alone allegedly getting money for using another deadly potion, Remdesivir.

These people are diabolical sick ghouls.

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I just saw 2 different reports on the flu vaccine- it’s not good either as it seems to increase your chance of catching other viruses? Also it has low rates of stopping the flu. All this is bad for us.

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Avoid all vaccines. Bill Gates says he has met with Pharma to add Mrna and cancer cells to all vaccines for babies, children and adults. Of course avoid vaccines for pets too. Learn about why you must avoid vaccines for pets by Dr Will Falconer, veterinarian at http://www.VitalAnimal.com sign up for his free monthly natural pet health updates

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You may well be correct, or not. But given your bias toward predictive failure, you cannot undertake a proper, scientific assessment of any drug or vaccine. Such an assessment will require rigid application of the scientific method. Too many people have forgotten or simply ignore what Karl Popper taught us in "Conjectures and Refutations". I wish you well in your endeavors.

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You are definitely correct that such an assessment will require rigid application of the scientific method. Paul has a background in research methodology criticism. What is the point you are trying to make about Popper and the basis for your assertion that he can't undertake a proper scientific assessment of any drug or vaccine? What would need to happen for such an assessment to be made?

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Yes to this.

Give me just one good counter-arguement.

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there is none

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You ROCK sir!!!

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I trust your opinion 100% Paul. I know you would clean house the proper way and never sacrifice your values for a few minutes of fame. We need drastic change. We, our kids are being poisoned, our food supply is being tainted and the environment we grow our food in has been compromised. Look up at the sky and watch the chemtrails that cause strange silvery looking clouds to form. Bill Gates funded geo engineering that is spraying the stratosphere with God only knows what. The FDA is complicit as well as the others because they cater to psychopaths who want us all sick and dying. For billions of our tax dollars to stuff their coffers with.

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