Tucker Carlson said it best: "A weak man becomes a host for evil." Johnson is case in point. Weak, stupid, and susceptible to flattery - not not good characteristics for the House Leader, or anyone for that matter.

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I love it when you get angry enough to curse.

You are a man after my own heart.

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At the least, he could have held to the "One bill one subject" and separated out Ukraine from Israel and the Border, and put the Border bill up FIRST for vote. That he didn't shows you how corrupt or stupid he is. By doing these bills separately, it would have demarcated clearly where people stood on each issue. But this atrocious bill allows for none of that. Once he got "the visit" from Paul Ryan, the die was cast.

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Yes Paul, Mike turncoat Johnson spit in the faces of all Americans. I hope they can all see they have to save themselves because voting will not work to get this mess cleaned. Soon there will be food shortages and the banks will go down, get prepared now or be left behind.

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Johnson was on the Mark Levin show and explained everything and why he was in a tough position. Levin agreed with Johnson.

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Johnson is obviously compromised. The Dems have something on him. Must be bad for him to sell out his country.

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Mike johnson....FNT =F@CKING neocon traitor

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You know who slipped that Manila envelope into the stream’ (?)

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Goes to show folks our government is out of control. It’s time we the people started educating our leaders in government. If you do something contrary to our constitution and the will of the people you will be voted out and / or a new government by the people will be formed and both houses will be cleared out for the new management we will put in place. Let your legislators know this is their last chance. I for one don’t think they deserve a second chance after the Covid debacle. We need change. We insist on it.

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Johnson came to the Columbia campus and spoke against anti-Semitism. That's good. So why didn't he show up at the Manhattan courthouse on that same day to support Trump? Instead he left Trump twisting in the wind. He and all the other RINOs think that they only have to get rid of Trump and MAGA will disappear, they can go back to "normal" times getting grift from donors and defense contractors.

We cannot allow this to continue.

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How long should we be outraged? Surely by now we are waking up to what is going on? They want us depressed, degraded or dead. They are trashing their country. We shouldn't have anything to do with them. They are psychopaths. We shouldn't talk to psychopaths or give them taxes or expect anything good to come from them. How much stomping on our faces are we going to take?

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Mike Johnson is just another democRAT in RED.

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I have been giving this a lot of thought.

Senators and Congressmen should have to sign an agreement with WE THE PEOPLE!

* IF they fail to support and uphold the Constitution.

--- They will resign. But it must be clear evidence. Not just "hearsay".

* IF they LIE ( and it's confirmed a full on lie ) to WE THE PEOPLE:

--- They will resign. But it must be clear evidence. Not just "hearsay".

* IF they take any SWAMP or other $$$ while in office, other than their salary:

--- They will resign. But it must be clear evidence. Not just "hearsay".

* IF they fail to support and uphold the Declaration of Independence:

--- They will resign. But it must be clear evidence. Not just "hearsay".

* IF they fail to support and uphold AMERICA FIRST!

--- They will resign. But it must be clear evidence. Not just "hearsay".

They have to sign this LEGAL BINDING CONTRACT ...

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