Stack is in cue where Ginger & Peter explain it's incentive Cloward-Piven style, e.g. a PATRIOT style act to constrain us where DoD is akin to an arm of the global predators conspired against 47
I still believe that JFK was murdered by the NWO/Fed for bypassing those in issuing notes/bonds some of which are around still today. If JFK who saw the inner workings continued to shut out the greedy Fed they would have lost gazillions so they acted but why? The NWO was fed gazillions already from other western nations by the same scam.
"They murdered JFK all for what? All for the love of money which is the root of all evil. Greed is never satisfied. It always says to its idolater, "Just a little bit more" I have fake relatives who defraud, lie, cheat, steal etc and I see the same evil in their faces and actions. I have estranged them all. That is what the scriptures say to do with such people!
My friends are ALL trustworthy...some are fabulously rich. But they are not at all like my scuzzy relatives and some cousins who are greedy sops.
Some people tolerate criminality in their families. I do not. I have estranged close to two dozen people I despise in family. None of them are my children or grandchildren. Cousins and sibblings in my case are scuzzbags/liars/frauds/cheats. I have no choice. I do not want my close family contaminated.
These trash are the worst flavor of scuz...they are the types who go to church every Sunday to sing "Jesus Loves Me" but the rest of the week are human trash! I despise them!
I have had atheists and agnostics, bar room brawlers and sh*t disturbers stand with me fighting corruption and an atheist give me a thousand dollar tip on 1400 bucks worth of work.
It is almost ALWAYS fake religionists who are stingy, cheap, and untrustworthy.
I am fair in judging to the point I make no exceptions to my family in what actions I take. It is not conductive to all that is good to have anyone in one's life who is not in agreement with my own perspectives of morality.
Lots of families are crushed by their children who become involved with illicit drugs...I see young people every week in a nearby city who are homeless and addicted...the average age of these would be late teens to early twenties.
Illicit drug use makes slaves of people but as an added benefit to the population destroyers such kills people.
When a nation is led by a fool, it suffers the fake leaders stupidity down to the person. The enemies include those who are ignorant enough to vote for a fat assed fool like turdo who has a questionable past.
Any nation is what its leader or DICKtator is and Canuckistan and USA have real asswipes in that area.
boom! and we are fixing to make changes...I think one day Edward we will smile an enjoy the leaderships but we have work ahead of will take several turns at the courtroom and ballot box
I wonder if the state of affairs will change or if it is a downhill slide now all the way to the bottom. I am much pleased at the quality of women here, and the character of such or the lack thereof is to me an indicator of the point we are at. I expect fully to end my days locked in the battle with corruption where the fight will be to the end. I have a burning hatred towards entities in the educational state of affairs and while my hatred burns on high I see the indication that evil abounds in high places as the scriptures maintain. They are always true and fulfilled in their accuracy of what is ahead but not of the time established by God for events to occur. JR is one who vouches for me in my existence in real life and he is in fact the best friend of my oldest son. You might at some point ask him if I am real and I am sure in his knowledge of who and what I am that he will assure you I am.
His focus is calculated to be accurate and he is one who effectively grasps the reality of the times we live in.
When He asks, "who will stand for Me" I answer in the affirmative and there are issues with corruption that anger me especially with law enforcement that I expect at some point will see a jail cell door lock behind me. Thus I have been fashioned to oppose evil and to hate it but evil is a malignancy that grows like a cancer in and on people who justify their existences falsely as going along to get along which is anathema to God.
I am sold on the words my minister said a few months ago and they were "It is bad now but will only get worse." His words are true and it is apparent in what we see all around us that sheeple are largely afraid of conflict.
In my attempts to create optimism in women especially hurt by abusive males, I found the most beautiful girl in the world but perhaps that is a lie because she in reality found me. I never in my entire life met one so inner sparkling and embued with the nobler character traits she exhibits as a given that radiate from her soul and spirit in warmth and strength. Yes she was and is a dream but one who the essence of innocence and near perfection manifests at any point in time.
To know her and not cherish her is somos novios...her life has been filled with hurt and pain. To be her "stay" is not a burden, but a pleasure to have ever been granted me to meet one whose girlish innocence is real and whose dynamics are both immense and intense. Thus the answer to "wither goest thou" has made the intricacies of life come alive in the realization that in her trusting and choosing me in her hour of need, I was validated in every sense of the word when she told me years ago, "There is no one like you Edward" and needed not to have the words, "I love you" because they were written all over her pretty face and interwoven in her words.
Thus I was honored and will be to my end in meeting the most beautiful girl in the world but she has sisters everywhere and many I meet here.
Thus my fascination and acute admiration of the fairer gender that brings me happiness with my existence and mandates my open and bold cherishment with the fairer gender.
I said all that to say this. Eye hath not seen nor spirit ever felt in its warmth the most beautiful and precious creation as woman. And with that intended to be encouraging to women of all size, ages, and stations in life I maintain once again it is not just women under attack but little girls. THEIR MINDS ARE TARGETED!!! The state of a society is oft decided by the state of affairs with women, that is, their well being or lack thereof. We are now into the wokist BS that alienates and screws up the minds of women UNLESS they are real women. Those exist here on Substack but it was women who voted for the bitty bastard fat assed pie faced spawn of a hippie mother and a damned commie pos father, the fake man, turdo. He aided and abetted in his ignorance the direction to go as did fake leaders of all western nations.
I think that the most likely scenario is that the Israeli Mossad orchestrated the killing of JFK using the Jewish Mob and CIA. The Jewish mob worked closely with the Italian mob, and they may have been involved as well. Jack Ruby, aka Jack Rubenstein worked for the Jewish mob. JFK had told the prim minister of Israel that they needed to stop testing their nukes. I recently read the book "The Letters of JFK". Here's the author talking about the letters JFK wrote to Israel's prime minister, Ben Gurion.
After Operation Northwoods in which the USSA government proposed to both stage and commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blame them on the Cuban government, and use them to justify a war against Cuba, who, apart from the 81% of Americans who took the mRNA and AVV shots, would be so dumb as to believe anything the USSA says?
After Operation Susannah, which happened even before Operation Northwoods, in which a group of Egyptian Jews recruited by Israeli army intelligence were caught in the summer of 1954, with plans to bomb American, British, and Egyptian civil targets in Egypt and blame them on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents", or "local nationalists", with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to refrain from evacuating its troops occupying Egypt's Suez Canal zone, who apart from the 81% of Americans who took the mRNA and AVV shots, would be so dumb as to believe anything the USSA says?
After self-confessed former Israeli intelligence officer Ari Ben-Menashe disclosed that he had been the 'handler' or person responsible for managing agents carrying out operations of Ghislaine Maxwell's father, Robert Maxwell and that he believed that Epstein and Maxwell were running a "honey-trap" operation, providing young and underage primarily white Christian American and other girls to pedophiles including prominent global political figures, including a former Israeli PM and rival to Netanyahu, for child sex and then blackmailing them to suit Israeli intelligence, who, apart from the 81% of Americans who took the mRNA and AVV shots, would be so dumb as to believe anything the USSA says?
After the USSA falsely claimed that a second incident occurred on August 4, 1964, between North Vietnamese and US ships in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin and deliberately skewed intelligence to create the impression that an attack had been carried out after originally falsely blaming North Vietnam for the confrontation, who, apart from the 81% of Americans who took the mRNA and AVV shots, would be so dumb as to believe anything the USSA says?
After the USSA relied on forged documents to falsely claim on January 28, 2003 that “the British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa” and launched an overthrow of a secular regime, during which, according to an epidemiological study published in The Lancet, the USSA butchered up to nearly a million children, women, elderly and other primarily civilian Iraqis, who, apart from the 81% of Americans who took the mRNA and AVV shots, would be so dumb as to believe anything the USSA says?
and this was in who will argue with me that the US could not have deliberately flown those planes into the twin towers? they planned on doing it in 1962
boom: After self-confessed former Israeli intelligence officer Ari Ben-Menashe disclosed that he had been the 'handler' or person responsible for managing agents carrying out operations of Ghislaine Maxwell's father, Robert Maxwell and that he believed that Epstein and Maxwell were running a "honey-trap" operation, providing young and underage primarily white Christian American and other girls to pedophiles including prominent global political figures, including a former Israeli PM and rival to Netanyahu, for child sex and then blackmailing them to suit Israeli intelligence, who, apart from the 81% of Americans who took the mRNA and AVV shots, would be so dumd as to believe anything the USSA says?
Folks, are we forgetting the false flag, unconscionable act perpetrated by Israel (with USAA's approval) upon the USS Liberty? My question is when will enough be enough to where millions of awakened people converge on DC and level it to dust? Anything short of such will be the progressive status quo for our future.
As I've often stated, the # 1 enemy of the people of a country - *ANY* country - is almost invariably the very own *government* of that country.
To support that claim, consider past and present countries. There are obvious examples, of course. For instance, who is the # 1 enemy of the people in North Korea or in China?
Not so obvious are countries like the USA. To wit: in the late 18th century, when George Washington was President, the US had a near-ideal situation which, in time, became the envy of the entire world. Unfortunately it did not remain that way.
Slowly, over the centuries, corruption began to work its way into our government. The rot and evil accelerated greatly once the Central Bank (Fed) became established in 1913. It's been hell ever since. Today, any honest person that knows the score is forced to acknowledge that, at the global level, the USA has become the *MOST* corrupt nation on Earth - even more corrupt than, say, North Korea. Sadly, that claim is factual, demonstrably so.
Yes however, it was and is the people who allow these purported governments to perform their evil acts. Even George Washington (Free Mason) perpetrated breach of contract violations of the original contract by enforcing unlawful tax collection acts via deadly force.
Do *YOU* allow these creatures "to perform their evil acts"? I know *I* don't. They neither have my permission nor my approval. That doesn't stop them.
I am, however, constrained by the laws of God and of men. For example, I cannot just take a 12-gauge and blow any of them away. That said, at a large-enough scale things become possible that wouldn't otherwise. That time may be approaching.
My husband and I always believed that the CIA AND OR DOD KILLED JFK! Always, based on money! Isn’t it always about money! I personally would have shot down at least 1 drone found out who or what is behind it and gone from there. I believe this is bidens doing, last hurrah and all that crap! The senile old bat is a freaking sly fox, up to no good trying to save his evil legacy!
Trump is only POTUIS because the DoD allowed it. IMO. legitimately elected no doubt but if DoD did not want you on tap, no matter how much of the vote you won, you would not touch power
We all know he HATES Trump, he is determined to leave America in really bad straits, so Trump cannot come in wearing a white hat and save us immediately. Biden is putting up road blocks!
Another great post Dr A! Is it any wonder why the Founders envisioned a country FREE of a standing army? Everything they feared it would lead to has come to pass and even more. YET, I hear the people around Trump yapping about removing the top tiers of these completely unconstitutional agencies and FIXING them!! They don't have the knowledge or Wisdom necessary to fix this country but worse than that, they don't have the courage to do as Milei has in Argentina. We The People must drive them like cattle or we won't get what we need. This is the final chance to save America.
'They don't have the knowledge or Wisdom necessary to fix this country but worse than that, they don't have the courage to do as Milei has in Argentina. We The People must drive them like cattle or we won't get what we need. This is the final chance to save America.'
If one believes in The Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and that Biden was /is a 'good president'......I suppose it's also possible to believe that which our government tells you.
I still believe that JFK was murdered by the NWO/Fed for bypassing those in issuing notes/bonds some of which are around still today. If JFK who saw the inner workings continued to shut out the greedy Fed they would have lost gazillions so they acted but why? The NWO was fed gazillions already from other western nations by the same scam.
"They murdered JFK all for what? All for the love of money which is the root of all evil. Greed is never satisfied. It always says to its idolater, "Just a little bit more" I have fake relatives who defraud, lie, cheat, steal etc and I see the same evil in their faces and actions. I have estranged them all. That is what the scriptures say to do with such people!
My friends are ALL trustworthy...some are fabulously rich. But they are not at all like my scuzzy relatives and some cousins who are greedy sops.
Some people tolerate criminality in their families. I do not. I have estranged close to two dozen people I despise in family. None of them are my children or grandchildren. Cousins and sibblings in my case are scuzzbags/liars/frauds/cheats. I have no choice. I do not want my close family contaminated.
These trash are the worst flavor of scuz...they are the types who go to church every Sunday to sing "Jesus Loves Me" but the rest of the week are human trash! I despise them!
I have had atheists and agnostics, bar room brawlers and sh*t disturbers stand with me fighting corruption and an atheist give me a thousand dollar tip on 1400 bucks worth of work.
It is almost ALWAYS fake religionists who are stingy, cheap, and untrustworthy.
nice post, informative, and I believe we who question and have these thoughts are onto something big...I think you are
I am fair in judging to the point I make no exceptions to my family in what actions I take. It is not conductive to all that is good to have anyone in one's life who is not in agreement with my own perspectives of morality.
Lots of families are crushed by their children who become involved with illicit drugs...I see young people every week in a nearby city who are homeless and addicted...the average age of these would be late teens to early twenties.
Illicit drug use makes slaves of people but as an added benefit to the population destroyers such kills people.
When a nation is led by a fool, it suffers the fake leaders stupidity down to the person. The enemies include those who are ignorant enough to vote for a fat assed fool like turdo who has a questionable past.
Any nation is what its leader or DICKtator is and Canuckistan and USA have real asswipes in that area.
hope to meet you one day...
LIkewise Doc...
boom! and we are fixing to make changes...I think one day Edward we will smile an enjoy the leaderships but we have work ahead of will take several turns at the courtroom and ballot box
I wonder if the state of affairs will change or if it is a downhill slide now all the way to the bottom. I am much pleased at the quality of women here, and the character of such or the lack thereof is to me an indicator of the point we are at. I expect fully to end my days locked in the battle with corruption where the fight will be to the end. I have a burning hatred towards entities in the educational state of affairs and while my hatred burns on high I see the indication that evil abounds in high places as the scriptures maintain. They are always true and fulfilled in their accuracy of what is ahead but not of the time established by God for events to occur. JR is one who vouches for me in my existence in real life and he is in fact the best friend of my oldest son. You might at some point ask him if I am real and I am sure in his knowledge of who and what I am that he will assure you I am.
His focus is calculated to be accurate and he is one who effectively grasps the reality of the times we live in.
When He asks, "who will stand for Me" I answer in the affirmative and there are issues with corruption that anger me especially with law enforcement that I expect at some point will see a jail cell door lock behind me. Thus I have been fashioned to oppose evil and to hate it but evil is a malignancy that grows like a cancer in and on people who justify their existences falsely as going along to get along which is anathema to God.
I am sold on the words my minister said a few months ago and they were "It is bad now but will only get worse." His words are true and it is apparent in what we see all around us that sheeple are largely afraid of conflict.
In my attempts to create optimism in women especially hurt by abusive males, I found the most beautiful girl in the world but perhaps that is a lie because she in reality found me. I never in my entire life met one so inner sparkling and embued with the nobler character traits she exhibits as a given that radiate from her soul and spirit in warmth and strength. Yes she was and is a dream but one who the essence of innocence and near perfection manifests at any point in time.
To know her and not cherish her is somos novios...her life has been filled with hurt and pain. To be her "stay" is not a burden, but a pleasure to have ever been granted me to meet one whose girlish innocence is real and whose dynamics are both immense and intense. Thus the answer to "wither goest thou" has made the intricacies of life come alive in the realization that in her trusting and choosing me in her hour of need, I was validated in every sense of the word when she told me years ago, "There is no one like you Edward" and needed not to have the words, "I love you" because they were written all over her pretty face and interwoven in her words.
Thus I was honored and will be to my end in meeting the most beautiful girl in the world but she has sisters everywhere and many I meet here.
Thus my fascination and acute admiration of the fairer gender that brings me happiness with my existence and mandates my open and bold cherishment with the fairer gender.
I said all that to say this. Eye hath not seen nor spirit ever felt in its warmth the most beautiful and precious creation as woman. And with that intended to be encouraging to women of all size, ages, and stations in life I maintain once again it is not just women under attack but little girls. THEIR MINDS ARE TARGETED!!! The state of a society is oft decided by the state of affairs with women, that is, their well being or lack thereof. We are now into the wokist BS that alienates and screws up the minds of women UNLESS they are real women. Those exist here on Substack but it was women who voted for the bitty bastard fat assed pie faced spawn of a hippie mother and a damned commie pos father, the fake man, turdo. He aided and abetted in his ignorance the direction to go as did fake leaders of all western nations.
That is why everything is f*cked up.
Operation Northwoods was a devastating indictment on DoD, what it is capable of
JFK was killed in part because he rejected the military...he did not know the DoD runs America
You got it right. I believe all you have said also...LBJ was definitely part of the murder gang. So was Bush...
I think that the most likely scenario is that the Israeli Mossad orchestrated the killing of JFK using the Jewish Mob and CIA. The Jewish mob worked closely with the Italian mob, and they may have been involved as well. Jack Ruby, aka Jack Rubenstein worked for the Jewish mob. JFK had told the prim minister of Israel that they needed to stop testing their nukes. I recently read the book "The Letters of JFK". Here's the author talking about the letters JFK wrote to Israel's prime minister, Ben Gurion.
After Operation Northwoods in which the USSA government proposed to both stage and commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blame them on the Cuban government, and use them to justify a war against Cuba, who, apart from the 81% of Americans who took the mRNA and AVV shots, would be so dumb as to believe anything the USSA says?
After Operation Susannah, which happened even before Operation Northwoods, in which a group of Egyptian Jews recruited by Israeli army intelligence were caught in the summer of 1954, with plans to bomb American, British, and Egyptian civil targets in Egypt and blame them on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents", or "local nationalists", with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to refrain from evacuating its troops occupying Egypt's Suez Canal zone, who apart from the 81% of Americans who took the mRNA and AVV shots, would be so dumb as to believe anything the USSA says?
After self-confessed former Israeli intelligence officer Ari Ben-Menashe disclosed that he had been the 'handler' or person responsible for managing agents carrying out operations of Ghislaine Maxwell's father, Robert Maxwell and that he believed that Epstein and Maxwell were running a "honey-trap" operation, providing young and underage primarily white Christian American and other girls to pedophiles including prominent global political figures, including a former Israeli PM and rival to Netanyahu, for child sex and then blackmailing them to suit Israeli intelligence, who, apart from the 81% of Americans who took the mRNA and AVV shots, would be so dumb as to believe anything the USSA says?
After the USSA falsely claimed that a second incident occurred on August 4, 1964, between North Vietnamese and US ships in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin and deliberately skewed intelligence to create the impression that an attack had been carried out after originally falsely blaming North Vietnam for the confrontation, who, apart from the 81% of Americans who took the mRNA and AVV shots, would be so dumb as to believe anything the USSA says?
After the USSA relied on forged documents to falsely claim on January 28, 2003 that “the British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa” and launched an overthrow of a secular regime, during which, according to an epidemiological study published in The Lancet, the USSA butchered up to nearly a million children, women, elderly and other primarily civilian Iraqis, who, apart from the 81% of Americans who took the mRNA and AVV shots, would be so dumb as to believe anything the USSA says?
and this was in who will argue with me that the US could not have deliberately flown those planes into the twin towers? they planned on doing it in 1962
remote control of civilian aircraft, the DoD plan called for. in 1962
I wrote a stack in cue on Tonkin...great point ANW
boom: After self-confessed former Israeli intelligence officer Ari Ben-Menashe disclosed that he had been the 'handler' or person responsible for managing agents carrying out operations of Ghislaine Maxwell's father, Robert Maxwell and that he believed that Epstein and Maxwell were running a "honey-trap" operation, providing young and underage primarily white Christian American and other girls to pedophiles including prominent global political figures, including a former Israeli PM and rival to Netanyahu, for child sex and then blackmailing them to suit Israeli intelligence, who, apart from the 81% of Americans who took the mRNA and AVV shots, would be so dumd as to believe anything the USSA says?
Folks, are we forgetting the false flag, unconscionable act perpetrated by Israel (with USAA's approval) upon the USS Liberty? My question is when will enough be enough to where millions of awakened people converge on DC and level it to dust? Anything short of such will be the progressive status quo for our future.
Servings of mammon world wide are putridly enormous.
As I've often stated, the # 1 enemy of the people of a country - *ANY* country - is almost invariably the very own *government* of that country.
To support that claim, consider past and present countries. There are obvious examples, of course. For instance, who is the # 1 enemy of the people in North Korea or in China?
Not so obvious are countries like the USA. To wit: in the late 18th century, when George Washington was President, the US had a near-ideal situation which, in time, became the envy of the entire world. Unfortunately it did not remain that way.
Slowly, over the centuries, corruption began to work its way into our government. The rot and evil accelerated greatly once the Central Bank (Fed) became established in 1913. It's been hell ever since. Today, any honest person that knows the score is forced to acknowledge that, at the global level, the USA has become the *MOST* corrupt nation on Earth - even more corrupt than, say, North Korea. Sadly, that claim is factual, demonstrably so.
there are things in this post that are 100% correct.
Yup. For education and improvement, I'm interested in what is *not* 100% correct.
Yes however, it was and is the people who allow these purported governments to perform their evil acts. Even George Washington (Free Mason) perpetrated breach of contract violations of the original contract by enforcing unlawful tax collection acts via deadly force.
Do *YOU* allow these creatures "to perform their evil acts"? I know *I* don't. They neither have my permission nor my approval. That doesn't stop them.
I am, however, constrained by the laws of God and of men. For example, I cannot just take a 12-gauge and blow any of them away. That said, at a large-enough scale things become possible that wouldn't otherwise. That time may be approaching.
Thanks for posting, all very enlightening. Knew about Northwoods but we all tend to forget how nefarious the Deep State is.
My husband and I always believed that the CIA AND OR DOD KILLED JFK! Always, based on money! Isn’t it always about money! I personally would have shot down at least 1 drone found out who or what is behind it and gone from there. I believe this is bidens doing, last hurrah and all that crap! The senile old bat is a freaking sly fox, up to no good trying to save his evil legacy!
good money that it is the DoD...yes, in some sense our own government but remember the DoD runs America, the POTUS answers to the DoD
Trump is only POTUIS because the DoD allowed it. IMO. legitimately elected no doubt but if DoD did not want you on tap, no matter how much of the vote you won, you would not touch power
We all know he HATES Trump, he is determined to leave America in really bad straits, so Trump cannot come in wearing a white hat and save us immediately. Biden is putting up road blocks!
Trump is aware that the government and the military know everything about the drones. He said that "for some reason" they don't want to comment.
it is them
Another great post Dr A! Is it any wonder why the Founders envisioned a country FREE of a standing army? Everything they feared it would lead to has come to pass and even more. YET, I hear the people around Trump yapping about removing the top tiers of these completely unconstitutional agencies and FIXING them!! They don't have the knowledge or Wisdom necessary to fix this country but worse than that, they don't have the courage to do as Milei has in Argentina. We The People must drive them like cattle or we won't get what we need. This is the final chance to save America.
boom, one of the best posts thus far Clive!
'They don't have the knowledge or Wisdom necessary to fix this country but worse than that, they don't have the courage to do as Milei has in Argentina. We The People must drive them like cattle or we won't get what we need. This is the final chance to save America.'
If one believes in The Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and that Biden was /is a 'good president'......I suppose it's also possible to believe that which our government tells you.
He's just a regular Joe
He evokes a special feeling we get in the cockles of our hearts
Maybe below the cockles
Maybe in the sub cockle area
Maybe in the liver, maybe in the kidneys
Maybe even in the colon, we don't know
Colon, in POS