Liberals and CONservatives are both fucked up we agree.
One promotes welfare, the other warfare, they both support the IRS amongst many other things. in the end what both parties and these ideology do is run up the debt....PERIOD.
Now you do not buy into the two party system?......but you must buy into the two party system to come to any c…
Liberals and CONservatives are both fucked up we agree.
One promotes welfare, the other warfare, they both support the IRS amongst many other things. in the end what both parties and these ideology do is run up the debt....PERIOD.
Now you do not buy into the two party system?......but you must buy into the two party system to come to any conclusion about either one of the two parties.
I know both parties and their ideology are equally warped and people who lean down on one side or the other regardless to what degree are captured by it.
There is nothing more to say than both parties amount to organized crime and their political ideology in the end only protects the parasitic 1% of the 1% who own/control the majority of the worlds wealth, resources and influence ALL governments to some degree.
You really think the CON_serves are elite free?
or that they do not pump the elite bullshit?
They pump that bulshit to the forefront simply by opposing the liberals.....Good gosh a seven year old can understand this.
“The technique of infamy is to start two lies at once and get people arguing heatedly over which is the truth.”— Ezra Pound
Liberals and CONservatives are both fucked up we agree.
One promotes welfare, the other warfare, they both support the IRS amongst many other things. in the end what both parties and these ideology do is run up the debt....PERIOD.
Now you do not buy into the two party system?......but you must buy into the two party system to come to any conclusion about either one of the two parties.
I know both parties and their ideology are equally warped and people who lean down on one side or the other regardless to what degree are captured by it.
There is nothing more to say than both parties amount to organized crime and their political ideology in the end only protects the parasitic 1% of the 1% who own/control the majority of the worlds wealth, resources and influence ALL governments to some degree.
You really think the CON_serves are elite free?
or that they do not pump the elite bullshit?
They pump that bulshit to the forefront simply by opposing the liberals.....Good gosh a seven year old can understand this.
“The technique of infamy is to start two lies at once and get people arguing heatedly over which is the truth.”— Ezra Pound