Why did the Lancet pull it? Ho ho. This says more, far more, about the Lancet than it does about your work.

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They pulled it because they can't have the agenda being exposed!

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Jul 6, 2023
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If you eat fresh meat or plants, you’re eating lots of mRNA every day. Why? Because ALL proteins in every living thing are translated from mRNA. But it can’t do anything to you because it has no means of getting inside your cells or even getting to them since cooking and stomach acid will mess it up.

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Non sense! Taking a mRNA experimental and dangerous gene therapy is very different from eating grass fed beef, organic chicken, and high quality fish.

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You’re failing to take certain things into account.

A. The viral RNA products contain viral genes in different forms, all destined to eventually show up as viral mRNA. But they are not now nor have they ever been “gene therapy” because they don’t meet the criteria. That term has been sloppily adopted and sloppily thrown around by people as short-hand for “something bad.”

B. Apparently, given your contrasting mRNA with “grass-fed beef, organic chicken, and high quality fish,” you’re looking at “mRNA” as shorthand for “something very bad, unusual, and unnatural.” That’s simply not the case.

1. mRNA is found in everything living thing on earth for as long as there have been living things

2. No proteins can be manufactured by cells in the absence of that particular kind of RNA

3. You eat it all the time because it’s an inherent and irreplaceable part of every living thing

4. There is no time that your cells (but probably not red blood cells) are not chock full of it.

C. It’s not mRNA that’s dangerous but mRNA for what, where it is, and how it got there that makes it dangerous:

1. Viral mRNA

a. A virus dropping its load of viral genes inside a living cell is never a good thing,

b. The viral mRNA copies that are transcribed from the viral genes inside a living cell are never a good thing,

c. The viral proteins that are translated from the different viral mRNA molecules inside a living cells are never a good thing,

d. What the cell sets in motion once it detects viral mRNA and viral protein inside itself has the potential of being a good thing for the organism as a whole, but it’s never a good thing for that cell because it will be calling down innate immune attacks to kill it, and if there are too powerful and too widespread innate immune inflammatory attacks being generated by too much cell signaling in response to the presence of viral mRNA and viral protein inside them, then organs can be seriously injured and the organism can die from too much of a good thing.

2. Human mRNA expressed in the wrong cells could be deadly if it’s producing proteins outside of the normal regulatory processes for those proteins.

a. Insulin, when produced by the specialized cells in the pancreas, is a very tightly controlled activity, not enough, you can be injured and die; too much, you can be injured and die.

If the mRNA for insulin could happen somehow to get into other cells aside from those that naturally produce it, with a signal for export from the cell, then those cells will produce as much insulin as there are copies of the mRNA and as many times as one copy can be run through the ribosome. Do that in enough cells in an uncontrolled manner and you’d go into insulin coma, next stop death.

3. Number one is bad enough and number two doesn’t happen on its own.

a. But what if someone devised a way to get viral genes into a whole bunch of your cells? If they did then those cells would set off exactly the same chain of events that they would during a viral infection.

b. And what if someone devised a way to get non-viral genes into a whole bunch of your genes that they didn’t belong? If they did, the possibilities for mischief are endless.

c. The ONLY other way besides a virus of getting genes of any origin into cells where they don’t belong is to use one of about seven cell transfection reagents or techniques.

Of the seven, the three easiest to use in a commercially viable way on living people would be

i. the nanoparticle type of cell transfection reagent (used by Pfizer),

ii. a couple different lipid-based types (used by Moderna and Johnson&Johnson), and

iii. the replication-disabled adenovirus (used by AstraZeneca).

The rest are unsuitable for use on billions of people:

iv. Electroporation? Nope.

v. Ultrasound? Nope.

vi. High intensity magnetism? Nope.

vii. Making a super-fine needle and sticking directly into a single cell? Nope.

These cell transfection reagents and techniques have been standard procedure in research labs for about 40 years.

Every graduate student in every lab around the world doing molecular biology has used the nanoparticle, the lipid varieties, and electroporation transfection reagents or techniques.

d. The problem we currently face is that almost two thirds of the human race has been deliberately shot up between one and five times with one or more of these cell transfection reagents containing the same basic gene for the purpose of invading healthy cells and infecting them with viral genes that should not be there and for which there is no medically and scientifically valid reason for them to EVER be there; the primary mechanism of action is identical in all of the products:

i. infect a healthy cell with a viral gene, just like a virus,

ii. hijack the cell to produce in an uncontrolled manner gigantic shitloads of viral protein, just like a virus,

iii. trigger innate immune attacks to kill those cells, as happens in every viral infection

iv. get the innate immune system to clean up the mess from the wholesale destruction of formerly-healthy, product-compromised cells, and, as it normally does, cart bits and pieces of the viral to the B and T cells of the adaptive immune system to design specific antibodies and killer T cells, same as what happens during any viral infection or what happens when using a viral protein vaccine but without the invasion, infection, hijacking, and destruction of healthy cells.

e. The question EVERYONE should be asking is this:

If you can get bits and pieces of viral protein produced safely elsewhere into someone’s body without any infection at all so the adaptive immune system could do its job, then why would anyone (Pfizer) try to artificially duplicate a massive viral attack and infection and provoke all that immune damage in many different organ systems simultaneously just to end up with the very same spike protein that it already knew (when it designed an actual viral protein vaccine using the spike protein years ago) was ineffective?

Pay attention to the current and very serious danger rather that getting carried away with fear over people putting viral

mRNA like some kind of infective sprinkles.

The reality is bad enough without having to invent more.

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Thanks Dave I have one of these books..

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Liberals hate truth and facts.

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CONserves hate truth and facts too.

Both are a blister on mankind.

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huh? Sounds like an attempt to disarm truth, liberals are in fact haters of truth and facts. We are seeing it day in and day out. We are not seeing that at all with conservatives, and I'M NOT conservative nor a libtard. I don't buy into the two party system at all, but you are an idiot if you think conservatives are the one pumping the elite's bullshit to the forefront. The NEOCON's are actually the NEOLIBERALS, your CFR Trilateral WEF Clinton/Obama/Biden types.

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Liberals and CONservatives are both fucked up we agree.

One promotes welfare, the other warfare, they both support the IRS amongst many other things. in the end what both parties and these ideology do is run up the debt....PERIOD.

Now you do not buy into the two party system?......but you must buy into the two party system to come to any conclusion about either one of the two parties.

I know both parties and their ideology are equally warped and people who lean down on one side or the other regardless to what degree are captured by it.

There is nothing more to say than both parties amount to organized crime and their political ideology in the end only protects the parasitic 1% of the 1% who own/control the majority of the worlds wealth, resources and influence ALL governments to some degree.

You really think the CON_serves are elite free?

or that they do not pump the elite bullshit?

They pump that bulshit to the forefront simply by opposing the liberals.....Good gosh a seven year old can understand this.

“The technique of infamy is to start two lies at once and get people arguing heatedly over which is the truth.”— Ezra Pound

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More gaslighting and deception! Thanks Dr Alexander, keep up the amazing work. God bless the truth tellers.

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Chilling example of censorship.

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You know how Blackrock controls about $10 trillion in assets and how, from what the head of Blackrock publicly claims, it’s evident they will coerce and punish any business in any way they see fit to ensure that Blackrock’s goals are realized?

Well, consider every single government, business (manufacturing, shipping, advertising, pharmaceutical, medical, medical supply, insurance, etc), educational institution, NGO, social media group, and international supra-national agency and organization, (UN, WHO, WEF, etc) and individuals that collectively have an active interest in A. maintaining and expanding what they have all been doing, in, at the very least, a commensal fashion in that loose confederation that could be called Covid, Inc and B. distancing themselves from blame and retribution for any adverse consequences for any of their manifold combined activities that make up A.

In terms of

1. their aggregate control over individuals, companies, and agencies subordinate to them, as well as

2. the market value of their organizations or the value of goods, service, people, organizations, and governments subject to their direct control,

how does the monetary value and penetration of 1 and 2 compare to that of Blackrock?

Also, given the intersectionality of interests among A and B above, how motivated would any of them be to make certain that any other them will not do anything to threaten their ongoing alliance or to make certain that any other organization upon which they may have some sort of influence will be persuaded for one reason or another to desist from the same?

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Not DOA, captured...but by who?

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And their good friend Bill

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With friends like Bill, who needs enemies?

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Actually I should have written, "With friends like Bill, WHO needs enemies!"

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WHO NEEDS enemies. 😉

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Hmmm, you may be on to something.

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Andrew, your words were correct, but I’m changing the syntax slightly from “...but by who?” to “...but, by WHO!” 😆 ouch!

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For those picky about grammar, perhaps it could be "...by WHOm".

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DARPA told them to pull it.

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Now this I believe!

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Of course the pHARMACEUTICAL, DOD mafia told them to pull it or else.. Only LIES can be published now.. The war is worldwide against any TRUTHS about any of their agendas, Climate BS, CBDC, WHO Treaty, CV19, bioweapon vaccines, Trans agenda, LGBTQLMNOP, vaccine passport WEF YGL influence in every country, FDA corruption, CDC corruption, any TRUTH is the enemy and LIES are the FRIEND of all LIARS in their criminal empire.. We already know the lancet has a boil of corruption, and needs to be lanced, I am surprised they actually published it LOL.. We need to find alternatives....

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Considering the medical journals failure to publish anything which is true and factual as of late, it is surprising they published it to begin with. The medical journals are almost at the level of the "fact checkers", bought and paid for.

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I too am curious as to how it made it even to a pre-print server. Somebody's in deep doodoo.

Still we're in good shape as it can't be washed. It's out here.

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Jul 6, 2023
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Thanks coop..

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He has two SUBSTACKS as well very interesting..

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I'm curious to see this censorship explained. Damn glad it made it to preprint. Wonder how that happened? Anyway, too late now. Can't be taken back. It's out.


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Everyone was saying it won't last 48 hours before it's pulled.

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Censorship, labeling the Truth as "Misinformation" Worldwide population reduction in many ways; The "Vaccine" jabs and now, Nano Technology in foods, Meats, Dairy products, and any way to get it in our bodies... go to www.anamihalceamdphd@substack.com scary information....

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money talks

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You have to pick a side...

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‘Which side are you on, boys, which side are you on . . .’

Title and refrain of old coal workers Union organizing song

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OTOH, what isn't good for the gander , is good for the goose that lays the golden egg$ ... BioEthics 1830- now= Fabrication, Falsification and Plagiarism (FFP) and Questionable Research Practice (QRP)

'Everybody gains from the publication game,

concluded Roberts,

 apart from

 the patients who suffer from being given treatments based on fraudulent data.

...most of the trials included

either were zombie trials that were fatally flawed or were untrustworthy.

...Research fraud is often viewed as a problem of “bad apples,”

but Barbara K Redman insists

 that it is not a problem of bad apples but bad barrels, of rotten forests or orchards.

 In her book Research Misconduct Policy in Biomedicine: Beyond the Bad-Apple Approach she argues that research misconduct is a systems problem—the system provides incentives to publish fraudulent research and does not have adequate regulatory processes.

...Though some scientific and technical advances were made in the eighteenth century, the proliferation of doctors seemed to make little difference to the onslaught of disease that afflicted the British people. Overall, doctors developed a public image that would be an outright embarrassment today.

“Satirists, cartoonists and commentators widely portrayed medicos as pompous asses, seeking to hide their ignorance behind a veil of hard names in dead tongues, rapaciously exploiting the helplessness of the sick … In short, everybody could see that medicine was hardly making much real progress towards the goal of rendering life safe and healthy, and there was a widespread perception that a malaise infected the medical profession itself.

... there is no legislative framework criminalising research misconduct outside of a clinical trial. Hence a doctor who fabricates a research article or case report could be sanctioned by the GMC but would not have broken any UK law. '

blogs.bmj.com /bmj/2021/07/05/time-to-assume-that-health-research-is-fraudulent-until-proved-otherwise/

bmcmedethics.biomedcentral.com /articles/10.1186/s12910-020-0461-z

Dishonesty and research misconduct within the medical profession

Ankier, Stephen  3/18/2020

www.gutenberg.org /files/1216/1216-h/1216-h.htm

Reflections on the Decline of Science in England, by Charles Babbage,  1830

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