
The rain don't fall on one man's house and Democrats will pay a devastating price...their legal reckoning is coming fast and people like Biden, Shia Obama, and Hillary Clinton and Bush be warned, you too will sit in courts...age, health, will not matter...what you have done will be returned in kind...you will face the same actions you did to Trump...and 45 will dust this off and will win on Nov 5th but the key is you did something that you can never reverse.

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all of these people are game for lawfare now...

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Who will bring the charges against them?

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We THE People of course. It is the citizens who stand around wringing their hands that allow the destruction of freedom.

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Let me know when you file the lawsuits.

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It’s just a show, a distraction and trump is perfect showman. People with no money are giving their last few cents to a billionaire.

In the real news, France has sent troops to Ukraine, US are sending weapons to Ukraine that can on targets IN Russia, this is the final red card, WW3 has started. Bill gates announced bird flu is disease x. We are in REAL trouble but let’s discuss trump.

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The timing is incredibly good isn’t it!?! Trump, “the showman” is the answer to stopping this takeover. The Dem and Rino war makers are behind the scene organizing the new world order. Welcome to the slaughter cows, chickens, and the collapse of capitalism. The distraction is how many times Biden botched his teleprompter speech and make a fool of himself.

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If that’s true why isn’t he mentioning vaccines or any of the true news. Biden and trump are working for the same people.

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🤣🤣🤣 you made a funny! Biden is all about closing the border…I forgot he went on that wall building thing. 🤣🤣🤣

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He needs to be discussed because his trial is actually showcasing, around the world, the destruction of our rule of law. The last bastion of hope for ALL of us. Yes, let's discuss Trump!

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Like Trump can defend himself in a “discussion” when he had a gag order over him. Did you have your head in the sand? The discussion is over, dweeb!

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They need trump and the show, the hint of democracy. Without him there would be a grass roots take over

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Paul, I like the way you think. If you need a hand, let me know.

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Soros & friends paid everybody off! Especially in N.Y.

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I was listening to Robert Barnes podcast and I asked him about bringing criminal conspiracy charges against Bragg and company, he said that’s 100% what should be done, because they’re conspiring to defraud the voters

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Holy history lesson, Batman!!!!

Robin,what are you muttering about now?

It feels like 1860,Batman.

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Hello! I wanted to let you know I cited you in my most recent post about all of this:


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thank you...I showcase your work often...will do this one too

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After seeing this photo, do you think Trump has a chance of an appeal? Dan Kurt

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hhhmmm, is this the NY appeals? I mean SCOTUS...head there now...

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May 31·edited May 31

If the rule of law means anything anymore, he will. This was a federal matter that was dismissed. How can the state prosecute a federal matter? AND, one in which the statute of limitations had expired?

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Walk of Shame (Treason)

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Judge Merchan’s hit squad of 12 brought shame to the Constitutional American we are blessed to live in.

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It made me angry until I saw how 😎 cool Trump was! He’s got this😀

BTW…you forgot John Brennan. In my book, he is the biggest serial killer of all time!

He is a psychopath!

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The one below Dick Cheney is the dude that got jabbed and hyperspaced to the next plane of existence (or the one downtown, most likely)?

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If anything were to happen to President Trump in jail (if it ever went there)....there would be HELL TO PAY.

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more than hell

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I think we are being handed a high lesson now...

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First thing good people do is look inside. "What did I do wrong?"

We know the situation, but many others have a rose colored view of things. This will wake a number of them up, hopefully.

We need to pray and send righteous thoughts for President Trump.

Then get the battle gear prepped, communists only give up power when they die.

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Amen. 🙏

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I think that’s when shit will hit the fan and lives will be lost on both sides. I believe that’s why the elite class of the material world (not elite to Christ) will hide in their underground bunkers they are building. IMO I do believe they are very concerned. I truly hope so cause that’s comforting. I also know Gates has 50 plus security men with him at all times. Fauci has a stock pile of men but not quite like Gates. That’s also comforting because that means they will also be looking over their shoulders the rest of their lives. “They are marked men” quoted from a few momma bears. You kill a mommas baby you have nothing to live for but revenge! I’m willing to bet they know how dangerous it is out there…that’s why they hide like cowards.

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Corrupted mr..effers fuck them those satanic pos bastards!

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Paybacks are hell!

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Paul, you do have a way with words! 😀

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thank you...I am pissed like you but trying to stay calm...we need to think...we are good people, but wrong is being done...on us...not on 45, on us really

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