
Jim Jordan questions in the dog and pony hearing to SS Director Cheatle were devastating e.g. para did the SS turn down requests for increased SS protection for Trump? Director said Trump did not ask

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for more assets for the Butler rally; she said denial of a request does not mean translate to increased vulnerability! she said NO assets denied to Trump on July 13th; but SS did say they denied

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Jordan: were any of the requests denied after he knew of the Iranian threat? SS Director said could not address the details…her main answer is ‘this is an ongoing investigation’…Jordan: ‘you will not answer the most basic questions…I don’t think you have answered any questions’…

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Who does she "know" to get her that position? Another knee job? I don't care what people do on their own time, but when it ends up, again, with gross incompetence, and the safety of all of us... Am not pointing fingers, just asking questions.

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Jamie Raskin is a communist inbred—this guy is a complete shitbag, he makes my stomach sick with his bullshit! This fool has no place in American politics. His dad was a communist too, the chip didn’t fall far from the block

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Raskin. Disgusting.

Cheatle. Clown.

Her not being immediately fired smells to me like she was following orders and has the goods.

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It was a (2 or) 3 letter agency hit job. The real insurrection began in 2016 and continues to this day.

You will never convince me otherwise.

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Well I am certain and sure that the answer is something like that, for sure ! The whole system is sold out, corrupt, bribery, payoffs, blackmail, lying cheating, stealing, murder, trumped up charges, false imprisonment, false convictions, on and on 4ever it goes, and where it stops only God knows !

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Kim Cheatle has to Resign ASAP. The truth will come out. She has Murder on her hands.

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Jaime Raskin never keeps yo the point. He only talks about his own agenda

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"If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas, or in Latin, qui cum canibus concumbunt cum pulicibus surgent. 'He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas' has been attributed to Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack. The Latin has been unreliably attributed to Seneca, but not linked to any specific work.

An earlier English reference was first cited in 1612 by John Webster in his play 'The White Devil.' Act five, scene one, line 170: 'For they that sleep with dogs, shall rise with fleas.' "

Cheatle is a friend of Liz Cheney.

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I read that she was put in place at "Dr Jill's" request.

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Liz/Jill. Peas in a pod.

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I tuned in, but as soon as I started hearing the BS of trying to change the subject to gun control I tuned out immediately. Pathetic. Typical trick of trying to avert attention away from the real story.

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Raskin is pure trash. A liberal hippie wannabe and a traitor none the less. No different than joe except in age.

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They have no shame. They serve moloch etc. Their ultimate goal is confiscation of all guns. However they can get it. Either through the enslavement pandemic treaty from the W.H.O thugs if passed. Or planned shootings etc narratives

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Exactly! Marxist Kamala will push gun confiscation. Liberals will support it because they are too dumb to look back at history.

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Oh they look back. They see how terrorism works to control the “masses”. They know exactly what they’re doing. The end justifies the means. Mistakes were not made.

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You almost wonder if Blackrock lobbyist got to him, needing a “shot” in the arm after their dismal IT collapse. Every time they call for gun bans, gun and ammo sales skyrocket.

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Raskin asked the key question unbelievably as to how the SS allowed POTUS Trump onto the stage when a threat was flagged...SS Director did not answer

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If she won't resign, do you really expect her to give any answers?

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I feel bad for the dedicated and patriot male agents who have to work for the DEI hire.

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9 days out, looking into the how this tragedy could occur and promises it will never happen again? This totally incompetent and ill experienced “Director” didn’t even realize how ridiculous her first excuse was. Makes one wonder if she even knew what slope meant. I’m still curious about his 3 off shore accounts.

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why did the SS Director even show up to day defies logic...50,000 foot, she must be fired.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Blackrock knew something was going to happen to Trump. They went heavily short on Trump Media & Technology Group (DJT) just before the "Hit". A little known hedge fund, Austin Private Wealth (APW) also went heavily short DJT just before the assassination attempt. APW's client list include Blackrock, Bill Gates, George Soros, and other high-level members of the World Economic Forum. Of course, they knew there would be a hit on Trump. They were in on it. Blackrock featured the young shooter in a video commercial. They trained him. We even have pictures of the shooter with Blackrock's CEO. As Rush Limbauch used to say, "In politics there are no coincidences."

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I don’t see how this is related to gun control at all… he used his father’s gun. He didn’t purchase it!

She and the rest of the evils know they are caught and trying to save themselves. Just wait to see how they all turn on each other to save themselves… $hit show continues

God is exposing everything if you are watching… keep 🙏🏻

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The left loves the “AR” and “AR style”

talking points to further their agenda of confiscating all guns.

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Doesn't matter. They're coming for our guns no matter what.

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I predicted they’d use this to push gun control!

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Big shock. Taking our guns would sexually arouse these traitors more than a 5 y.o. child does.

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I don't know exactly who is involved in this shooting but it is major fun issue and trying to attack Democrats is the height of insane denial of reality!

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Leftist fool posting content free post.

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“A major fun issue”? Tells me everything I need to know. Insanity? A pot calling the kettle black. Absolutely every dynamic points to Dumbass Dems. List one aspect of this assassination attempt that doesn’t.

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Well crook-s, cheat-le,

o-bummer, george clowny could not take down

Super- Trump, suckitup

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Crooks donated to ActBlue.

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