Undoubtedly true! If we still had a country of laws and justice -- WE DO NOT! -- Barack Obama would be in prison for life, or hanging by the neck with birds pecking out his eyes. Instead, Obama lives like a king, in multiple mansions, and continuing to direct the destruction of the USA.

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I am for punishment once our courts and proper judges and juries hear the evidence and once they deliberate and they conclude, whatever they say is the punishment I will live with...has Obama committed crimes against USA...absolutely. him and his AG Eric 'gun runner' Holder fast and furious

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This is Obama's third term.. that is obvious. and has been

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boom, and could be his 4th if we do not get 45 in...do not say this is over!

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Is it any wonder? The call is coming from inside the house. With far left NeverTrump RINOS like Bob Good chairing the Freedom Caucus the situation is dire. Hopefully Good will be defeated by his primary challenger otherwise there is no hope for America.

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boom, excellent post and reminder we have work to do

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Ryan continues to subvert Trump...he used Trump's first 2 years to destroy any positive moves by Trump...shut him down...traitor

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Absolutely correct!

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QUESTION - how can O’Bumma be a Muslim when he is married to Michael???? He was too smooth, too perfect. I had warning bells and rising hackles the first time I heard him make a speech!!! I felt like he was trying to emulate Martin Luther King but with white privilege!!! He may look black but he talks acts and lives white elite!!!

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he is and was a fraud, many fell for it...we were just so fucking tired of the disaster and fraud and criminality of Bush jr...

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we would have voted for a monkey if we had the chance.

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Considering the alternatives to Obama in 2008, Songbird McStain, and in 2012, Magic Underpants, it's no wonder Obama won.

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ha ha ha

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he has and is doing all to destroy Israel

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Aboma was trained in [neuro-phonics] and played the Harp of [change ] They’ All loved (it)

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All the J 6ers languishing in jail for years, no due process. Johnson’s funded a new FBI building. Um, James comey, Peter strzok, Lisa page? Any ramifications of those misdeeds? The house hearings with Fauci not asking the right questions? Missing videos with the Kinsinger/cheney/democrat J6 committee? It’s not even no blow back, they got rewarded. I never liked Ryan. Boehner… in on it. Did all of congress get vaccinated? Special lots like Pfizer employees got? Merrick garland is an absolute disgrace, not even a pretension of justice being blind. J6’ers in jail for years, wondering how long hunter Biden will? If they are so rabid about getting rid of guns? Hmmmm

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boom boom boom, all the right questions and statements.

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The J’6ers play was a master stroke ! of bedazzlment for the hoi-paloi !!

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No jail time for Hunter they will weasel him out of it!!!

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lets see

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Mike Johnson,, is a Christian.; and Paul Ryan well he is what he is.. a RINO. People need to communicate.. the innuendo of that is really unacceptable. I doubt Mike Johnson's wife or his family appreciate that either. TIMOTHY 2:3: But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. SLANDEROUS... describes that statement

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I could spoon with you and not fornicate...we do it all the time...I said he spoons with Ryan and I believe that...and now there is a threesome and all three seem to have and subverting Trump...imagine that...3 separate speakers. once I saw the pic of Mike and the drunkard John, I know something is up...

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we are allowed to opine and have a point of view...you are free here to express yours, huge love and hugs

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".. lot of people walkin' 'round With tombstones in their eyes .."

"But the pusher don't care,

Ah, if you live or if you die."

"God damn, the pusher ..

God damn, I say the pusher ..

I said God damn, God damn the pusher man."

Hoyt Axton 1968

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Remember when Obama said "I, too, am a Jew" a few years ago? Many people have alleged that, although of muslim descent on his father's side, he is of Jewish descent, on his mother's side, and his half-brother is Jewish. It's possible he converted from crypto Judaism to crypto islam. I have little doubt Paul Ryan is a muslim.

'I, too, am a Jew': Obama warns of growing anti-Semitism


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Obama is a shia muslim...IMO

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Getting closer to the bullseye,Awake.

These are the people that

are of the "Synagogue of Satan" the Bible warns us of.

Bread to love deceit and debauchery.

Hate all things good and clean.

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I honestly don’t believe Obama has the intelligence to poor piss out of a boot. That doesn’t mean that he isn’t dangerous. He has been ushered in by someone just like Soros has gotten his people voted into office. Obama has never been successful at anything. He has nothing of his own making. Obama is first and foremost a “community organizer.” That translates to Obama is a communist.

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That is why the Left hates Trump! He has accomplished so much in his lifetime without the help of anyone!! He is a strong, testosterone loaded, white, male. How dare he be successful!?! That is why they tried to destroy him with Stormy Daniels and that is why they are infuriated that Black men admire him. Trump is the powerful, intelligent, honest, successful person that the Left wishes they could be, but they know they don’t have the grit and skill, so they cheat, lie, propagandize, and cold cock people.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Ladies, you face a bleak future. Under Islam, your place is the back seat of the camel. Don't you stray, darlin'. They'll stone you for infidelity. Then there's those peaceful and loving honor killings. Yep, you're gunna love life as third-class Americans. Your children are second-class. And you know who El Supremo is, don't you?

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"Obama gave Iran the US drone and 2 naval gunboats to get the technology to then kill Americans with…go back, read, now you will understand…same drone they now using."

Also remember how Clinton (Slick Willie) gave China our rocket tech through the 'accident' and us not being able to get to the crash site until long after China got there.

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Our present control:

Skinner A-Eye>>Ozymandias>>Caligula

.. .!*÷*!. ..

continues to be

amused by yr ramblings

Big Boss Man see all dis as His Very Own Showcase.

See if you can spot him on air..

He likes to be in the commercials..

Leading Beyond Freedom & Dignity.

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Hard to argue ‘against’ That ! as We see how things Shake Out !!

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Johnson has used his “Bible-belt” Deep South (Louisiana) position to gain power - when will Christians wake up? It is abysmal. He has sold his soul for a mess of pottage Or are they all fake “Christians”. I don’t know their hearts. Don’t even get me started on CBN or Franklin Graham.

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IMO...I cant argue...seen nothing to show different. smooth talking con...so far...lets see

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Being Christian doesn’t mean much anymore. Look at all the churches who feared losing their nonprofit status closing up shop during lockdowns. You’re on your own baby. 🙏

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“The Counter Church” and her hoores !! Is what you are getting..

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