Thank you, Dr Alexander, for putting out the articles...you must never sleep!

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40 vs 25 sounds like just a little bit more, less than double.

But actually it is 32768 times more.

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It has been best described as a 'Case-Demic' from the beginning.

Indeed there is a recording from Tony The Rat where he admits a high Ct setting will provide a misleading result, as you have described above. This was BC, Before Covid.

It is another piece of the malicious deceptive pie pointing to a psychopathic Agenda against our species.

They knew what they were doing, and they knew what it would result in. It is no less real than the literal culling of humans in aged care to drive death statistics. To drive fear. To get the lockdowns that seem to have been a significant objective.

Question is, when did the medical profession become a cult of murderous monsters? Did they ever represent that which they advertised, the patient? If so, when did they get corrupted, globally?

That said, we are fortunate for those who have stood against the Agenda, wherever they fought and whatever the outcome. Their names will be remembered also. for the right reasons.


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Everything about "Covid -19" stinks to high heaven.

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I have a video of Boris Johnson ADMITTING to the false positives but he went ahead and used them anyway.

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I worked in non profit related to health policy and infectious diseases. I have a medical science background with commercial lab experience as well. I immediately got suspicious about the CT for this virus. I still get industry emails from the CDC and other agencies. They sent an email out to labs to run the CT higher for the unvaccinated and lower for the vaccinated. What??? They should be the same CT and much lower than what the lowest recommendation was. False positives will be high!!! So…Sure enough, I went to get tested shortly after that email and the questionnaire asked me if I was vaccinated or not. I refused to answer. I was on early treatment and during Delta…this high risker and her two other family members were sick for a couple of days only. Very very mild. The lies for profit and politics!!! COVID for Cash, I call it. No amnesty! Trial by jury. Jail and large fines for the liars. Fauci is on top of the list!!!

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PCR test alone results are the same for fragments and for the whole virus. It’s just testing for the sequence. It’s not designed at all to test the ability to infect.

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Yes, and thank you for bringing this up again, because my 80 year old mother is to have a procedure (colonoscopy) and they wanted her to do a damn PCT test, and of course I told her a bunch of this info, even sending a Kerry Mullis (forget how his name is spelled but the inventor of this test)clip, saying how it’s not appropriate for this purpose, etc...but how to SHOW any proof...This helps, and anyway, the young surgeon said they stopped requiring the PCR days before, so no worries...Not sure if he’s lying to keep her on board for the exam, but she has had problems needing this procedure. I worry they’re going to do shenanigans 💉(🧬🦠🧪) in her surgical procedure!! I have a brother that got pneumonia and diabetes after 2💉and a daughter who got 2, then seemed to have “long covid” and her small daughter getting coughs, or constant runny nose, another daughter whose pregnancy was lost due to some type of (I think clots in the brain and more) and I haven’t dared say it was the 💉💉, and her doctor totally lied! She had been coerced to take the 💉💉 and resenting taking it! I also have a neighbor, that after the jab, her ex died, and she afterwords has stage 4 cancer, another who got clot in her leg, then got diagnosed with Lupus and now a type of cancer! That’s just immediately near! Good God how is it everywhere else! We need to start documenting this! I might sound dramatic here, but I’m thinking like making TIME CAPSULES, so if anything happens to us, in the future our descendants (God willing) or at least future society can find out the REAL truth! Anyway, thank you so much for what you did in Ottowa, Paul! I keep forgetting to mention that! You and the other doctor really made an impact! I was glued to the screen watching!!

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The false positives gave authorities worldwide the excuse to impose the draconian and tyrannical restrictions to control the public, 'soften' them up for whatever our leaders wanted to do next. The designer of the pcr process, Dr Kary Mullis, said that it could not test for a live virus but if you spun it long enough, you could find anything in anybody. Shame he died just before the whole debacle commenced. It has all been planned to push us closer to the Great Reset, step by step, drip, drip, drip.......

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The guy who invented the PCR “test” said it is not a test, rather a technique to amplify genetic material. It was never meant as a “yes or no” test. At best, all it can indicate is exposure to something. But exposure does not necessarily mean infection and infection does not necessarily mean “sick with” what ever is being “tested” for. It was a sham from the get go.

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When I been tested in Thailand they used 45 cycles..

I have it on paper

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swamp everyone in false positives to create a cloaking ‘perception of pandemic’ of the actual graphene poisoning operations ( in swabs, masks, injections, air via chem trails:


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Does anyone remember the "tests" that were contaminated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Early on?

How do we know they all weren't? That way they were accurate you were exposed!

I've never had one, and not getting one. Instead, I got Ivermectin.

How the hell does such contamination occur anyway?

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They did the same thing with the PCR test that they do with elections. They put their thumb on one side of the scale or the other.

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Given that the MSM ("Brought to you by Pfizer") are fully in the pocket of Big Pharma, and function as the 24/7 mouthpiece of a psy-op enabling a global coup (economic destruction, depop, Great Reset, etc), while the Globalists/WHO/CDC et al rehearsed & coordinated a full court press against humanity, the masses didn't stand a chance. It is safe to say that everyone here knows the PCR scam was integral to the agenda or there would have been no way to establish the necessary level of fear to herd billions toward submission/compliance.

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Once again, top notch-thank you again.

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