innocent people; Saudi Arabia now meeting with Biden INC...lets hope this is a good meeting for House of Saud has to stay in step; can we trust MBS? I believe firm there are good arabs who seek peace
What’s happening now is not the rules of war; this is ethnic cleansing and genocide. Given that Bibi is a psychopath who treats the U.S.A. as his lackey there’s enough evidence to raise the possibility that he planned this entire thing to prompt this carnage and the plot for a Greater Israel. The karmic backlash from this monstrous response will be on Israel and the US and smells like WW3 and the end of Israel at the very least. This is madness.
Where is the evidence? Did you hear this from University professors, the squad, Obama, the media. They hate Israel and Jews. They also said the covid vaccine is safe and effective. Do you believe them?
Does anyone think this is part of there grand plan. First they declare WW111. Then they put us on under Marshal law then they start the digital dollar then there 15 minute cities then they say we’re taking your guns. Now we’re going to tell you how much food we get then your 15 minute become your camp Nazi. And the grand slam will be the mark of Satan Then they eliminate most
Think of what they have done
911 inside job to steal there oil and kill many people
Kill the housing market crash. Millions of people lost there home Did any go to prison ???
Drive to stock market up so high now they will crash it
Fake vaxes before this Scamdemic
Last 4 yrs
Shut the world down with a damn virus they made
People loose jobs from the lock down but big box stores stay open
Governors making mandates that are illegal and people going alone with it
The Jab that was forced down people that bought into it
Diapers on faces
6ft cause the cooties has a measuring stick
No gathering
Don’t visit your granny cause you’ll kill them
Go get your fast food cause it’s better for you
Let’s open up a few things and you act like it’s great
And the shit goes on
Now let’s trains with horrid chemicals in them and trash the water and farmers
Burn down food plants
Sell fertilizer that won’t grow shit
Sell feed to farm animals that cause them to be sterile
Bird flu kill all the chickens
Cows farting so kill them
Make food so high you can’t feed your farm animals
Kill off all the farmers
Buy up all the farm land
Jack prices so high you can’t afford to feed your family
There’s so many
Spraying us 24/7 withAluminum, Barium, Strontium, Graphene, Magnesium, Polymer Fibers and who knows what else
Watch the Dimming
Nuke Maui but it doesn’t touch the rich only the poor working Go to Healthy American Peggy Hall
Now we have man made misquotes sand flies that carry old viruses that kill
Presidents dying of other countries that won’t listen it’s so long I can’t even list it all everyday some other bull shit
Now Israel more bull shit
Oh don’t forget trying to take our guns away plus shootings They want our guns
The big one Free Speech
Spying on ever fluffing thing we do Snowden told us but did we listen.
Government printing money to stay at home
Landlords losing there property cause no one has to pay rent because of the Scamdemic
Please tell me why so many people are in the Matrix. It’s so obvious my 9 yr could see threw it I’d say my 2 yr old could but I’d be lying
They want us to look the wrong way
Hell they sold people on the alphabet people the ones that stoled almost the whole alphabet LGBQTXYZABW 😂 can’t pee without them up your butt. Tell them off you get arrested 😂
Do some research and just see what all they have pulled. You’ll come up with a best seller book
Does that include those "good" people serve a moon-bat gad, crazy prophet and have asinine holy books that COMMAND them to chop off YOUR head if you don't convert to Islam and worship Allah?
Yes. Really. Compare the death toll of Palestinians and Israel over the last 20 years. It is completely one sided. Also, ask what is Israel doing to Palestinians right now? Destroying hospitals, refugee camps, neighborhoods, etc. Palestinians are getting slaughtered.
This is not accurate either.....Hamas has put its women and children in its military bases and used them as human shields....the world actually needs to get rid of Hamas and terrorists....and Hamas itself has taken the water away as it is using the pipes as missiles.....there is more accurate news out there if one looks....
Here is a video of a son of a Hamas he says he knows more than we do as we are being fed information and lies all the time....
Hamas propaganda, their religion instructs them to lie. To deceive the enemy is divine, according to the Koran. You literally can't believe anything they say. Now we do know that Hamas and Islamic leaders all want as many deaths as possible, this is their stated goals. So when you see Israel take out a military installation, rocket launching site, we know that Hamas deliberately puts as many innocent people in those locations, and Hamas puts their military in the schools, refugee camps, and hospitals. It's either Israel stops defending themselves, or accept the collateral damage of innocent lives that Hamas sacrifices.
Sounds like you are set and your ways and you follow whatever your leaders tell you. Innocent people are dying on both sides. Your side is not better than the other.
My side doesn't murder innocent people deliberately. I don't have any "leader" telling me anything, I examine the evidence and decide for myself. Did you see the Hamas leader vowing to murder more innocent people endlessly?
Your side has killed innocent people more than Hamas. Look at what is going on in North Gaza. My side is against all deaths. I just see that both sides are killing innocent people.
RABAT, November 1. /On average, around 420 children are killed or injured every day in Israel’s attacks on the Gaza Strip, the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has told Al Jazeera."
It's a little late for that considering that Israel has already killed over 8,000 Palestinians, the majority of whom are innocent civilians, in response to Hamas's attack that killed roughly 1,400 Israelis. A good argument can be made that the state of Israel is a more deadly terrorist group than Hamas. Zionism is not the same as Judaism. Zionism is a racist ideology that says that Jews are the chosen ones, and God promised them some land, and that God looks at the Jews more favorably than those of other religions. It is this racist, Jewish supremist ideology that is at the core of what enables the Zionist leaders of Israel to view Arabs as animals, and terrorize them, and treat them worse than animals. I suspect that the only thing that Zionist are going to understand is a good old fashion a$$ whooping, and I suspect that Hezbollah and Iran are going to be giving them the a$$ whooping that they got coming to them.
Terrorist groups are the problem. Israel wanted people to leave. It's out there not much coverage, but Hamas blocked exits for people to leave Gaza. They hide behind their people like Ukraine did. they to kill their own people if they don't fall in line. Who has that tally. Look at what's happening and the borders still wide open. It's like the wolves sharing a pen with sheep. This is wars being brought into all the lands by the powers that be. No respect for Nation Flags, no respect for the people's countries, Countries are loosing freedoms on a daily basis. UN NWO no borders, no Nations just regions. One religion. This is a religious war. UN plainly in print on UN goals site that member states are to accelerate their goals to be on track for 2030. A two party state, I now understand why Israel would not want it and Palestine's do not want it. Arafat was going to go along with the OSLO accords just to get close enough to Israel to destroy it. People need to wake up to the fact that these terror groups want world control, not just one country. They murdered a husband and wife in the Gaza that had moved there to stand up for the Palestinians. Do you think they really cared that they murdered them? We have trans, gays and more out their protesting for Palestinians, They are not safe either. They kill these people in their own lands. The only thing this administration has done is make all people vulnerable for their agendas while telling them they are standing up for their rights. BLM stands with Hamas, they are Marxist. Sad for those who do not know their background. We our in biblical times. UN's background, check out Tedro's, this man is pushing member states to hand over "we the peoples rights" to them for what ever they deem or call necessary to push the agenda along faster. Check out during the pandemic WHO said that while the lockdowns helped bend the curve, but what needed to be done was to go into the homes and find the sick people and isolate them. How many people would just disappear. Think China. China also helped him get elected. Obama;s transformation of America as planned and beginning to see that the problem is not all Jews, taking that they want them wiped out. All people are pawns at this point.
I agree 100% that Hamas is responsible for thousands of deaths of the people of Gaza becuase Hamas is basically run by undercover Israeli intelligence agents.
A good argument can be made that your an antisemitic loon who knows diddly squat about Judaism or Islam. All Muslims, and that includes the Palestinians, are required to conquer the world for Allah and chop of the heads of all the kafirs (infidels) who do not convert to Islam and worship Allah. You good with that? The Jews and Israel and first on the list. You and America are next.
BTW, raping all the infidel babies, little girls, and women is an Allah granted bonus in their jihad against the infidels. I suppose you're OK with that too?
Please note that I have Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry on my father's side, but my mom is not Jewish. So, technically I am not Jewish becuase one's mom has to be Jewish to be considered a real Jew. Nevertheless, while I am not Jewish or religious I still identify as being part Jew, and I am not antisemitic. Zionism is not the same Judaism. There are many Jews who are not Zionist. and there are many Zionist who are not Jews. Zionism is a racist ideology that says Jews are the chosen ones, and that God promised them some land, and that God views Jews more favorability than he does other people. I am not religious myself, and I believe strongly in the separation of church and state. I think that religious countries are bad idea, be them Christian, Muslim, Buddhists, Hindu, or Jewish states. I think that it would be a good idea for Israel to change their constitution so that they are a secular country, like the USA, and the rest of the civilized world.
The biggest problems with most Jews, is that they don't read, let alone believe, their own holy book, the Tanakh. I'd suggest that YOU start in Isiah chapter 53.
It was GOD that said Jews are the chosen ones, and that GOD promised them some land, and that GOD viewed Jews more favorable than he does other people. That's because GOD made a covenants with his people.
There are 7 covenants, recorded in the the Tanakh but unfortunately, some are held in high esteem (the land) and the most important one is ignored - the New Covenant, the very last one, which replaces much of the older ones. You'll find that in Jeremiah chapter 31. It specifies who the real Jews are.
It's not religious countries that are the problem. ISLAM is the problem.
BTW, the foundation of the USA is based on Judea-Christian principles.
Please note that the foundation of the USA is based upon the separation of church and state. I'm curious are you Jewish or Christian? It is my understanding that many evangelical Christians believe that the return of Jews to Israel is the first step towards armageddon, after which Jesus Christ will return. However, it seems that a lot Christians don't fully comprehend what happens at the end of that story, which is that, please correct me if I am wrong, all of the Jews burn in hell. I personally don't put significance into these types of prophecies, but find it strange that evangelical Christian Zionist seem to defend Israel becuase of this underlying belief, and even more strange since at the end of the story the Jews burn in hell.
No it is not. The concept is not found in either the Declaration of Independence nor Constitution. It was taken, out of context, from a letter written by President Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists who wanted their denomination to be the state religion. Interestingly, if you research it, you'll find that the vast number of the Founders of America were, what we would call today, "evangelical Christians" and the few that were not, like Jefferson and Franklin, were Deists, although Jefferson, who wrote the "Jefferson Bible" (actually the New Testament) later said he was a "Christian."
I am a follower of the Messiah, Yeshua. BTW, the word "Christian" is not in the Bible. It is a transliteration of the Hebrew word for "Messiah" from the Latin.
Many evangelical Christians believe in the return of Jews to Israel because it is prophesied in the Tanakh and a harbinger of the "last days." The very fact of Israel's existence and the return of Jews to their homeland after 1,900 years, something that never happened before in the history of the world for any ancient nation or people, is fulfilled prophecy.
At the end of the story, all people, with some exceptions, who have not accepted the Messiah , who paid the price for their sins, as their savior will burn in hell.
BTW, many Jews are Messianic Jews. Their sins are forgiven per the requirements of the Law that most Jews conveniently ignore. I've seen sources that claim over 500,000 Jews have become Messianic Jews in the last decade. That's a big number for so few Jews.
BTW2: the Bible is full of prophecies . Just the main ones regarding the Messiah being fulfilled results in a number greater than all the atoms in the known universe. That's rather significant so you might want to look into it.
Sorry, not in the constitution, but it's in the first amendment, which was ratified in 1791. I consider freedom of religion as being a principal that makes the US great. Considering that the many Christians believe that Jews along with the Muslims are going to burn in hell for not accepting the Messiah, it seems strange to me that these same Christians will characterize Jews as being a Godly, honest, humane, caring people, and Muslims as being barbaric, lying, filthy animals. And, if Christians believe that God views Jews as the chosen ones, and looks favorably among them, why would he have them all burn in hell on the last days? Doesn't really make any sense to me.
“Prophet of Doom is the best-documented, most comprehensive, presentation of Islam's five oldest and most reliable scriptural sources. Ishaq's Biography of Muhammad, Tabari's History of Islam, and Bukhari's and Muslim's Hadith, were used to reorder the Qur'an chronologically and to set its surahs into the context of Muhammad's life. When this evidence is evaluated systematically, the only rational conclusion is that Islam's lone prophet was a ruthless terrorist, a mass-murderer, a thief, slave trader, rapist and pedophile.”
One of the best books I've read on this psychotic, murderous cult, and I've read many. Getting the 992 page book free is even better, although I did finally order a hard copy..
Kind of already picked up on all this by reading Robert Spencer's books, but more information is always needed. I think Mohammed was the ultimate con man, claiming his cave visit with Allah, then convincing others of this.
Spencer has some great books. I have three of them. However, as I pointed out, you can get Prophet of Doom for free.
The cave stuff and revelations happened in Mecca where Muhammad couldn't convince hardly anyone to join his merry band. After he was driven out of Mecca and went to Medina, Allah changed his mind on some things. No more kumbaya Islam. Muslims could now rape, pillage, and kill the infidels who would not join Islam. That's when Islam exploded. Getting 72 perpetual virgins and the stamina to service them all daily for dying in jihad against the kafirs (infidels) is great recruitment motivation.
BTW, if you want to learn about sharia, it's codified in Reliance of the Traveller by Ahmad ibn Baqib al-Misri who wrote it in 1368. It's in Arabic with an English translation and commentary by Nuh Ha Mim Keller.
1️⃣ The casualty numbers in Gaza are probably much lower than published. We will never know the true number of civilians killed in Gaza because Hamas runs the Health Ministry there, so can you trust then to tell the truth? They probably also conflate terrorist casualties together with civilian casualties.
2️⃣ And if indeed there are a lot of civilian casualties, only Hamas is to blame; they purposely fire rockets from within civilian areas, near mosques, schools and residential buildings. And these rockets are not the most reliable: 20% of the rockets land back in Gaza.
3️⃣ One of Hamas' headquarters is located directly underground the Shifa hospital in Gaza.
4️⃣ Israel goes out of it's way to reduce collateral damage as much as possible. In areas they are planning to attack Hamas in, they warn civilians there to evacuate.
Hamas hates Israel more then they love they're fellow Gazans.
In Islam the people practice consanguineous marriage and out of all Islam the Palestinians practice it the most. So who are the " mentally ill" people? In Islam they also practice "taqiya" which is lying to the kafirs (inidels), like you, to advance the cause of Islam.
You turned against Israel most likely because you are antisemitic to begin with.
There are bad people everywhere, too, as you point out. Use discernment! The characteristic of the cosmos is Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. Killing is not compassionate. Hamas terrorist: "We heard children inside and shot until we didn't hear a sound" This is one of the terrorist that went into homes. He said there is no difference between Hamas and Isis according to pictures he was shown. Asked about how his parents would feel about him killing. His family did not know he was part of Hamas. His response his Dad would shoot him/kill him for what he had done.
Sorry, Doctor, ISLAM does not want peace. Anyone who thinks so does not know diddly squat about Islam . Most people in the West ignorantly believe the big lie that "Islam means peace" when in fact the literal translation of Islam is SUBMISSION and that submission to Allah applies to everyone in the world and Muslims are commanded by their god and prophet to make it happen.
Islam is a Borg sex cult. Resistance is futile. Submit and become part of the collective worshiping Allah or die.
Sorry Paul -most all of the Palestinians supported Hamas and allowed themselves to be willing servants of these mongrels--Netanyahu is correct -the entire “ kissy kissy “ western world is wrong
Very wrong--There is no returning to Gaza for the Palestinians, they made the hard choices to participate and were part of the attack- they will suffer the consequences---
Jewish , Christians, Muslims lived in palestine with no issues until the zionist movement began.
The British promised the land to the zionist. Fyi: high percentage are atheist and rainbow people. Hardly holy I would say.
The British let them settle slowly starting 1917, provide weapons and boom 1948, Arabs muslims Christians massacred, raped. 700,000 forced to leave their farms and homes , most till this day carry the keys to their homes.
Then the zionists wanted more zionists and they started terrorizing arab jews in arab countries in the name of Muslims. Listen to Avi Shlaim.
Then two states with gradual encroachment on arab land again, and again, and again. Nothing worked. No peaceful protest worked. In those, Palestinians were shot at ankles causing amputations, and many many killed. They imprison Palestinians adult and kids without trial for years!!!
Please, do your mind a favor. Read books for Miko Peled, Ilan Pape, Avi Shlaim, Norman Finkekstein.
They have videos too.
You love your country? Then put it on the right path of Justice
Here's a book for you to read. Do your mind a favor and learn about the real Islam:
Prophet of Doom
Islam’s Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad’s Own Words
By Craig Winn
“Prophet of Doom is the best-documented, most comprehensive, presentation of Islam's five oldest and most reliable scriptural sources. Ishaq's Biography of Muhammad, Tabari's History of Islam, and Bukhari's and Muslim's Hadith, were used to reorder the Qur'an chronologically and to set its surahs into the context of Muhammad's life. When this evidence is evaluated systematically, the only rational conclusion is that Islam's lone prophet was a ruthless terrorist, a mass-murderer, a thief, slave trader, rapist and pedophile.”
One of the best books I've read on this psychotic, murderous cult, and I've read many. Getting the 992 page book free is even better, although I did finally order a hard copy..
Dr. Alexander I know you don’t agree with it, but Israel is not a sane nation. Israel is the most Orwellian country in the world. Its entire existence depends on projecting what they do to others as being done to them.
What’s happening now is not the rules of war; this is ethnic cleansing and genocide. Given that Bibi is a psychopath who treats the U.S.A. as his lackey there’s enough evidence to raise the possibility that he planned this entire thing to prompt this carnage and the plot for a Greater Israel. The karmic backlash from this monstrous response will be on Israel and the US and smells like WW3 and the end of Israel at the very least. This is madness.
Where is the evidence? Did you hear this from University professors, the squad, Obama, the media. They hate Israel and Jews. They also said the covid vaccine is safe and effective. Do you believe them?
Obama was a lap dog for Israel so stop the nonsense.
The proof is always in the pudding. It appears you are quite clueless!
Well put....thank you
Sounds like you are OK with Hitler and Imperial Japan.
It sounds nothing like to a rational mind.
Is Muslims chopping off your infidel head following the rules of war? How about gang raping your wife and daughter and then chopping off their heads?
If the planet explodes in a nuclear holocaust that would be less likely to happen.
What are you a Islamic Jihadist?
What gives you the slightest inkling that Hamas, and Islam in general, follow the rules of war?
“War is deceit.”
Muhammad, Bukhari 52:269
Does anyone think this is part of there grand plan. First they declare WW111. Then they put us on under Marshal law then they start the digital dollar then there 15 minute cities then they say we’re taking your guns. Now we’re going to tell you how much food we get then your 15 minute become your camp Nazi. And the grand slam will be the mark of Satan Then they eliminate most
Think of what they have done
911 inside job to steal there oil and kill many people
Kill the housing market crash. Millions of people lost there home Did any go to prison ???
Drive to stock market up so high now they will crash it
Fake vaxes before this Scamdemic
Last 4 yrs
Shut the world down with a damn virus they made
People loose jobs from the lock down but big box stores stay open
Governors making mandates that are illegal and people going alone with it
The Jab that was forced down people that bought into it
Diapers on faces
6ft cause the cooties has a measuring stick
No gathering
Don’t visit your granny cause you’ll kill them
Go get your fast food cause it’s better for you
Let’s open up a few things and you act like it’s great
And the shit goes on
Now let’s trains with horrid chemicals in them and trash the water and farmers
Burn down food plants
Sell fertilizer that won’t grow shit
Sell feed to farm animals that cause them to be sterile
Bird flu kill all the chickens
Cows farting so kill them
Make food so high you can’t feed your farm animals
Kill off all the farmers
Buy up all the farm land
Jack prices so high you can’t afford to feed your family
There’s so many
Spraying us 24/7 withAluminum, Barium, Strontium, Graphene, Magnesium, Polymer Fibers and who knows what else
Watch the Dimming
Nuke Maui but it doesn’t touch the rich only the poor working Go to Healthy American Peggy Hall
Controlling the weather Geoengineering
Floods in Middle East
Now we have man made misquotes sand flies that carry old viruses that kill
Presidents dying of other countries that won’t listen it’s so long I can’t even list it all everyday some other bull shit
Now Israel more bull shit
Oh don’t forget trying to take our guns away plus shootings They want our guns
The big one Free Speech
Spying on ever fluffing thing we do Snowden told us but did we listen.
Government printing money to stay at home
Landlords losing there property cause no one has to pay rent because of the Scamdemic
Please tell me why so many people are in the Matrix. It’s so obvious my 9 yr could see threw it I’d say my 2 yr old could but I’d be lying
They want us to look the wrong way
Hell they sold people on the alphabet people the ones that stoled almost the whole alphabet LGBQTXYZABW 😂 can’t pee without them up your butt. Tell them off you get arrested 😂
Do some research and just see what all they have pulled. You’ll come up with a best seller book
There are good and bad people everywhere.
This includes Israel and Palestine.
Please stop the killing...everybody!!
Does that include those "good" people serve a moon-bat gad, crazy prophet and have asinine holy books that COMMAND them to chop off YOUR head if you don't convert to Islam and worship Allah?
High level government officials seek opportunities. Not peace.
Israelis have massacred Palestinians. Israelis elite do not want peace.
Really? If the Palestinians would lay down their weapons, there'd be peace. If Israel laid down their weapons, there'd be no Israel.
Yes. Really. Compare the death toll of Palestinians and Israel over the last 20 years. It is completely one sided. Also, ask what is Israel doing to Palestinians right now? Destroying hospitals, refugee camps, neighborhoods, etc. Palestinians are getting slaughtered.
This is not accurate either.....Hamas has put its women and children in its military bases and used them as human shields....the world actually needs to get rid of Hamas and terrorists....and Hamas itself has taken the water away as it is using the pipes as missiles.....there is more accurate news out there if one looks....
Here is a video of a son of a Hamas he says he knows more than we do as we are being fed information and lies all the time....
You did not say why I am not accurate. You just tried to justify your stance.
Hamas propaganda, their religion instructs them to lie. To deceive the enemy is divine, according to the Koran. You literally can't believe anything they say. Now we do know that Hamas and Islamic leaders all want as many deaths as possible, this is their stated goals. So when you see Israel take out a military installation, rocket launching site, we know that Hamas deliberately puts as many innocent people in those locations, and Hamas puts their military in the schools, refugee camps, and hospitals. It's either Israel stops defending themselves, or accept the collateral damage of innocent lives that Hamas sacrifices.
Sounds like you are set and your ways and you follow whatever your leaders tell you. Innocent people are dying on both sides. Your side is not better than the other.
My side doesn't murder innocent people deliberately. I don't have any "leader" telling me anything, I examine the evidence and decide for myself. Did you see the Hamas leader vowing to murder more innocent people endlessly?
Your side has killed innocent people more than Hamas. Look at what is going on in North Gaza. My side is against all deaths. I just see that both sides are killing innocent people.
RABAT, November 1. /On average, around 420 children are killed or injured every day in Israel’s attacks on the Gaza Strip, the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has told Al Jazeera."
Sure, this is done on purpose by Hamas
That is actually inaccurate....
Which is? The killings?
It's a little late for that considering that Israel has already killed over 8,000 Palestinians, the majority of whom are innocent civilians, in response to Hamas's attack that killed roughly 1,400 Israelis. A good argument can be made that the state of Israel is a more deadly terrorist group than Hamas. Zionism is not the same as Judaism. Zionism is a racist ideology that says that Jews are the chosen ones, and God promised them some land, and that God looks at the Jews more favorably than those of other religions. It is this racist, Jewish supremist ideology that is at the core of what enables the Zionist leaders of Israel to view Arabs as animals, and terrorize them, and treat them worse than animals. I suspect that the only thing that Zionist are going to understand is a good old fashion a$$ whooping, and I suspect that Hezbollah and Iran are going to be giving them the a$$ whooping that they got coming to them.
Terrorist groups are the problem. Israel wanted people to leave. It's out there not much coverage, but Hamas blocked exits for people to leave Gaza. They hide behind their people like Ukraine did. they to kill their own people if they don't fall in line. Who has that tally. Look at what's happening and the borders still wide open. It's like the wolves sharing a pen with sheep. This is wars being brought into all the lands by the powers that be. No respect for Nation Flags, no respect for the people's countries, Countries are loosing freedoms on a daily basis. UN NWO no borders, no Nations just regions. One religion. This is a religious war. UN plainly in print on UN goals site that member states are to accelerate their goals to be on track for 2030. A two party state, I now understand why Israel would not want it and Palestine's do not want it. Arafat was going to go along with the OSLO accords just to get close enough to Israel to destroy it. People need to wake up to the fact that these terror groups want world control, not just one country. They murdered a husband and wife in the Gaza that had moved there to stand up for the Palestinians. Do you think they really cared that they murdered them? We have trans, gays and more out their protesting for Palestinians, They are not safe either. They kill these people in their own lands. The only thing this administration has done is make all people vulnerable for their agendas while telling them they are standing up for their rights. BLM stands with Hamas, they are Marxist. Sad for those who do not know their background. We our in biblical times. UN's background, check out Tedro's, this man is pushing member states to hand over "we the peoples rights" to them for what ever they deem or call necessary to push the agenda along faster. Check out during the pandemic WHO said that while the lockdowns helped bend the curve, but what needed to be done was to go into the homes and find the sick people and isolate them. How many people would just disappear. Think China. China also helped him get elected. Obama;s transformation of America as planned and beginning to see that the problem is not all Jews, taking that they want them wiped out. All people are pawns at this point.
ISLAM is the problem in the ME just as it is the problem everywhere in the world that is infected by Muslims.
I agree 100% that Hamas is responsible for thousands of deaths of the people of Gaza becuase Hamas is basically run by undercover Israeli intelligence agents.
Koo koo, koo koo,
Good videos to watch
Michael G. If you have some to share would appreciate info. I may have missed.
A good argument can be made that your an antisemitic loon who knows diddly squat about Judaism or Islam. All Muslims, and that includes the Palestinians, are required to conquer the world for Allah and chop of the heads of all the kafirs (infidels) who do not convert to Islam and worship Allah. You good with that? The Jews and Israel and first on the list. You and America are next.
BTW, raping all the infidel babies, little girls, and women is an Allah granted bonus in their jihad against the infidels. I suppose you're OK with that too?
Please note that I have Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry on my father's side, but my mom is not Jewish. So, technically I am not Jewish becuase one's mom has to be Jewish to be considered a real Jew. Nevertheless, while I am not Jewish or religious I still identify as being part Jew, and I am not antisemitic. Zionism is not the same Judaism. There are many Jews who are not Zionist. and there are many Zionist who are not Jews. Zionism is a racist ideology that says Jews are the chosen ones, and that God promised them some land, and that God views Jews more favorability than he does other people. I am not religious myself, and I believe strongly in the separation of church and state. I think that religious countries are bad idea, be them Christian, Muslim, Buddhists, Hindu, or Jewish states. I think that it would be a good idea for Israel to change their constitution so that they are a secular country, like the USA, and the rest of the civilized world.
The biggest problems with most Jews, is that they don't read, let alone believe, their own holy book, the Tanakh. I'd suggest that YOU start in Isiah chapter 53.
It was GOD that said Jews are the chosen ones, and that GOD promised them some land, and that GOD viewed Jews more favorable than he does other people. That's because GOD made a covenants with his people.
There are 7 covenants, recorded in the the Tanakh but unfortunately, some are held in high esteem (the land) and the most important one is ignored - the New Covenant, the very last one, which replaces much of the older ones. You'll find that in Jeremiah chapter 31. It specifies who the real Jews are.
It's not religious countries that are the problem. ISLAM is the problem.
BTW, the foundation of the USA is based on Judea-Christian principles.
Please note that the foundation of the USA is based upon the separation of church and state. I'm curious are you Jewish or Christian? It is my understanding that many evangelical Christians believe that the return of Jews to Israel is the first step towards armageddon, after which Jesus Christ will return. However, it seems that a lot Christians don't fully comprehend what happens at the end of that story, which is that, please correct me if I am wrong, all of the Jews burn in hell. I personally don't put significance into these types of prophecies, but find it strange that evangelical Christian Zionist seem to defend Israel becuase of this underlying belief, and even more strange since at the end of the story the Jews burn in hell.
No it is not. The concept is not found in either the Declaration of Independence nor Constitution. It was taken, out of context, from a letter written by President Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists who wanted their denomination to be the state religion. Interestingly, if you research it, you'll find that the vast number of the Founders of America were, what we would call today, "evangelical Christians" and the few that were not, like Jefferson and Franklin, were Deists, although Jefferson, who wrote the "Jefferson Bible" (actually the New Testament) later said he was a "Christian."
I am a follower of the Messiah, Yeshua. BTW, the word "Christian" is not in the Bible. It is a transliteration of the Hebrew word for "Messiah" from the Latin.
Many evangelical Christians believe in the return of Jews to Israel because it is prophesied in the Tanakh and a harbinger of the "last days." The very fact of Israel's existence and the return of Jews to their homeland after 1,900 years, something that never happened before in the history of the world for any ancient nation or people, is fulfilled prophecy.
At the end of the story, all people, with some exceptions, who have not accepted the Messiah , who paid the price for their sins, as their savior will burn in hell.
BTW, many Jews are Messianic Jews. Their sins are forgiven per the requirements of the Law that most Jews conveniently ignore. I've seen sources that claim over 500,000 Jews have become Messianic Jews in the last decade. That's a big number for so few Jews.
BTW2: the Bible is full of prophecies . Just the main ones regarding the Messiah being fulfilled results in a number greater than all the atoms in the known universe. That's rather significant so you might want to look into it.
Sorry, not in the constitution, but it's in the first amendment, which was ratified in 1791. I consider freedom of religion as being a principal that makes the US great. Considering that the many Christians believe that Jews along with the Muslims are going to burn in hell for not accepting the Messiah, it seems strange to me that these same Christians will characterize Jews as being a Godly, honest, humane, caring people, and Muslims as being barbaric, lying, filthy animals. And, if Christians believe that God views Jews as the chosen ones, and looks favorably among them, why would he have them all burn in hell on the last days? Doesn't really make any sense to me.,for%20a%20redress%20of%20grievances.
Where are all these Islamic Jihadists like you coming from? Go worship Mohammed, the greatest mass murderer of all time.
You will appreciate the book:
Prophet of Doom
Islam’s Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad’s Own Words
By Craig Winn
“Prophet of Doom is the best-documented, most comprehensive, presentation of Islam's five oldest and most reliable scriptural sources. Ishaq's Biography of Muhammad, Tabari's History of Islam, and Bukhari's and Muslim's Hadith, were used to reorder the Qur'an chronologically and to set its surahs into the context of Muhammad's life. When this evidence is evaluated systematically, the only rational conclusion is that Islam's lone prophet was a ruthless terrorist, a mass-murderer, a thief, slave trader, rapist and pedophile.”
~$48 new or ~$11 used on Amazon. Or you can get a FREE pdf of the book at
One of the best books I've read on this psychotic, murderous cult, and I've read many. Getting the 992 page book free is even better, although I did finally order a hard copy..
Kind of already picked up on all this by reading Robert Spencer's books, but more information is always needed. I think Mohammed was the ultimate con man, claiming his cave visit with Allah, then convincing others of this.
Spencer has some great books. I have three of them. However, as I pointed out, you can get Prophet of Doom for free.
The cave stuff and revelations happened in Mecca where Muhammad couldn't convince hardly anyone to join his merry band. After he was driven out of Mecca and went to Medina, Allah changed his mind on some things. No more kumbaya Islam. Muslims could now rape, pillage, and kill the infidels who would not join Islam. That's when Islam exploded. Getting 72 perpetual virgins and the stamina to service them all daily for dying in jihad against the kafirs (infidels) is great recruitment motivation.
BTW, if you want to learn about sharia, it's codified in Reliance of the Traveller by Ahmad ibn Baqib al-Misri who wrote it in 1368. It's in Arabic with an English translation and commentary by Nuh Ha Mim Keller.
1️⃣ The casualty numbers in Gaza are probably much lower than published. We will never know the true number of civilians killed in Gaza because Hamas runs the Health Ministry there, so can you trust then to tell the truth? They probably also conflate terrorist casualties together with civilian casualties.
2️⃣ And if indeed there are a lot of civilian casualties, only Hamas is to blame; they purposely fire rockets from within civilian areas, near mosques, schools and residential buildings. And these rockets are not the most reliable: 20% of the rockets land back in Gaza.
3️⃣ One of Hamas' headquarters is located directly underground the Shifa hospital in Gaza.
4️⃣ Israel goes out of it's way to reduce collateral damage as much as possible. In areas they are planning to attack Hamas in, they warn civilians there to evacuate.
Hamas hates Israel more then they love they're fellow Gazans.
Not to mention that Hamas is Muslim and a tenet in Islam is "taqiya" which is lying to the kafirs (infidels) to advance the cause of Islam.
Israel is likely in its Demise right now.
The End.
And the USA is the Goyim, supporting these very mentally ill people.
(They dropped five bombs on the Refugee Camp today.)
The world has turned against Israel.
In Islam the people practice consanguineous marriage and out of all Islam the Palestinians practice it the most. So who are the " mentally ill" people? In Islam they also practice "taqiya" which is lying to the kafirs (inidels), like you, to advance the cause of Islam.
You turned against Israel most likely because you are antisemitic to begin with.
You're wrong, because good eventually will win over evil. You do realize of course that Hamas propaganda is all lies?
There are good people everywhere, even there.
There are bad people everywhere, too, as you point out. Use discernment! The characteristic of the cosmos is Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. Killing is not compassionate.
You can't do evil to do good, that's a fact.
The characteristic of the cosmos is Truth, Compassion and Tolerance? Get some new crystals.
Islam is the Borg. Hamas terrorist: "We heard children inside and shot until we didn't hear a sound" This is one of the terrorist that went into homes. He said there is no difference between Hamas and Isis according to pictures he was shown. Asked about how his parents would feel about him killing. His family did not know he was part of Hamas. His response his Dad would shoot him/kill him for what he had done.
Sorry, Doctor, ISLAM does not want peace. Anyone who thinks so does not know diddly squat about Islam . Most people in the West ignorantly believe the big lie that "Islam means peace" when in fact the literal translation of Islam is SUBMISSION and that submission to Allah applies to everyone in the world and Muslims are commanded by their god and prophet to make it happen.
Islam is a Borg sex cult. Resistance is futile. Submit and become part of the collective worshiping Allah or die.
Sorry Paul -most all of the Palestinians supported Hamas and allowed themselves to be willing servants of these mongrels--Netanyahu is correct -the entire “ kissy kissy “ western world is wrong
Very wrong--There is no returning to Gaza for the Palestinians, they made the hard choices to participate and were part of the attack- they will suffer the consequences---
Dr. Paul Alexander. Give me a good explanation for this
You want peace, great.
Jewish , Christians, Muslims lived in palestine with no issues until the zionist movement began.
The British promised the land to the zionist. Fyi: high percentage are atheist and rainbow people. Hardly holy I would say.
The British let them settle slowly starting 1917, provide weapons and boom 1948, Arabs muslims Christians massacred, raped. 700,000 forced to leave their farms and homes , most till this day carry the keys to their homes.
Then the zionists wanted more zionists and they started terrorizing arab jews in arab countries in the name of Muslims. Listen to Avi Shlaim.
Then two states with gradual encroachment on arab land again, and again, and again. Nothing worked. No peaceful protest worked. In those, Palestinians were shot at ankles causing amputations, and many many killed. They imprison Palestinians adult and kids without trial for years!!!
Please, do your mind a favor. Read books for Miko Peled, Ilan Pape, Avi Shlaim, Norman Finkekstein.
They have videos too.
You love your country? Then put it on the right path of Justice
Wow have you drank the coolaid
I think you did
Just look up the authors I mentioned and the links
Here's a book for you to read. Do your mind a favor and learn about the real Islam:
Prophet of Doom
Islam’s Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad’s Own Words
By Craig Winn
“Prophet of Doom is the best-documented, most comprehensive, presentation of Islam's five oldest and most reliable scriptural sources. Ishaq's Biography of Muhammad, Tabari's History of Islam, and Bukhari's and Muslim's Hadith, were used to reorder the Qur'an chronologically and to set its surahs into the context of Muhammad's life. When this evidence is evaluated systematically, the only rational conclusion is that Islam's lone prophet was a ruthless terrorist, a mass-murderer, a thief, slave trader, rapist and pedophile.”
~$48 new or ~$11 used on Amazon. Or you can get a FREE pdf of the book at
One of the best books I've read on this psychotic, murderous cult, and I've read many. Getting the 992 page book free is even better, although I did finally order a hard copy..
So sad. You are really misinformed.
So sad you know diddly squat about Islam. Maybe you are looking forward to being a sex slave like all those Israeli women Hamas captured?
Get educated
Plus Islamophobia series by Fadel Soliman, plus
What a lie.
Which statement?
BTW, war is hell.
The Saudis were responsible for 9-11. They should have been dealt with a long time ago.
Agree. Saudis should give land around Mecca for Palestine. Moho never went to Jerusalem- only visited it “in a dream”.
Truth is that Islam does not want the existence of an Israel. The Palestine issue is an excuse
The Islam you talk about is the one that brought Jews back to Jerusalem. Watch till the end. This is the TRUTH
BS. Islam is a Borg sex cult. Resistance is futile. Submit and join the brain-dead collective or die.
Is that what your priest tells you?
You might want to learn something about Islam before making asinine comments.
Dr. Alexander I know you don’t agree with it, but Israel is not a sane nation. Israel is the most Orwellian country in the world. Its entire existence depends on projecting what they do to others as being done to them.
delusional comment from a Islamic apologist
Satanist are pulling the strings and you all are taking the bait.
The World is aflame, and as an American, that makes you a target.
It doesn’t really matter which side you’re on, as the well-known white BLM advocate knifed to death at a NY bus stop last week tragically learned.