Thank you Sir for your insight. I got sick Oct-Nov 2019 I’m old enough to know that this is going to be really screwed. I’m military veteran Did not will not get vaccine It’s really a shame what they did and continue to do to Our Country. Thank you for not stopping and continue to share your knowledge

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It’s not a shame , it was mass murder! As a fellow veteran I believe you recall the oath “All Enemies Foreign AND DOMESTIC”. This time we have a lot of BOTH to deal with and it’s definitely time to take out the trash.

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Throw it in the garbage compactor.

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Thank-you for your service.

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Definitely highlighted the doctors and nurses willing to stand up for the patients (few) and those willing to kill them (just following orders). I'll never forget what I saw...doubt anyone will.

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Thank you Paul from the shutout. I had been accustomed to working solo throughout a big part of my academic career, but when you put three brains in the blender and turn it on, amazing stuff happens. Myself, Dr. McCullough, and Dr. Aldous brought our distinct insights into this project, and I had no idea where this was going to go in the beginning, but it all came together very nicely thanks to everyone's contributions. .

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Candlelight Vigils: Dec. 10 @ 5:00 pm Local Time to remember the victims of the COVID-19 vaccine


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As a Respiratory Therapist, I saw how Drs and RNs relied too heavily on the p-ox numbers and now how the patient looked. We had a man walk into the ER, talking in full sentences, get intubated by the DR because his ABG results showed a little hypoxia. That’s when I realized that science was out the window, so to say.

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Canada here. No access to a real doc or those that are good, I can’t find. Saw what was happening in hospitals so avoided like the plague. I’m 65 and in poor health but never got sick and wasn’t worried about it. But I did take note of your sterling recommendations and those of other docs I read. So “anticoagulants”? Aspirin would do? Plus zinc and Vitamin D? I don’t have access to a doc here. Though I’m sure my demise will come from other things rather than Covid.

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It almost seems as if every action taken, every action *not* taken, and all the propaganda manufactured, stem from a decades-old plan... https://open.substack.com/pub/eccentrik/p/death-by-design-examining-the-depopulation?r=8ypo0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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