This is like a film noir movie, where everything is totally obvious and you're yelling at the TV, till it's finally over...and then you say, "That could NEVER happen in reality.' But this time, it really is.

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It's all so sad. Almost as though the only thing that can now wake the slumbering masses up is a "ritual sacrifice". My heart is heavy.

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If Trump is put in New York jail, he will be killed. How to stop it? I have no idea but WE THE PEOPLE must stop that from happenning.

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I think the primary focus of the Mar Largo raid was to obtain documents related to the illegal spying that was done on Trump but if he was there and was killed all the better.

It is not always easy to find the right patsy for these murders, as they normally like to have someone to blame that works for their agendas. But he obviously is at high risk.

In any event, the government of the USA is failing and has past the Event Horion. THat is why there is such an interest in starting a hot war with Russia, but it won't work.

I don't think we will have to wait too much longer for the full collapse ala the USSR.

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yes, they thought they were going to get the Crossfire Hurricane...he he he

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Especially since unlike Rome, the barbarians are well past the gates and are firmly embedded in every locale.

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but we can handle them, just look at history...poor warriors...American mothers, pushed, will dispatch them quickly...

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They are well armed and able.

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Garland, Merrick Garland, what in bloody hell is that abomination? Ugly as sin inside and out, a walking dead head hoodlum, a waste of air and skin.

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boom...thank God Trump did not allow any vote re SCOTUS...he knew this guy was the devil

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I call him Crow Garland. I agree.

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OK....we all know that these bastards are demonic...begs the question - what are people going to do about it? Until people take the necessary corrective steps ... all this angst is nothing more than hot air. Just saying. Pax

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we are making inroads, we share information, we educate, teach, we listen...do you know my reviews published on natural immunity, lockdowns etc. are used by US congress, senate, globally, by governments, lawyers, I get calls to submit to congress to help them questions those fuckers you see in hearings... even losing cases I decided to read and review and make the case...so we do make a difference...even small steps...you do too...I read you work...so do nto be so hard on us..

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Here's the thing TIME IS RUNNING OUT! We're wayyy behind the 8-ball and the deck is stacked against us. So if I'm a little pissed...sorry not sorry. The shit-show we are dealing with has been front and center for ages. Now with that off my chest. Yes, carry on happy warrior... fight them at every turn. Believe me I applaud your efforts. The only one who can help us is in Heaven - we really are dealing with demonic forces. Pax

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huge love ad respect and admiration Roger, I know you are in the fox hole with us and it is hard...for the enemy wears our faces and clothes and entrenched too...Rush would say it will not be pretty...what it will take...I am believing it now...but we need you and we think the tide is going to change fast...just hold on, major moves happening...not everything can be in media

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And my husband doesn't believe me.

But a granddaughter and her husband are beginning to see.❤️❤️

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All is corrupt in most western nations. Religion is 90 % apostate, education is a lie, and the court CYSTem is prejudicially biased against conservatives.

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YES.....That's what TRUMP said today on Truth Social....

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Petz has it going on👍👍

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Dr Paul, thank for spotlighting this. It's important that everyone understand what's really going on. We are living in dangerous times with dangerous traitors steering us to disaster. Trump is a man but he can't win this fight all by himself. We the People are the foot soldiers who must take our country back.

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And I want to add that over the past few weeks your stacks have been stunning and spot on.

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IF we get a free and fair election, divided, we fall, and if we should fail, there’s nobody to blame but us.

Remember, At All Times, We Have The Government We Deserve.

I believe that now, more than ever.

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Trump is an actor; not a savior.

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agreed no saviour but he is the ONLY option...who do you have in mind...I have said before if that person checks boxes 45 checks and one, I will vote for them...who>?

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Gary has no idea. Sounds like my husband. And he is not that smart

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Garland is Commie trash and an obvious traitor.

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And I add an emulsified piece of compacted and worm infected alpaca sh*t.

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deletedJun 4
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I don’t. You are spot on. I agree.

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