petzanpz is a subscriber on my substack & in response to a prior stack wrote this & it echoes my sentiments 100%, the left, Biden INC., Garland et al. in their actions signal that they want Trump (45)
dead, killed, & I argue his family, his children, former FLOTUS etc., anyone named Trump & this is why we get him back to the WH so that he can lay waste to them legally! thank you petzanpz!
They are moving to have Trump killed now! You would be a fool not to realize that & think about this world you leave for your kids…it’s that world they will live in, you democrats, you Republicans, you independents, when I do not like you or approve of you or disagree with you, I can use powers at my disposal to rid of you! All who laugh now will cry in time…the law if physics is indeed the law of life, in that all things MUST be equal…
This is like a film noir movie, where everything is totally obvious and you're yelling at the TV, till it's finally over...and then you say, "That could NEVER happen in reality.' But this time, it really is.
If Trump is put in New York jail, he will be killed. How to stop it? I have no idea but WE THE PEOPLE must stop that from happenning.