
dying at dawn, dying in your sleep is a real issue now. due to catecholamine surge that is part of rising, if you have silent myocarditis

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Absolutely and it’s infuriating that people are still being silenced!

Remember when the FAA increased the milliseconds between heartbeat transitions?

Help me out Dr Alexander, I forgot the exact name for pilots annual physical markers regarding heart rate’s.

I do remember that, by increasing this number would place pilots, more importantly passengers at risks.

Prior to this “dramatic increase” pilots would be grounded, then COVID shots came along and caused such an increase in pilots heart rate markers that the FAA was forced to change the parameters for 0pilots all clear” approvals!

Yes, this put the public safety at risk and the pilots!


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yes, thank you for reminding us AJR, of that increase...you are on point. that basically dumbed down the fitness requirement. they knew that the delay was due to the electrical conduction damaged due to myocarditis so they adjusted it, lengthened it so that pilots will not fail.

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I found the article Dr Alexander

Last October, the Federal Aviation Administration revised the PR interval — an electrocardiogram measurement of electronic impulses in the heart — from a previous limit of 0.2 seconds to allowing pilots to fly with that measurement at 0.3 seconds.

That’s a health hazard, according to cardiologist Thomas E. Levy, who is also an attorney.

The 0.2 second limit has long been the standard, Levy said, except for young people, especially athletes. But a Harvard study of thousands of patients, which continued over 20 to 30 years, showed that the slightest increase above the 0.2-second level caused problems.

The tiniest increase in the PR interval meant, over time, you had two times the chance of having atrial fibrillation, three times the chance of having an abnormal or a slow enough heart rate to need a pacemaker, and one and a half times the chance of dying from anything — all-cause mortality,” Levy said in a recent interview.

Pilots are being cleared to fly with what Levy says are potentially hazardous heart conditions.

“The FAA is currently changing its rules to allow more pilots to fly who have PR interval greater than 0.3 seconds, a development that should be of great concern to all who fly,” Levy said in the statement. “PR intervals that lengthen in the older population can presage significant heart problems, including early death.”

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excellent excellent...and it is due to the depressed electrical conduction when the hearts muscle is dead...myocarditis does that

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Exactly Dr Thank you.

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Anyone ever stop to think what the OTHER reason was for diagnosing literally everything as Covid or a Covid death?

They did that, first, to make Covid look ubiquitous and deadly for the purpose of introducing the viral mRNA products and, second, to make the effects of the mRNA products look minor in comparison.

And even there they had it rigged: any incidents or deaths within this first two weeks after injection of those products was attributed to Covid. And many of them after the first two weeks were attributed to “long Covid,” and both of those used to promote even greater use of the viral mRNA products.

How do I know?

Because, early on and even before they were introduced, those companies knew from their testing what was going on. And while it’s been almost knee-jerk to blame Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson&Johnson had far greater numbers of adverse outcomes per total number of shots given. AstraZeneca claimed its product would be safer than the others because the chimp adenovirus was cell receptor-specific, unlike the others that are wholly indiscriminate. But they fucked up because their product concentrated the damage done to those tissues and organs that expressed that specific cell surface receptor. The other products were, in effect, shotgun blasts, while theirs was a sniper’s rifle.

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very exceptional educational post

Gregorio, thank you

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Have you read Sasha Latypova's post (Sept 15) on anaphylaxis being involved with these adverse effects?

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of course...

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Sasha is a giant

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I’ve heard of that. Not surprising, because all that involves the immune systems. And just as with people and bee stings and kids with peanut allergies, once sensitized, antibodies and T cells formed against the foreign proteins, an extreme, multi-system synergistic response to an allergen is going to be catastrophic. And that in two ways.

When there is a repeated viral infection after an effective adaptive immune response, the circulating antibodies and T cells will bind to the proteins of the virus at the earliest and very localized first stages of infection and, with the help of the innate immune system, knock it out. Damage caused by immune inflammatory attacks are limited.

But when people who have already had and recovered from Covid 19, most likely caught and halted before it could ever make it out of the respiratory tract, are injected with the viral mRNA product, the outcome of that is far different.

Now they have cells in multiple organ systems simultaneously synthesizing spike protein from the viral mRNA.

The first thing that happens, even before any of the spike protein makes it out of the product-compromised cells, is this: those cells, because of internal sensors, detect the presence of viral mRNA and viral protein INSIDE the cell and trigger the innate immune system to launch innate immune inflammatory attacks to kill the cells before what appears to the cell to be replicating viruses can escape and infect more cells.

When there is Covid-19 infection, this is happening almost exclusively in the respiratory tract. The outcome is local and limited.

When there is an infection of many cells throughout multiple organ systems with viral mRNA by those indiscriminate delivery vehicles, the cell transfection reagents, the outcome is system wide and huge.

But that’s only the beginning of woes, because once those spike proteins make it out of the cell from cell lysis, either via apoptosis or innate immune attack, they can be spotted in several ways:

1. By members of the innate immune system,

2. By antigen-specific antibodies, and

3. By antigen-specific T-cells.

Each of those results in cross-signaling in the immune systems to recruit agents to attack what appears to be a virus (and a single viral protein is all that’s required), to clean up viral proteins debris, and to attack cells that appear to be infected.

The way a cell can appear to be infected is to have a viral protein embedded in its plasma membrane with enough of it exposed to the extracellular fluid compartment to be detected by innate or adaptive immune system members.

If an innate immune member spots it, it can deal with it directly and/or signal for an innate immune inflammatory response.

If a specific antibody binds to it, that marks the cell as infected and needing to be killed.

If a T-cell detects it, it can kill that cell.

Normally, in a Covid-19 infection, that’s all taking place in very limited area in the respiratory tract and to very small degrees, because that’s how the immune system works, defense in depth.

A little dab will do ya.

But as an infection proceeds, the immune response will increase to counter it. If people have a compromised adaptive immune system, then it all falls to the innate immune system. And instead of deactivating antibodies being able to bind to spike proteins on intact viruses to prevent them from infecting more cells, the innate immune system response has to become amplified and the resulting innate immune inflammatory attacks become more more intense the more widespread the viral infection.

So, the inherent, unavoidable outcome of ALL the viral mRNA products is to create a situation where, to both the innate and adaptive immune systems, it appears the body has been suddenly infected throughout multiple organ systems. This results in immune responses that some would call all out of proportion (like the result of certain folks who get stung by a bee or who have a peanut allergy) but it’s NOT out of proportion at all.

It’s a response that is DIRECTLY proportional to the threat signals coming

A. From the internal sensors in MANY cells and in many different organ systems.

B. From the detection by antibodies and T cells.

C. From the very large amounts of spike protein distributed throughout the extra cellular fluid compartment and drained from there by the lymphatic system and dumped into the bloodstream through a portal near the heart and then distributed throughout the body, and detected in the bloodstream it appears as viremia to the innate immune system and really kicks up the response,

D. From the spike proteins embedding themselves in the plasma membranes of otherwise healthy cells on the extracellular fluid compartment side of things, or in the plasma membranes of the cells of the intimal lining of arteries and arterioles and veins, in either location giving the appearance of virally-compromised cells

1. Triggering more immune response to take them out or

2. Getting tagged by antibodies that also mark them for destruction.

So this vast multi-system innate immune inflammatory response to what appears to be a multisystemic viral infection can be enough to kill you.

Now think of the three systems where having the cells of the intimal lining of blood vessels at their smallest diameters suddenly displaying embedded spike proteins and recruiting innate immune inflammatory responses to kill them would h have the most sudden and deadly effects:

The capillary systems of

A. The pulmonary system,

B. The cardiac system,

C. The nervous system.

In the pulmonary system, this could look just like the anaphylaxis seen in those with peanut allergies or bee sting allergies or toxic syndrome.

But instead of being an unusually extreme response in some to what in others would be negligible, in the case of the primary mechanism of action of the viral mRNA products, it’s a response that is entirely consistent with the amount of spike proteins antigens the products have caused to be formed throughout the body and then distributed throughout the body once it gets out of the cells on either side of the circulatory system.

And they couldn’t have come up with something this bad if they’d tried to do it, something that, depending on the organ system most severely affected or the one that kills you, will be chocked down to a mysterious infection or a autoimmune attack.

Nope, the entirely predictable outcome of indiscriminately infecting the healthy cells of multiple organ systems with viral genes.

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The peanut (oil) aspect in vaccines was of particular interest to me, as each year in late August, inspecting my new student rolls, saw ever more with peanut allergies, asthma….

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That guy Fast Eddie says Sasha is a plant, a spy? But he suspects everyone and everything

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we have to get the FAA to enforce testing before pilots enter the cockpit

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mRNA LNP must be discontinued & permanently banned! Worldwide. This shit is evil. Brought about by evil doers who want to kill & maime for their own gratification and for population control. If Trump gets back in, & he & his possy continue on with mRNA production, we will know he is one of them. Period. Elon, JD, RFK,Jr, Peter Thiel, & all of those cats are themselves evil if this does not get banned & immediately shelved. Just sayin.

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this too is my approach. I trust him, I do. But we are watching. If any form of this is continued then we know it is a game. we are being played. I do not think Trump is part of the game. I saw how hard he fought behind the scenes Fauci and Birx etc.

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Please, please, Doctor Alexander do not trust anyone but Jesus: I would never think president Trump's wife is a pro-choice.

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Elon and Tucker praised the small pox and polio vaccines…..not enough historical reasoning for those two….read up Tucker. Again Sasha nails it!

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Sasha is the king

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It’s easy to determine the cause of this pilots death: Histology of the heart muscle cells. If Spikeprotein SP is the cause for inflammation you’ll see them. And you can distinguish between COV2 produced SP and mRNA induced production of SP.

Only thing is you must look for it…

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yes yes yes, super information and also D-dimer, I forgot to list that test too and you are correct, we have to look for it.

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They will probably not do an autopsy.

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exactly, will not. and this was a key demand we had.

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you are on the money DAVE. its as if there is this concerted bad crime exacted on humanity

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Anaphalaxising everyone as well….for future reactions to even food proteins? Sasha Latapova delves into the sordid history none of us are taught. The war on food now…..is really a cover for the V induced reactions…..maybe for life.

Study this. (Of course processed food is crap)

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Yes, it's all over the morning news. It is unusual and most likely related to the vaccine. We should also think about Kamala's artificial lead over Trump.

Will this make his loss more believable?


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but as you say, is the poll correct?

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Of course not Dr Alexander. But in Arizona early voting has already started . With all the focus on election interference, the cards are stacked against Trump.

If you do an election update today I'll post more info about this.

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you raise a good point.

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They use polls that are skewed to get the results they want. And they only try to make it between Trump and Whoris. They do not factor in the other candidates on the ballot. For example, in MI Jill Stein will take tens of thousands of votes from Kamabla; and the muslims in MI also refuse to vote for a woman. Trump will win MI.

And overall, Trump's actual popularity is FAR greater than Mrs Emhoff's. Nationwide Trump has over 70% of the public's support. There will always be a % of the populace that is so brainwashed they can never see the light.

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kaboom, this in itself should be a stack how you wrote it...excellent Sir.

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Seems like the Amish want Trump in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLHY1mJgf1A

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I don't know about that

last part ,Dave.

Remember the Muslims in Packastan had a female Leader for many years.

And how do we know Harris is a female 🤔


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nice post

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interesting point re Bhutto...did not think of it that way before.

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This is from the internal polling by the GOP. And many muslims in MI have said as much. Also, they are not happy with the Biden admin's support of Israel. Many may abstain from voting.

Harris is a female, ask all the johns she serviced when she was an escort. Or ask Montel Williams, he would know.

Now, some are saying she has been replaced by an actor wearing a mask. Biden may be, but I don't believe Harris is. She is too retarded to be anyone else but herself.

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hhhmmm, you dropping haymakers today

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Oh yes, the CFR has been an influence in global affairs for decades. That is one NGO, along with many others, that have worked against our sovereignty as a nation.

The difference this time is that this is not just another 4 year election. This is a do or die event for America. Too many people are awake now to the evils of the cabal, and cannot be put back to sleep. They will not be able to censor the people like they did four years ago, even though they are trying. They want to shut down X and Rumble and Truth Social altogether, but they will fail.

Trump knows this is war. The global and US deep state have attacked him from the start. The war is actually against the citizens and our freedoms. Trump is the one standing in their way.

Make no mistake, the deep state will not go down quietly, they are in a panic mode currently, knowing that Trump wins a fair and clean election. It does not seem likely that they will be able to cheat this time on a scale large enough to "win". They may have other plans to try to prevent Trump from taking office after he wins. This may include war, an orchestrated terrorist event, or a massive cyber attack that takes out the internet and communications. They will blame Russia or Iran.

There is a reason Trump plays the aria from Nessun Dorma at the end of some rallies now. "At dawn, I will win, I will win, I will win" He knows the outcome already.

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excellent post, I must reshare this:

'Make no mistake, the deep state will not go down quietly, they are in a panic mode currently, knowing that Trump wins a fair and clean election. It does not seem likely that they will be able to cheat this time on a scale large enough to "win". They may have other plans to try to prevent Trump from taking office after he wins. This may include war, an orchestrated terrorist event, or a massive cyber attack that takes out the internet and communications. They will blame Russia or Iran.'

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My neighbor is part of a team standing guard over all local drop-off ballot boxes--24 hour/day surveillance. Some of new boxes do not have security cameras.....Men only allowed on duty at night. (My own task, courtesy of Dr. Paul, is writing letters to the Evangelical churches in PA to urge congregations to get out and vote. 6 million registered Christian voters in 2020 did NOT vote.)

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Well then her Johns sure had bad tastes in women.

Much better looking hoes in LA.

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That was a ridiculously misleading poll. Thanks for linking it. The poll included a question on which was the "more fun candidate," suggesting to the individuals polled that "fun" should be a consideration in choosing a President. Results overwhelmingly said Kamala (impressed by her cackling party girl and druggie reputation?).

It's fascinating that some voters are so fickle that rather than steadfastly continuing to support their candidate when a poll appears to show he's losing, some tend to lose faith in order to identify with the majority.

(The New Republic is all in for Harris.)

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Very ture Kathleen, but we do have a lot of unsmart people in the US these days......

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NY Times is bs paper...show the illegals on street in front of Empire State Bldg that's real

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Dr. Paul, I do wish that Trump would figure out that there were different shots under the same name? The bait and switch that occurred in the militay, wasn't just in the military.

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Too many are paying the price of those horrible experimental jabs.

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It's Gates and friends, the eugenicists who hate the Lord's creation, both man and animals.

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It's a wonder the plane made it from Seattle to New York, and didn't make an emergency landing sooner. Perhaps the pilot didn't die suddenly after takeoff. That's a long flight from Seattle to Istanbul.

Of course, it's the vaxx. Imagine if both pilots became incapacitated.

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that last statement is the issue and this is being put out as a usual news story but it is not. the implications are massive and all that is needed is for the airline industry and FAA and NTSB and all authorities to demand that every single pilot be ruled out for silent myocarditis

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Why I'm not flying for couple years on

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very very good plan

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Read this to see proof the only limpwrist C*CKus is trudope the grade 2 ASSistant drama coach.

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The jab strikes again.

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11

Trump's only focus at this point is to get elected, everything else is secondary. The gloves come off the last week of January.

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Not long ago Tampon Trudeau was trying to pass legislation to limit the flights to one pilot per plane...imagine how that would have worked out!!!! Thanks for laying out the facts on heart damage sustained by the death jabs Doc.

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Nah that can't be. My kid's school are STILL offering their employees, maybe parents and kids too, I'm not sure, flu and COVID vaccinations on Oct 16th. Don't miss out. There is free food and prizes!

Hurry while supplies last!

Sign up today! PGHschools.org/getvaxxed

They wouldn't be still doing these shots if they were harmful would they??????? cough...cough...

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I am hoping that those colleges and universities, grifters par excellence, may be sued for forcing this toxin into their students. Hope some inventive, creative legal minds are working on it presently. I was writing letters of college recommendation for my high school seniors, in 2020 and 2021, and shuddering over the thought that each of "my boys" was heading toward destruction.

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You can bet the colleges and universities will be sued,may take years. The makers of baby formulas Similac n Enfamil in litigation. ALL BABIES WERE GIVEN THAT BACK IN MY DAY.

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The endowments of those schools suggests that no student should be paying to attend—-let those endowments be hit big-time. Glad to hear of “formula” makers being hit. Don’t know what your “day” was, but my mother nursed all her babies 1943-55, I nursed mine (16 mos-24 mos depending on child) 1978-87. And those babies are now mothers who only know one way to feed a baby.

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