That and unfettered access to IVR and HCQ/chloroquine.

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Remember the leaders who mysteriously died after speaking up about the vaccine safety? Africa & ? South America .

Thanks for all your tireless work, Dr P Alexander. Have a great day.

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Vitamin D is thought to be the biggest contributing factor. That, and telling Gates to f*ck off this time, with their government refusing Covid vaccines. There are reports of widespread confiscation of Ivermectin, just prior to pandemic. Citizens claimed these meds were gathered and set on fire outside cities. If this isn’t proof of Vit. D & natural immunity, what is? Gates, has used African citizens as “vaccine testers”, in the past, with horrifically deadly outcomes. This time their government said an emphatic “NO!”

Government corruption & “profit over people” aren’t new concepts in Africa, like they are for us. We will evolve & learn from this too.

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All these governments permitted and promoted illegal drugs but prohibited Ivermectin with majority’s silent approval.

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The Federal Death Administration FDA and other Centers for Death Control CDC just wanted to get the AI bioweapon into people's bodies and they used taxpayer money to buy off influencers, talking heads, and celebrities to push it on the innocent and naive people throughout the world. I bet lots of members of their families have been harmed by it. Now that they are realizing how this BS has been injected into humans to destroy their natural Godly body and natural immune system, perhaps they will help the world take out all the purveyors of death.

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There are no viruses. Period. Africa fared better because they weren’t subject to the toxic treatments and vaccines like the rest of the world. Simple as that.

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Proof, you can now STOP insulting the rest of the World, with terms, suck as: "DEVELOPING", "PEOPLE OF COLOR", "RACE", "THIRD WORLD". STOP, STOP, STOP THE ABUSE!

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A friend told me today that covid is spreading bc ppl are not taking the vaccine. Ahhhh what??!! I told her to subscribe to you Dr. Alexander on here.

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Let's assume this was all by design. What does that tell us?

My take...

The world balance of power is being reset so all continents are being placed into a condition of power / influence / wealth / population equity.

Moving forward there isn't a hegemonic leader; rather only multipolar partners.

Just my informed opinion...

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Low vax rates, low death rates, low COVID cases, combined with safe and effective treatments like HCQ and Ivermectin. Why had this been denied to us in the West? Millions of lives could have been saved.

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With friends like Big Pfarma, who needs enemies?

With friends like WHO, CDC, and NIAID who needs enemies?

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Natural immunity. Diverse Omicron ancestors existed in Africa by August 2021. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.add8737

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Anyone looking at the data and still wanting to get jabbed needs psychiatric help.

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In am going to need to play devils advocate on this one and point out that Africa has a far younger population as well as life expectancy (probably less obese people as well). Given the age stratified risk of covid, this seems an obvious contributing factor to Africa's lower mortality.

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