Not being an expert in the least, I did make it my priority to understand everything I could very early on in this plandemic. I tried and tried to explain to anyone that would even give a hint of listening what you just wrote. It was simple, we've done this with every respiratory virus for generations, and it always worked.

But the hypnosis was too strong to overcome, at least for those glued to major media. You could see the Stockholm Syndrome for Fauci take hold, it was unreal how fast people became credulous with anything covid. It became clear there were two realities developing

It will now be interesting to see how fast or slow the same people grapple with the real reality. We can watch as their cognitive dissonance takes over and the anguish they will experience over being wrong. Will they even admit as much, or will they find some excuse to justify their decisions?

I think soon the data cannot be covered over any longer. Insurance companies alone are regulated and they must report the numbers, they may even need a bale out since their actuary tables are now trashed as young people die. This is far from over.

Phil Davis

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And unfortunately, realities will start to surface only when more and more people will start getting sick or hurt down the road.

Meanwhile, I take my time to observe everything.

It is interesting to see how none of my medical background colleagues are not getting sick, no side effects, nothing to worry them while they keep taking one booster after another.

And they are vaccinating their kids again and again.

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Thatś pretty horrifying.

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And look at these super-wealthy people. All triple vaccinated to attend a super expensive event.

How is it that all Of them are healthy enough to join events that affect the lives of all of us?


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I;m sorry, I don believe any of the bigwigs got the real injection. That is only for the lower level cadres. I doubt Bill Gates got the shot, I doubt Soros did, I doubt any of the WEF upper echelon have. They are just not that stupid. They knew that China changed the genetic sequence, and that the spike protein in the shots was not based on this genetic sequence.

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I agree - I have a hard time believing anything those "shady people up to no good" say. They have proven they are not to be trusted- so why trust if they say they had the shot? They want you to believe that....just more lies as I see it. I keep finding myself shaking my head when one of them are commented about as having the shot or booster also, or they claim to have had it. Yeah, right. They are acting, as I see it. Trust has to be earned. They have not earned mine.

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LIKE! Thank God you said this. I was beginning to think I was really over the line in not believing, Bill Gates saying he had mild covid symptoms thank god he was vaccinated....Iḿ going YOU EFFING LIAR YOU DIDNT EVEN HAVE YOUR CHILDREN VACCINATED FOR THE USUAL CHILDHOOD DISEASES.......I want everyoneś PEE tested....I KNOW FAUCI was taking HCQ, then he switched to IVM ....Pelos, Biden, et al...NONE OF THEM took the actual gene therapy...if they did it on TV it was SALINE.

Sorry to yell, but I get so damn angry at the bald faced lies to our faces....look at the Duperś Delight on their faces...they cannot hide it.

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Ditto! There was a recent article on all the fake vax cards found among doctors. So yeah, it is areal thing.

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Which of course would easily explain why so many "vaxxed" celebrities, politicians, and so on keep contracting COVID, sometimes multiple times. They got the "safe" injections (saline), not the "effective" ones (mRNA, severe adverse events including death). There is no such thing as both, the evidence shows, from these stats around the world.

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I keep watching at a distance with such incidents. If they truly get COVID w/o the jab, then they would have the best immunity and not get it again...unless relying on the PCR tests and not having true symptoms or covid- and the tests being wrong.... So it all could be acting or we have some who took the bait and are like "pawns" or ignorant...,.Not sure how to judge this yet. Still reading what the true scientists are reporting and watching from a distance, but I sure do not trust those in the media! I just find it so weird that those who say they have covid (in the media) or have it again...keep saying "get vaccinated!". INSANITY! To either really believe that or or think we are that stupid to take that advice if we believe they had it again....Lots to keep in mind. Can get confusing- I think some of those involved are counting on that confusion. We need to keep our heads clear!

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From what I've seen recently, they will admit nothing and blame something/one else. It is an obvious personality trait but without mentioning a specific group, just observe how the WH and anyone from the admin answer questions.

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Phil, this isn't some new thing.

Total cock ups like this are an integral part of Capitalism.

I mean, go back a bit...

Was the 'Domino theory ' real... ? Was Marxism really a threat? Did the USA win the War in Vietnam?

What about drugs: did the 'War on drugs' work...? Or just put loads of black kids in jail?

Terrorism: How about the 'War on Terror'? Looked like a flop to me, too...

So, don't get excited about Covid, it has one key advantage, in that it stops the SuperPowers getting into a nuclear confrontation......

er, maybe not!!!

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If only some smart scientist would warn the WHO about vaccinating during a pandemic with non-sterilizing vaccines 😕

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Lol, if only some smart scientists with previous vaccine experience could have warned them.

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They did. This is a Plandemic, intentionally designed and carried out to cause the damage it does. I would venture a thought that the plandemic is not successful enough as not enough people actually died.

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This ain’t over by a county mile

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Yes, agreed, If it was a Plandemic, then it was a total flop.

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One did loud and clear: Prof. Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize laureate, in March 2020 when health officials started talking about vaccination. “Jamais, au grand jamais on vaccine pendant une pandémie. Vous feriez que générer des variants de plus en plus résistants au vaccin.”


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#VAIDS, #ADE, #NEGATIVEEFFICACY. Courtesy of the safe and effective jabs. As Yoda would say, “So screwed, they are”.

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They will never admit it's due to their vacc being "leaky". They'll keep promoting the boosters until someone finally speaks out. Which is doubtfull... Also, I'm just not ok with vaxxinating the elderly. Just give them proper medication at the onset of symtoms. Why should we give the elderly those clot shots? They cause irrepairable damage, are toxic for every age group, they leave the immune system down. Please stop these jabbs for EVERYBODY!!!

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Geert Vanden Bossche, Peter McCullough, Steve Kirsch, EVERYONE on substack has spoken out about the folly of using leaky vaccines in a pandemic. MAREKś DISEASE was not a one off. It will end up smacking them in the face. I agree they will blame everyone and everything except those responsible.

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Except those who promulgated it. They knew. This is any way you look at it a bioweapon event, and a planned culling of the great unwashed.

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Then they failed. Utterly.

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Not really. Deaths among the millenials world-wide are up over 40%...a one in 400 year blip. These are people dying from non-covid...like heart attacks, embolism,s, or cancer. We arent noticing because it is very well done....but the insurance companies sure know.

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I think it was designed to be this way...keep it manageable. The funeral homes are doing a landmark business though.

Dont you remember the constant ambulance sirens last spring? Like April, May June? I do. I dont read the papers, but there are an awful lot of ¨Died suddenly¨ in the obituaries....

And the other thing we dont notice...after every Covid case rise/spike...the case rate does NOT go back to zero...just stays stable at a much higher rate than before, until the next ¨Blip¨

Jus saying....Prove me wrong.

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Deaths in 2022 in my part of the world are pretty low/normal.

There are no mass graves in Scotland, anyway.

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Here'is what I think you should see :https://youtu.be/dBXlcYK0WtA

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Looking at the statistics so far: the vaccine is not really making much impact either way on either survival or deaths: I think we need to be ultra wary of the doom-sayers on both sides.

Broadl speaking, the sneaky little old virus has probably outwitted us all by morphing into a very mild flu: and looking back, this is exactly what people like Ivor Cummings have been saying from day one.

It was always a weak bug, and it has gotten a lot weaker..

I mean I've had it, and it is risible...

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A couple of salient points seriously missed here: Sweden did not do the lockdowns and mandates and has fared well. But even more significant are the African nations which had virtually no deaths and no vaccines! What they did have was years of experience and access to hydroxychloroquin and ivermectin which they continue to use for malaria and other tropical diseases. Horrors that the white supremacist north would learn from people of color on poorer nations!!!!

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Not true.

I am a regular visitor to Ghana, and I never met a single person who was taking either of these drugs.

Rather, they enjoy a healthy outdoor lifestyle , eat a healthy diet, and are incredibly young by compariso with us.

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While a healthy lifestyle contributes to good health, what you say does not contradict my comment. I did not say that everyone was on these drugs daily which seems implied in your comment. And Ghana is only one country in a huge continent of many countries. The drugs mentioned are regularly used throughout Africa for other illnesses, like malaria as noted.

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Most africans can neither afford, nor need them. The idea that so many africans are taking them routinely to make any difference in Covid rates is quite preposterous. Evidence, please!

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Do not put words in my mouth. Actually there was a report on world cases and Uganda had the lowest incidence of Covid in the world. I read too many things to remember off the top exactly where I read but you can research the information yourself.

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So, you read somewhere that lots of Ugandans were taking them..?

Can you cite chapter and verse, please?

I mean, to make a noticeable difference, there would need to be at least 50% of elderly Ugandans taking these drugs on a daily basis... that is unrealistic.

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Do not twist my words or make them up. This is not a useful conversation--I am done!

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Sunshine. Vitamin D.

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Yes, very possibly. But also a far younger age profile.

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And they will remain in a closed-loop logic forever blaming the wrong things - and people (unvaccinated). The nightmare is just beginning. They're in too deep to admit they created a catastrophe. Assuming they even realize it.

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I think the nightmare is well over: with or without these useless vaccines: bad bugs just morph to get weaker, and people get Abs the more exposure they get: that is what they do.

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Not until the travel bans and mandates end here in Canada it ain't. The leaders of the Liberal and NDP parties are STILL talking about mandatory vaccination and passports.

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So if you got vaccinated (because of pressure) and also got Omicron…should you expect to get any and all of the new variants? Should we stay stocked up on ivermectin?

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GVB just said recently for the jabbed to take Ivermectin prophylactically to ward off a possible super variant coming along due to massive jabbing!!!

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Who is GVB? I plan to take it prophylactically when the next variant comes along. But in CA it’s hard to get and my Dr doesn’t believe in it. So I do have a stash and I guess will have to keep buying it from physicians who will prescribe it. Those of us who “had” to get jabbed are screwed.

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Geert Vanden Bossche. TN passed a bill to sell over the counter but not selling yet. Another state did also.

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I think ID?

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Geert Vanden Bossche. Vaccine expert Heś been screaming it from the rooftops about the folly of vaccinating into a pandemic - he wrote a pubic letter to the WHO, etc. https://www.geertvandenbossche.org/

He is not the only one who knows this....most virologist and Immunologists and many other scientists know....its been known for years you just encourage variants....he was just the one brave enough to risk his career to state it publicly.

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I think Geert Vanden Bossche is down the rabbit hole: he needs therapy.

His doom and gloom predictions are not coming true: but I'll give him some credit for taking that stance: broadly speaking however I see him as a theoretical physician and far too extreme.

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Well, I hope you are right and I am wrong. Id love to be wrong, Id love if GVB was wrong....but it took a few 20 years to realize what happened to the chickens....

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I'm fed up with apocalyptic predictions from both sides of this argument: frankly this is not a black and white situation, it is more like fifty shades of grey, and I don't think it helps those of us on the skeptical end of the discussion to be to closely associated with extremists/pessimists/theorists like him.

Vaccines are a bit risky for some people, and unlikely to help much, but the loony-toon idea that this is some kind of deliberate planned effort to kill billions of people is clearly nonsense and should be discounted as a deranged fantasy.

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So simple. What doesn’t kill it makes it stronger.

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Hey, if we both end up wiped out by this whole thing....I'll see you on the other side my friend. I do believe there is some continuation. That's me....

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"The World Economic Forum is to a Global Pandemic what Putin is to Military Strategy" ...

Discuss ... with reference to casualty rates ...

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Dr. Alexander. I've been reading your material for a while and I hope you occasionally review the comments. I would love to have you as a guest on my radio program as you are one of the few in this world with some common sense. Contact information and website are at my substack listing. Thank you for your consideration. Blessings on your work!

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I'll play the devils advocate here: China and Japan have both had a good Pandemic, and so has Australia, but probably all for very different reasons.

Broadly speaking , very old and sick people will die whatever we do, of something or other, sooner or later, and actually it doesn't matter very much what they die of, of even how they die, unless you are some kind of target-setting public health management freak.

I'd give this whole disaster another two ot three to run befores coming to any world-shattering conclusions.

I mean, yes, Zero-Covid doesn't work, and neither do vaccines or lockdowns, but I'm not that convinced about Ivermectin either, tbh.

My own instinct was always to take the hit and not to do anything at all.

Zero reaction...

I mean I've had Covid, many people I know have had Covid, and yet I don't know anyone who has died of Covid.

Funny that.

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Dr. Alexander, what are your thoughts about how the unvaccinated but naturally immune (as in recovered from prior infection(s)) will fare with future variants? If a more lethal variant emerges, it doesn’t sound like that group will be any better off, except of course they won’t have the downside risk of the vaccines, but they will be susceptible to infection and basically natural immunity won’t apply. Is that right?

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Geert Vanden Bossche said to take IVM prophylactically if jabbed. However, unjabbed can take too for extra precaution is my thought. He felt the unjabbed had enough immunity to weather through it.

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BA.5 is running amok there, the dominant variant now, as most of the transfected lack any immunity to it.

Epidemiological update: SARS-CoV-2 Omicron sub-lineages BA.4 and BA.5


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May 25, 2022Edited
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really good find!

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