BIG NEWS! Jack Smith's appointment ruled illegal; documents case against Trump DISMISSED


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"The Special Counsel’s office has spent tens of millions of dollars since November 2022, all drawn unconstitutionally from the Indefinite Appropriation,” Cannon wrote.

"Smith also is the prosecutor in the second federal case against Trump for challenging the results of the 2020 election, meaning that Cannon’s ruling is likely to reverberate in the courts as Trump’s lawyers could seek to have the DC case tossed while pointing to Cannon’s decision."

Deranged Jack Smith, Biden and Garland were not wilfully blind. They're all lawyers. They all had to know that Deranged Jack was illegally appointed.

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Fantastic news! Yay finally some good news!

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Yes! Although Judge Cannon stated her ruling does not directly impact the second lawfare case led by Jack Smith, it seems to me his authority is entirely undermined by this ruling and the J6 case against Trump will also have to be dismissed.

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“ARREST DERANGED JACK SMITH. HE IS A CRIMINAL!” - President DJ Trump on Truth Social

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I just love Donald Trump.

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Every decent, fair-minded person loves Donald Trump!

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We couldn't walk in the mall without a mask and security telling us to pull it up on your nose, but a guy can climb the roof with a rifle a few hundred feet from the president. People warning security for almost a minute someone is on the roof, and nothing happened. The sniper already aiming, waiting for the shooter to shoot first, then he takes him out. INSIDE JOB FOR SURE.

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Excellent point about mask enforcement contrasting with waiting to see what a sniper aimed at President Trump will do.

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Amazing how this happened and the silver lining here is that it’s all documented, lots of witnesses.

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Very excellent point—really puts things in perspective.

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Now Nassau County, Long Is is banning mask wearing in public places $1000 fine.Wow

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Very interesting.

I recall NYS Governor Kathy Hochul wanting to ban masks on subways for the specific purpose of being able to identify anyone committing a crime classified as "antisemitism."

From her record, Hochul doesn't seem to object to crimes committed with any other motive.

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I believe the SS is comprised and the head of that organization is a dipshit, she's more worried about DEI and hiring incompetent women. As for all the speeches from the left about how they're praying for Trump, I say STFU you liars, you all hate him and wish him dead.

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"DON'T MISS NEXT TIME" - posted on Facebook after the failed assassinationattempt by Liz CHENEYs and Adam KINZINGER's J6 Committee Chair Bennie Thompson's Staffer Jacqueline Marsaw

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At least they show us who they are, demonic.

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She got shitcanned. But only because people noticed.

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Wow. Inhuman and despicable. Saw her picture. Not surprised.

In contrast, lovely Amber Rose (fair-skinned black girl) gave a brief but beautiful speech highly supportive of President Trump at last night's televised RNC Convention. Camera on Trump showed he was very moved by her sweet words.

She told how the media's lies led her to believe Trump was a racist until she did her own research and met him.

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Yes, lovely girl, Amber Rose. Quite a contrast to Jacqueline Marsaw. Did you hear of the big uproar down in Australia about a visiting US entertainer saying much the same thing as Marsaw? Tour dates have been cancelled amid calls for deportation of the entertainer.

Donald Trump assassination attempt at rally live updates: Tenacious D scraps remaining Aussie tour dates after uproar over vile Trump joke

Jack Black and Tenacious D have cancelled their remaining tour dates amid the furore over his bandmate’s “evil” joke about Donald Trump.


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Thank you for the information-packed link. It contains so much important reporting. Truly shocking to know there exist such people incapable of empathy and entirely lacking in the self-awareness to hide it. Fortunately for others they reveal themselves.

Proud of Australians for expressing outrage at the cold-hearted ignorance.

I had not seen anything about the bandmate of Tenacious D. Never heard of him before. Wrongly assumed him to be a rapper by his stage name.

I could spend 15 minutes commenting on all the issues raised by the report you sent.

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I'd not heard of him either. It's not working out well for him:

Tenacious D star Kyle Gass dropped by talent agency after comments on Trump assassination attempt


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It was worse than I realized. He made those remarks ON STAGE before a large audience!

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Yes! Its soooo fake.

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We want answers NOW!! How and why this happened. FBI investigating?? Can’t get into the guys phone 😆 They are experts at spying on Americans. All nonsense!!

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How can you say that about the Dems investigating after their stirling work on the Russia Russia Russis collusion hoax, after them bringing the truth about Hunter's laptop to the awareness of the public during the 2020 campaign, and after their raid on Mar-a-Lago?

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Hedge of protection over you as you travel for the convention & at the convention.

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mary - folks we have a spammer/scammer here!

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The assassination attempt is quite similar to the CV-19 vax. The spiked protein depletes the immune system weakening your defense against disease. At the same time they seed you with SV40, a very aggressive form of cancer. With Trump, they demonized him in the media. Then, they reduced his Secret Service protection making him susceptible to assassination. That's the World Economic Forum for ya. They manipulate the environment to induce murder.

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That's a very apt analogy. They demonised him with lawfare including the unconstitutional appointment of Smith and by using corrupt judges like Merchan and Engoron and Chutkan so that shooterss can think they are serving the justASS system.

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I still think the real hitter got away. What kind of idiot would have bomb parts in his car,then do a suicide hit,without making and planting the bomb first ?

The whole thing stinks to high heaven.

As for Trump, if he reconcilies with the left,what good is he?

We need.a clearly different leader than we have now..

Remember what I asked you last night,Dr Alexander?

If Trump changes his song, will you stand by him?

You could easily start your own movement.

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I have confidence Trump will know exactly what to do.

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Who stood to benefit most? If the hit, right before the convention, had succeeded then Zelensky puppet Nikki Haley would be the nominee.

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And all the RINOs and Dems with their fingers in the Ukraine money laundry would be pleased.

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Yes Darkstar. The reason I am not going near this is one simple reason, everyone has their own theory. The only thing I could say is this, “why wasn’t every building rooftop maned”?

I’ll leave it at that.

On a side note, what’s happening with the “Baltimore Bridge Fiasco”? Or the “Texas Train derailment”? Or any other major issues which all seem to happen after Biden slips up and says something about something happening before it happens?

Great points Darkstar. The devil you know isn’t always who you think he is. Way too many questions!


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Just remember the lies from the left have already started, why are we to blame? We are not, this was Biden and administration putting a bullseye on you! Really, talk about blatant threats made by most of left wingers, PELOSI, waters, Clyburn, all these from January 6, riots campaign to imprison the innocent while the Pelosi’s, browsers, Epps, all those that set up ANTIFA TO DRESS LIKE TRUMPERS! Those ass holes, that email was completely overlooked and faded away quickly! That was pelosi and the demoncrats in on the whole plan! They are all walking free, police that killed innocent unarmed vet not held accountable instead promoted. So many evil things done over and over by this party and I would not tone down anything. They do not want the blame pointed out, well gee, point away TRUMP! WE THE PEOPLE STAND WITH YOU.

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On this, I have to slightly disagree with you, DR. Paul Alexander, and here is why:

At this specific point in time, we need to be careful, NO NOT FEARFUL, *CAREFUL* and here is, specifically, why:

> They are watching every word from Trump and have Useful Fools in the waiting, to stage them to do something seriously stupid .. and thus they will indeed BLAME TRUMP!

> The Bible says: Matt. 10:16 - Matt 10:16 ... Therefore be *wise as serpents* and harmless as doves.


Wisdom as Serpents

Wisdom, on the other hand, is often linked with prudence, discernment, and strategic thinking. As serpents, we are called to be shrewd, aware of our surroundings, and cautious in our actions. This quality is crucial in navigating complex situations, avoiding pitfalls, and making informed decisions. Wisdom is a vital aspect of Christian living, as it enables us to make wise choices and avoid harm.

We need more WISDOM and A LOT MORE OF IT!

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I agree. This situation is very volatile. It needs to be handled with great care and I pray that cooler heads prevail. I pray for Trump, for his safety and that of his family and for the wisdom and discernment of the leadership of this nation. We need investigations and justice, yes, but it must be measured, impartial and in keeping with our Constitution. The last thing this country needs is mob violence, vigilante justice, martial law and/ or a civil war. This is a time for prayer, repentance, fasting and calling on God to lead the way.

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Outstanding messaging Dr. Alexander. You carry the MAGA banner for all of us.

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I look at MR Peratore’s photo with his 2 beautiful girls and i want to reach out “ AND TOUCH SOMEBODY -Here is an update for our folks- As best as can be determined the “lead person for the SS waited for 3 minutes while the SS sniper had that fucking twisted nerd Cooks in his sight

and with held the order to fire- This is not customary or usual according to protocol- There will be an investigation and as well there is some information that there was a drone being operated by The Trump team that went out of commission one minute before the shooting -- we need to confirm these allegations - because if so --all i can say if they shit their britches over a mild Jan 6-- what i think will happen is these mother fuckers will not be needing their gov credit cards beyond “ tomorrow"

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Supporters meant to be massacred as well hence the home made bomb!! Yes they hate the supporters EQUALLY!

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Trump needs to call a VP that will know how to stop the spread of corruption. No wimp. A real fighter. General Michael Flynn?

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It is important that Trump does not make any statements that would look bad in the context of the [DS] arranging a similar event against Biden to muddy the waters. Otherwise, agree.

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