To me, of course it’s a demonstration of regret! I wish more people would do the same. Then there might be a chance to save humanity, from a future of chemically induced slavery.

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I feel same, this was a great admission...question is whats next from Thiel? Is he helping down this demon?

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Regret is a powerful starting point, but it must translate into action to have meaning. Peter Thiel’s admission is significant, but the true measure of his impact will be in whether he leverages his immense influence and resources to dismantle the systems enabling the very future he seems to fear. If he recognizes the creeping threat of ‘chemically induced slavery’—a future where human autonomy is subjugated by technology, pharmaceuticals, and corporate greed—then the question is clear: what tangible steps will he take to fight it?

Will he challenge the industries he helped build, expose their moral and ethical failures, and redirect his wealth toward preserving freedom and humanity? Or will his regret become another hollow confession in the echo chamber of public discourse? Time will tell if Thiel becomes a revolutionary force for good or just another player offering lip service while the machine rolls on. This isn’t just about Thiel—it’s a call to all those with power to choose sides in the battle for humanity’s soul.

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Isn't it interesting that nnone told Thiel not to take it? No memo for the inner elite? The vaccine gang fucked over top many billionaires. That is quite interesting.

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very interesting indeed, great point

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He got the memo, it’s priming, I think they will use fear of that next. That is fucking scary!

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That's if he really took the jab. There is so much fuckery going on it's difficult if not impossible to know for sure whose on what side and after all isn't that exactly what the owners want?

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oh but Peter doesn’t it reduce symptoms and hospitalizations? I’ll show you the data but….wait….what….there is no data? oh….nevermind.

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thank you for this seminal post

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People like Thiel know how to play the markets and invent new internet platforms (paypal) and make themselves super rich but apparently have no common sense, especially when this covid lie was dropped on the world. They were too busy buying and selling stocks to notice that something SMELLED to high heaven about the covid, starting with the PCR test that had to be jammed up one's nose. That should've been a huge red flag when most know an oral swab would have been enough. I'm no psychic but my OWN instincts told me the PCR tests were shady and there was some other more dark purpose to them.

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boom, excellent contribution, well informed

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And the fact they told us all it was EXPERIMENTAL. A new technology never before given to any living being. Plus the fake PCR test they use for diagnosing this & every other “virus”. Big smart billionaires don’t have discernment with this scam? And they call us the useful idiots? The dumb deplorables? The morons? Really? Who’s the moron? Apparently, Theil, Elon, Trump, & many others say they took the covid jabs. Even Maloney Baloney himself. So they say. Frankly, hard to believe, but if they did, good. We could use a few less billionaires in the world. I hope all the world’s billionaires took it. Go get another one Theil! Take your buddies with you!!!

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You nailed it Denise. Makes one wonder if these billionaire geniuses know how to cross a street without the stick man image telling them its OK. Makes me glad that I'm not a billionaire possible.

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Plus never before have they tried so hard to get people to take a vaccine. That had red flag written all over it.

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This could be excellent news. Peter Thiel is on the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group and patron of Vice President Vance. He probably has President Trump's ear. One of the richest men in the world and owner of Palantir. Maybe the vaxxx will be exposed? - Lloyd Miller

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I dont think this podcast is real, it doesnt sound like Peter IMO.

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It's probably AI. Made to fool stupid people into thinking Trump's actually going to do something good. Just more gullible stupidity.

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The US, unique among countries, gave the world "the RINO," of which Thiel is a prime example. Perhaps he, and other RINOS, should focus less on Kiev and on getting their asses f*cked and more onwhether or not good data exist to justify the medical recommendations they push on others.

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They know the "real data" which is why they were exempted.

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Thiel's comment elicited a "Duuuhhhhh" and a shrug from me. I mean, anyone with a working brain not living under a rock FULLY knows that these "vaccines" are NOT effective at all!!

More interestingly is what Thiel did NOT say, namely, he mentions NOTHING about the vast body of evidence regarding the dangers and lethality of the jabs. If, as Thiel claims (I do NOT believe him!), he was jabbed 3 times with the *real* stuff, then he's most likely in 'panic mode' and has spent boatloads of money to 'de-toxify' himself. He aims to live forever, you know.

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Seems extremely far fetched that Thiel took ANY jabs. Something smells really off with that.

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He got the memo, it’s priming, I think they will use fear of that next. That is fucking scary!

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I remember Dr. Zelenko saying his friend and Dr. who treated all the Google top executives, and he said NONE of them took it. I mean what else does one need, the company/engine that gathers all the information in the entire world and they wouldn't take it . What, i remember reporting this to my Facebook account - i was thinking the first hundred reason for not taking had not worked for so many, surely this would do it , but they kept going and arguing with me , but i do think my efforts which were relentless did save some

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I don't believe anyone that is involved with mrna/bio rx took them. Like Malone took them too right👌 This is a pre-scripted game to them.

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Hey Doc, I see it all the time...fools rush in...like the line ups again down the block long for fools to get jabbed again and again and again...

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But we need to take into account the reality that people have trusted their doctors forever. and it is hard to "untrust" them, My salvation was that I had medical expert virologists who told me the truth of the matter but I still have one I am close to who swears the jab is the way to go. We have decided to not talk about or argue about it. There are trusting people though who are deceived but I think had they had the opportunities to speak to the same three I did that they might well have made the same decision as I did to decline the jab.

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But i would be surprised if Thiel actually took any covid vaccine, personally i don't think so - i give it less than 1% chance

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Less than zero chance, he knew!

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I cant confirm currently, the last time I listened to Peter Thiel was years ago.

To me the voice in the "podcast" is too fluid, relaxed, high-pitched, with some specific nuances missing. Just for example "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlkkAKzkXQM" as comparison. He always talked with pauses etc.

Maybe there are other sources which can confirm the source, or maybe you can spot the difference.

EDIT: I just relistened to the small part of the podcast. It doesnt sound like Peter at all.

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It's probably AI.

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if only 🤞

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Dr. Paul, your assuming he really took the jab. There was significant push back on Theil being a WEF stooge, this could very well be a way to make it look like he's on team humanity. There is so much fuckery going on it's difficult if not impossible to know for sure whose on what side and after all isn't that exactly what the owners want?

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The vaccine's a personal choice. Why are people even talking about it? When I think back to what I put into my body during the 80's, it makes me laugh at everyone who thinks vaccines are a bad thing because they were made by scientists. I shot junk, MDA, Speed, and dropped acid on a regular basis for almost three years. Do you think I'm going to think twice about it if my wife says, "Hey, I'm immune compromised, and I want to get the jab, just in case. You should, too." Well, I got three jabs. She still got Covid, but having the vaccine may have been what saved her. Who am I to question it? Having grown up in the tail end of the Polio scare, and having been jabbed for Smallpox as a child, I don't question science. Call me a sheep, I don't care. Call me a slave to science. People these days are doing drugs laced with fentanyl -- it's in the cocaine, and even the pot gets dipped in it. I'm 66 and just don't give a rat's ass as to whether someone wants to get the jab or not. My own kids didn't take it for the very reasons you cite. I just don't care. It's not that big of a deal to ME.

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Ya don't get it. This was a global depopulation program which utilized false advertising and propaganda on an unprecedented scale. Do some reading my man!

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No he doesn't. At all. :/

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I don’t think it’s depop, all the censorship points to nanotechnology. Theil got the memo, it’s priming, I think they will use fear of the injection next. That is fucking scary!

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It's only a 'personal choice' if the individual considering taking a covid injection has been provided with fully disclosed facts regarding safety and effectiveness upon which to base their freely-given consent. THAT NEVER HAPPENED.

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I DON’T live in America!

Once again, if you lived with a person who was immune compromised, and every time that person got a cold, she would be sick in bed for 3-4 days, and they said there was a vaccine that “might” save that person from the Corona Virus…what would you do? There were no side effects at first, and then, all of a sudden, they said 0.001% might have adverse effects. Out of a population of BILLIONS? So I took the jab so I wouldn’t infect her. And she took the jab on the understanding that if she got it, it might fight it off. And it did. Where is the issue? Where is the problem here? Are you telling me, that I should have let her die? Are you saying, that we shouldn’t have gotten the jab, and taken our chances that she’d survive without it? How many people do you personally know that died of covid, as compared to those who died of the shot?

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OMG - knock off the pHARMa defense drama. You took a bi0weap0n, with no questioning, research, or regard for what was in it, did zero due diligence, and listened to pathological liars in the media, g0vt, and death-for-profit/white-coat complex to make your decision; and now you want accolades for it. Sit down. No one's interested in your half-assed reasons why you did it. You're happy about it and that should be enough for you. Geez.

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You must gain an understanding that all big pharma companies LIE about their data. They consistently manipulate the data to get approval of their products. They were all over tv COERCING us with gifts if we would just go get the shots. They purged part of the VAERS data to try & scrub some of the deaths from the vaccine. They tried to get 75 years, in the court system, to reveal the ingredients & are still trying to stonewall on this. It’s been proven now there is significant contamination of DNA fragments in these jabs. In addition to SB40, which is a cancerous cell line used in all vaccines! There is polysorbate 80, which allows the poisons to cross your blood brain barrier. That barrier is there for a very good reason. We now have medical terms we never had before. Like Turbo Cancer, & Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. They changed the definition of what a Pandemic is & what a vaccine is on the CDC website. They pay doctors to sell vaccines & hospitals got paid well over $100,000 for your covid death after killing you with Medazolam, Remdesivir, ventilators, & physical neglect. They terrified people in the hospitals & forced thousands to die all alone, with zero help! In the hospitals! You trust them? You trust what the CDC, FDA, & local docs are telling you? Without any questions? They lie to you. They’re lying to us all. That’s the point. The covid jab primes you with the antibodies, then the second jab gives you the antigen, which, when combined, causes blood clots. Antibodies & antigens stick together, causing blood clots. Research what coroners are pulling out of bodies during autopsies or prep for embalming. Research the doctors and scientists on Substack talking about this. They have been censored from mainstream media. Why? Because they tell the truth, & the powers that be don’t want that. Lots of nefarious games being played. Lots & lots of red flags here. You should question everything! If you’re so concerned about living & keeping loved ones alive. Then you should be very concerned and question everything. The immune systems of everyone who took the covid shots is destroyed. Vaccines do not boost your immune system. They destroy it. No vaccine has ever gone through a double blind placebo test like every other drug on the market. They have blanket immunity from liability if you are injured or killed by a vaccine. The list of nefarious data on this is endless. The harms far outweigh any good. There is no good with these jabs. They know millions of people think the way you do. They know millions of people will get vaccinated without questioning, and they took advantage of this. You, sir, got played. Sorry about that, but it is what it is. Don’t allow yourself to be manipulated into believing the medical profession cares about your health. You’re are a paycheck to them. Nothing more, nothing less. They could care less about your health & well being. Docs will look you in the eye and lie to your face for profits. They will inject tiny babies with this shit. They don’t care about you or me. You have to question everything they tell you. Put em in the hot seat. Don’t go along with everything they say or recommend. That is a very dangerous thing to do. Never just go along to get along. They counted on us doing that. And so many did. Millions have died, & many millions more are permanently maimed by the covid shots. The shots did not reduce covid symptoms. If the symptoms were less than expected, it wasn’t because of the covid shots. That is another lie told by the propaganda machine called a tv. Best to turn that off. Have a good day.

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Even Pfiser admits now the vaxxx didn't prevent infection nor stop transmission. They claim it makes covid less deadly, but have no data.

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I understand about your question: what would you do? My siblings had CF and that was the question for 40 years. There is a football coach whose son had CF. He said that he knew more about CF than any football play. America had more ways of treating the infections than Canada. Once our Canadian doctor used an antibiotic that was used in USA. It helped the recovery from the infection. Tha doctor got his hands slapped and told never to use it again. Our system in Canada is that you get what you get! So Canada continued trying to help CF kids however they could namely transplants. We do not really have activism like in the USA. Recently there was a drug that came out that would help all types of CF. Canada managed to get the drugs in one province at a time. My province was the last to get it. The north got it before Manitoba. Now for your last question… 1 person I knew died from COVID. He died in Philly…ie went back to USA a number of years ago. Zero people in my life died of COVID. I know many people in Manitoba, throughout Canada and throughout Europe. I spent 24 hours a day sometime translating the Eastern European languages to find out what was happening with them. My Bubbie’s son used to be the health minister of our province. So I followed him. Now how many died of the vaccine…so many. As of 2 days ago…an elderly friend was in hospital and almost died of COVID. In her gut. First thing she said was: I haven’t been around anyone to catch COVID. You would probably say to me that I am making an assumption by saying that it was the vaccine. However, my first consideration is not a guess. The vaccine is evident in all parts of the body and can even pass the brain barrier. Furthermore, my friends who died of the vaccine were very healthy. Two neighbors on my quiet street, a bay, just dropped dead.

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And Elon Musk thinks Americans are retarded!!! For someone who doesn't live in the USl, you sure sound like you do. Canada is in the global top 10 for mean IQ. the US is rank number 31. And yet you just raced out and got yourself injected, just like 81% of Americans? So, yeah, you're a sheep.

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Part of the point is that many were forced to take the jab(s) or lose their job, etc .... so that the "choice" part was ignored.

And in case you haven't caught on, many have been harmed or killed by them. It's a huge deal to many

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And I did understand that, and I am aware of it. But I live in Canada. Not as Draconian. It was mandated at a time, and people did lose their jobs...but, are you willing to lose your job over it? Did you refuse to take the shot? I didn't feel like I was being forced. I was given a choice -- there was always a choice. But my country wasn't being led by a moron who asked if we could clean our bodies out by injecting bleach. Each province has its own health minister, and ours worked on the SARS outbreak in Toronto several years before that. No one said anything against the vaccine they found for that, or the amount of time it took. They used that vaccine as the basis for the other vaccines, which is why they came out with one so quickly; they already had it half solved. The health ministers talked among themselves up here, and shared information -- so did the Gov't. They didn't want to mandate masks unless they had to. I worked the entire time, because the Gov't felt that the timber industry was an essential service needed to help keep the economy running.

Different country, and different governments. The way it was untreated down there, forced us to close the border. It caused nothing but havoc, and mayhem. The one thing people failed to understand is that the last time they had a Corona virus with this much potential, was after the First World War. The world Gov'ts failed to act properly then, and they feared that if they didn't act quickly this time, it would be catastrophic. So they overreacted. But back then, in 1920, people refused to separate and wear masks as well, and they had a parade in Philly; the results were horrendous. People were predicting a possible 4-6% death rate as a result -- just like there was with the Spanish Flu (which wasn't a "flu" but one of the first Corona viruses.) They were lucky they only had 2%. So did it work? Only 2% dead as opposed to the 4-6% they predicted? I don't know. I took the jab.

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Appreciate your efforts to reply.

However, but do you not realize that what we've just been thru was the effort to inject a bioweapon into as many arms worldwide as possible? It's not tin foil hat. There is research upon research that is showing the deleterious effects ......

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Are you for real???? You say Canada wasn't being led by a moron????

I just can't stop laughing. You really are a dumb sheep. Trudeau is the biggest MORON who ever made it into Ottawa. He's worse than his father (?), who I remember very well. I grew up in Canada, and no way do I agree with you. I'm from a small town in Northern Ontario, and we were WAY smarter than you are. I actually pity you.

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Sorry…I have personal history about 1919-20 including deaths. Actually I reviewed what happened in Winnipeg ( ie newspaper articles) with the masks. People were attacking the ones who were not wearing their mask. Then many moons later it was explained why these masks didn’t work. The new situation COVID 19 could have reflected on the past, but they didn’t. As for different governments I would say that was the reason that the CF drug did not come to Manitoba earlier. The Biden government and the Trudeau governments do things the same way. Are you forgetting the Truckers? As for the civic government, ours used pizza to get its people vaccinated. Our virology lab had a lot to do with COVID, here…and Back in 1919 most of Winnipeg’s non British population lived in awful conditions with typhus ruling.

As for the moron…he had been listening to Ms. D. Brix and was ineptly describing a therapy used on lung patients such as those with CF; I recognized that therapy and it’s NOT about directly injecting into the body. Chris Cuomo’s health guru also explained the therapy to the Cuomos. Chris landed up taking a stronger form of Hydroxychloroquine to get over his COVID. He didn’t look so great because he was using his usual fitness regime…a doctor already working with long COVID patients had found out that physical activity should only slowly happen after a certain amount of recovery had been achieved.

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For having such a careless dumbshit parent, fortunately your offspring figured out what you never managed to do. At least you did something right.

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Really? And what would you do if your wife was immune compromised? Would you say to her, that's okay Honey, don't take the shot, and we'll take our chances. She gets sick and she's bed-ridden. My wife got Covid. She was in bed for 12 days. They wanted to put her in the hospital. What would you do? You gonna let her die? Or are you going to take the shot at a time when no one was saying anything about it? There were no reports out yet. I took the shot with the hope that I wouldn't get it. I didn't want to bring it home to her. My kids are grown ups. They make their own choices. I didn't say they should, or shouldn't. You do what's best for you and those you love. I said I didn't care about the possible side effects. Fuck man, don't you read the side effects on those commercials for the drugs they advertise on TV. "Possible side effects: Suicidal thoughts." And you don't question that? But you're more than willing to say I'm a sheep because I want to follow Gov't mandates in order to protect my wife? Maybe I just didn't want to take the chance it might kill her? Did that even cross your mind? That I'd be willing to die for her? It's all done now; it will always be here with us, but I'm already old, so what do I care?

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I'm afraid the government successfully tricked you into drawing all the wrong conclusions based upon the lies and fear they were mongering. I don't doubt your love and protective instincts toward your immunocompromised wife. But now that the truth is out, please reconsider your reckless disregard for the dangers of mRNA. It's a fact that the more covid injections an individual takes, the MORE likely he is to contract "covid" and similar viruses.

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Hey, if she wants to get it, that’s on her. It’s her choice. Me? I think I might be asymptomatic, so I’m fuckin’ Typhoid Mary, man. But I ‘m retired, and barely leave the house, so I’m not likely to spread it even if I do have it. But I don’t worry about death and dying for myself, because I don’t care. I’m content with my life and all it has given me. Life goes on until it doesn’t. I’ve learned that the hard way. At most, I’ve got 20-25 years left, and I’m not about to spend them trying to convince people that the Gov’t lied to us and it’s all to get nanobots into our bodies. You live your life the way it works for you; that’s what it’s all about. When your time is up, it’s up. Then it’s tit up and there’s no way out of it for anyone.

I’m not going to talk about this anymore, because I simply don’t care. It’s not that important.

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I am the same age as you. Likewise I don’t care about myself. But I am using discernment to help my precious niece and nephew. The only way that fure reproduction is safe is if they get detoxed from the COVID vaccine. It has wreaked havoc with the reproductive system.

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That’s precisely what was said to my CF sibling. Do not take the flu shot! The CF patients were told not to do the nasal flu…but they were not told why. Decades later the health agencies are still using their authority as health agencies to promote the flu shot for CF patients. I’ve read a couple of well researched, well documented scientifically proven articles that explain why the flu shot is useless for CF and is generally useless for all. I went to school with a genius and my youngest sister also had a brilliant classmate; they had such high ambition to help humanity battle viruses. My classmate, a doctor worked at the Roosevelt Institute for years. Nothing yet! The flu shot is a nothing! Unfortunately.

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Too rapidly mutating...

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I stand suitably chastised Woestenburg. The covid scam shocked all of us and none of us knew what to do. I can see the rock and a hard place position you found yourself in, I would have been no different. We were all AMBUSHED by this FLU misnomer remarketed as "covid".......I caught on early but many did not. Thanx for setting me str8 on the road you were traveling.

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1 - Basic math - inserting 40,000,000,000,000 (Moderna) (12 trillion Pfizer) non-human genetic coding molecules into around 50 million muscle cells and expecting them to stay there is criminal lunacy.

2 - We only have approx. 4 trillion nucleated cells in our whole body. This means, theoretically, every single one could be 'infected' (x10) by a foreign genetic code, for a far from harmless pathogen, ie the spike protein.

3- What could go wrong?


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The bi0weap0n jabs destroy the immune system. It's called AIDS. And, yes. PEOPLE WERE SAYING THINGS ABOUT IT BEFORE IT EVEN ROLLED OUT, including that it would destroy the immune system. You just chose to listen to morons or ignore looking into it.

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Perfect example of stupid here, Ben.

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So much for the recent research reports suggesting psychedelics increase cognitive flexibility. If they do maybe it's only the new ones under investigation or the benefits wear off quickly because they're not apparent in your case.

The substances you ingested don't have bacterial DNA plasmids encased in lipid nanoparticles that can potentially enter your cells and inactivate tumor suppressor genes.

They don't cause spike protein do be detectable in your body a year or later after you've ingested them when you've never had covid.

Did it not concern you that you were told that the injection contents stay at the injection site and are quickly broken down and removed from the body when numerous studies have demonstrated that to be false?

Did not alarm bells start going off for you when the purported efficacy ratescwere repeatedly revised downward or when the false claim of preventing infection and transmission was revised to purportedly preventing severe covid, hospitalization and death?

Did it occur to you that if the prior claims were false that one might be too? Did you never ask yourself if your explicit or implicit assumptions about the methodological quality of the research relied upon by the so-called vaccine proponents might be false?

I'll call you a sheep but definitely not a slave to science. I doubt you know what science is.

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Dec 30Edited

Perhaps the acid & junk etc. messed with your brain

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There's no sign of that Canadian high IQ.

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Junk doesn’t work that way…and the acid, well, I need some just to deal with all this.

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