It would be a mighty task to be worse than Biden.

I sincerely hope Trump will bring the USA back to the path it was on prior to "Covid" happening. Things were on such a positive trajectory, the people of the USA seemed happier than they have been in decades and it really was something to see. But, the Deep State really put a stop to that with the bioweapon and related stuff. Maybe even some of those within Federal agencies, after seeing what their feeble "President" Biden and co. have done to the country over the last four years will have led to them coming around to think that maybe, Trump isn't so bad at all, and will not actively work against him.

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great post...we hold out hope...we be open to all things and even disappointment but we start with hope and trust...we go from there and we adjust if we have to.

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we want him to succeed, I support him...no one is perfect...let us give him chance

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You know, I think I'm seeing a lot of that already. His enthusiastic reception at the NYSE ringing of the bell, being named Person of the Year, by Time magazine with an article that was rather cordial, Van Jones on CNN conceding a lot to Donald Trump on what he did right on the campaign trail, Bezos and Zuckerberg donating to his inauguration celebration, world leaders unabashedly cozying up to him, the GOP RINOs coming around, people getting excited about some of his more prominent admin picks and pretty much everyone except the democrat party thawing out toward him, is pretty heartening. Even some of them are, as well, on the border issue and actually working with Tom Homan. Sure, this might all be more self-preservation than good will, but I'll take it. It's better than the bald animosity he's been facing for years. Something feels different and it's a good thing. I think the guys from the All In podcast did Trump a huge favor, when Chamath came out and endorsed him. They changed a lot of minds in the tech and investment fields.

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boom, and we hold his feet to the fire, fundamentally he is not a bad man...he wants to do good...

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funny thing is he is cleaner than most of congress and senators. combined.

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I hear loud and clear what you say, Dr. Alexander. Speaking for myself here -- the (justified) concern that I and many others have expressed is mainly due to apparent contradictions in T47's selections. One example will suffice, as follows ...

T47 appoints RFK Jr. who, by most indications, is exactly the person that needed to clean up the covid jab mess. Then, T47 appoints Janette Nesheiwat as US Surgeon General. Nesheiwat, we recall, was a rabid covid jab pusher, once stating, quote, "Vaccine hesitancy is a global threat", unquote. Huh? How do we reconcile RFK Jr. with Nesheiwat? Unless one of these two individuals has radically changed their position on the covid jabs, this appears to be a contradiction in appointments - a conflict in the embryo stage.

So, yes, T47 may certainly appoint whomever he wishes and for his reasons. But there has to be **consistency** in his appointments! Otherwise, the optics leaves much to question.

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I hear you loud too...and you are the type of patriot this nation needs...I dont know you personally but you have the mind and heart for USA in the right place. you even sound like someone who served in uniform and I praise you and wish I were you

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I agree with this...there are many more suitable IMO for that post that that nod but the problem is a POTUS can chose who they like and we should support...

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I like this statement "T47 appoints RFK Jr. who, by most indications, is exactly the person that needed to clean up the covid jab mess. Then, T47 appoints Janette Nesheiwat as US Surgeon General. Nesheiwat, we recall, was a rabid covid jab pusher, once stating, quote, "Vaccine hesitancy is a global threat", unquote. Huh? How do we reconcile RFK Jr. with Nesheiwat?"

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yes optics raise our antibodies...so she has to explain positions now for they certainly dont square with reality...I fully agree...I judge on arc of life and I too am imperfect

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but we have no room for error now

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NO, Dr. Paul, we should NOT support a name just because a POTUS picks them. If they are wrong, then they are wrong. The POTUS works for US!!! WE get to say who will be serving us in DC. Trump is just plain WRONG on some of his picks, and we need to stop those bad picks from getting into office. Hasn't our country already been hurt enough????

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I tried with the military but I was told I aged out...I tried to enlist after 39

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I'm with you, Jorge. Trump is all over the place. A lot of what he does and says makes no sense at all. I just don't trust him. He had 4 years out of office to figure out what the COVID nonsense was, yet he STILL praises those damn shots, and STILL says OWS was his "greatest achievement ever". That is twisted, and just insane to me. I don't trust him at all. I won't be giving him any slack at all. I didn't vote for him. I voted with my conscience and wrote in a name. I'm sticking with what I know to be true.

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Those are the facts! Can't argue against any of what you say here.

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I hope they get off their emotional high by being humble before taking positions. The second they are going against Trump, get them the hell out of there by any means.

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I agree that he will come through, I also think he cares deeply about being seen as not going back on his word, and delivering a United States of America that is well and whole again, where people are strong and not afraid to uphold the truth in whatever area that is challenged. Many are mentally and physically ill now and need to heal. Just having the hope of a positive and constructive path forward is healing in itself.

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love this post: "I agree that he will come through, I also think he cares deeply about being seen as not going back on his word, and delivering a United States of America that is well and whole again, where people are strong and not afraid to uphold the truth in whatever area that is challenged."

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Milei has a chain saw, Trump has an eggbeater!

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Yes and I think he is the only one in a position to do it! Chef’s hat and egg beater!

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AMEN! Beautiful!

God hears & answers prayer! I believe He will protect & guide President Trump & he, Trump, will help us, again, to "Make America Great Again!" He's the best President in our lifetime!

All that we have gone thru, because the 2020 election was stolen, has show us the extent of the corrupt deep state, including a compromised election system that has kept evil ones who want to destroy us in power!

Also, the discovery of the evil gov. military ties to big pharma & the bioweapon jab device--thanks to Attorney Tom Renz, fighting for righteousness, stop the shots, x-Pfizer employee, whistlewblower, Karen Kingston, Naomi Wolf, Brannon Howse, Mike Lindell, Emerald Robinson, Frankspeech, & you!

Also, the evil population control minded ones like the "WHO," & Bill Gates, whose wife divorced him after it was reported he was on Epstein's plane to his Island.

Big lesson learned the hard way, 4 yrs too long with Biden!


"THE STEAL" Vol 1-3



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love this "God hears & answers prayer! I believe He will protect & guide President Trump & he, Trump, will help us, again, to "Make America Great Again!" He's the best President in our lifetime!"

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Kisses for Mike Lindell and his reliable documentary on 2020 election. An honest man of the old school. Bring back the old school!

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You just named some great people.

There are many more!

So, help them, go

do good and true research, like here, copy and send to your Senators, Reps.

and AG. in your State.

Spread the truth and your personal stories.

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Sorry, but I just don't trust Trump that way. Too many are worshiping him as if he's God Himself. Some sort of messiah. I'm looking at what is staring me in the face, and it's not good. Trump is all over the place in what he says and does. A lot of what he says and does makes no sense at all. He has picked some very questionable people for his team. He still praises his shots and OWS. I don't know if he's really that stupid, or if he's been compromised, or if he's really that corrupt. All I can say is that there are red flags all over the place for me. Sorry, but things just don't line up for me. I'm only trusting GOD on this one.

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I’m a 73 year old Veteran and I’m still having problems with getting basic antibiotic prescriptions at Kaiser pharmacy. 2024 now. Not a fan of Kaiser or Anthem Blue cross policies

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due to COVID? they are restricting your prescription for what?

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Telemedicine visits or urgent care go outside or around it. I had Kaiser health insurance, which wasn't very worthy in the 1980s. They wanted to do back surgery and couldn't answer basic questions about infection rates, if they had sleep or if it was botched, and how bad the outcomes could be. How many girlfriends or ex-wives are financially supported? Did they get drunk all night, had no sleep, or were angry and butcher patients? How many malpractice suits are pending? Did they hold a medical license in this state? I told them to shove me off. You aren't doing the surgery on my back to fuse vertebrae together. They warned me that I would become crippled. So what I will be alive and will deal with it.

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Smart move -- none of these bozos are to be trusted-

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Risk to spine and brain, no go.

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Fully understand, doctors are no longer working at medicine tghey are aligned with the monied interests and have permitted themselves to be pimped by big pharma-250,000 dollars a year

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Kaiser is terrible. I took my husband's parents out of there years ago. I put them on SCAN. It's a great Medicare Advantage plan. I'm sure you must be on Medicare at your age. Check it out. The acronym (SCAN) stands for Senior Care Action Network. This plan is specifically designed for seniors, and they offer really good services for seniors that other health plans just don't offer. My husband and I just enrolled with SCAN earlier this fall. We love them. Check it out.

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Wile i can never condone violence or the taking of lives-the most recent murder of a Big Pharma Exec may have opened the eyes of Big Pharma et al- Including the “ mismanaged health care companies - as the nation now has a platform from which to springboard some criminal action against these 6 companies and perhaps we can

Disband this band of theives and get RFK to get back on medicare only and save 25% of the wasted funding on the fucking thieves- who have robbed us blind!

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Saw this article yesterday - "Government Contractor Under Orders from Biden Regime Caught Hauling Away Unused Border Wall Sections Before Trump Takes Office" at

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/12/despicable-government-contractor-under-orders-biden-regime-caught/. When I saw this, it really sinks in just how much these people really hate America. Reading this, I really felt for the first time Trump should bring criminal charges against Biden, and anyone and everyone associated with this particular decision. And then you have that bow-tie guy talking about the pandemics that are going to start after Jan 20. I think we're all missing just how deeply these people hate America. And how deeply they're working to sabotage Trump's return.

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I became a big fan of Children’s Health Defense during the Plandemic. I reached out to the organization early on about putting together an exemption letter to thwart what I saw coming in forced injections of the “experimental death jab” and communicated with some great folks there that helped with putting words together in a letter to our employer’s respectively, for both my wife and I, as healthcare professionals ourselves.

I’m a big fan of RFK, Jr. in regards to his work against the pharmaceutical industrial complex.

His continued belief in, and misguidance on the whole climate change, global warming sham? Not a fan. That said, I am hopeful that he can turn back the clock on this bullshit sham of mandatory yearly flu shots that the entire medical community has enacted 100% these days.

The wife and I used to have the option to opt out without repercussion. Today? Ostracized.

In 20+ years of my medical career, I never contracted the flu until I was made to get Big Pharma’s moneymaker jab. Less than 30% efficacy, only resistant to a very few strains and it’s a damned crapshoot every year as to what strain will appear. RFK, Jr has said he’s against these flu vaccines so I’m hopeful he will have a valuable input and bring back some sort of ability for us as individuals to say “No Thanks!”

Trump has some questionable folks as I’ve commented on your posts previously. Gabbard is a biggie for me. But, here’s to hoping he and his folks can try to get things back on track in the next 4 years.

One last thing, Doc. Even though your opinions differ about some of Trumps people he’s appointed, I’d support your Substack here as a paid subscriber. Just tell me how or where I can make that happen.

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Dr. Paul, I recommend that you check out Daniel Horowitz's show from today. Here is the link:


Daniel really nails it in this podcast. He explains why Trump can't be trusted. He sees what many of us can see. He critiques Trump interview with TIME magazine, and points out where Trump just blew it, and where he shows a clear lack of knowledge. Many of us can see this, but unfortunately, most of it goes right over the heads of too many people. Too many Americans voted for Trump because of his personality. They think he's a tough guy, but he really isn't. He really isn't that smart at all, and some of us can see that.

Trump has been all over the place in his statements, and in his actions, and Daniel Horowitz also points that out. It's pretty clear that Trump just doesn't know what the hell he's doing, and I strongly suspect that he's been given names for his picks, and he's just going ahead with them without ever vetting them for himself. Nothing has changed from his first term. Nothing at all. It's just 2.0.

Daniel also points out how Trump's lack of knowledge is actually "dangerous", and I've been saying the very same thing here. Trump just can't be trusted. He's clearly incompetent, and seriously lacking in the knowledge needed to run this country. There are many reasons why I couldn't vote for him, but these are definitely some of them.

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I agree Dr. Alexander. We may not be happy with some of the picks, but we must wait and see before we bring on the riot act.

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The same person that said vaccines saved millions of lives?

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All the tech guys are sucking up to Trump. Sorry, Dr. Paul, but this all looks really fishy to me.

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Since August 4 (don't know why that day, but so it was) I have been praying daily--often more than once daily--- for the safety of Mr. Trump and of his family. Since the election, I have added in that prayer pleas for the safety of his choices , by name as I know them, and their families. That all those who love the Lord and are trying to do His will may be protected. And for those who hate Him and are trying to work evil, that their hearts may turn toward Him, and seek repentance, BEFORE He exercises His justice.

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