POTUS Trump is our best option & ONLY option (MAWA), so I will stand in full support in hopes that he accomplishes all he set out to do! A POTUS is entitled to pick who they wish for positions; we may
or may not agree with some picks & that too is the freedom we have, yet my argument is allow POTUS Trump to be sworn in & go to work before we judge him! I trust that he will come through!
MAWA= Make Americans Whole Again!
There are some nods for positions in cabinet I do not necessarily agree with and especially for Health (I do however strongly support RFK Jr. in HHS as lead, best we have had in decades though soon he will need deliver) but again, the decision is a POTUS to make.
In that regard I support them and ask you to also, but we will be watching closely for fundamentally they all work for us the American people. A lot of wrongs were done in the Biden administration that weakened USA and also in the Obama, Bush Jr., Clinton, Bush Sr., even Reagan, and in the Trump’s pandemic response (to the fraud fake PCR created non-COVID matter) as to Operation Warp Speed (OWS) and the Malone Bancel Bourla Kariko et al. mRNA transfection vaccine (not a vaccine)…IMO he was badly misled and fooled and he bought lots of it! Tremendous harms due to OWS and the mRNA vaccine and POTUS Trump is not perfect. No one is perfect. But fundamentally a good man, loves America and his flag, his constitution. I do believe that and experienced and witnessed lots of beneficial steps he took in term 1 that the media never gave him credit for. He made mistakes but on balance, he is way better than all those I named prior save Ronaldus Magnus Maximus! Save Abe and George, Trump January 2020 had the best shot of landing on Rushmore. He still has a shot and time, but it is up to him.
It does not matter what we think at this time, his legacy is up to him, and it rests in fulfilling the promises he made and especially as to our borders and he has to make Americans whole again as to the harms of OWS and the mRNA gene vaccines. He has to reverse LIABILITY PROTECTION under PREP Act and rescind that recent PREP Act extension to 2029 (by Becerra). He has to MAWA, Make Americans Whole Again! He has to set up some form of victim compensation fund for those hurt by the OWS lockdowns, school closures, business closures, mandates, and the mRNA transfection gene LNP vaccine. He has to end the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act signed under Raegan. He has to close the borders and mass deport all illegals as he promised to do.
So, many things he promised and has to do, and I think will do, and I trust he will, and I do hold out hope. I do; I really do for we have no option. I think he will deliver and do good and so I wish him the best and peace and success for America wins if he wins! I pray God covers him with safety and his family, his peoples, his government and I extend that wish to all…to have gracious mercy and blessings!
I ask you to give him room, give him space, trust a bit (trust RFK Jr. too), we came this far, so just a little again, and we will be able to judge in time. But have an open trusting mind for now! We will likely be pleasantly surprised!
You must not wait for another catastrophic crisis (at times manufactured but we are prevented from making our own basic personal decisions or accessing needed drugs and response tools) to catch you off-guard. We must take charge and be prepared today so that we can enjoy peace of mind tomorrow.
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Please consider support of a good PATRIOT company (in this PATRIOT economy) Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (key component being antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving spike from mRNA vaccine, this is critical to remove spike form the mRNA vaccine/and DNA viral vector) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
It would be a mighty task to be worse than Biden.
I sincerely hope Trump will bring the USA back to the path it was on prior to "Covid" happening. Things were on such a positive trajectory, the people of the USA seemed happier than they have been in decades and it really was something to see. But, the Deep State really put a stop to that with the bioweapon and related stuff. Maybe even some of those within Federal agencies, after seeing what their feeble "President" Biden and co. have done to the country over the last four years will have led to them coming around to think that maybe, Trump isn't so bad at all, and will not actively work against him.
I hear loud and clear what you say, Dr. Alexander. Speaking for myself here -- the (justified) concern that I and many others have expressed is mainly due to apparent contradictions in T47's selections. One example will suffice, as follows ...
T47 appoints RFK Jr. who, by most indications, is exactly the person that needed to clean up the covid jab mess. Then, T47 appoints Janette Nesheiwat as US Surgeon General. Nesheiwat, we recall, was a rabid covid jab pusher, once stating, quote, "Vaccine hesitancy is a global threat", unquote. Huh? How do we reconcile RFK Jr. with Nesheiwat? Unless one of these two individuals has radically changed their position on the covid jabs, this appears to be a contradiction in appointments - a conflict in the embryo stage.
So, yes, T47 may certainly appoint whomever he wishes and for his reasons. But there has to be **consistency** in his appointments! Otherwise, the optics leaves much to question.