PROTECTION (PREP ACT) so we can sue vaccine makers, medical doctors, health agency officials and agencies, set up victim compensation fund for all those hurt by lockdowns & vaccine, JAIL/HANG many
If Trump is that easily duped he shouldn’t be president. Since he is clinging to his heroic jab he’s suspect to me. I used to support him. Not anymore since the jab. Now I think he’s part of the problem because he is. Trump supporters who are smart enough to know the jab isn’t this miracle he keeps claiming STILL need to SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!
I love Mike Adams, but I think he's missed it on this one. He'd be making a deal with the devil and I don't think there's a chance of that. I do believe this is something they are trying to hold over his head and he's sparing with them on it. If everyone really reads that truth he quotes Biden and then says you're welcome....think about that. They were going to do this anyway, it was part of the 2030 agenda, just had to move it up to bring in the 2020 steal. IMO this one thing is much deeper than we know and the navigation has got to be tough.
No way in hell would I vote for Biden! I liked RFK Jr but some things don’t sit so well with me. Trump is a huge disappointment because there are good things about him but I don’t trust him anymore. I’ll vote for RFK Jr. Personal freedom is definitely a priority to me! How about you?
He's also a globalist environmentally and a lot of that doesn't work except with the WHO & WEF. Get ready for the WHO takeover in May via Biden. It will be too late for personal freedom, unless it can be reversed and I'm not sure RFK, Jr. could navigate that with his ideals. Besides that it's still a two-party system and libertarian votes will not overpower either, but especially the Dems. They already cheat, so expect RFK, Jr. votes to be taken first.
And he’s making the same mistakes…again. If he really wants to win, he has one option. Tulsi Gabbard. He won’t choose her. She bashed the WEF to hell. Trump still has a seat, Ivanka,Stefanik, Cotton, Fauci and on and… He’s a coward with his clot shots
Trump was a demoRAT when CLINTON left DC and they moved to NYC, Trump held the campaign for HRC to be NY senator
Trump's kids & HRC best friends attended WEF young leader camps together stayed in same rooms in all years;
Raygun too, before GE (MIC) gave him the role of GOV of CALIF, he was a demoRat bolshevik that led the Hollywood Film Union ( might add adult film star in 1920's , mostly gay porn, but did beastiality too)
In all cases these men are CIA creations, so yes, Tulsi flip flopping don't mean shit.
Hell NULAND had flip flopped back&forth as a RINO&demoRAT her entire life, and nobody questioned her;
If Trump gets close to power, they'll force one of the INDIANS on him, vivel, or halet, or the other two; UK is now managed by India via SUNAK, and UK wants USA to be managed by INDIA; ( They're really good at managing countrys where people live in their own shit )
So what. She knew exactly who and what Biden was four years ago, yet she was willing to put together the over-produced, cringe video that I linked. Would you be so forgiving if Trump had lost in 2016 and then put out something similar praising Hillary? I think not.
Can you let him know to stop beating a dead horse with the Warp Speed crap? We know...he’s not a scientist or medical expert. He was obviously undermined by appointed bureaucrats.
For all the positive aspects of Trump he is ultimately a Narcissist and narcissists do not apologize and are heavily influenced by their inner circle, so who is in his inner circle is critical. For example, he promised RFK Jr to essentially be the vaccine Czar, but then Trump talks to Gates who probably made him all kinds of promises while telling him all kinds of lies. One of the things Trump doesn't have going for him is an IQ high enough to discern who is who, so he tries to please those who are close to him regardless of the crap they request or the lies they tell.
Paul you do not understand the system of Government in the United States of America, Trump did not ever do any lockdowns, and he was not the Dictator of the United States of America, as he said more than once he has no power over the States, and can not dictate their Policies, it was the States who instituted Policies across the Countries forcing people to wear masks and locking down Cities or allowing it to happen; It was the Media who mislead the masses by telling them the shots were mandatory and the masks were mandatory, and people being the ignorant fear lead sheeple they are blindly followed and complied; I heard Trump say more than once the People were calling for Vaccines and so he gave them what they wanted, and further stated they did not have to take the vaccines, they have a choice, and he did not take them himself he told us instead he took Regeneron, now you may not have heard him say these things because perhaps you were busy doing something else, I don't know ! One man can not make the decisions for everyone else, the President of the USA is not a dictator although Biden may make you believe he has those kinds of powers, he does not either !
Yet, even people who are super anti-Covid vaxx support Trump and tune me out when I talk to them about how he’s the reason for the jab and he’s still bragging about it. Lots of people disconnected from Trump and his that they are against because they love him-so much It’s bizarre
"POTUS Trump listened to the wrong people ..." Stop it, already - STOP IT!! Listen, anyone can be fooled. But after a reasonable amount of time, even a dumb person realizes that he's been fooled. Then that person reverses course and takes ACTION. Is Trump *dumb*? No, I don't think so. Therefore, the only plausible conclusion is that Trump wasn't fooled - he's in on the crime!
Unfortunately he's still championing the warped juice as the father of it still after millions injured and over a million killed from the Trump Juice,it's disgusting that President Fauci deceived and vice President Trump allowed it,no safety testing long term testing no liability as the pharmacutical cartels make trillions,Azar appointed by Trump Slaui etc, if he was duped why hasn't Trump denounced this madness,both parties did it to its citizens,your not essential small businesses, church you arent essential,family gatherings no way , people left to die all alone, totally wrong and unconstitutional,for a 99.74 percent survivable virus. Doctors censored,decade old cheap safe effective medicines canceled, sickening thiswas done on Trump's watch,then Biden tries to mandate it,two sides of the same coin,same empire,2 wings on the same bird,a tag team wrestling match,political theatre and circus. Then Trump and Republicans have done nothing to help, pardon,or get counsel or push to exhonorate the mostly peaceful protestors on Jan6th. That went to support Trump and are still rotting in jail and have had their lives ruined,how about pardoning Assange too Donald? There is no hope in politicians there is no Savior in the sespool of DC, Trust in Jesus Christ today He is Our Great God and Savior Titus 2 13,He is Faithful and True Republicans and Democrats are not,don't be deceived folks,fake left right paradimn. Psalm 33:12 Psalm 9:17 Psalm 118:6-9 Jeremiah 17::5 Acts 5:29, 2Timothy 1 :7, John 3:16 John 14:6 Acts 16:30-31 Romans 5:1 Romans 6:23 , Ephesians 2:8-9 Philippians 3:20 4:13 Titus 3:5. Blessings.
There's a reason...more is being revealed. At least half the nation was bamboozled believing in their government. Keep in mind Trump left a lot of people in charge who were in Obama's admin. They have been or are jumping ship now before they get unveiled. We needed this awakening, slow yes, but it's in God's time.
Until CommonLaw Courts are openly reinstalled and Admiralty Courts are completely and forever disbanded, you will not get the ruling you seek.
So you are wasting your time pursuing an apology from anyone whether their decisions were well intended or just plain corruption.
Justice will be served once the correct institutions are reinstalled, but before that you are just exposing your cards for the benefit of the corrupt.
Don't you know about the judgements of military tribunals in Gitmo, and the many subsequent hangings. And in the future, there will be finances and abundance for all the non corrupt people of earth and no need for vengeance. They will all be gone, and peace and posperity will reign for 1000 years at least. The contracts have already been signed by 209 countries.
Everyone who is here and alive is meant to be, and those who have died had already agreed to that before they were born here.
Don't stay in your tiny box the lid and look outside a bit. There is a big world/universe just waiting for our growth....and the time for it is now.
I might also add that post 1990's all the county courts in USA had their 'judges' turned over as BAR-attorneys sworn to UK-LONDON law; Given that COVID fuck was ran out of London in the first place ( BOJO), there is no way in hell that any court in USA will ever go against London.
To date its clear every single COVID player has never been charged or found guilty in a USA court and most courts will not even hear a case of COVID criminality, and with +4 years now having passed we're almost to the point of the criminals NEVER being charged;
ANother reason that SOROS ( UK bilderberg-GRoup) took over all DA offices in USA and made sure that no COVID cases would ever go to trial;
Trump had a clause in his contract with BIG pharmaceutical they signed it was safe tested and would be held liable. So get the correct contract and hold pharma liable.
The EUA's were put in place in 2004 and the contract was between CDC & the vaccine companies as approved by the FDA for the EUA. EUA's DO NOT hold pharma liable. Once Tedros (WHO) announced the pandemic, then Azar did. Trump was only a message deliverer at that point. The prior EO covering the Flu was a setup. To go a little further, the contracts were corrupted...Comirmaty was approved and was never released, only the original mNRA vax, which was altered afterward also. This has all been documented and will come out, but until it's all out there for ALL to see (which is being suppressed by MSM & social media to the masses), Trump is between a rock and a hard place. I believe the only reason he's saying anything is to push it out there...make them make a mistake and say something that opens the floodgates.
Research EUA's...they gave immunity from day one when put in place in 2004 - after 9/11 and anthrax. If all you are trying to do is blame Trump you'll be hard pressed. Some of the patents happened I believe in 2009 if not earlier...Karen Kingston was one who found those. Big Pharma, CDC, etc. were working on this for a long time with Fauci in tow. They setup Trump with the EO re:influenza.
Is there a way you can send this message to people that surround Pres Trump, that he needs to own that mistake?! He’s not a physician/epidemiologist, etc. and he had to get advice.
But, I think his instincts were right and he knew it wasn’t right, he couldn’t do anything a/b it. Fauci and Birx were telling him millions will die… He’s a proud man and it will take a lot for him to admit a mistake, but maybe he’ll do it.
The problem isn’t what they were telling Trump. The problem is what they were telling our nation and by extension the world. Most citizens were scared and drank the KoolAid. Skeptics like us were, and still are, overshadowed by the misguided. So, yes, we saw Trump go from skepticism to not upsetting the Covid apple cart. The problem isn’t what happened before. The problem is what he’s saying now. He should not brag about opening the Pandora’s box. He should tread lightly. Instead he’s bragging about releasing the Kraken that wreaked much havoc on society and got him kicked out of office. It’s hard to take. But the 800 pound gorilla is, for all his flaws if not Trump, who?
God is our Hope not corupt incompetent lying selfish politicians,God has been kicked out of everything in this country and that's why it's empire is falling,there is no hope in these parties,God is faithful and true these people are not,trust in Christ today He's our hope Titus 2:13. Blessings Maranatha Lord Jesus Christ Psalm 33 12 Jeremiah 17 5 Psalm 9 17 Psalm 2 Psalm 118:6-9 2Timothy 1 7 Acts 5:29. John 3:16 Romans 5:1 Romans 6:23. Philippians 3:20 Revelation 17:14 Revelation 19:11-20.
IMO he's also trying to get them to fess up by mistake...keep everyone one them somehow. He admits he knows and they will make mincemeat out of him & if he stays quiet it won't be talked about at all with the fear they're putting out there and we don't need that either. If you think about it he's taking a lot of hits (has since day one) that aren't even warranted, and now he's willing to take the hits for getting checkmated with this? IDK about you, but that's putting it on the line bigtime for our nation and us.
Anything is possible. If the ticket really does turn out to be another Trump vs Biden matchup, presuming without the benefit of millions of easily counterfeited unsolicited mail-in ballots Biden loses, then we will see. I just think it’s dangerous to give any lawmakers the benefit of the doubt. The proof is in results. Same as the mRNA injections. Even if they harmed nobody they’re still a failure. But people see what they want to see. That’s what’s troubling about Trump. People seeing what they want to see. I say let’s wait and see what happens. Because love ‘em or despise ‘em one of those two knuckleheads is likely to be president.
I believe that's where this is going...a Trump vs. Biden ticket because they plan on and are actually already prepping. The talk now is these immigrants were sent to certain cities so they could count them as bodies, which would increase their State's district's population and give them more electoral votes. So, even if they have to put someone in Biden's place that will be the way the Dems claim to win. They are also saying if Trump does override their votes, they won't certify his electoral votes. Interesting huh? Especially since they changed the law so the VP can't send the votes back to the States. There's already been a lot of issues in the primaries, so hopefully everyone gets out and votes.
In the meantime, as the rats are outed, hopefully Trump can spill the beans at some point. Just my opinion...we can't let Biden sign that WHO treaty or it's over anyway.
Truth...and we aren't a democracy, so how can we be ANTI ;). They are anti-Constitutional Republic. They get called out all the time, but only alt-MSM media people hear it, but that is growing and making them nervous.
If Trump is that easily duped he shouldn’t be president. Since he is clinging to his heroic jab he’s suspect to me. I used to support him. Not anymore since the jab. Now I think he’s part of the problem because he is. Trump supporters who are smart enough to know the jab isn’t this miracle he keeps claiming STILL need to SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!
Another tack. Goto minute 36:00
I love Mike Adams, but I think he's missed it on this one. He'd be making a deal with the devil and I don't think there's a chance of that. I do believe this is something they are trying to hold over his head and he's sparing with them on it. If everyone really reads that truth he quotes Biden and then says you're welcome....think about that. They were going to do this anyway, it was part of the 2030 agenda, just had to move it up to bring in the 2020 steal. IMO this one thing is much deeper than we know and the navigation has got to be tough.
This is exactly what you are causing.
Who? Causing what?
Didn't reply to you.
Yes it's bad but under Biden he'll make them mandatory.
I know. I would never vote for Biden.
So Jennifer, you're voting Biden? Or maybe RFK? What are you going to do if RFK is the VP choice? (which may well happen)
No way in hell would I vote for Biden! I liked RFK Jr but some things don’t sit so well with me. Trump is a huge disappointment because there are good things about him but I don’t trust him anymore. I’ll vote for RFK Jr. Personal freedom is definitely a priority to me! How about you?
He's also a globalist environmentally and a lot of that doesn't work except with the WHO & WEF. Get ready for the WHO takeover in May via Biden. It will be too late for personal freedom, unless it can be reversed and I'm not sure RFK, Jr. could navigate that with his ideals. Besides that it's still a two-party system and libertarian votes will not overpower either, but especially the Dems. They already cheat, so expect RFK, Jr. votes to be taken first.
Hari Kari - aka trump
And he’s making the same mistakes…again. If he really wants to win, he has one option. Tulsi Gabbard. He won’t choose her. She bashed the WEF to hell. Trump still has a seat, Ivanka,Stefanik, Cotton, Fauci and on and… He’s a coward with his clot shots
WEF Tulsi? Really? Watch her talking about Biden governing with the "spirit of aloha", just four years ago. So she's done a 180?
Trump was a demoRAT when CLINTON left DC and they moved to NYC, Trump held the campaign for HRC to be NY senator
Trump's kids & HRC best friends attended WEF young leader camps together stayed in same rooms in all years;
Raygun too, before GE (MIC) gave him the role of GOV of CALIF, he was a demoRat bolshevik that led the Hollywood Film Union ( might add adult film star in 1920's , mostly gay porn, but did beastiality too)
In all cases these men are CIA creations, so yes, Tulsi flip flopping don't mean shit.
Hell NULAND had flip flopped back&forth as a RINO&demoRAT her entire life, and nobody questioned her;
If Trump gets close to power, they'll force one of the INDIANS on him, vivel, or halet, or the other two; UK is now managed by India via SUNAK, and UK wants USA to be managed by INDIA; ( They're really good at managing countrys where people live in their own shit )
Yes she left the democrat party
So what. She knew exactly who and what Biden was four years ago, yet she was willing to put together the over-produced, cringe video that I linked. Would you be so forgiving if Trump had lost in 2016 and then put out something similar praising Hillary? I think not.
Can you let him know to stop beating a dead horse with the Warp Speed crap? We know...he’s not a scientist or medical expert. He was obviously undermined by appointed bureaucrats.
... undermined by the Zionists ...
Or Trump joined them
He won’t listen He’ll just quadruple down .He did it with Bartiromo, Ingraham,Candace Owens, Megyn Kelly, Tucker…
For all the positive aspects of Trump he is ultimately a Narcissist and narcissists do not apologize and are heavily influenced by their inner circle, so who is in his inner circle is critical. For example, he promised RFK Jr to essentially be the vaccine Czar, but then Trump talks to Gates who probably made him all kinds of promises while telling him all kinds of lies. One of the things Trump doesn't have going for him is an IQ high enough to discern who is who, so he tries to please those who are close to him regardless of the crap they request or the lies they tell.
It is a really conundrum.
When is he going to??? because just last week he still wasn't saying it was bad.
He knew what he was doing. We were supposed to be lockdown for over a decade. He exposed them. was part of the 16 year plan - that he interrupted.
Paul you do not understand the system of Government in the United States of America, Trump did not ever do any lockdowns, and he was not the Dictator of the United States of America, as he said more than once he has no power over the States, and can not dictate their Policies, it was the States who instituted Policies across the Countries forcing people to wear masks and locking down Cities or allowing it to happen; It was the Media who mislead the masses by telling them the shots were mandatory and the masks were mandatory, and people being the ignorant fear lead sheeple they are blindly followed and complied; I heard Trump say more than once the People were calling for Vaccines and so he gave them what they wanted, and further stated they did not have to take the vaccines, they have a choice, and he did not take them himself he told us instead he took Regeneron, now you may not have heard him say these things because perhaps you were busy doing something else, I don't know ! One man can not make the decisions for everyone else, the President of the USA is not a dictator although Biden may make you believe he has those kinds of powers, he does not either !
Thank you NAHLS!!
You are very welcome LauraB God bless you & protect you and Gods speed !
And you as well!!
thank you LauraB !
He needs to admit all of it and campaign on it or they will blame him for all of it.
They'll 'blame him for it' no matter what he does, doesn't do, says or doesn't say; as they've been blaming him for everything since day one.
I will blame him
Covid was a bioweapon created and funded by the US government.
Covid shots are also a bioweapon created and funded by the US government.
This genocide/democide was in the works long before Trump took office.
Just listen to Dr. David Martin, Sasha Latypova, Karen Kingston, and others.
He’s committing political suicide in real time .
Very unfortunate for all .
Yet, even people who are super anti-Covid vaxx support Trump and tune me out when I talk to them about how he’s the reason for the jab and he’s still bragging about it. Lots of people disconnected from Trump and his that they are against because they love him-so much It’s bizarre
I'm leaving this channel. What a waste of time. I need to follow intelligent people. Trump 8s a genocidist. Period. Get a life bye
"POTUS Trump listened to the wrong people ..." Stop it, already - STOP IT!! Listen, anyone can be fooled. But after a reasonable amount of time, even a dumb person realizes that he's been fooled. Then that person reverses course and takes ACTION. Is Trump *dumb*? No, I don't think so. Therefore, the only plausible conclusion is that Trump wasn't fooled - he's in on the crime!
Unfortunately he's still championing the warped juice as the father of it still after millions injured and over a million killed from the Trump Juice,it's disgusting that President Fauci deceived and vice President Trump allowed it,no safety testing long term testing no liability as the pharmacutical cartels make trillions,Azar appointed by Trump Slaui etc, if he was duped why hasn't Trump denounced this madness,both parties did it to its citizens,your not essential small businesses, church you arent essential,family gatherings no way , people left to die all alone, totally wrong and unconstitutional,for a 99.74 percent survivable virus. Doctors censored,decade old cheap safe effective medicines canceled, sickening thiswas done on Trump's watch,then Biden tries to mandate it,two sides of the same coin,same empire,2 wings on the same bird,a tag team wrestling match,political theatre and circus. Then Trump and Republicans have done nothing to help, pardon,or get counsel or push to exhonorate the mostly peaceful protestors on Jan6th. That went to support Trump and are still rotting in jail and have had their lives ruined,how about pardoning Assange too Donald? There is no hope in politicians there is no Savior in the sespool of DC, Trust in Jesus Christ today He is Our Great God and Savior Titus 2 13,He is Faithful and True Republicans and Democrats are not,don't be deceived folks,fake left right paradimn. Psalm 33:12 Psalm 9:17 Psalm 118:6-9 Jeremiah 17::5 Acts 5:29, 2Timothy 1 :7, John 3:16 John 14:6 Acts 16:30-31 Romans 5:1 Romans 6:23 , Ephesians 2:8-9 Philippians 3:20 4:13 Titus 3:5. Blessings.
There's a reason...more is being revealed. At least half the nation was bamboozled believing in their government. Keep in mind Trump left a lot of people in charge who were in Obama's admin. They have been or are jumping ship now before they get unveiled. We needed this awakening, slow yes, but it's in God's time.
You are well and truly jumping the gun.
Until CommonLaw Courts are openly reinstalled and Admiralty Courts are completely and forever disbanded, you will not get the ruling you seek.
So you are wasting your time pursuing an apology from anyone whether their decisions were well intended or just plain corruption.
Justice will be served once the correct institutions are reinstalled, but before that you are just exposing your cards for the benefit of the corrupt.
Don't you know about the judgements of military tribunals in Gitmo, and the many subsequent hangings. And in the future, there will be finances and abundance for all the non corrupt people of earth and no need for vengeance. They will all be gone, and peace and posperity will reign for 1000 years at least. The contracts have already been signed by 209 countries.
Everyone who is here and alive is meant to be, and those who have died had already agreed to that before they were born here.
Don't stay in your tiny box the lid and look outside a bit. There is a big world/universe just waiting for our growth....and the time for it is now.
I might also add that post 1990's all the county courts in USA had their 'judges' turned over as BAR-attorneys sworn to UK-LONDON law; Given that COVID fuck was ran out of London in the first place ( BOJO), there is no way in hell that any court in USA will ever go against London.
To date its clear every single COVID player has never been charged or found guilty in a USA court and most courts will not even hear a case of COVID criminality, and with +4 years now having passed we're almost to the point of the criminals NEVER being charged;
ANother reason that SOROS ( UK bilderberg-GRoup) took over all DA offices in USA and made sure that no COVID cases would ever go to trial;
Trump had a clause in his contract with BIG pharmaceutical they signed it was safe tested and would be held liable. So get the correct contract and hold pharma liable.
The EUA's were put in place in 2004 and the contract was between CDC & the vaccine companies as approved by the FDA for the EUA. EUA's DO NOT hold pharma liable. Once Tedros (WHO) announced the pandemic, then Azar did. Trump was only a message deliverer at that point. The prior EO covering the Flu was a setup. To go a little further, the contracts were corrupted...Comirmaty was approved and was never released, only the original mNRA vax, which was altered afterward also. This has all been documented and will come out, but until it's all out there for ALL to see (which is being suppressed by MSM & social media to the masses), Trump is between a rock and a hard place. I believe the only reason he's saying anything is to push it out there...make them make a mistake and say something that opens the floodgates.
Not TRUE the contract said they were "IMMUNE from Criminal liability or negligence"
Trump signed and handed it to them, in reality, they wrote it and gave it to Trump to sign.
Research EUA's...they gave immunity from day one when put in place in 2004 - after 9/11 and anthrax. If all you are trying to do is blame Trump you'll be hard pressed. Some of the patents happened I believe in 2009 if not earlier...Karen Kingston was one who found those. Big Pharma, CDC, etc. were working on this for a long time with Fauci in tow. They setup Trump with the EO re:influenza.
Is there a way you can send this message to people that surround Pres Trump, that he needs to own that mistake?! He’s not a physician/epidemiologist, etc. and he had to get advice.
But, I think his instincts were right and he knew it wasn’t right, he couldn’t do anything a/b it. Fauci and Birx were telling him millions will die… He’s a proud man and it will take a lot for him to admit a mistake, but maybe he’ll do it.
The problem isn’t what they were telling Trump. The problem is what they were telling our nation and by extension the world. Most citizens were scared and drank the KoolAid. Skeptics like us were, and still are, overshadowed by the misguided. So, yes, we saw Trump go from skepticism to not upsetting the Covid apple cart. The problem isn’t what happened before. The problem is what he’s saying now. He should not brag about opening the Pandora’s box. He should tread lightly. Instead he’s bragging about releasing the Kraken that wreaked much havoc on society and got him kicked out of office. It’s hard to take. But the 800 pound gorilla is, for all his flaws if not Trump, who?
God is our Hope not corupt incompetent lying selfish politicians,God has been kicked out of everything in this country and that's why it's empire is falling,there is no hope in these parties,God is faithful and true these people are not,trust in Christ today He's our hope Titus 2:13. Blessings Maranatha Lord Jesus Christ Psalm 33 12 Jeremiah 17 5 Psalm 9 17 Psalm 2 Psalm 118:6-9 2Timothy 1 7 Acts 5:29. John 3:16 Romans 5:1 Romans 6:23. Philippians 3:20 Revelation 17:14 Revelation 19:11-20.
God is absolutely good and He has a plan.
Absolutely right.
IMO he's also trying to get them to fess up by mistake...keep everyone one them somehow. He admits he knows and they will make mincemeat out of him & if he stays quiet it won't be talked about at all with the fear they're putting out there and we don't need that either. If you think about it he's taking a lot of hits (has since day one) that aren't even warranted, and now he's willing to take the hits for getting checkmated with this? IDK about you, but that's putting it on the line bigtime for our nation and us.
Anything is possible. If the ticket really does turn out to be another Trump vs Biden matchup, presuming without the benefit of millions of easily counterfeited unsolicited mail-in ballots Biden loses, then we will see. I just think it’s dangerous to give any lawmakers the benefit of the doubt. The proof is in results. Same as the mRNA injections. Even if they harmed nobody they’re still a failure. But people see what they want to see. That’s what’s troubling about Trump. People seeing what they want to see. I say let’s wait and see what happens. Because love ‘em or despise ‘em one of those two knuckleheads is likely to be president.
I believe that's where this is going...a Trump vs. Biden ticket because they plan on and are actually already prepping. The talk now is these immigrants were sent to certain cities so they could count them as bodies, which would increase their State's district's population and give them more electoral votes. So, even if they have to put someone in Biden's place that will be the way the Dems claim to win. They are also saying if Trump does override their votes, they won't certify his electoral votes. Interesting huh? Especially since they changed the law so the VP can't send the votes back to the States. There's already been a lot of issues in the primaries, so hopefully everyone gets out and votes.
In the meantime, as the rats are outed, hopefully Trump can spill the beans at some point. Just my opinion...we can't let Biden sign that WHO treaty or it's over anyway.
It’s as plain as day that these 10 million illegals are here to vote Democrat. Stacking the deck.
Democrats have used virtue to get away with murder for decades.
It works because if you call them out they’ll label you ANTI.
Nobody wants to be seen as anti-immigration, anti-science, anti-poor, anti-black, anti-jew, anti-vax…
So it works and they get away with it. I really wish people would call them out on their manipulation.
But then I guess we’d be labeled anti-democracy.
Truth...and we aren't a democracy, so how can we be ANTI ;). They are anti-Constitutional Republic. They get called out all the time, but only alt-MSM media people hear it, but that is growing and making them nervous.
The buck has to stop somewhere my friend.