If Trump is that easily duped he shouldn’t be president. Since he is clinging to his heroic jab he’s suspect to me. I used to support him. Not anymore since the jab. Now I think he’s part of the problem because he is. Trump supporters who are smart enough to know the jab isn’t this miracle he keeps claiming STILL need to SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!

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And he’s making the same mistakes…again. If he really wants to win, he has one option. Tulsi Gabbard. He won’t choose her. She bashed the WEF to hell. Trump still has a seat, Ivanka,Stefanik, Cotton, Fauci and on and… He’s a coward with his clot shots

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Can you let him know to stop beating a dead horse with the Warp Speed crap? We know...he’s not a scientist or medical expert. He was obviously undermined by appointed bureaucrats.

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For all the positive aspects of Trump he is ultimately a Narcissist and narcissists do not apologize and are heavily influenced by their inner circle, so who is in his inner circle is critical. For example, he promised RFK Jr to essentially be the vaccine Czar, but then Trump talks to Gates who probably made him all kinds of promises while telling him all kinds of lies. One of the things Trump doesn't have going for him is an IQ high enough to discern who is who, so he tries to please those who are close to him regardless of the crap they request or the lies they tell.

It is a really conundrum.

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This post is INACCURATE.

TRUMP was very culpable.

Here is PART of the damming evidence .


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When is he going to??? because just last week he still wasn't saying it was bad.

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He knew what he was doing. We were supposed to be lockdown for over a decade. He exposed them.

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Paul you do not understand the system of Government in the United States of America, Trump did not ever do any lockdowns, and he was not the Dictator of the United States of America, as he said more than once he has no power over the States, and can not dictate their Policies, it was the States who instituted Policies across the Countries forcing people to wear masks and locking down Cities or allowing it to happen; It was the Media who mislead the masses by telling them the shots were mandatory and the masks were mandatory, and people being the ignorant fear lead sheeple they are blindly followed and complied; I heard Trump say more than once the People were calling for Vaccines and so he gave them what they wanted, and further stated they did not have to take the vaccines, they have a choice, and he did not take them himself he told us instead he took Regeneron, now you may not have heard him say these things because perhaps you were busy doing something else, I don't know ! One man can not make the decisions for everyone else, the President of the USA is not a dictator although Biden may make you believe he has those kinds of powers, he does not either !

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He needs to admit all of it and campaign on it or they will blame him for all of it.

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He’s committing political suicide in real time .

Very unfortunate for all .

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I'm leaving this channel. What a waste of time. I need to follow intelligent people. Trump 8s a genocidist. Period. Get a life bye

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"POTUS Trump listened to the wrong people ..." Stop it, already - STOP IT!! Listen, anyone can be fooled. But after a reasonable amount of time, even a dumb person realizes that he's been fooled. Then that person reverses course and takes ACTION. Is Trump *dumb*? No, I don't think so. Therefore, the only plausible conclusion is that Trump wasn't fooled - he's in on the crime!

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Unfortunately he's still championing the warped juice as the father of it still after millions injured and over a million killed from the Trump Juice,it's disgusting that President Fauci deceived and vice President Trump allowed it,no safety testing long term testing no liability as the pharmacutical cartels make trillions,Azar appointed by Trump Slaui etc, if he was duped why hasn't Trump denounced this madness,both parties did it to its citizens,your not essential small businesses, church you arent essential,family gatherings no way , people left to die all alone, totally wrong and unconstitutional,for a 99.74 percent survivable virus. Doctors censored,decade old cheap safe effective medicines canceled, sickening thiswas done on Trump's watch,then Biden tries to mandate it,two sides of the same coin,same empire,2 wings on the same bird,a tag team wrestling match,political theatre and circus. Then Trump and Republicans have done nothing to help, pardon,or get counsel or push to exhonorate the mostly peaceful protestors on Jan6th. That went to support Trump and are still rotting in jail and have had their lives ruined,how about pardoning Assange too Donald? There is no hope in politicians there is no Savior in the sespool of DC, Trust in Jesus Christ today He is Our Great God and Savior Titus 2 13,He is Faithful and True Republicans and Democrats are not,don't be deceived folks,fake left right paradimn. Psalm 33:12 Psalm 9:17 Psalm 118:6-9 Jeremiah 17::5 Acts 5:29, 2Timothy 1 :7, John 3:16 John 14:6 Acts 16:30-31 Romans 5:1 Romans 6:23 , Ephesians 2:8-9 Philippians 3:20 4:13 Titus 3:5. Blessings.

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You are well and truly jumping the gun.

Until CommonLaw Courts are openly reinstalled and Admiralty Courts are completely and forever disbanded, you will not get the ruling you seek.

So you are wasting your time pursuing an apology from anyone whether their decisions were well intended or just plain corruption.

Justice will be served once the correct institutions are reinstalled, but before that you are just exposing your cards for the benefit of the corrupt.

Don't you know about the judgements of military tribunals in Gitmo, and the many subsequent hangings. And in the future, there will be finances and abundance for all the non corrupt people of earth and no need for vengeance. They will all be gone, and peace and posperity will reign for 1000 years at least. The contracts have already been signed by 209 countries.

Everyone who is here and alive is meant to be, and those who have died had already agreed to that before they were born here.

Don't stay in your tiny box forever...open the lid and look outside a bit. There is a big world/universe just waiting for our growth....and the time for it is now.

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Trump had a clause in his contract with BIG pharmaceutical they signed it was safe tested and would be held liable. So get the correct contract and hold pharma liable.

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