You should know better. Saying Trump lost 2020 with the mountain of evidence that’s available on independent media is like saying the vaccines are safe and effective and ignoring the litany of evidence to the contrary.

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How you can say Trump Lost legitimately is beyond me. There’s all kinds of investigations now state by state because there is evidence that votes were stolen. We need to go back to paper ballots and one day voting. When you have 45 days to vote it gives the other side Enough information as to how much ballot stuffing they need to do but when you do it one day like what happened in 2020 they’re surprised and they can’t possibly make it up fast enough with their ballot stuffing. Anything that is electronic can absolutely be altered. We need to be more vigilant on these investigations because you can’t just sweep them under the rug. Third World countries have more secure voting than we do right now.

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Pennsylvania cheated.

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Trump most certainly did NOT lose the 2020 election, Paul, and I am not even a Trump worshipper. I have been studying rigged elections for 23 years. I watched almost every state hearing about the 2020 election fraud. There was mountains of evidence but courts and state legislatures are owned just like everything else. Trump still won more counties by far than Biden, or Obama before him, yet somehow still “lost.” That’s where covid comes in. Covid didn’t defeat Trump. Lockdowns didn’t defeat him. Covid allowed for mail in voting. THAT, combined with multiple other illegal tactics, cost Trump the win. Mail in ballots and easily rigged voting machines!

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I am very surprised to read what you are saying Paul. True the Vote is only one source where you will get the correct vote counts that proves that Trump won the election in 2020. Why else have they tried to persecute these people who came out with the truth? I will agree with you that Trump could have lost votes due to lock downs, etc., but the facts are that he won the 2020 election regardless of that! You say you have an open mind, well open it up to accept the fact that Trump DID WIN! Kids found hung in their bedrooms has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with our sick education system and the filthy MSM that lie to us every single day.

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Did he really lose the election? I'm not so sure:



Registered—Those who are in the CVAP and registered to vote by or on Election Day. Registered respondents may or may not have

voted. There were an estimated 168.3 million citizens of voting age who registered to vote in the 2020 election.

Registered nonvoters—Those who are in the CVAP and registered to vote but did not vote. An estimated 12.8 million citizens of

voting age were registered to vote in the 2020 election but did not vote.







The 2020 presidential election had the highest voter turnout of the 21st century, with 66.8% of citizens 18 years and older voting in the election,

according to new voting and registration tables released today by the U.S. Census Bureau.


In the 2020 elections, Joe Biden (D) won the presidential election. Biden received 306 electoral votes and Donald Trump (R) received 232 electoral

votes. In the national popular vote, Biden received 81.2 million votes and Trump received 74.2 million votes.


An eligible voter is a person who meets the requirements set forth in a political subdivision for being able to vote. The rules differ from

state-to-state for what makes someone eligible to vote.

Considerations in assessing whether a person is eligible to vote may include:


Length of residency

Ability to establish residency

Whether or not the person is a convicted felon

A person may meet the eligibility requirements for voting, but may not have registered. In that case, although a registrar would accept the person's

application for voter registration because the person meets all the requirements of that political subdivision, it might be said of this person,

"She is eligible to vote, but is not a registered voter."

In many--but not all--states, in order for a person's signature to count on a petition for a candidate or a ballot measure, the person must be not

just eligible to vote, but also registered to vote.


registration is the process that allows citizens to register with election officials in order to become eligible to vote. In 49 states, voters are

required to register to vote. North Dakota is the only state that does not require voters to register. Voter registration methods vary by state and

can include the following: in-person registration at state government agency offices, online registration, registering by mail, and registering

through voter registration drives sponsored by non-government entities.


Population 18 years or older United States - 258,327,312

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Please step back and read and re-read what I am saying...I said he won but not by enough so that the steal was easy, had he won by lots had there been no lockdowns, they could not steal...both sides steal...wake up...but the lockdowns hurt him enough that placed the steal in reach...in Jan 2020 he was unstoppable...polls showed us...July 2020 he was DOA...could not win...the election begin end July 2020 to Nov 3rd...and 45 did the magic we thought, we erased deficits and went ahead...but not by enough to avoid the steal...

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Paul, you have to stop saying Trump lost. He won, and we all know it. When someone cheats in a board game, or a card game, or an Olympic contest to "win", they did NOT win, they cheated, and are disqualified.

The election system is the problem. The voter rolls in many states are padded with tens of thousands of names that should have been scrubbed for one reason or another, and the criminals running the elections USE these "names" to cast "votes" for them.

In addition, the MACHINES are connected to the internet, intentionally, and are used to manipulate vote totals and manipulate outcomes.

IT'S THE SYSTEM THAT IS THE PROBLEM. Sure, they used the covid hoax so they could drop in MILLIONS of illegal ballots from non existent people in swing states. But it's the election system that needs to be fixed. Only brain-dead dolts actually believe Biden got 81 million real, lawful votes from real people. It only takes a few thousand pristine pre-printed ballots trucked in and inserted into the count to steal an election.

We MUST have ONE DAY VOTING, NO mail in ballots, except for the "absentee ballots" that some real people need to use, but they must be validated by signature. And NO MACHINE VOTING OR COUNTING. PAPER BALLOTS and votes counted BY HAND at the local precinct level. The totals will be known by midnight, no more cheating.

Trump DID win, the Dems cheated, and the UniParty RINO's helped them in swing states like GA, MI, WI, AZ. This is what happened, the lawless people cheated, and cheating gets you disqualified and sent to prison.

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Hysterical proclamations don’t make it so. Where are the receipts that conclusively demonstrate that Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. I don’t believe it. I have seen too much evidence to the contrary over the last 3+years. If I’ve seen it, I’m sure Trump has seen volumes more. On the other hand, I don’t think President Trump is the right presidential candidate for now and for the future for several reasons which I have enumerated previously. Most importantly, he was NOT able to control the swamp during his first presidency and I don’t think he can comprehensively do it now. That said…. almost anyone is better than Joe Biden. I will somewhat reluctantly vote for Donald Trump and hope for the best.

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I don’t believe that Trump lost, the hard data suggests that the election was stolen by means of interference with the voting software and massive ballot harvesting including fake ballots without the proper watermark. There was a setup that included using the FBI to run cover for the laptop, the release and timing of the plandemic, fake PCR data and the J6 setup. Desperate people do desperate things. America is awake now and we may have lost 4 years progress and suffered an invasion, but we will recover and MAGA.

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Dr Paul is technically correct in his analysis and I know that he's holding a few things back for good and proper reasons. However, there are filings this week in more than one court that contain information so explosive that the entire narrative of American elections will be turned on it's head. What I mean is, this particular conversation is premature by a few weeks. It's almost certain that Trump has said things about the shots and continues to appear to support them, that he will not be saying for much longer. To borrow an analogy; It's near the completion of WWII and you're listening to the leader in occupied France promise you the world. However, four feet from this leader stands one of Hitler's finest, fully armed. How much stock do you put in the leaders words? I assume most people realize by now that we are dealing with Psychopaths and assassins!! They are seriously sick. They have already murdered millions more than Hitler for Christs sake! Trump only lost the election because of the SELECTION and people are about to find out that it was partially by an act of war via treason inside the Beltway AND OUTSIDE THE COUNTRY! Huge changes are right around the corner.

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No, Trump won the 2020 election, and he won it by large measures. Acquiring 12,000,000 more votes than in 2016. More votes than 0bama in either of his *elections*. Capturing all but one bellwether county, while Biden LOST all but one. You can not seriously entertain the idea that Biden---legendarily corrupt dimwitted, racist, media-outed pathological liar and plagiarist---massively outperformed even 0bama, and Trump. It didn't happen. Anecdotally, I was one of the GOP observers in Philadelphia. Trump was ahead by 800,000 votes, with over half the votes in, when---for the first time in our nation's history,---PA and a half dozen other key states shut down the counting, in choreographed uniformity. Magically, in each, when the unprecedented closures reopened, Biden was ahead in all. In PA, the state is red, outside of Philly, Pittsburgh and a couple of much smaller cities, yet Biden impossibly surpassed Trump's winning lead, and then some. As an observer, I can testify that we were barred from re-entering the counting center. BARRED, in blatant defiance of the law, and embellished by covering the windows, doors so that we could not even *observe* from the outside until after many court orders, we were finally admitted, after the cheat was done. Let me emphasize that word...CHEAT. Then, once admitted, we were barred from actually observing at a distance that would permit seeing the ballots, with the Dems arguing that *covid mitigation* demanded that GOP observers not be near those doing the counting, AKK 'cheating', in defiance of election law requiring observers be close enough to view and read the ballots. PA's hard left Supreme Court quite literally and illegally legislated its own laws in ruling that observers could only observe from 20 feet. Covid mitigation, as you know, required only a 6 foot buffer.

They cheated their lying asses off, and you should shed any dangerous delusion that this was in any way, shape, or form a free, fair, and legitimate election. I will also add that cheating and election fraud has long been an acknowledged reality in Philly, and common sense would dictate that this extrapolates to other blue cities. Let me remind you that in 2012, again as a poll observer, the GOP reps were ejected and barred from many of the city's precincts. It took an emergency court injunction to force the Dems to admit GOP observers, costing hours of oversight, in a city that had over 4 dozen precincts tabulate ~110% voter turnout...for 0bama, of course.

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Trump lost because the election was stolen. And he will lose again unless he makes a deal with evil.

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I should also add, (mentioned below), the swing states all violated the Constitution. They illegally changed their election laws contrary to the Constitution. The Supreme Court FAILED to uphold the Constitution with the Texas lawsuit. For some strange reason, the Court said, "No Standing" A ridiculous decision since all of the 12 states in the lawsuit, as well as each and every American was affected by the election and ALL had standing. The proper remedy, would have been the Court ordered all new elections in the swing states, performed according to Constitutional requirements. The entire purpose of the Supreme Court is to uphold the Constitution, why even have a SUPREME COURT IF THEY REFUSE TO DO THEIR JOB? We've wondered if the justices were threatened, or their families threatened or targeted, it's possible.

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The cheating the Dems did was massive. 2000 Mules. $400 million Zuckerbucks. Drop and roll, Trump was ahead in the swing states then the voting stopped simultaneously in each of those states, then when the voting resumed, Biden was now miraculously ahead, and they kept Biden ahead. See "Let My People Go" for more cheating. Books written about the cheating, Rigged, The Parallel Election, many more. Wisconsin, they went into the nursing homes and filled out the ballots for Biden for vegetative people. I could fill pages with all the cheating

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