We should NEVER have gotten to this sad, sorry state. Most of the world has been laughing at the US for some time now - with reason! When a world-class nation cannot even recognize nor enforce the difference between a man and a woman, it's time to pull the plug.

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Retired military here...what the US military has become is a total embarrassment on the world's stage.

The military figuring what pronouns to us, drag queens...all of it is disgusting and sick.

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It's a good move on Trump's part. A lot of the traditional backbone of the military, young Southern volunteers, won't join a Woke military--which sorely needs new recruits.

Since moving away from traditional family values, the whole culture has gone blooey.

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these trans people have to take cross sex hormones forever. how's that going to work on the battle field? once the pervs are gone, i bet enrollment goes up. actual fighting MEN don't really like the rainbows and the pronouns and the sensitivity training. i'm guessing the number of trans people with "decades of service" is effectively zero.

i also agree with Pete Hegseth that there is no place for women on the battle field. male soldiers will naturally try to protect their female colleagues, putting themselves at risk. we must resist this weird temptation to make women and men interchangeable.

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Yes, that is true. Women would put everyone at risk because they would be considered in need of special protection.

Homosexuals also undermine morale, spread disease, and get into relationships which subvert military discipline. These are facts and should not be dismissed lightly.

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Retired military here. Agree with Pete...no women should be in combat.

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I couldn't agree more, Carolyn.

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The first EO must be to assign a Praetorian Guard for President Trump to replace the SS. Already vetted and ready to roll the day before day one.

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nice suggestion

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Well, the Praetorian Guard in ancient Rome caused problems too, sometimes overthrowing the emperor by themselves.

It has to be a group which is well supervised and can't take power or subvert the Constitution.

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They are putting the MRNA covid vax in your food you need to

do this right now visit.......... https://t.co/K2mXQiCZiT

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Maybe I'm a bit off my rocker -

But, I'd rather have Women in the military who want to fight like men, than Men (?) in the military that want to sashay around like women....


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I agree. Trans is _severe_ mental illness. That instantly disqualifies anyone from being in the military.

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Nothing like giving weapons to people who are confused about what gender they are.

What could go wrong?

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He should give them a chance to revert back to men and act like men. If they refuse, they are out.

More important is to end experimentation (conversion procedures).

Otherwise, many perverts will join the military with the expectation of free "conversion".

In either case he should sign an executive order that once an XY male, always a male, and therefore should be called a transgender male and use the terms HE and HIM.

That would confuse the left.

Of course there are rare exceptions that can be determined via genetics. The exceptions are maybe 1 in 10,000, not 2 in 100 as is probably the case today.

And can we once and for all start using the term Alphabet Soup for anyone beyond LG.

I grew up believing it was insulting to call someone Queer. Now they want to be called that.

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I don't get it! If it is assumed that genitals don't determine gender then why should the taxpayer spend $M's to have them cut off? Don't the generals and admirals have any say in the matter or are they obliged (forced) to go along with this dystopia idea.

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The current crop of generals and admirals are stupid and weak.

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Good points.

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Bye-bye trannies...here's your hat...(Thank God and Greyhound they're gone...). The globalists will be furious...their plan to rot the country from within is falling apart.

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The military's morale and self-respect would likely be much improved without the attention-seeking drama of confused, self-delusional plastic surgery patients demanding accommodation and expensive treatments.

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That sounds like a good idea to me. I think he should cut the military budget by 10-25% as well, and focus a significant portion of the remaining budget to building new advanced hypersonic weapons. Our current weapons are useless compared to Russian and Iranian hypersonic missiles. Also, I'd like to see him stop sending so much US taxpayer dollars to Israel and the Ukraine. It seems there's a chance he might cut the military spending in the Ukraine, but I'd give it about 0% chance that he will stop sending US taxpayer money to Israel becuase it seems that Trump is a very "Israel first" type of guy.

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Our current weapons are useless compared to Russian and Iranian hypersonic missiles.

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very troubling statement for there may be accurate aspects

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When we fire our best missiles at Russia they can shoot most of them, if not all of them down. When Russia and Iran fire their hypersonic missiles at us, we can't do s#it, except get hit.

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Mach 12 ? Reaches targets up to 3500 miles, I believe, with accuracy within a couple of meters ?

You got THAT right, Doc !

Would be like bringing a knife to a gunfight, imo.

Best get some Adults in the room, before anyone discusses 'next steps' - please. PRETTY PLEASE !

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There are over 917 US military bases in 98 countries.

Bring the troops home.

Here is a link that shows where US troops are stationed, their numbers, and their mission.


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Paul, is there some way you can block that sarah bot who keep posting that repetitive MRNA is our food? It's getting really annoying seeing that multiple times under virtually every one of your posts.

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Who's gonna be left to fight is our silly, insane wars? Mom and pop with shotguns?

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That is why it is must be vetted well beforehand by warriors loyal to America and President Trump.

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I don't give a rats azz about how you feel or are addressed. You have a job to do. Dam it, do it! Oh, I forgot you don't even meet the modified version for couch surfers who are too fat to pass basic height weight BMI, and then you flunk at physical fitness, most of you. No wonder we're in this shIt hole the idiots got us into. The alleged military today only cares about how you identify whether your feelings have been hurt, unlike the military of years ago, where you got trained sometimes 24 hours a day in hot, muggy, and humid weather to freeze your body parts off. The first thing is to stop that, and if anyone is psycho, I'm not fit, especially if they think oh goody, I can get this sex change for free. Fast forward, say, 10 years or longer, the strokes and severe loss of bone, one of those direct effects will take you 6 feet under or barbequed or the new green method of decomposing the body, which is allowed since there are no chemicals at three VA cemeteries. Second, remove all Secret Service idiots. They can't even be trusted with cat or dog poo. Third, remove anyone from any position that is for children's mutilation. It is not patriotic to take any clot shot of any kind; any service member should not be even asked or ordered to do so. Those clot shots weaken their immune system to engage in combat hand-to-hand or long-range. It messes with the pilot's vertical depth perception and has a heart attack stroke while clotting and hemorrhaging. That weakens the human body and prevents it from performing at peak performance. Kevin Stillwagon is a former pilot and chiropractor expert. Peter McCoulah, cardiologist, expert. Fourth, physical fitness training, treading water no matter the branch, and water survival skills are essential. All branches should have at least one jump from a plane. All branches should know their cyber security. They must be at least 15 steps ahead of whatever is happening. Fifth, on all ships at the dry dock, the sailors should be quiet; not hearing machinery all day and night is one factor contributing to the loss of confidence in many places. It is similar to being down in the engine room of the older class vessels. I have not been aboard a newer fleet release. Some have been an utter failure and cannot even make it out to sea. They are not even sea-worthy and need to be scraped. All those millions to billions of dollars wasted on garbage! Boeing manufacturing has been neglecting to put critical parts or components in military planes and is not sure about commercial planes, and the maintenance of the aircraft is pathetic. Stop wasting the money and do the job right. Also, many navy vessels have been delayed in their critical maintenance due to budget constraints. Who are the politicians putting the money in their friend's contracts instead of where it is needed in critical repairs, or they will not be sea-worthy and endanger the entire crew and even this country? Coastguards and Merchant Mariners and Army they need to have their equipment serviced also

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Well said, takes your breath away, doesn't it. I look at this from the money, power and control viewpoint. Nothing else matters to them, then the arse kissers jump in hoping for their piece of the pie. Divide and control - Black, White, Other, sexual orientation, education, where you're from - North, South, even the food you eat. How many ways more?

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Teri, thank you for the response. It's all about money-control freaks. A white coat expert usually pushes their orientation. They say you must change sex to be happy, which is far from the truth. I wonder about the junk in them; clot shots with tissue and other things in them, even SV 40 with other junk added in, could have contributed to this dysfunction, especially fetal tissues. It would only cost 1 cent to clean it up. I could care less about their orientation; that's their business—too many ways to try to divide and conquer the people. I prefer to eat real food if I can't pronounce it. I don't want to embalm myself early before death. Many people have been blind to the truth, and I hope they can discern what it is.

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