Every election since 2000 has been rigged. The software that Clinton Curtis wrote to steal it for Bush in Florida has now improved and expanded around the world. Trump beat it because he broke the algorithm. You ever wonder why Hillary complained constantly of election fraud but never asked for a recount? She knew what they’d find. They will never make the same mistake again that they made in 2016. Kennedy and /or Trump would be glorious for our country but it’ll never happen unless we get rid of the machines or cheat more than the deep state.
Totally agree with you that President Trump will win just as it had been shown to me before he won his 1st Presidential election. Despite the stealing of the last election from him, it has truly helped many other people in our country to see what has been going and educate everyone on how corrupt everything is in our country. President Trump is truly our only hope at saving our country and all of humanity on earth!
I have gotten to know and have become very close to many men in the military and have discussed the US corruption, the US being on the wrong side of the war in Ukraine and the biolab issue in Ukraine and around the world. I have shared the dangers of the COVID shot with them and they are aware of this and these other issues, though are careful to speak because of their positions!
One of these soldiers I know well just got deployed on Saturday as a special forces soldier to Ukraine on a ?peacekeeping? mission, yeah right!? As an elite forces soldier, he is very nervous to be going to fight a war that is not ours and he knows what side I am on! We had our last two video calls while he waited to board the military aircraft. Many soldiers are on the people's side!
Please everyone, if you are so inclined, please keep him in your prayers since we can no longer have communications between us for his safety while doing his job over there.
The US should not be involved in that war militarily or via subsidization!
If you couldn't guess, I am on the side of Russia though I do feel for the Ukrainian people that have been hurt or displaced by this war!
Both Russia and Ukraine leaders are evil, but I believe the U.S. powers are hating on Russia because Putin is not down for the New World Order. Why would he be? He wants to be the leader of his country and will not give his power away to the New World Order. Putin even did a speech at the U.N. saying along the line that he knew that they wanted a New World Order and he didn't want to abide by their wishes. That is why we had Russia hatred Propaganda for years.
Sorry. I didn't follow Putin history as well as I could have. I vaguely remember some things but not going to spend the time to research that right now to be more accurate. Maybe someone else here can give you some details.
Despots and criminals, once they grift their way into power, will do anything—they will break any law, and abrogate any tradition or convention—to maintain that power. The more they desperately grasp for continuity of tyranny, the more America and the world see their depravity and lies.
Let's hope and pray, and do what we can, to make their tragic megalomania a short-lived object lesson.
Dr Paul I don’t know how you can deride the killer vaccines on one hand and then support the man who put them in play along with closing down the country, ruining thousands of small businesses and suspending the constitution. Trump is responsible for all 3 and yet you think that if he gets another term in office that things will be different? Trump knew what was going to happen when he was shown with the military and then knowingly put it in charge of the vaccines.
I don’t know how anyone can hold these conflicting views in their head and yet still support the person who made it all possible. If you think it’s because he was lied to then explain why he’s still supporting his beautiful vaccine instead of blowing the conspiracy wide open. Sure he didn’t mandate them, but he did everything else. Anyone else who is supporting him please explain to me how you can.
Don’t forget that Trump signed the modified PREP act and he also signed the CARES Act that saw the biggest transfer of wealth upwards in history.
Well instead of accusing me of TDS why not try to debunk what I said? It’s sure easier to insult than debate isn’t it? Maybe don’t get back to me until you fully read the article I linked. Otherwise you’re just spouting nonsense.
There is no debating with people like you. Go find someone who loves you and is willing to waste their time explaining 7 years of why you are wrong. You want to hate Trump. There is no healing that craven spirit.
Ok control freak. Keep buying into the liberal BS by stating we don’t have an argument because we insult you. You ask for the insults because people like you are obnoxious. I see your panties are in a wad because I won’t kiss your azz. Grow up little one.
Oh for crying out loud. I said to debate the facts in the article I posted but again you’re just offering insults because you either won’t or can’t explain what I got wrong. Did the country shutdown during Trump or not?
I don’t hate Trump for the record. He was no different than previous presidents. And you shutting down conversation is what Fauci and his ilk have done and people bitched about. Congratulations you’re just like them.
Congratulations Sam you’re one of the crying libtard entitled crybabies. I already told you what my terms are. What is it you don’t get you control freak. Our conversation is over. Now go away little one.
If God be FOR him, who can be against him? Always keep Trump in your prayers. He has gone above and beyond to right this ship called America and he really loves good and honest values that work for everybody.
China printed a bunch of ballots already marked for byedumb . Trump had the ballots marked with quantum dot tech and they knew where every ballot was. Notice None of the judges would take it on? And I watched Lindsey Graham and Mike.Pence stab Trump in the back on Jan. 6th
The self appointed enslavement who are pedophiles, adrenochrome drinkers, child rapists and cannibals want to keep running this racket along with drugs, wars, depopulation, famine and lies upon lies to deceive you into "accepting" their neo, which means death to the good and Godly people, the patriots conservatives, and then death to useless eaters and the crippled until they dwindle anything living (but dead between the ears) down to only 500 million people who will be glad to be their slaves.
So with all of the good people. Patriots, conservatives and people who want to live a positive life, for themselves, their children and friends, why would we even go along with anything these evil wicked pos' are doing? Remember Gulliver? The Big Giant...and all the little people gathered together and tied him up. I respect what David did to Goliath...he cut off the giant's head. There is strength in numbers. Trump doesn't need to fall into the devil's trap. He did nothing wrong and these giant pos' want to lie on him. Let's not let these pedophiles go any further with destroying OUR country!... They MUST be STOPPED! We need our brave and courageous Davids to gather together.
Ron DeSantis will pardon Trump and others of all Federal crimes.
In the meantime, the House should swiftly remove the first impeachment of Trump from the record and cite the congenital liar Adam Schiff for justification.
However, there is no need to continue to average Rebublicans to oppose the Democrats by giving Trump their sympathy support to pollsters.
Ron DeSantis will win Iowa, NH and SC and be the nominee.
National polls are irrelevant.
There were 5 different front-runners back in 2016.
First Jeb Bush, then Trump for months until close to Iowa when voters started to get serious.
Ben Carson (similarities to Vivek based on principled good people without experience) overtook Trump.
Then both Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (who I supported) took terns as favorites.) Rubio was the clear expected nominee for a few weeks.
The only 2 reasons Trump is ahead of DeSantis right now is because 1. He mounted a major effort over the past 10 months to discredit DeSantis and 2. Trump is enjoying a major sympathy bounce, as supporting Trump is seen as putting the middle finger at corrupt Democrats.
Eventually the non-few million hard core MAGA, who are out in force to try to discredit DeSanits here and everywhere on Social Media, will not prevail.
Trump is not receiving any new endorsements (from people who were big MAGA supporters in the past) or serious new major donors.
He has already spent between $20 - 40 M from hand-working campaign contributions to pay his legal expenses. More will come.
DeSantis supports everything that Republicans like Trump for, and much, much more.
DeSantis does his best when he is allowed to speak at length.
He is the smartest Republican politician of my long lifetime.
I challenge people to watch the recent interview by Megyn Kelly.
She said he was very funny in private (doing funny impressions) and good speak with expertise on any subject.
Trump is the most unpopular politician in American and that keeps getting worse every month, even as core Republicans who are being polled are oblivious.
I understand that Paul is required to support Trump, because he served in his administration, and Trump is begging for his support now. But only DeSantis has promised to make the Crimes Against Humanity during Covid-19 a major issue and something his administration will pursue until there is justice.
Trump and his MAGNA nutjobs like your self have been the ones trying to torpedo his campaign, but it will fail, even if Trump isn't physically thrown in prison and unable to be the candidate.
You have me confused with someone else. I'm not a spokesman for DeSantis OR Soros. Although I would suggest that Soros would think twice about backing a sure loser.
Oh, can a former governor pardon a Commander in chief? Because DeSantis is a good ole boys club member and he won't be president, because he is a stuffed shirt and puppet on a string IMO. He should keep his governor job if he can.
Lol! Your political view seems a bit twisted...kind of like you don't really understand what is really going on. Ron DeSantis will Not win...period. He is a secret society boy...that means he is nwo and wef all the way. YOU will eat bugs and be happy as they continue to try and kill you, your family and friends because they care nothing about people. Whom they eat because they are not human.
The hidden deeds of darkness shall be made manifest in the light.
oh and in addition to being secret society St. Elmos in which you need a 'special invite' , he is also a knights of malta .... Pete Santilli investigative journalist publishes this information https://petersantilli.com/?p=6494
Gerald you’re seriously delusional in everything your have stated. DeSoros is corrupt and will never be able to be elected dog catcher in the future. Eventually his corruption will be exposed.
In the end you can only vote for the candidates running. Despite any flaws, no matter how big of a flaw(s), that is all the people you got to pick from. Even though the shots on purpose killed and disabled many, many people including our own service men and women, Trump may still be the best pick....cough.. cough... cough.. Although I want someone who really would destroy the swamp, and NWO, and destroy the vaccine poison scams that have been conducted on the American people for a long time now.
Trump had 4 yrs to destroy the swamp and secure the border, and everything is much worse today. Trump only wants REVENGE.
DeSantis could easily call out Trump for his lies and misdeeds, but he is trying to be polite, since he will need some of you to vote for him now and more when he runs vs Biden's replacement. He certainly doesn't need people like taylor.kathleen as the Nutjobs will stay home or vote for a 3rd party candidate, rather than vote for DeSantis.
And I would like to hear from someone who actually watched the entire Megyn Kelly interview that I posted, but was not a DeSantis supporter before watching.
You know a Nutjob because they don't want to hear anything that DeSantis is saying. They think of Trump as their God.
Trump never mandated vaccines, masks or social distancing. That what was your governors. Trump didn’t make the jabs either. The truth will eventually be revealed.
Dear God, Please protect President Trump.
In Jesus name. Amen!
Every election since 2000 has been rigged. The software that Clinton Curtis wrote to steal it for Bush in Florida has now improved and expanded around the world. Trump beat it because he broke the algorithm. You ever wonder why Hillary complained constantly of election fraud but never asked for a recount? She knew what they’d find. They will never make the same mistake again that they made in 2016. Kennedy and /or Trump would be glorious for our country but it’ll never happen unless we get rid of the machines or cheat more than the deep state.
Or grow some balls
Donald John Trump
The One True President
Indicted again?!! What about Biden and Hunter? Such hypocrisy!!! To no end
Totally agree with you that President Trump will win just as it had been shown to me before he won his 1st Presidential election. Despite the stealing of the last election from him, it has truly helped many other people in our country to see what has been going and educate everyone on how corrupt everything is in our country. President Trump is truly our only hope at saving our country and all of humanity on earth!
I have gotten to know and have become very close to many men in the military and have discussed the US corruption, the US being on the wrong side of the war in Ukraine and the biolab issue in Ukraine and around the world. I have shared the dangers of the COVID shot with them and they are aware of this and these other issues, though are careful to speak because of their positions!
One of these soldiers I know well just got deployed on Saturday as a special forces soldier to Ukraine on a ?peacekeeping? mission, yeah right!? As an elite forces soldier, he is very nervous to be going to fight a war that is not ours and he knows what side I am on! We had our last two video calls while he waited to board the military aircraft. Many soldiers are on the people's side!
Please everyone, if you are so inclined, please keep him in your prayers since we can no longer have communications between us for his safety while doing his job over there.
The US should not be involved in that war militarily or via subsidization!
If you couldn't guess, I am on the side of Russia though I do feel for the Ukrainian people that have been hurt or displaced by this war!
Me too am on the side of Russia. Never thought I would say those words.
They are the lesser of two evils…😢
Both Russia and Ukraine leaders are evil, but I believe the U.S. powers are hating on Russia because Putin is not down for the New World Order. Why would he be? He wants to be the leader of his country and will not give his power away to the New World Order. Putin even did a speech at the U.N. saying along the line that he knew that they wanted a New World Order and he didn't want to abide by their wishes. That is why we had Russia hatred Propaganda for years.
Totally agree with you! Putin is against the New World Order d the BioLabs in Ukraine and elsewhere and that is all I need to know!
Please explain how Putin is more evil than the previous POTUS’ with the exception of Trump?
Sorry. I didn't follow Putin history as well as I could have. I vaguely remember some things but not going to spend the time to research that right now to be more accurate. Maybe someone else here can give you some details.
God Bless our good military and police officers
Despots and criminals, once they grift their way into power, will do anything—they will break any law, and abrogate any tradition or convention—to maintain that power. The more they desperately grasp for continuity of tyranny, the more America and the world see their depravity and lies.
Let's hope and pray, and do what we can, to make their tragic megalomania a short-lived object lesson.
👏👏👏👏So very well said!
I believe Trump will win the Presidency EVEN IF wrongfully imprisoned.
Dr Paul I don’t know how you can deride the killer vaccines on one hand and then support the man who put them in play along with closing down the country, ruining thousands of small businesses and suspending the constitution. Trump is responsible for all 3 and yet you think that if he gets another term in office that things will be different? Trump knew what was going to happen when he was shown with the military and then knowingly put it in charge of the vaccines.
I don’t know how anyone can hold these conflicting views in their head and yet still support the person who made it all possible. If you think it’s because he was lied to then explain why he’s still supporting his beautiful vaccine instead of blowing the conspiracy wide open. Sure he didn’t mandate them, but he did everything else. Anyone else who is supporting him please explain to me how you can.
Don’t forget that Trump signed the modified PREP act and he also signed the CARES Act that saw the biggest transfer of wealth upwards in history.
Trump signed on to the above.
You need to seek help for your TDS. The truth will be revealed eventually. Hopefully you will be humble enough to apologize.
Well instead of accusing me of TDS why not try to debunk what I said? It’s sure easier to insult than debate isn’t it? Maybe don’t get back to me until you fully read the article I linked. Otherwise you’re just spouting nonsense.
There is no debating with people like you. Go find someone who loves you and is willing to waste their time explaining 7 years of why you are wrong. You want to hate Trump. There is no healing that craven spirit.
You might enjoy this book.
'But this Institute identified seven main techniques of propaganda, most still widely in use today:
Name Calling: A device to discredit an opponent without refuting his claim.
It’s a chickensh*t way to try to win an argument.
Ok control freak. Keep buying into the liberal BS by stating we don’t have an argument because we insult you. You ask for the insults because people like you are obnoxious. I see your panties are in a wad because I won’t kiss your azz. Grow up little one.
Oh for crying out loud. I said to debate the facts in the article I posted but again you’re just offering insults because you either won’t or can’t explain what I got wrong. Did the country shutdown during Trump or not?
I don’t hate Trump for the record. He was no different than previous presidents. And you shutting down conversation is what Fauci and his ilk have done and people bitched about. Congratulations you’re just like them.
Congratulations Sam you’re one of the crying libtard entitled crybabies. I already told you what my terms are. What is it you don’t get you control freak. Our conversation is over. Now go away little one.
Suggest reading Patel Patriot’s Devolution series 1-24
Trump has the disclosure pumping along now
More indictments coming for him
This is creating presidents for when the real criminals are prosecuted, no longer protected by the office they have held!
The Biden resident is waking more up each day, as if it were planned out!
Trump is comfy, if THEY could of killed him, it would have been over before it began.
As we have all worried. The overlords will stop at nothing to destroy President Trump.
If God be FOR him, who can be against him? Always keep Trump in your prayers. He has gone above and beyond to right this ship called America and he really loves good and honest values that work for everybody.
The People are watching every thing to make sure they are not Cheating this time.
Jay Valentine has the tools to stop them.
China printed a bunch of ballots already marked for byedumb . Trump had the ballots marked with quantum dot tech and they knew where every ballot was. Notice None of the judges would take it on? And I watched Lindsey Graham and Mike.Pence stab Trump in the back on Jan. 6th
They didn't need the chinese. The ballot printer in AZ was compromised. I'm sure ballot printers in other states were also.
You're trusting the Secret Service. 🤨
The self appointed enslavement who are pedophiles, adrenochrome drinkers, child rapists and cannibals want to keep running this racket along with drugs, wars, depopulation, famine and lies upon lies to deceive you into "accepting" their neo, which means death to the good and Godly people, the patriots conservatives, and then death to useless eaters and the crippled until they dwindle anything living (but dead between the ears) down to only 500 million people who will be glad to be their slaves.
So with all of the good people. Patriots, conservatives and people who want to live a positive life, for themselves, their children and friends, why would we even go along with anything these evil wicked pos' are doing? Remember Gulliver? The Big Giant...and all the little people gathered together and tied him up. I respect what David did to Goliath...he cut off the giant's head. There is strength in numbers. Trump doesn't need to fall into the devil's trap. He did nothing wrong and these giant pos' want to lie on him. Let's not let these pedophiles go any further with destroying OUR country!... They MUST be STOPPED! We need our brave and courageous Davids to gather together.
Ron DeSantis will pardon Trump and others of all Federal crimes.
In the meantime, the House should swiftly remove the first impeachment of Trump from the record and cite the congenital liar Adam Schiff for justification.
However, there is no need to continue to average Rebublicans to oppose the Democrats by giving Trump their sympathy support to pollsters.
Ron DeSantis will win Iowa, NH and SC and be the nominee.
National polls are irrelevant.
There were 5 different front-runners back in 2016.
First Jeb Bush, then Trump for months until close to Iowa when voters started to get serious.
Ben Carson (similarities to Vivek based on principled good people without experience) overtook Trump.
Then both Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (who I supported) took terns as favorites.) Rubio was the clear expected nominee for a few weeks.
The only 2 reasons Trump is ahead of DeSantis right now is because 1. He mounted a major effort over the past 10 months to discredit DeSantis and 2. Trump is enjoying a major sympathy bounce, as supporting Trump is seen as putting the middle finger at corrupt Democrats.
Eventually the non-few million hard core MAGA, who are out in force to try to discredit DeSanits here and everywhere on Social Media, will not prevail.
Trump is not receiving any new endorsements (from people who were big MAGA supporters in the past) or serious new major donors.
He has already spent between $20 - 40 M from hand-working campaign contributions to pay his legal expenses. More will come.
DeSantis supports everything that Republicans like Trump for, and much, much more.
DeSantis does his best when he is allowed to speak at length.
He is the smartest Republican politician of my long lifetime.
I challenge people to watch the recent interview by Megyn Kelly.
She said he was very funny in private (doing funny impressions) and good speak with expertise on any subject.
Trump is the most unpopular politician in American and that keeps getting worse every month, even as core Republicans who are being polled are oblivious.
I understand that Paul is required to support Trump, because he served in his administration, and Trump is begging for his support now. But only DeSantis has promised to make the Crimes Against Humanity during Covid-19 a major issue and something his administration will pursue until there is justice.
No other candidate needs to beat DeSantis. He doing a great job torpedoing his own campaign.
Trump and his MAGNA nutjobs like your self have been the ones trying to torpedo his campaign, but it will fail, even if Trump isn't physically thrown in prison and unable to be the candidate.
Calling others "nutjobs" reflects poorly on you, Gerald. I'd never stoop so low.
I will NEVER stop calling people NUTJOBS if they spread lies about other people as you and others have been doing.
And anyone who claims to hate Dems is a Nutjob if they would rather stay home on election day than vote for Ron DeSantis over the Democrat.
I guarantee you Paul won't make up lies about DeSantis and he will support DeSantis when he is the nominee.
I will give you another chance to redeem yourself.
Will you now deny that George Soros is financially backing Ron DeSantis?
You have me confused with someone else. I'm not a spokesman for DeSantis OR Soros. Although I would suggest that Soros would think twice about backing a sure loser.
You are not the only one who won't deny that lie about a Soros connection.
You aren't the only Nutjob that posts here when the subject of Trump is brought up.
You are a spokesperson for Trump, however. One of about 3 million MAGA spokespeople.
Oh, can a former governor pardon a Commander in chief? Because DeSantis is a good ole boys club member and he won't be president, because he is a stuffed shirt and puppet on a string IMO. He should keep his governor job if he can.
Lol! Your political view seems a bit twisted...kind of like you don't really understand what is really going on. Ron DeSantis will Not win...period. He is a secret society boy...that means he is nwo and wef all the way. YOU will eat bugs and be happy as they continue to try and kill you, your family and friends because they care nothing about people. Whom they eat because they are not human.
Looks like the bigger Nutjob than Kathy has popped up.
You will probably end up not voting on general election day 2024.
So much for those that deny spreading lies about DeSantis for the past 10 months.
For anyone with the courage to watch Megyn Kelly with DeSantis..
I think she has a crush on DeSantis.
Clay Travis and Tucker also want DeSantis to win.
People will learn about the REAL Ron DeSantis, from his mouth, not from Trump Nutjobs.
You underestimate me... https://majorkalhoun.substack.com/p/ron-desantis-and-st-elmo-secret-society
The hidden deeds of darkness shall be made manifest in the light.
oh and in addition to being secret society St. Elmos in which you need a 'special invite' , he is also a knights of malta .... Pete Santilli investigative journalist publishes this information https://petersantilli.com/?p=6494
and for more articles https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/06/26/ron-desantis-savior-or-snake/comment-page-1/
Gerald you’re seriously delusional in everything your have stated. DeSoros is corrupt and will never be able to be elected dog catcher in the future. Eventually his corruption will be exposed.
In the end you can only vote for the candidates running. Despite any flaws, no matter how big of a flaw(s), that is all the people you got to pick from. Even though the shots on purpose killed and disabled many, many people including our own service men and women, Trump may still be the best pick....cough.. cough... cough.. Although I want someone who really would destroy the swamp, and NWO, and destroy the vaccine poison scams that have been conducted on the American people for a long time now.
Trump had 4 yrs to destroy the swamp and secure the border, and everything is much worse today. Trump only wants REVENGE.
DeSantis could easily call out Trump for his lies and misdeeds, but he is trying to be polite, since he will need some of you to vote for him now and more when he runs vs Biden's replacement. He certainly doesn't need people like taylor.kathleen as the Nutjobs will stay home or vote for a 3rd party candidate, rather than vote for DeSantis.
And I would like to hear from someone who actually watched the entire Megyn Kelly interview that I posted, but was not a DeSantis supporter before watching.
You know a Nutjob because they don't want to hear anything that DeSantis is saying. They think of Trump as their God.
If Trump is elected you can line up for your next vaccine shot.
Trump never mandated vaccines, masks or social distancing. That what was your governors. Trump didn’t make the jabs either. The truth will eventually be revealed.