He was trusting the experts who claimed they were following the science when they were actually creating the medical crime of the century against the human race!

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In seeking to exterminate roughly 7.5 billion human beings over the next eight years and reach a stated goal of a much lower global number of 500,000 people by 2030, the presently occurring depopulation effort, beyond mass murder and genocide and as the only known humanicide, is, in fact, the most evil act ever conceived in terms of scope and extent. It is actively, however furtively, in the process of being carried out, and it is, to be further sure, the worst crime ever committed by human beings in all of recorded history.

Pardon me for calculating and possibly sounding insensitive, I'm certainly not, but the Holocaust (here broadened to include all ethnic and other so-called Untermenschen, or people the Nazis deemed undesirable for elimination) was just a mild warmup-event, horrifically brutal and demonic as it was, at an estimated 17,000,000 murdered, compared to the intended and now in-effect Covid-19-pretexted, WEF-coordinated, claimed "Great Reset" annihilation. Indeed, and God forbid, as it's looking so far, the present Holocaust (II) might just tally to the aforementioned eugenecists-driven desideratum of several BILLION exanimated -- desouled -- corpses.

Planned by the WEF's diabolical master villain-in-residence, Klaus Schwab, who is very likely a sort of card-carrying -- at least a paternally inspired -- Nazi ideologue, such a culling, as the Neu Bund (New Bundle or Federation), d/b/a the WEF, so nonchalantly and mechanically views the ongoing and indescribable humanicide, translates to a 90-% reduction of the world's current population. And far less CO2 expired into the global atmosphere, too, you'll be happy to learn while you're impoverished -- you see where and in what hyper-depraved manner all this is going?

For us normals, it's Bizarro World, certainly and unimaginably far worse in effect, on steroids.

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I pray that we will overcome!

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Looks like they're ahead of schedule as they've already succeeded reaching 500,000 by 2022. Is there evidence re the 7.5 billion extermination figure and if still on the agenda? Horrific!!

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Read the WEF's Agenda 2030. The less people, the less potential resistance to megalomaniacal control. It's part and parcel of our unelected, intending world government's reason for being.

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Well the georgia guidstones which mysteriously blew up this year, spoke of 85% of the population but they were erected in the 70's. Maybe they want 85% regardless of the population?

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Looks like a suspicious case of WEF's plagiarism to me, or "it's just a coincidence".

And here, so many (of those vaxxed and others) thought it's cool to be poor and happy.

They obviously overlooked the main attraction: a killing galore.

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OK......President Trump is not a Doctor. That's right he was following the so called experts who turned out to be liars to the American public. Go after Fraucchi, Birx, Collns, and Redfield.

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That has been my take as well my friend. I watched the whole thing. Every bit. I saw the emotions, I saw the facial expressions (every one), I saw the call for HCQ (even as I was learning about it myself). I saw the village of demons constantly attacking him. I saw "The Fauci" looking like this "little old doctor who cared about folks".

I saw the people supposedly falling down dead in the streets in China, I saw the massive fraudulent case numbers climb daily (it wasn't for many many months that I realized they were fake.).

I saw the whole story of Dr. Vladimir Zelenko and President Trump trying to get HCQ and other treatments to the folks, but stopped every time.

And I saw all the rest.

What is happening now ... I do not understand ... but I saw what happened back then ... and based on what I saw ... I completely agree.

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Torgul. So WHY is Trump being silent? In fact WHY is he continuing to take credit for the disaster of WARP SPEED? He has a golden opportunity to REDEEM himself by coming forward, admitting mistakes and declaring he will do everything in his power to TAKE DOWN those that caused harm. Perhaps he fears they will harm him? I just don't understand why he is being silent because he REALLY could turn this around. MAGA literally means MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. That is needed more than ever!

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I have read that Trump received mega $$$ donation from Pfizer to his 2020 re-election campaign. If this is true, Trump may be expecting that he will receive another major major campaign contribution to his 2024 campaign? If would be beyond disappointing if this is the reason why Trump will not denounce the jabs and admit they have been a devastating and need to be halted! There are other possible reasons why Trump continues to take credit for Warp Speed instead of admitting the disaster. If Trump declares the truth about the millions of serious adverse reactions and hundreds of thousands of deaths from the jabs, it will create mass hysteria as many of his supporters who lined-up for the jabs and boosters did not question the "safe and effective" narrative because of their trust in Trump. The demoncraps who lined-up for the jabs because they trust this evil Biden administration will blame Trump for the jab injuries and deaths and accuse him of being in on the cover-up of the Pfizer and Moderna fraud and complicity of Fauci, Birx, Collins, Redfield, the FDA and CDC to facilitate the cover-up of adverse reactions and deaths. In addition to the hysteria reaction on a massive scale if Trump were to declare the truth, he would be admitting to himself and his family and friends that encouraging them to take the jabs (as he did himself) was a huge mistake (and they trusted him implicitly). If Trump watches Tucker and Laura on FOX (as I would bet that he does) and reads the Epoch Times (print or on-line) then he would have to be aware of the serious adverse health effects and deaths from the jabs. Another possibility is perhaps Trump has chosen to not speak-out publicly to denounce the jabs and admit the truth but will take any Pfizer contributions to fund his 2024 campaign and once he is re-elected, Trump may be planning to request his AG to pursue criminal charges against all the perps who deceived him in order to release the dangerous COVID jabs and every perp involved with the cover-up and promoting false narratives and threatening health care providers to silence them, and forcing our patriots serving in the military, hospital workers, first responders, federal workers, and college students to take the jabs. Could Trump be staying silent to avoid mass hysteria and he is hoping that voters will excuse his silence on the jabs and that his objective is to pursue criminal charges against the perps once he is re-elected?

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He's not being silent. He recently routed them again, and referred to himself as the father of vaccines. Plus he received money from pfizer so he's a sell-out. I sent him an email with data on the deaths, the patent for the tests from 201t, and the link from the nih.gov about how they knew jabs and monoclonal antibodies didnt work, from Dec 2015. I told him he's lost a lot of support and since he's taking responsobilty for coming up with them (operation warp speed) then I think he should be held responsible, be arrested and teied for crimes against humanity. He didn't respond! Lol


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Yes he did push HCQ and early treatment.

For me it’s his continuing to say he saved millions from his jab. No way out from that mistake. He should have spoken about the damage at the same time as De Santos.

So I think half of Republicans will support De Santos and the other half, still trusting the plan, will go with Trump.

Hegelian success indeed. A split in the party.

Better than UK’s Tories where maybe only 20 out of 280 or say Tory MPs are still Tories and not Blairite Labour.

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What great things did DeSantis say. He's just a Governor. DeSantis is bought already by the Big Donors. He's a great Governor. But, turned out to be less of a man by his treatment to President Trump. Now, who endorsed DeSantis when he was a nobody?

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They're both rich fools that want to do nothing foe "the people." Both of them are politicians, they lie, and these two spoke out of both corners of their mouths.

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Hence the reason I mentioned "I do not understand what is happening now". :)

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Nor do I because it is hidden. Like those closed meetings at WEF where no press are allowed and they follow Chatham house rules and never reveal what’s been discussed.

But immediately after one such closed meetings at Davos, Johnson turned up at a photo shoot with Zelensky. He’s responsible for ensuring the war plan proceeds and Zelensky would not negotiate for peace in Early 2020.

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But notice your reply insinuates evil intent. It's a PoV, but one that does not cover all the possibilities. W/e the case I think Trump needs God's help and I hope he is seeking it.

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We all need G*d’s help and divine intervention to overcome what I often feel is a Satanic plan long time in making.

I truly do feel it’s beyond any movement and certainly any single human, as it’s so multi focal it’s like a performance when the juggler tries to keep all those plates spinning. But in this case, it’s keeping track of who is doing what everywhere.

From Ed, to religion (see anti-pope), to finance, to health, to rights, to law and legislature, to media.

I’m truly overwhelmed. So can only ask G*d’s help.

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Very much indeed, I have recently, and one could say for the last 40 years, been experience the results of that "long time in the making" thing. It's like things that may have even been done 500-1000 years ago are effecting us today. How we look at Gods mercy, kindness, etc.

How we evaluate what is good, truthful, etc.

And yes, overwhelmed can indeed be the state of starting to see the truth of it.

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Anyone still voting needs their head examined.

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Call out the liars and mass murderers Trump.

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He's never going to call himself out!

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Crikey Paul, astonishing how can you keep defending Trump...

The guy was a disaster with his 'Warp Speed'.

He's cornered now isn't he, how can he manoeuvre out of this shambles?

He can't...

Forget him.

Let other people get on with exposing this diabolical mess that has devastated the world, particularly the stealing of people's freedom via *mandated medical interventions*!!!!!

That is, *mandating* the worse than useless Covid jabs.

The US and the UK are at the heart of this mess, this needs to be exposed, big time!

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To judge Trump only on one issue is unjust and unwise. Even in this one issue, he did good: pushing repeatedly the use of hydroxychloroquine in early treatment and never supporting mandates, which you and so many decry. His liability was that he had no clue how Americans in positions of power could be so corrupt and hateful toward their compatriots. And heck, he's not a medical person. Any leader is dependent on the advisors about him. This is not to cut him slack as far as his need to recognize the evil of which Warp Speed was the beginning. We as a nation are in too dangerous a position to jettison one of the great independent voices of our age.

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I liked your comment until you stated: not to cut him slack. Nobody knows what Trump was up against. As you can see now, look how many people were against him. Even that

so called Evangelical Traitor Pence. You go up against all of them and see how you come


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Doesnt matter whst he was up against. You're supposed to be the President of the USA, grow a pair, and a backbone. Speak up, be strong and defend the position and look out for the American people. He failed on all of those levels. I'm not saying everyrhing he did was bad, but a lot was. And im not saying the election wasn't stolen or anything else. Most elections are fake, stolen, planned. No one in the year 2023 should still be voting, except the 18 hear olds who haven't realized it's all a sham. You can bet if something hapoened politicially, it was planned that way. Look up that famous line, from a politician no less.

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This is an utterly revisionist take. No President ever had more backbone, more 'stones.' And I won't bother going through the very long list of counter evidence, which, I notice here, you have conveniently ignored. But I will take one of your potentially valid points: It was precisely his "looking out for the American people" that led him into this decision. He was played by forces who are enemies of the American people an evil n government he couldn't imagine, so foreign is that degree of treason to his mind. And they knew his personal disposition in this regard and sold him the faux 'vaccine' as a means to serving those people. Evil knows how to redirect even our best intentions. You would do well to begin the serious reflection that might clear away your historical and analytical confusion.

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If you re-read my post, you'll see that my "cut slack" line referred to now - what he needs to do now. All those obstacles whose formidableness you rightly appreciate, are no longer blocking him.

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Yes, he had MANY successes, didn't he? Can't just judge him on his "one issue", right?

His feigned issue against illegal immigration was a cover for his admin making LEGAL various other means. Fail on immigration.

His silence as his former supporters dwell in prison for the idiotic Jan 6 (insurgency). Fail.

He promised us to pull out of NATO: Now look. Fail.

He pushed the faked 'left vs right' paradigm. Fail.

He said he would get us out of NAFTA, but then signed the TTP (NAFTA on steroids). Fail

He said he would eliminate the national debt, but instead he signed the largest bank, and corporation bailout in the history of the world, adding $8Trillion in 4 years. Fail.

He created the scam Space Force, milking us all for even more. Fail.

Trump attacked Syria over faked "gassings". Fail.

He gave more to Israel than ALL presidents before him ($38 Billion on top of the $124Billion they already got). Fail.

Trump refused to pull troops out of Syria, or Afghanistan. Fail.

Trump promised $14 Trillion to blacks for "reparations". Fail

Homeowners and business owners lost their homes and businesses in record numbers. Millions of people were/are homeless due to his "following the covid scam artists' advice". Fail.

But he is a brilliant hero to the Trumptards.

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WOW.....You forget all the good things President Trump did for our Country. You think with the

Deep State and the Leftist Democrats that he could accomplish things as he wanted.

President Trump was attacked constantly. The Leftists tried to take him out twice.

You forgot about all the taxpayer money going to Ukraine by JOE and his Commies.

A money laundering Country for Politicians and whoever else is benefitting.

You must be controlled opposition. You wondered on the wrong substack.

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The person I replied to said to not criticize the "one" thing he did bad. But Trumptards immediately read the truth I wrote and cannot help but defend him still. Trumptards are ridiculous.

A Clintonista = A Bushie = An Obama Maniac = A Trumptard = A Biden Moron

You are all the same.

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And you just like to stand back and criticize everything a person does. And who are you to judge and tell people what they are? Look at yourself.

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What is more truthful, 'Tard? Truly typing the faults of the ones leading us into oblivion, no matter who it is, or crying foul against such truth?

You should evaluate your aversion to truth and stop the silly hero worship.

But like I said, a Trumptard is no different than ANY of the idiots who worship their favorite leader into oblivion? You are no different.

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You have brought nothing good here and a level of unprovoked insult no one here merits. Surely there's a rock nearby you can slither back under. You won't be missed.

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If I can awaken people to their idiotic allegiance to evil that causes our destruction, then I am doing the ultimate 'good'. It is the 'tards that are evil and bring no good.

I notice you didn't call me a liar, because every point I made is true. Truth, then, is not good (for you). Blind allegiance, like a retarded lemming is your 'good'.

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See this video - Trump encourages vaccination (May 2021): https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=INH-CmCgIYs

Donald Trump is urging all Americans to receive the covid19 vaccine.

Donald Trump: "I would, I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it. And a lot of those people voted for me frankly."

Both Trump and former first lady Melania Trump did receive their vaccines privately in January at the White House.

Source: https://news.stanford.edu/2022/04/04/using-trumps-vaccine-endorsement-move-needle-covid-19-vaccines/

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You are responsible for your own health. Apparently, some people didn't do their research. We researched, waited, and decided NOT to take the vaccine. We never took the flu shot either.

We the People, need to concentrate on our Country now. Fraduster JOE and his Big Pharma Buddies keep making the vaccines. Why do you think, JOE, keeps extending the EUA?

You need to research the Penn Biden Center in PA. Obama was working on this

Bioweapon virus years ago. Why don't you list the links on their bad doings? Go after

Fraudchi, Birx, Collins, and Redfield. Include Traitor Pence, too. He was in charge of

the COVID Task Force.

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I'm in Australia, where Covid jab mandates have been widespread across the country.

For many people it's been 'No Jab, No Job' - people have been cornered, being denied their livelihood if they refuse to consent to the jabs.

For a period here it was also No Jab, No Travel; No Jab, No Restaurant; No Jab, No Entertainment; No Jab, No Sport...etc - No Jab, No Life.

People were threatened with being excluded from society if they refused to submit to the jabs.

See for example what happened in the state of Victoria, where premier/dictator Daniel Andrews installed a 'vaccine economy', saying:

"There is going to be a vaccinated economy, and you get to participate in that if you are vaccinated," Mr Andrews said.

"We're going to move to a situation where, to protect the health system, we are going to lock out people who are not vaccinated and can be," Mr Andrews said.

See: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-06/daniel-andrews-vaccine-passport-double-vaccinated/100435606

It's been diabolical here, with people being blindsided by a torrent of misleading propaganda to terrorise them about 'the virus', and mandated medical interventions, i.e. the worse than useless Covid jabs.

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During the Plandemic, Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, treated you and your people horribly.

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On that we absolutely agree Lynn!

There has been such treachery against the people in Australia...

All our institutions here appear to have been captured.

There's no transparency and accountability.

A coup took place...and it resulted in 'our own government' being our enemy!

We're in the midst of an incredible situation...will the people wake up?

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I would habe dug a tunnel to get out of that shit hole, tyrannical country. I practically did it in the states to get out of a tyrant driven state. Bless you. Stay stromg, stand proud. Do not comply. Stoptheshots.com


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Trump is not the Doctor here. By the way, he let the States decide what to do. Go after the

Governors in each State that decided to lockdown. The Leftist Governors were worse to

their citizens.

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You really aren’t that smart. Warp

Speed is Code!! He needed to get the country open yet pretend he wasn’t onto big Pharma!

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Billions of people around the world have been coerced into having unnecessary and potentially harmful medical interventions, i.e. the worse than useless Covid jabs.

According to Our World in Data today, 69.6% of the world population has received at least one Covid-19 jab - 13.26 billion doses have been administered globally.

In Australia, the government reports 64.6 million doses have been administered in a population of around 26 million people. Around 2 million children have been jabbed here.

All against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people.

Many people in Australia have been jabbed under mandates...mandated medical interventions in a supposed liberal democracy, it's despicable.

This is a manufactured disaster of ginormous proportions.

Even if there was nothing in these needles, they are the most potent weapon unleashed upon humankind, because Covid and the needles have been used to control people, stealing personal autonomy and bodily integrity.

The US, the UK and other Five Eyes Countries Australia, Canada and New Zealand have been major players in this, these governments have betrayed the people.

It appears this was a concerted attack to destroy freedom, with 'Covid' being used as the device to introduce vaccine passports/digital ID, and the path to an oppressive social credit system.

The media has played the major propaganda role in facilitating this treacherous attack on the people.

We wait to see how this plays out...


https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations (Receives funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.)


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Trump needs to call out the vaxx, which is obviously _dangerous_ and _ineffective_.

Until he does that, he will keep losing support.

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President Trump was not behind the lockdowns. Maybe the initial 10 day lockdown at the direction of Fauci. After that short period he asked the governors of each state to determine the length of lockdowns based on the circumstances in their state. Each state had different levels of infection. Each Governor assessed and made their decision. And I agree, Trump was clueless as to the development of the vaccine. He just wanted to shout from the treetops, you can come out now! If you’d like one, we now have vaccines. It was a choice, mandates were never on Trump’s mind.

He does need to call for vaccines to be pulled NOW for testing and data analysis on the injured and those that died. The threat is minimal, therapeutics available, no need to use an emergency use vaccine. Proper testing and approval is needed. NOW.

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-Hello...President Trump is NOT in charge. Fraudster JOE is now. Remember the Leftists and whoever else stole the 2020 & 2022 Midterm Elections. Who keeps extending the EUA , so

his Big Pharma buddies can keep making the vaccines? He name is JOE. Go after him and his Commies. Who would ever believe the CDC, Communist Disease Control. Go and research

what he was doing at the Penn Biden Center at the University of PA. He made Amy Gutmann at University of PA Ambassador of Germany. A lot of bioweapon labs are in Germany.

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I realize Trump isn’t president and Biden is. The point I was making, Trump has we the people’s ears, Biden does not. Trump needs to state his opposition or support, as he does on every other issue. If he called for a vaccination pause, many will stop updating their booster and keep their children out of school where vaccines are required. Lives can still saved.

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Trump could have called RFK Jr in for a chat at anytime in order to get a different view. He chose not to do so. He has good instincts on many things, but he simply does not have the judgement to be President.

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And he ignored him when he was told to have vax's investigated. Basically because gates told him to back off.

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Thing is about Trump, had he not used a presidential order to ban bump stocks then Biden would not have been able to ban other weaponry.

Had he not issued the initial emergency and put the US on war footing, then Biden would not have been able to do so much damage.

If you still think he’s your masthead for the Judeo-Christian Ethical Civil Rights/Medical freedom movement, then why did he have an Alphabet celebration down in Florida?

Why does he STILL insist that HE saved Millions with HIS Jab? Which we now know was began during the Obama years and Moderna developed their jab before the outbreak?

Sorry to say, there’s something decidedly un kosher about him!

So did Johnson just get bad advice? Was that at WEF or private meetings with Gates of Hell? Because Trump dismissed RFK Jnr in preference to Gates and his decade of jabs.

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Thats bogus and was recently overturned. The ban is illegal. They take way too long to hear these cases before it does infringe. Also, daca was finally determined to be illegal, from the obummer days. But yes trump also abused the 2nd.

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In the Uk, the care workers who were fired for not complying lost their case for reinstatement at the High Court. Deemed not illegal. Because there was ‘an emergency’

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Trump absolutely needs to admit he was bamboozled about the experimental clot shot and he needs to do a very vocal 180 on them. It's vitally important.

I think it's more than ego that has made him slow to do so. Like many people, including doctors who were injected with those bioweapons, as Peter McCullough has pointed out, there may be a strong sense of denial simply due to fear about what they may have done to themselves and their families.

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Paul, I think you are being too kind to him here, he thought he could be the saviour of the world in this “operation warp speed” in the hands of the DOD, he allowed himself to be fooled by these criminals because it suited him. The fact that he hadn’t acknowledged the vaccine injuries does him no credit, his ego is just too inflated!!

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narcissist Trump has been captured and has turned traitor. I commend you for your loyalty but it is misplaced.

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Omg, you people

Are thick. He put them front and center so WE can see they are fraudsters.

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HIs BASE is dropping dead or being maimed with heart disease, clots and strokes from this bio-weapon. They ALREADY know full well that everyone around Trump lied. HE needs to telegraph that he's on the same page with his supporters. He must formulate a plan to address what's happening. Deaths and injuries at warp speed.

Phoning in the same speech - listing his accomplishments compared to the horrendous state our country is in, while making up new mocking names for his opposition doesn't work anymore. Not in these desperate times.

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Omg, no they are not. I’m in that base and had the sense enough to pick up on the damn clues!

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You are ONE person. My entire extended family are also part of that base - but my husband and I are the only ones not vaccinated. So far, we have cousin who nearly died from lung clotting after Pfizer, one miscarriage, a brother-in-law with sudden heart problems and ALL of them with covid multiple times, RSV and pneumonia.

So you can OMG all you want -- plenty of people in Trump's base went with the vaccine. And don't bother replying - I'm not going around this circle any further. You aren't changing my mind.

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Trumping Trump

Deriving from French “tromper”, to deceive1, “trompery”, then “trumpery” first appeared in English in the mid-15th century with the meanings "deceit or fraud"; “trump up” means "to concoct with the intent to deceive”.2

By March-April 2020, having read the successful research, many countries stockpiled HCQ to supply the whole population, just to let it expire without distributing it. By Apr 2020. Trump had the studies supporting HCQ ( c19early.com ) and the national stockpiles, but was threatened by the masonic Fauci , Collins, Birx and other top officials to publicly denounce him: he was only able to get it to Hospitals for compassionate treatment (too late turned it nearly useless). Also, traitor Pence was in charge of the COVID Task Force (he’s probably not a mason, just a “usefool”).

Another example, Argentina's Minister of Health was stopped distributing HCQ by alleged president Fernandez, who's political career was funded from scratch by freemason Eskenazi, including advertising money and a huge salary (that's why, unless they sell out, commoners can't compete, having to work 8+ hours in their own jobs).

By Sep 2020, that same Minister announced that “next Monday” he’d reveal 2 highly successful drugs to end the pandemic (ivermectin and nebulizable ibuprofen): that Monday nothing happened.

By Sep 2020, Trump's 3rd line circle was informed about the global ivermectin success. A massive distribution would have been a game changer... even with the excuse of deworming the population (as a Bolivian Governor successfully did).

The problem is not only Trump, lacking the guts, it's modern democracy, which unlike direct democracy, it's a rigged system designed from scratch by freemasonry (e.g. French Revolution 1789).

Trump had learned a tough political lesson time after time: even if you think you are right, it's political suicide to question the establishment (masonic controlled). For example, he backed down from creating a commission to investigate vaccine safety with RFK, even if he knows his own son Barron was vaccine-injured according to Melania.3 Another lesson, was how he was bullied by media by his COVID ban on flights from China.

You can't win an election unless you are liked by the majority, and the majority still believes that we needed time to buy more respirators, that lockdowns "flattened the curve" and that vaccines saved us from permanent lockdowns and overwhelming the medical “system” (notice, no mention to packed hospitals , which didn't happen after the first peak). Whoever reads this, lives in an information bubble, which the population doesn't access:

In December 2022, a Director of JP Morgan (THE mason Bank among all the others they control), still thought Fauci was a heroe and that all his words were scientifically holy. You can’t reach that position being an idiot, unless being mason/satanist. He isn’t the latter but he has a top IQ. His Achilles heal? Drinking toxic information from masonic media (called mainstream).

It’s a power game, ruled by the media. Trump never recognized his mistakes, because those awake weren’t enough to win an election and half of them would still vote him in spite of being captive of Big Pharmafia:

16 Jan 2023. “Well, I always do (have concerns about the safety of Covid Vaccines), but you have to understand. There are the pros and cons. Some reports [say] that it's the greatest thing that's ever happened and we saved tens of millions of lives. Then you'll read other reports [that] say there were some problems with the vaccine...but relatively small numbers. That without the vaccines you would have had a thing...where perhaps 100 million people died. I never demanded anybody use it. I never had a mandate. And I think that's very important to know.” 1

Still, everyone knows that Trump was better than Biden. He was cowed into promoting vaccination but he’d never enforce mandates and fund WHO et al.:


Trump wants to win, even if that means continuing the false narrative.

Follow this, a bomb shell is soon to be released:


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Correction. Trump ordered it sent to pharmacies, for the people, but the order was countermanded to hospitals by some dude whose name escapes me today, Bright, I believe, and who later ended up heading DARPA.

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Thank-you for this assessment but don't hold your breath! After everything we know now, he still claims he saved umpteen million people. He cannot and will not admit the mistake.

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It’s too late by a long chalk. Trump is not going to take your good advice. In fact, he’s doubling down on his Warp Speed initiative saying recently he saved 100 million lives.

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Trump, please come out and be a man. This toxic substance has destroyed many lives and families. You were had. Pence was a useless appendage. Didn’t hear dick from him even though he had a position to try and keep us informed. Like the Good Doctor said: The vaccines are SHIT.

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