Princess Kate Middleton mRNA TURBO cancer?Malone? Sahin? Tureci? my island of birth got independence from UK; USA where I live had revolution war to rid the stench of the monarchy & Royals; I feel
same! nothing redeemable about them! time to flush that monarchy shit down the toilet...put a pin in that for a moment...I do extend my best wishes to Princess Kate, she may have been a different
person among the inbred tax-payer leeching Brit bunch; but again, we did not shed US blood and treasure in around 1770s/1775 or so for nothing…we wanted out of the monarch filth…we in the Caribbean wanted out of that monarch shit…same with nations like India…
now our focus has to be on Malone and Bourla and Tureci and Bancel and Kariko et al. and what they did to the world with synthetic mRNA fraud…this is where we have to focus.
It may well be that the mRNA vaccine drive this cancer to where it is a problem for her life…I do think she was a different Royal…like Princess Diana. Better people. Again, I have no love for the Monarchy, it’s a whoring money leech fest on the commoner.
we have to focus on the fact that something was unleashed on the world without the proper long-term safety testing studies that would have shown what we see today, that it was and is and will always be dangerous. mRNA technology and mRNA vaccines. 80 years, 100 years of dish research, rodent research, animal research etc. with profound decades of ethical debate must take place before we even look at this again. for 100 years to come, close down all mRNA technology vaccine work, what they did with COVID warrants that.
again, today, ask Bourla, Bancel, Malone, Kariko, Sahin, Weissman Tureci to tell us more, explain to us about the mRNA technology and mRNA vaccine and the harms, what exactly they did, what they did not do, how come they brought something so deadly…oh what did you say? the others have stones so stand by their death shot etc. but Malone has no testicles so is hiding in the Freedom Movement, going against his own work? I saw that….this is why I keep showcasing him. asking legitimate medical questions, as a civilian, as a scientist, as an investigative journalist. weakling he is, cannot even face what he did like the others. them I have respect for. he brought death yet tries to tell you “hey, don’t look at me, it’s them”…and gets away with it for the Freedom Fighter media are in on it with him…blocking for him….making money with him…that is all this is, most of COVID, a party, a money-making party…there was a huge number of doctors and scientists who decided not to help you, no no no, they decided how to make money off of you…to profit from your pain and still doing it.
and you want to see leeching that matches COVID leeching? look no further than Harry and Meghan, those inbreds, they will surely leech on this. My God, we live in an insane world. Where up is down, and in is out.
It is time you closed your pockets to these money whores. All of them.
I know most if not all of these people, I know the plan, it is called para ‘let us use each other to leech and prey on the population…’
why don’t you ask Malone while he was parading on stages begging for your money and seeking camera and fame, how come he stayed silent across 2020 during the pandemic when OWS began? why did he not tell the public the same things he said before it was rolled out, so that millions would have been saved from it? how come he was silent across 2020 and some of 2021…? he knew it was in development and coming, he knew about it…hell it is his mRNA technology in it….how come he was silent until deaths and harms emerged? ask him why he was silent on mRNA reverse transcription into DNA? on the vaccine not staying at injection site…ask him…hell, not only Bridle knew this, yet he had the gonads to shout out…but why were you silent Malone? how much were you paid by pharma and others?
ask Malone about the vaccine and mRNA and spike not dissolving soon after administration and spike production…ask him why he was silent on that too…ask him about the harms he knew of yet was silent until it was impossible to remain silent…ask him. ask him to show you that data he cited that showed the vaccine was beneficial, unambiguous was the term he used, and it reduced risk…ask him for that data…see if it exists. ask him why he would kill off people based on his concerns about ‘unchecked population growth’…ask him who would he decide could live and who will die? ask him if it is Jews? Hindus? Christinas? Muslims? who? Blacks? Whites? Chinese? who Bob? what bothered you that much? ask him if it is his role to decide who gets to live?
is his hiding in plain sight in the Freedom Movement because he thought he could ride out the harms, he thought we were stupid like him, that we would not notice it was killing us…that his mRNA work was killing us… but when it got bad, he jumped ship to the Freedom Fighter side to pretend to be against the mRNA vaccine that he helped create the underpinnings? I mean this is shit for a movie…was this what V for Vendetta movie was about? These democrats and Malone is as leftist as they come (ssshhh, word is he is now pretending to be a conservative ha ha ha, the left don’t want him), all of them, Bourla, Bancel et al., these are simple grant tax payer leeching money whores who know one thing, how to write grants to leech off the tax payer…all their lives…can’t create nothing out of goodness….inept incompetent morons…all they do is use fancy scientific technical words that your son or daughter can use…that you can use…this is all a big con…like cancer research for 60 to 70 years, it’s like UNAIDS…agencies set up to enrich and pad bank accounts…does nothing…cancer research has actually done more harms…can you point to one area that has benefitted from hundreds of billions in tax money across 70 years of cancer research? You cannot. Cancer research moved not one inch. In 70 years.
All this diatribe to say that I think Princess Kate is dying of the Malone Bourla Bancel et al. mRNA technology underpinned mRNA vaccine. Most likely…no? I think she has a form of TURBO cancer (that scientists and doctors write lots about daily….hope they keep up the good work and do not go run hide least they offend), aggressive. I think she was FORCED, coerced, against her will to take the mRNA Malone Bourla vaccines for optics and to help shill the vaccine but she was against it. I think she regrets it and I think the Malone Bourla Bancel shot will and is harming her, regrettably. Malone Bourla Bancel mRNA vaccine may take her life. I sure hope not.
It is so very sorrowful and I hope this is a teachable moment. She can help lift the discussion that is dangerously lacking. Cancer research is dead, it is a con. Like typical research, just a club, a club of money whore inept really, leeches…filthy leeches….in my view some are criminals. who prey on your tax dollars. Better we take that cancer research money and direct it where it can be useful.
But that this can spurn the debate on the deadly cancer causing Malone Bourla Bancel et al. mRNA technology mRNA vaccine.
Hopefully, finally.
While you were distracted by the “Where’s Princess Kate Conspiracy”, Deagel’s Depopulation Forecast was confirmed by Heavily Censored Pfizer Documents
Perhaps this tragedy will snap people out of their stupor or at least get people talking/questioning the state of affairs. This Jab evil is the crime of the century and makes Stalin, Mao and Hitler look like "pikers".