Correct. Which is why I remarked that if the goals of Stargate are achieved, we are **royally** screwed!

As predicted, the masks are coming off. Soon, even a blind person will see where this is heading.

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it is worrisome and could it be that 47 was blindsided in the presser and did not understand the mRNA part?

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Is it "possible"? Yes. However, at this stage of the game we must ask, is it *likely*? No, it's not. By now, even a mildly-informed person knows to stay the hell away from *anything* mRNA. And Trump is NOT a "mildly-informed" person -- agreed? Besides, he has an entire staff of people whose sole job is to make sure that he *does* understand.

Sorry, Trump gets *ZERO* free passes from me - he's had more than enough already.

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Seriously ? When are you going to admit that you have been had and stop twisting yourself into a pretzel making excuses for this evil.

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Maybe in the beginning, but he should understand by now, as we do. I realize that he does a million more things than I do in a day, but this issue is important. I hope Bobby gets through to him. At the very least, he is NOT mandating vaccines and does not plan to in the future.

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I've been waiting for your comments. I ws dumbstruck!

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"Doesn't everyone have some cancer cells or at least dead cancer-related nucleotides circulating in their blood, with a healthy immune system keeping them in check? If AI is used to detect 'cancer,' could this lead to a situation similar to the PCR test issue—where they identify something normal and then push unproven, experimental mRNA treatments for a problem that may not even exist?"

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boom, exactly. this is why I am raising and you, the red flag

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many linked to this are evil people

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What I heard from Ellison was that certain tests would discover cancer particles in your blood already caused by tumors or growths. If there are already tumors growing, what good is a vaccine going to do?

Vaccines (and no mRNA poison is ever going to be a vaccine) are always preventatives (LMAO) and not given after the fact. There is too much not making sense to me.

I am hoping OWS part two spins out of orbit and heads toward Neptune where it can't do any harm. Those mRNA poisons would be in their natural habitat...minus 250 degrees.

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boom, excellent sharing, informed...

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Exactly. I totally agree. I would urge, as I have done in the past in Substack comments and letters to the Editors, the m-RNA Nobel laurates to come out openly on the practical status of this technology, especially in the context of the Covid vaccines and its after effects, clearly spell out the lacunae in the technology, methods of making them totally tested and safe and urging all governments not to rush with it in the public, either for vaccines or therapies and clearly advising a 10 year study. There are too many loose ends in the technology at present. It is like driverless car technologies where every nine testing in 10 results in a crash. There are now many promising developments on the use of inexpensive, everyday drugs being successfully repurposed for various cancers. They must be helped by more research and studies to be instituted as mainstream therapies. It seems possible to get rid of cancers in as little as 100-200 dollars. Vaccines are mainly meant for easy spreading, sickening infections with no established treatments. Cancer does not fit this bill, why vaccine for it ?!

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" There are too many loose ends in the technology at present. It is like driverless car technologies where every nine testing in 10 results in a crash. There are now many promising developments on the use of inexpensive, everyday drugs being successfully repurposed for various cancers. They must be helped by more research and studies to be instituted as mainstream therapies. It seems possible to get rid of cancers in as little as 100-200 dollars."

We dont want old tech.

We want NEW NEW tech, it must be as dangerous, risk-taking, virtue-signalling as possible, Dream big, failure is an option. Surely we will have immunity.

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Please dont tell anyone.

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The devil is in the details. Farming for more DATA and storage all across our country. Total Control. We cannot let Trump and evil doers continue with this plan.

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I cannot think Trump understands this...yet I cannot think he does not know about the harms of the mRNA vaccine under him

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They used Trump to get most of MAGA to jab themselves with poison, and here we go again. Thank you for standing up.

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Is it STARGATE OR STAR'GATES'? Is this why Bill Gates was smiling after his meeting with Trump?

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yes likely....nothing good came from that

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These thoughts align with the growing suspicion devious entities are very possibly implementing a game plan intended to neutralize or capture even a “maverick” politician like Donald Trump.

Many contrarians believe sophisticated “3-D” psy-ops exist, programs which effectively capture and control movements that would be perceived as a severe threat to the defenders of the Status Quo.

Indeed, writers like Debbie Lerman are developing the thesis that deadly and dangerous mRNA vaccines are being scrubbed from public conversations and future debates.

More specifically, the concern of writers like Ms. Lerman (and Jenna McCarthy) is that crimes against humanity will be ignored while Team Trump focusses instead on its Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) agenda - an agenda that does not identify mRNA vaccines as the world’s largest loaded machine gun.

If this narrative-manipulation project succeeds, Big Pharma and Big Medicine will have neutralized the greatest threat to their continued existence.


Is it RFK Jr. sent in to neutralize POTUS TRUMP? And the Means team, biff and baff?

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So how Dr Alexander, can

“We the People” STOP THIS? Or can we?

I am quite perplexed at why President Trump would even think of allowing something as deadly, costly and flawed, as a generated AI mRNA Gene Therapy Platform of sorts?


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we are speechless too but we will have to wage our greatest battle now. I even think he was chosen

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“God doesn’t put before us anything we can’t handle”

With that said, President Trump has been tasked with and chosen for, the job at hand. We must believe this.

Our own individual prayers, yes our own individual prayers, have great power and astounding energy’s, which cumulatively help our nation as a whole.

I know of no other person, better qualified / better suited for / with such tremendous empathy for all people, than President Trump!

There’s no doubt in my mind, as imperfect as Trump is, no one understands how dire the situation in America is today.

For the job which must be carried out, today, is of great importance. In order for America to succeed, we

must believe in Trump and also believe he has our best interest at heart.

We have no other choice.

Otherwise America would not / will not bounce back from such damage deliberately inflicted these past few years. If we had another four tumultuous years today as we have recently gone through, there’s no doubt in my mind America would have fallen!

The past four years of utter and deliberate destruction, was intentional and deliberate! Designed to bring America to her knees by such evilness’s! It is difficult to comprehend at times, how much damage the past admin. has inflicted.

We must all pray for the safety of our newly elected President and Vice President and their families respectively. There’s no time like the present.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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More than likely, you’re absolutely correct Dr.

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Will it come with the 'safe and effective' guarantee?

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No doubt, The terminally dim will believe it (again). Perhaps this is the way to reduce stupidity in the world.

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More like unsafe and ineffective.

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I dont trust any of them, Where is RFK?

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good question

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Dr Paul, dont u know RFK personally? These assholes need to be stopped!

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These cockroaches have confirmed their intentions to exterminate all those not involved in the distribution of resources and will never stop unless they are stopped.

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you raise a good point

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“Data” means they write whatever lies they want and call them “medical records”. My entire life that is all I’ve ever seen, lies lies lies, none of these clowns called doctors and nurses ever get anything right and are never truthful. The entire population needs to ditch these clowns COMPLETELY. Put them out of business, COMPLETELY. Or we will be living in Nazi Germany on steroids.

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Unfortunately WE cannot control the lemmings either.

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Why do they want mRNA in everyone? Is that true?

Motive matters. Is it about the money, depopulation, trying to program made-to-order cures, alter humans, play God?

Recently I feel like we are building the Tower of Babel and God will soon knock it down.

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all of the above

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What are we going to do about it Paul, Trump knew this was coming and hes in on it, he wants more $$$ to put in his bank account, he doesn't care if people die.

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it is indeed not just troubling but bad....we the people must fight back and now...inform, educate, speak out, vote all out...I think

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we were deceived

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I don't think it is about money anymore. I think some people just enjoy controlling others.


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this too is correct

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Yes, we were conned by the snake and if you want to survive, everyone had better speak up and Speak loudly to stop this evil insanity or there will be NO FLESH LEFT ALIVE.

Matthew 24:22

“If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.

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My response to all of this is to resist and resist loudly. We have superpowers when we unite against evil.

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I remember reading something about the spike protein being the deadly substance in the mRNA vaxxes. Is there any truth to this?

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