my take again is Trump is all America first...seek only to do good, I am not buying that he was part of any bad against US in COVID etc. I cant.

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I do know he has subversives around him always. the issue is extent to which he can push them off. and accomplish what HE wants, not what they want

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And like I said, Trump is ten steps ahead of the deep state. He has already begun to liberate Canada from the British Crown and the WEF. Likewise, he has already begun the process of liberating Greenland from Denmark and the control of the EU, in addition to protecting our interests in their natural resources which Chine has been exploiting.

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Dr Paul, should WE THE PEOPLE be concerned with all this AUGMENTATION & those that are responsible for it ? After all,

Stardust Labs of

Stardust Labs LTD is a “stealth startup” founded by Professor Eli Waxman, head of the Particle Physics and Astrophysics department at the Weizmann Institute and former Chief Scientist of the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC), and Dr. Yanai Yedvab, former Deputy Chief Scientist at the IAEC.

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not all the enemies of humanity are Jewish.

not all Jewish people are evil.

assuming g a person's heart is black just because of their ethnicity is unrealistic and destroys your credibility . "You shall know them BY THEIR FRUIT" (by their deeds), said a rabbi who knew the hebrewa better than anyone.

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Kristina - a good thing to keep in mind is - Jews are Israelites by descent, but not all Israelites are Jews. And by "Israelite" I do not mean residents of the nation/state in the middle east.

There are FAR more millions of descendants of Jacob/Israel living today than there are Jews.

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Their deeds originate where all money is controlled . Switzerland 🇨🇭 Ever wonder why Switzerland is not apart of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals of C40 SMART Cities ? They would never consider any of these suggestions for their people's behalf. And we have an entire Congress that has been & sold with CLIMATE CHANGE?

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Switzerland is where the offspring of the Pharaohs migrated to. Look at all the hundreds of obelisks everywhere in Bern, even the cemeteries, and the other symbols like the all-seeing eye and sun shield. That's the headquarters of the global satanic cabal.

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That plan (Panama, Canada and Greenland as annexed new states) was never mentioned in Trump's campaign. Of course not, some voters would have seen him as a delusional techno globalist. Which sounds more like it now, but, hey, he was elected. Frankly, as a Canadian, the current leadership dismanteled (Freeland will probably be the next Liberal leader, as she is a WEF wannabe), I feel very insecure about our economy. I work in a sector where we need solid entrepreneurs developers in real estate/construction projects, I wonder if they'll get cold feet.

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you raise important points here.

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Count Otto von Bismarck.who oversaw the unification of Germany and who was.known as the Iron Chancellor for his firm governance and Realpolitik once said - it is his most famous quote - ."There is a Providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children, and the United States of America.”

He also said "Never believe anything until it has been officially denied." He was a smart man.

Bismarck also said " Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable — the art of the next best.'

President Trump has been accused of intending to annex Canada by force. He has officially denied it.

By force is the only way it can be annexed. Would he like to annex it?Of course he would, along with Greenland and possibly Mexico and Panama.

Is it possible to do so? It's possible.

Would President Trump like to rule the world? Is he a megalomaniac?

Who knows?

Can he rule the world?

Not at this stage.

The US has a long history of being defeated in military conflicts including by third world nations and the US is behind several other nations in hypersonic missile development and while the US is playing catch up those other nations will be making further technological advances.

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again, lots of important sage here. what is important for many to grasp too is that it is one thing to fight in another man's land, its another thing fighting the man in his land..in his mother country...almost impossible to defeat him as he fights for homeland, you just want to conquer and leave and go back to McDonalds.

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Oh but no need for weapons and armies. Just cut off billions in economic exchange, that could bring Canada to its feet. No need for violence. Just plain bullying will do. especially with a non existant leader right now. That was a good blow to an open wound.

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Its quite frightening how easily humans can be manipulated and pushed by Trump to hate another country and ally.

" Just cut off billions in economic exchange, that could bring Canada to its feet"

"Just plain bullying will do. "

Why on earth should the US do that? Or why on earth should the US public want to do that?

I disagree with Trudeau , IMO he must face the courts regarding his corona crimes, but where does the aminosity comes from except from Trump? Trump will never invade Canada. NEVER. He talks.

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It's not possible for a Republic to annex a Constitutional Republic within 4 years by peaceful means. The legal processes are incredibly cumbersome and it would take a lot longer than 4 years. It can be taken quickly by military conquest, unless there's a Canadian insurgency or the US is defeated.

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America cant go to war with Canada...will not...Trump is not deranged. at least I think so. thinking about it and acting on it very different. the scorn of the world etc. will be seen and importantly, Canada can defend itself. too...so I think all this is talk by Trump et al. even flexing but nothing of the sort but ANW, you have us thinking, dont stop

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He is indeed not deranged. People dont understand. Its called negotiation and Trump is smart in it.

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The US has invaded Canada several times and the US Army has always been defeated. The UzS also has a record of repeated military defeats in modern times too. He would have to take that into account.

This was interesting:

"He [Trump] was asked about Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre’s flat rejection of annexation or merger in any form. 'Maybe he won’t win the election but maybe he will. I don’t care . . . listen, I don’t care what he said,' Trump replied."

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in large you are right...throw out some red meat to up the base and derange all else...he knows none of it is possible. not even Greenland IMO...not that way.

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he likes to trigger folk

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Just like there is a fine line between genius and insanity, there is an equally fine line between an intact United States of America within an America Technate cooperate and an American Technate representing one New World Order territory without preservation of our Republic.

This is the precipice on which we stand right now. There is some validity with the concept of "if the people need a hero, then one will be provided (Trump)". However, there is also validity with the concept of a Golden Age reset for the United States. I do not see an in-between option.

So what say you Trump?

Are you the man from the people and for the people who will bring authority and prosperity back to We the People or are you the Trojan Horse leader provided by the NWO to us.

We will all know the answer soon.

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love this: So what say you Trump?

Are you the man from the people and for the people who will bring authority and prosperity back to We the People or are you the Trojan Horse leader provided by the NWO to us.

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Canada mexico, canal, greenland all sound imperial and NWO to me. so it is concerning

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We most certainly will ... will it be SWITZERLAND 🇨🇭 and Babylon's Banksters or WE THE PEOPLE ? Not so sure I am getting the warm & fuzzies on this one 😳

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As I've stated a number of times, soon the masks come off - 6 days and counting. Then we'll know who's with us, and who's with the Globalists.

There are many reasons for positing that Trump is now *with* the Globalists. From my first expressed suspicions (in April 2017), through today (January 2025), the list of reasons has gradually increased. I firmly believe that very soon - days, weeks, or a few months - we'll have a definitive answer with a high degree of certainty. I'm hoping for the best, but I'm neither blind nor stupid.

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Criticism of Trump’s expansionist speculations should take into consideration a context where an unstable, unqualified, vain and careless Canadian leader like Justin Trudeau is vulnerable to strong Chinese and/or Muslim influences. This would pose a greater threat to the U.S. and to the world at large than a Canada under the auspices of the United States government.

On the other hand, this could all backfire terribly in the event Democrats succeed in stealing a future election, installing an incompetent like Biden, Kamala, or Newsom as President.

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that is my concern. Toe, it's not a matter of "CAN Trump take over half the western hemisphere"; nor "SHOULD he" -- it's more a matter of "who comes after Trump????"

How do we KNOW, how do we ENSURE that we don't wind up with another King George ?

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Dr. Alexander: I already messaged you. Can you do an article about JD Vance saying only certain J6ers will be pardoned? He is wrong. Why were they at the Capitol? STOP THE STEAL....

Who put the rally together? President Trump. He owns it. Now, he has to pardon ALL

involved on Jan. 6, 2021 ....I hope it's going to happen at 12:01 PM on January 20, 2025

It was a FEDSURRECTION. The FEDs had Ukraine men there, too. They weren't on our side.

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Sasha Latypova, JJ Couey's favourite.

That's an Englishman's sarcasm.

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I know what you mean...its fascinating

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Jay is a hero of mine, this is a real soldier. wicked smart but wise too

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I’m tired of people asking so many questions of readers and presenting as judgments. Why don’t you find proper Evidence on the basis of which to format your articles and conclusions. Then you don’t have to ask us questions. Just answer your own questions.

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Should be Gulf of Americas, plural.

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Antisemites go to the garbage can. America expanding is for America’s protection in Greenland and also re:Panama Canal issue. You are a bigot and an idiot. Buy.

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Paul, here is an interesting short piece about Michelle Obama, who will not be attending the inauguration. I wonder why? I'm surprised Barry will be there, but he probably still thinks he has a legacy. He does not. He committed treason.

And maybe soon the world will know the truth about the Obamas. They are not married, and never had kids. Michelle was planning on being inaugurated on Monday. Jill and Joe nixxed that move by Barack, by having Joe endorse Kamala, the cackling drunken hyena who could never win.


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I know you do not like Dr Malone. However, this stack is interesting to read. I wonder if DT inauguration is sabotaged..


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No Technate of any kind. That will leave the door open for gates and his hoard of murdering scum globalists to take over after Trump is gone in 2029. Trump must have been meeting with Hunter behind the Black House to have a few snorts of coke. He's talkin' crazy, he is.

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Ok. so this is going to be triggering for some. But Trump is not a Christian, he's a Chabad Lubavitch Kabbalist. Kabbalists have a dark plan for this world.

Freemasons Bankers Kabbalists Behind Trump's Plan for the Pan-American Union


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Are you sure? I don't discount what you say, and this is going to be triggering for some, because I have a friend who is crypto-Jewish. It took 20 years for him to tell me. He is outwardly Christian and he and his family will sometimes attend Church. But he is also Jewish. Although Judaism is not an evangelical religion he believes that Christians shold convert to Judaism because Christianity is an inferior religion. He is extremely intelligent but not Ashkenazi and hates Ashkenazi who he believes are not "real" Jews and hates Kabbalists. He believes that they are evil and that the "blood libels" are true. He loves Hitler. He is incredibly racist. He hates blacks and Arabs, although weirdly believes that Israel is mistreating the Palestinians. He believes Israel is a sitting duck and that the Israelis will be nuked one day because nobody likes them. We have amicably disagreed about this because I am not racist and I don't love Hitler. We became friends because his mother and sister adored me. They took an instant liking to me when I first met them. His mother used to cry on my shoulder because he was not allowed to move out of the family home while she was alive and he was forever taking home women of all races to bed, even though he professed dislike for those races. She wanted him to marry a nice girl from the family's country of origin. She was incredibly racist like her son but a lovely woman nonetheless. He has a lot of decent characteristics too. He is a very strong supporter of President Trump.

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Most Jews don't belong to the Chabad Lubavitch aka "Ultra-Orthodox" sect, and many of them have no idea about any of this, in fact I have heard many of them directly call it a "CULT". Trump has been asked directly about his favorite verse, book, or even favorite Testament, and he just says "I don't have one, they're all great" or some BS like that. Don't you think MOST Christians would immediately say their favorite Testament is the New Testament? Trump was recently praying to the dead Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who many Chabad members regarded as the "Moshiach" (the Messiah), although many don't. But many Christians are familiar with the prohibition against "communing with spirits" / praying to dead people. I know Catholicism is different, praying to Mother Mary and the Saints, etc.

As far as Kabbalah, its dark secrets have been purposely hidden from us, and only the highest level rabbis are supposed to learn the true encoded meanings. CJB has been studying this for 30 years now and has been trying to warn us of the coming one world government plans ruled by Noahide laws from the Sanhedrin courts (which view Christianity as idolatry punishable by DEATH by DECAPITATION).

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Trump is Presbyterian.

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When Christians quote scripture, do they say "Second Corinthians" or "TWO Corinthians"? Think about it.


Jared Kusher and Trump's daughter Ivanka are Chabad Lubavitch (aka Kabbalists). They believe in the prophecies of the Zohar.

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I am a serious but practical Catholic who believes the current pope is a heretic.

Never in my history did I hear anyone but "born again," hippie, "folk Mass" Catholics quote Scripture by chapter and verse. We don't typically act that way.

I don't believe anyone's religious affiliation or sincerity should be questioned or doubted on the basis of their ability to rattle off scriptural passages by rote.

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feel same on current POPE...dangerous man even on his way out

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serious but practical catholic too

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was one of the sheep that got lost too a bit never too lost but jaded

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Yet just days ago Biden saw fit to award Francis the Presidential Medal of Freedom with distinction, the nation's highest civilian honor. How many more worthy Americans deserved such an honor?

In Biden's twisted logic, I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks he bought himself a place in heaven in this way.

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I don't know. I find it hard to speak ill of him because he seems sort of compsssionate to me but i'm not really into it big time like you guys and wasn't the last one a Nazi? I only found out my dad was a Catholic after he died. He was an atheist from adolescence on until he got dementia. I can still see his image in my mind with a big smile of absolute pleasure on his face while telling me "Moses was putting thousands of the bastards to the sword," I don't know if he was referring to Jews or to people in general. He didn't like either. He loved Hitler and G,W, Bush. He was my dad and I still love him. I was brought up as a proddy dog, albeit very close to Catholic. I took conversion classes to become Catholic when I was at school and then the priest dropped his hand on my thigh and that was it for me. I pushed his hand away and got away fast and never looked back. He was lucky he didn't get punched in the face

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