Provocative interesting piece by Sasha Latypova trying to unpack the recent ~ quasi-imperialistic NOT 'America-first' positioning of incoming government, my how have times changed in 2 months: "Trump
Wants a North American Technate, blueprint for the One World Government/ New World Order, starting with a USA, Mexico, Greenland, Canada merger? Serious or funny talk? Gulf of America? Funny talk?
I have one question…did globalists not bring this setup to the forefront a decade ago and we were repulsed and have been fighting against? I find this fascinating, and I am reading more on this. Sasha does have a way of provoking, does she not? I like how she ‘pokes’.
Trump Wants a North American Technate - by Sasha Latypova
Wow, above depiction is fascinating by Sasha.
Start Sasha here and support:
‘Of course, this global empire building is explained by the trust-the-plan crowd as Trump “saving” all these nations from the globalists!
If you think this is a hard cope, you are right. I am old enough to remember that just a couple of months ago he ran on “America first” platform, i.e. the non-interventionalist foreign policy (prior to WWII), long abandoned by the global mall cop, USA.
Even if we don’t assume that he is working for the lizards at the BIS, the WEF, the Bilderbergs and the Luciferians, why does he want a North American super empire? There are many reasons for this:
Unsustainable national debt! This is true for all countries involved here. One of the popular “debt-restructuring” (hiding) strategy is to pool the loans into allegedly “diversified” larger piles of debt and then claim it’s all AAA rated because of the magic of diversification! Remember the subprime mortgage crisis and Collateralized Loan Obligations? As a perennially bankrupt levered-up-to-the-gills real estate investor, that’s a financial abracadabra bailout tactic Trump knows extremely well.
Trump is promising “no tariffs”. Well, that’s technically an efficiency that he can claim when presenting the combined indebted assets to the debt holders and claim it is now more valuable. It worked for a few years for the EU when it was expansionary, and bolstered the Euro, until of course the EU suicided itself by wokeness, “cultural diversity” (aka Muslim rape gangs) and the Climate Change mania.
Continued debasement of the dollar. The world is moving away from the dollar as a reserve currency. While the portion of the global commerce being settled with the dollar is not yet as low as it got historically (~45%-ish around 1991), it is getting close to that low level. With that decline, the power of the US to exert control over other nations declines, too. (Note: by “nations” I don’t mean the peoples, I mean the crime cartels and oligarchy running the game of “nations”).
Illegal migrants, drugs and crime coming via Mexico will look less like an “open border” if the border is pushed beyond Mexico to a geographically smaller-sized border. The administration can claim solving the border crisis!
Untapped land and resources, aka real assets. This one is obvious - Canada and Greenland are largely unpopulated deposits of natural resources and rare minerals that, I am sure, have been already pledged by Trump campaign to Musk-Thiel-Gates ventures in transhumanism. Mexico grows food and contains relatively inexpensive human resources. Adding those to the US will make the combined area comparable to Russia’s vast resource-rich backyard. The cabal desperately needs to grab real assets (which explains the real estate grab exercises orchestrated as “wildfires” currently in LA, or previously in Lahaina).
Lahaina Incident: In-Depth Discussion on Possible Weaponization of GIS
September 24, 2023
These are just some of the obvious reasons why Trump is “suddenly” in the imperial expansion mode. Of course, this is not anything sudden, it’s both part of the globalist long term strategy and in part - a desperate attempt at arresting its inevitable collapse. Let’s look at the history which is not a complete predictor of the future, but it rhymes.
Revisiting Arnold Toynbee’s “A Study of History” abridged, illustrated, ch 38.
For context, see my previous post on Toynbee:
A. Toynbee "Universal States: Ends or Means?"
December 28, 2024
The previous post covered chapters 32-33 of the book, discussing the historic “universal states”. Chapter 38 is titled “Have universal states a future?” and contains material that I personally believe became part of the New World Order strategy and justification, whether Toynbee himself meant it to be or not. I don’t know his personal politics. He may have been an avowed globalist, or he may have sincerely wanted to prevent future destructive global wars. His work is very academic, careful in avoiding bias, but some bias against “parochial nation states” clearly remains. The bias may be justifiable by then recent horrors of WWII. However it may be, let’s look at his writing on the subject of the future of universal states (the edition I am quoting is from 1972, but the writing is probably from a decade earlier):
… none of the historic universal states has ever been literally universal, whatever the subjective feelings of their inhabitants may have been. Out of the specimens of the universal states … only two - China and Russia - are still in existence today. Of these two, only China has ever laid claim to literal universality; and even China has found itself compelled, by the present political structure of the world, to abate her traditional claim of universality. […] In strictly political terms, China has now altered her claim to universality to the indirect form of claiming - as the Soviet Union also claims - to be the leading political vehicle of an ideology that, according to the doctrine of the present rulers of both the Chinese and the Russian regional Empires, is the sole true faith for all the world.
The ideology he talks about is obviously Marxism, socialism and communism.
This recent Chinese experience might seem, on first thoughts, to suggest that the universal state has no future, however large it may loom in the history of the last five thousand years. […]
The post-Roman political fragmentation of the Western Christendom has now become the political dispensation of the whole world, and in our time the parochial sovereign state is enjoying its heyday.
Toynbee then makes a summary of, in his opinion, a Western tendency to parochialism, independence and “disunity”, and a hypothetical opinion of it from the point of view of a Chinese observer:
Our Chinese observer could also point out three contemporary facts that are making [global] stabilization imperative. These three facts are the invention of the nuclear weapon, the population explosion, and the consumption and pollution of the irreplaceable natural resources on which Mankind depends for its survival.
M-kay… this starts to sound pretty familiar, doesn’t it? He goes on giving the core justification of the Global Universal State, aka the New World Order, emphasis added:
The harnessing of the forces of inanimate Nature has now given Man the power to use up his limited material patrimony. The reduction of the death-rate thanks to the progress of medicine has removed the former ruthless natural check on the increase in Mankind’s numbers. The annihilation of distance by mechanized technology has given Man the power to use the nuclear weapon for committing global genocide. These three facts, in combination, seem to demand the establishment of an effective worldwide government with a mandate for imposing peace, for conserving resources, and for inducing the its subjects to limit the number of their children.
As is common to many intellectuals, Toynbee falls prey to his own power to theorize - he spends countless pages of the book discussing the historic universal states, calling them Indian summers and last ditched attempts at saving the ruling oligarchy from demise and meticulously documenting how it never succeeded in history, yet THIS TIME IT’S GOING TO WORK!
A literally worldwide universal state… unlike its predecessors, it would not be foredoomed to be impermanent. There would be no barbarians and no alien civilizations to impinge upon it from the outside; and the internal decay that has been the main cause of the disintegration of precious universal states would be inhibited by the permanence, and the permanent direness, of the need to prevent genocide, to limit population and to conserve resources. Thus, in the field of human affairs, the rhythm of the Universe may well be arrested.
I am prepared to believe someone held a gun to his head when he wrote that last paragraph because it sticks out like an illogical sore thumb from the rest of the very well reasoned 600+ pages of the book - “permanent because of permanence”??? “prevent genocide by limiting population”??? Okey-dok! Maybe he sincerely believed this utopia was possible… In any case, this gives you a very good view of how globalists think and how they explain to themselves and their underlings that the mass murder they commit “improves the lives” of their victims and establishes “permanent” peace on Earth.
Another interesting illustration:
This is the North American Technate (ruled by a Technolord? Technobro? TechnoKing?) proposed by Elon Musk’s grandfather (among others) in 1930’s:
my take again is Trump is all America only to do good, I am not buying that he was part of any bad against US in COVID etc. I cant.
That plan (Panama, Canada and Greenland as annexed new states) was never mentioned in Trump's campaign. Of course not, some voters would have seen him as a delusional techno globalist. Which sounds more like it now, but, hey, he was elected. Frankly, as a Canadian, the current leadership dismanteled (Freeland will probably be the next Liberal leader, as she is a WEF wannabe), I feel very insecure about our economy. I work in a sector where we need solid entrepreneurs developers in real estate/construction projects, I wonder if they'll get cold feet.