Think about those two questions you’re asking Dr? How insane?

This is why something so deep is deeper than deep is happening to our great nation!

Incompetence isn’t one of them.

After watching President Trump being shot today, I’m more convinced what I believe is slowly being revealed.

May God Keep President Trump and his family and friends safe and his mortal protectors, the men and women of his secret service team.

Please Dear Lord, protect all those surrounding our beloved President Trump from all “evilness of evils” who seek to destroy President Trump!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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I hated him the moment I first saw him. A scuzzy sneaky evil pos who I despise more than ovomit. A snake in the grass, a pain in the ass, a liar to boot, and the epitome of evil.

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Joe is actually improving and is better and more focused now than he ever was even decades ago.

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If Trump was killed, everyone would be saying he was assassinated.

So why is NBC posting as "possible" assassination attempt?

Leftist media are focusing on the half brain Biden reading from a teleprompter.

MSNBC if focusing on the generalities of protecting Presidents.

They must be crying behind the scenes at leftist media.

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NBC = nutty, bigoted cucks and MSNBC is actually as Mark Levin noted, "MSLSD. The "D" stands for "dorks."

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I.M.O. This incident should be laid directly on the head of “Cristopher Wray “ Head of the FBI who is obviously a Democrat supporter for when The Concerted effort of The Biden Regime to weaponize the Agencies against Trump and very early in the period of these events Peter Strozk

and FBI agent along with his fucking whore Page who besmirched the FBI and their own respected spouses Where Strozk said publicly before Congress “WE WILL STOP TRUMP FROM BEING THE PRESIDENT AT ALL COSTS” This Comment should have immediately alerted that fucking asshole Wray to “ arrest and charge him for an act of terrorism” But because we have no law and order in this Fractured country- This is allowed to happen- I blame the 4 Republican congressman who voted with the Democrat bloc-to allow Garland to escape justice

of being charged with contempt -- they are ;DAVID JOYCE ( OHIO) MICHAEL TURNER (OHIO)



law and order with a fucking Scumbag AG Garland, and we have 4 Republican Congressman

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I have figured out those you mentioned are douchebags but WTF is a "garland" or a "merrick?"

Is it related to the Jabberwock or perhaps lives under the eaves of the toilet ovomit shares with the moochelle?

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Garland has been the one central obstacle to “our “ congress”- as despite what the majority rule IE “ He refused to follow the orders of t he oversight committee to bring the audio tapes of the Hur interview with Biden , which was altered-destroying evidence before a congressional committee if illegal and allows the Congress to issue an order of contempt and finally arrest this SOB has flaunted the rule of congress

so hence THAT IS WHY THE BASTARD is getting “Honorable Mention”-moreover Garland has stood in the way of many other issues including the “laptop from hell-

Gave the court orders to Jail Jan 6 protestors- and shielded the deeds of this Democratic administration at every turn- as well Violated his oath of office and denied holding a new agrand Jury on the Bullshit we were fed by The Bush Cheny

Omissiion commission- Want More?---( I could write a book on this bitch)

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Someone tried to eliminate your buddy Tump

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yeah -but they are dead now!

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They are still alive… the confused shooter is likely dead…. Capish?

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I’m talking about people who likely influenced the shooter but this doesn’t matter because confusing people is the others strength…

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CONfused sheeple have no excuse except for biDUMB.

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Apparently the Democrat party of fascists do not leave witnesses to criminal acts-While the shooter is dead- the FBI crime lab will run the serial numbers on the AR 15 and no doubt have the .223 shell casings from the rooftop-from where the shooter was esconced some 200 yards away-200 yards is a long distance and no doubt there was a riflescope involved-The FBI has likely most already searched the assasins lair-i doubt if the FBI

will be issueing a statement with any viable information as this is the tip of the spear--they will want to arrest the entire group of conspirators--recent reports rifle had no scope or Trump would be dead by now--Christopher Wray bears total responsibility for this event

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spare me the bs pls

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Donald Trump was shot in the head at his rally.

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A puppet and a Humiliation Ritual.


And now Trump gets shot at a rally.

Things are getting really crazy as the evil is exposed.

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President Trump shot in the ear at a rally in Butler, PA.


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The shooter is dead as is 2 Trump supporters who no doubt gave their lives i stopping

this mother fucker-there must have been a struggle in reming the weapon from the shooters hands-This will be attributed to the fucking bastards on the left-- I always said

we should place a bounty on the heads of these fucking rodent fascists!

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Thanks for the update.

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Trump Assassination attempt at his rally. Hit his ear lobe. He will be okay ...praying

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That was too close. Thanks be to God who protected him Amen

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Trump turned his head at the second shot hit him, grazed his ear lobe..The shooter was taken out by secret service and is on hiis way to hell.

Thank God

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Terrible news. Was the shooter a RINO or a Dem?

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Should have been an armored plexi glass in front of the speakers dias-45 cannot allow himself to be endangered-he is too valuable an asset to allow these fuckers to

continue breathing

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Please God, protect President Trump.

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He already has gal.

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