Thanks for stating this here.

Prayers for a hedge of protection.

I had a very odd flu in 2016. I was surrounded by elderly friends, I was the only one who was sick & I was coughing uncontrollably.

We know our government has been doing slow kill for (my entire lifetime) years , I guess they needed to step it up.

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But also they were playing a massive psyops on the public alleging that c19 was ten times deadlier than the regular flu which was deadly enough. I was bamboozled for months until the “superspreader” events of the summer riots which seemed to produce no rise in infections. Then I realized something was off.

I was almost persuaded to take the J&J shot but thank G-d Dr. Sucharit Bhakti ‘s advice kept me back.

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The last 3 years was a fake pandemic along with the global distribution of a killer "vaccine" they had to change the dictionary definition for. It was nothing other than a normal flu season (didn't you notice the elimination of published flu numbers all that time?) The killer was the release of a diabolical "vaccine" forced on everyone in the world. Now as a result of the huge uptake of aggressive cancers after the jabs, the vaccine manufacturers have redirected their Covid profits to buy cancer cure companies with the expectation of a tidal wave of new cancers for 2025.

You can't make this Hollywood nightmare up that we're all living through. It's all been well planned and we're the unpaid actors.

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There are many experts who do not believe we had a pandemic. In CA major hospital networks, Kaiser, Sutter, John Muir Medical Center were not overwhelmed with Covid patients according to medical staff who worked in these facilities. Some of the experts who question the pandemic theory believe there were multiple releases around the globe and the PCR was misused to create the impression of a novel spread. It's interesting, could the MDs who support the pandemic theory have been handpicked because they were in areas where there was a release and as a result, they would have experienced a vast number of patients getting sick with respiratory symptoms. It's interesting to note in recent hearings in the US and the UK, experts like Yeadon, Rancourt, who question pandemics were excluded. It seems like they want us to believe the virus came from a wet market or the WIV and to toggle back and forth between the two. The truth might be very different and could they have simulated a pandemic through multiple releases around the globe than used the PCR off label to mimic spread. Hopefully experts will keep digging to uncover the truth. This is like a detective novel.

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Can’t find the answers without asking the questions. Excellent post!

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You've found a new spin here.

What if?

Interesting questions that dance around the truth. Let me as a question, why did Obama sign an executive memo easing gain of function funding just 11 days before leaving office? Why did fauci just 2 days later tweet that the next administration would face a pandemic? Is all this connected to the knowingly fake Russia investigation?

Maybe it's connected to the Ukraine impeachment that ran cover for bidens crimes?

My real question is, is all this connected to a larger conspiray? Are all these events connected? I think you should be asking that question.

With each passing day and each passing stack I see you're working to undermine Trump's campaign.

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What about snake and cobra venom? That could explain a lot, though not all. IVM and Hydroxychloroquin neutralize venom.

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One thing is for sure. The flu disappeard in 2020-2021 when "covid" was raging. Probably just an anomaly though, Or a reporting error. Or a PsyOp. Pick your lie. Please be careful and safe.

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Just ask yourself this question- WHY DID THEY WANT EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD INCLUDING EMBRYOS IN THE MOTHERS WOMB JABBED???????? Along with needless testing even if you weren’t sick??? They had to get the technology chips in bodies no matter what. It’s all 5G/EMF Radiation poisoning. They are connecting everything and everyone to the Internet Smart City “Cloud “.

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Not for nothing BUT don't you think we're a little past asking Cui bona? First, we already know who and why as well...the real question is what do we do with the information. Folks had best get up to speed on the "what next" portion of this onslaught - as it is coming to your hometown soon. Pax

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My son and I had pneumonia in October of 2021. I was sicker, so I went to the ER first. I had a pcr test which came back positive for Covid. My son went to the ER several days later and his pcr test was negative for Covid. I haven’t believe those tests since.

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Dr. Alexander— if there was no virus is discussed in this article. Fauci fooled the world with HIV first and now Covid: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-it-does-matter

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The virus was invented for the vaccine. Excellent hypothesis with knew science on why the intransigent stupidity. https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/the-jerusalem-report-with-ilana-rachel-daniel/the-indoctrinated-brain-with-michael-nehls-md-phd-the-jerusalem-report/

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We had that Bio Weapon 8/21.

It was not a virus that I’d ever experienced.

We are still experiencing side effects.

My belief. The Vaxed spread the Bio weapon.

Of course the unvaxed were blamed.

The variants are Vax Shedding.

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I believe the c19 nasal swabs were a method of collecting DNA in order to create more malfeasance. They were not meant for anything else. They were never meant as a test but rather a means of DNA collection and we fell for it so willingly.

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As far as my research goes, there was/is a "virus". There's a unique furin cleavage site which identifies this. If I remember correctly it ties into a Moderna patent. Moderna ate a CIA construct. My theory is that the "virus" was NOT as harming or deadly as they thought.

The vax is though. Again, through my research it contains damaging spike proteins, graphene(for which Dr Noak was murdered for trying to reveal) and researchers are now finding self assembling nano tech within it.

I'm not a Dr, merely an Engineer(🤨) but to me it all seems plausible.

Similarly, with the 9/11 "truth" groups people are merely corralled into a corner to "think this way". Its psychological manipulation of the highest degree and its clearly working. People don't know who to turn to now. The whole Covid arena has become a pit of rattlesnakes. In increasingly difficult to sift through the "noise" to find the truth. But that's the plan of course. If anyone doesn't think that the powers to be are throwing EVERYTHING at us then they're deluded.

We MUST be stopped(becoming truly aware of these crimes), simple as. 🤨

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