
love you all, we have a serious fight on our hands...we have a VP to pick and POTUS to get on deck...we have a nation to save, the left et al. are trying to burn America down...we protect our police, our military, our border agents.....

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to watch a person humiliated like that was not easy...

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Just remember Senator Byrd, one of the high muckity mucks in the KKK, he was Joe’s best bud! That says it all, although remember he called blacks “ monkeys “ several times.

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he was a KKK leader, racist puke...

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Yep! I’m 74 years old. I remember those old racists.

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I don't know how this could surprise anyone. I've been following all things political for over 60yrs and this is classic Biden. He's a lying weasel! A pedophile and a back door punk! A wanna be tough guy who just couldn't make the cut. And most of ALL, he's been a despicable racist from the beginning. For all of his political life he's gotten away with his bullshit lying and racism simply because he's a Democrat. And now, in the twilight of his life, I am supposed to feel sorry for him because of failing health! BULLSHIT!! He has surrounded himself with the same type of people that he is so he will reap exactly what he has sown. I wish this on nobody but there are consequences for the choices we make in life. That's just the way it is. More importantly, if we don't get all of these incompetent fools to fuk out of power very soon, we're going to be in a catastrophic war sure as hell. NUCLEAR!!

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this is a very important sharing Clive, thank you.

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I do feel sorry for the old racist because of his failing health but it was his choice to take the jabs. Further, he's already lived nearly 10 years longer than the average American male because he's had an easy life during which he has sat on his ass and never worked. What has he done to raise the lifespan of men to the same as him, which has been achieved by other developed countries? He's done very little if anything

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boom, I too feel sorry for him for one can see he is in a game he does not know he is playing and taking actions that he is not taking. it is sad and really shows us up front how when we abuse an elderly what it looks like...at least we not seeing big black and brown welts on his skin like our parents and grandparents when they are beaten in the homes and strapped down...I do know some people behave badly and staff underpaid and all the bullshit but they treat out elderly like animals...an area that has to be fixed now

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So true!

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Yup. Makes me sick.

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Clive - you are absolutely correct!

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All I can say is, "Poor old man!" But we're at DEFCON level 3, and that's not good.

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I failed to add in my previous comment that I certainly hope the young lady so badly slighted by the old racists reconsiders the worth of supporting those bastards and comes on over where she will be treated with dignity and respect for a change.

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I THINK she is now a 45 voter

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Rumors are saying Prions, (think Mad Cow disease) are in the Covid jab, could Biden be the recipient of the real stuff, not Saline water, accelerating his mental decline?

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yes, that is issue, could Biden be vaccine injured in the brain??? is it playing out?

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boom, yet his may just be aging and its ok. it is life

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He may have been the original mad cow & SV 40 recipient much earlier 1980's lead to accelerated cancer?

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Once people realize our president is mentally incompetent, they will quickly move to the next step...."when did he become mentally incompetent?"

As you might know, lawyers will tell you that anyone not of "sound mind" can't legally bind anything!

How many laws and orders will be invalidated?

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Democrats are now showcasing Biden’s most embarrassing moments in an effort to get the vegetable to step aside voluntarily!! Because they know it’s dam near impossible to remove him at this point! Remember the Democrats are the defenders of “democracy”, even though we are a Constitutional Republic, but that’s the con they’re feeding their low information voters, they’re disenfranchising their own voters who believe it or not, wants the vegetable to remain, in their murky minds, anyone is better than Orange Man

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I told you, I am in contact with folk inside Biden orbit, its done...they are creating a way out

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I just read in the Western Journal that Tom Fitton claims a very reliable source from the white house claims Biden is resigning this coming Monday. I'm guessing they're currently drafting a stack of pardons for him to sign including one for Hunter.

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Dr. Paul - the tragedy is that the dastardly demonrats have no good replacement

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That video actually made my heart hurt for the young black woman. First, you see her joyful and happy holding up her Biden-Harris sign. Then the incredibly rude, obnoxious old white woman Biden supporter next to her actually put her hand on the sign and pushed it down and appeared to have exchange words regarding keeping the sign down. Seriously?! Then as if that isn’t bad enough, here comes racist Joe and the young black woman’s face lit up like a Christmas tree, big smile, shiny eyes, and she as she greets him….and he walked past her…..and glommed into that sour faced woman next to her. Her reactions are heart breaking. Where were the handlers? Where was wifey dearest?

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it was painful...I too felt hurt for her

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If that was Donald Trump who did this in Philadelphia, the video would be the leading news story on every mainstream news station.

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This seems to be the plan: get Biden/Harris elected with the 1 billion dollars "invested" to rig the elections again (600 millions more than 2020), dump Biden (either declaring him incapable or murdering/maiming him), then Kamala Harris assumes as President.

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the mail and machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was planned by masons, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Dominion over US

You can’t make this stuff up. Do they laugh in our faces? Was the name Dominion chosen to prove their dominion?


Weaponization of migration to steal elections and destroy nations


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Vuva Frei just posted this about half hour ago. Analysis of Joe Biden’s interview with George Stephanopoulos. 17 minutes


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Truth is, the New Republican Party, led by moral Conservatives, will rapidly push the old guard out to introduce a new group of leaders who worship God and the truth.

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