I think - BEFORE you identify "Radical islam (jihadism, islamism)! . . ." to be ". . . the gravest threat to the western world & America!" - you should "clean up in front of your own house", as the saying goes in Germany! ("Vor der eigenen Haustür kehren!")


As long as MASS-MURDER & GENOCIDE are allowed to be openly cherished, planned & executed in America - the slowly awakening rest of planet earth will start to realize, that instead of condemning the "HOLOCAUST" from the last century - we should finally focus on real NON-identified PSYCHOPATHS like Bill Gates, who openly promotes the greatest HOLOCAUST in known history in CAMOUFLAGE, by promoting MASS STERILIZATION, MASS ABORTION & MASS VACCINATION with SLOW KILL TOXINS to reach the psychotic Gates Goal of DEPOPULATING this planet down to a MINI-population of 500 Million, as has been the American public propaganda, being advertised for 42 years between 1980 & 2022 on the "Georgia Guide Stones".


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No wonder the German people suffer their leaders' pro-islamism.

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It's not "radical Islam." That implies there's a non-radical Islam. The problem is ISLAM itself. The members of Hamas are Muslims. Palestinians are Muslims. They were just doing what ALL Muslims are supposed to be doing as commanded by their moon-bat god, crazy prophet, and asinine holy book:: kill the infidels. Raping, capturing the kafirs (infidels = non-Muslims) and pillaging is just one of the added benefits.

Islam is a Borg sex cult. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated into the brain-dead collective and worship Allah... or have your head chopped off.

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Bullshit that "Palestinians are Muslims" you low IQ overgeneralizing f*ckwit. SOME, MAYBE MOST are Muslims but some are Christians, some are atheists, and some are agnostics. Futhermore some are SECULAR or would be if they were not under Ham-ass." Your type used the same bullshit when you supported Bush going into Iraq. I remember the opinion poll results for the low IQ US public opinion (the US is outranked by 28 other nations for IQ) at the time. It was all KILL KILL KILL the Moozies but the regime was secular and so was a lot of the public and the deputy leader was a Christian. Bush should have been in the dock of a court in the Hague but the US is too gutless to sign up to the ICC. Do you have any idea how many massacres the US committed in Vietnam alone? Bunch of f*cking serial killers making trinkets from mutilated body parts of victims you psychopathic murdering neocon RINO swine. The rest of the world sees the US for what it is. It's because of scum like you that Americans are hated and unsafe.

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According to Wikipedia, 85% of Palestinians in the West Bank and 99% in the Gaza Strip are Muslims, mostly Sunnis.. Very few are Jews, Christians, agnostic, or atheists, as you claim. Sharia is the defacto law in Palestine and it has basically driven out (or killed) all non-Muslims as required in Islam.

BTW, I was against the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and you really aught to educate yourself abut the Islamic Borg sex cult..

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Rest in the knowledge that you're right.

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Ham-ass are islamic extremists and anyone unfortunate enough to live under the rule of islamic extremists without a realistic escape option is going to pretend to believe their bullshit. Jusr as there are and have historically been many crypto-Jews who profess one religion but secretly prsctice another (reputedly including Obama among many other US politicians) it would be expected that there would be crypto-Christians and crypto-atheists and crypto-Sufis (Sufism is a branch of islam persecuted by Sunni and Shiite) in Gaza. I am no fan of non-Christian religions but collective punishment and genocide is not the answer. All that a disproportionate response in violation of international humanitarian law achieves is to increase hatreds and perpetuate the problem. It took decades for revulsion at the excesses of the German Nazis to settle down. Only niw is antisemitism in Europe making a large scale come back and it is largely due to revulsion at over the top responses advocated for by the likes of you, Snap Factor, Michelle Salzman and other sadistic psychopaths with a sick mentality not very different from that of the jihadists.

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‘Palestinian’ Mother: I Will Happily Sacrifice My 17 Children, 65 Grandchildren for the Sake of Allah


Given a chance, she would slowly saw off your ignorant infidel head. So would any of her 17 children and 65 grandchildren. The boys would gang rape you first.

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Don't argue with a fool or you will become a fool. AwakeNotWoke usually has very good insight, but he also has trantrums, which causes misinterpretations.

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You genocidal f*cking maniac

"... it remains common for Israeli extremists to view Palestinians as modern-day Amalekites. In 1980, the Rabbi Israel Hess wrote an article that used the story of Amalek to justify wiping out Palestinians. Its title has been translated as “Genocide: A Commandment of the Torah,” as well as “The Mitzvah of Genocide in the Torah.”

In his 1997 book, The Vanishing American Jew, celebrity attorney and Harvard professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz made a point of expressing his disgust about the article and the idea that Palestine was Amalek. He asked, “How can anyone distinguish this incitement to murder from similar incitements by Muslim fundamentalists who quote the Koran as authority for genocide against Jews?”

The Brooklyn-born extremist Baruch Goldstein also saw Palestine as Amalek. In 1994, he slaughtered 29 Muslims praying at a mosque in Hebron, a city in the occupied West Bank that is sacred to Jews and Muslims. Goldstein carried out the massacre on Purim, one week after he would have heard the biblical retelling of the command to wipe out a rival nation. As the journalist Peter Beinart and others have written, the timing was not a coincidence.   

Goldstein’s grave has become a pilgrimage site for the Israeli far right. His tomb says he died of “clean hands and pure heart.” Goldstein’s admirers have included Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s current minister of national security. For Purim, a holiday on which Jews sometimes wear costumes, Ben-Gvir dressed as Goldstein on multiple occasions in his youth. He kept a picture of Goldstein in his living room until 2020. He has an extensive criminal record that includes convictions for supporting a terrorist organization and inciting racism.

Shanes said that it was “incredibly dangerous and irresponsible and deliberate” for Netanyahu to invoke Amalek, given the ongoing war and it how is understood by the far right. He added that calling the enemy Amalek will make it more difficult for people who try to defend the position that Israel is not “involved in a crime against humanity or a genocidal act.”

Beinart, an Orthodox Jew who previously edited the New Republic and now writes on Substack, expressed similar concern. “The wisdom of rabbinic tradition was to declare that we no longer know who Amalek is because that restrains the genocidal plain meaning of the Biblical text,” he wrote in email. “So in claiming that he knows who Amalek is, [Netanyahu] is undoing the moral scaffolding created by Jewish tradition and asserting a Biblical literalism that is alien to the Judaism of the last two thousand years and, given the military power at his disposal, is frankly terrifying.”

Jacobs stressed that Netanyahu saying Amalek does not mean that Israel is carrying out genocide. She said that while Hamas and Israel have committed war crimes, Israel’s actions do not meet the international standard of genocide. “It’s not a term that should be thrown around casually at all,” she explained, particularly against a people that have experienced genocide. Instead, Jacobs sees Netanyahu, who she described as “totally right-wing and incompetent,” referring to Amalek as yet another case of him “being irresponsible and inciting.” (Netanyahu has previously compared the prospect of a nuclear Iran to Amalek.)

Harvard professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz told me this week that he supported Netanyahu “100 percent” to the extent that the prime minister was equating Hamas with Amalek.

In a brief phone call, Dershowitz told me this week that he supported Netanyahu “100 percent” to the extent that the prime minister was equating Hamas with Amalek. When I mentioned the command to kill Amalekite women and children, Dershowitz responded, “There are other parts of the Bible that say the opposite; that you can’t even destroy a fruit tree.” That is true, but Netanyahu did not cite those parts of the Bible. Instead, he turned to something that the far right has long used as a justification for genocide during a war in which some argue Israel is committing genocide. (On Thursday, a group of United Nations experts said that Palestinians are at “grave risk of genocide.”)

Shanes was not convinced by Dershowitz’s defense that Hamas is Amalek. For one, he said, Amalek is clearly described as a nation, not a political party. “If someone says, ‘I just mean the bad members of the Palestinians. I mean Hamas…,’ that’s not the effect it has in the body politic,” Shanes said. “The effect it has is, We have tom wipe these people out.”

"The Dangerous History Behind Netanyahu’s Amalek Rhetoric: His recent biblical reference has long been used by the Israeli far right to justify killing Palestinians."


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I'm well aware of the threat of extremists like them and you but I think they'd be more likely to be gang raping you. They'd not get that chance with me. It sounds like you've already taken it up the ass from them. That would explain your ignorant paranoia. There are nearly 274,000,000 muslims in Indonesia alone and any Westerner who has to do business with them or tourist who stays in their resorts or in many other muslim country knows that the average muslim is not raping or murdering anybody. Most of the non-muslim population in their annexed province of West Irian are still alive. Muslims don't all do what their book tells them to do. That's bullshit spread by ignorant fools like you. That Palestinian mother you refer to is likely radicalized for the same reason you are. She's personally experienced mistreatment at the hands of those she hates, just like you were probably sodomized by muslims. Mistreatment is the main cause of racism. You can't exterminate them all. Even if you succeed in killing every last Gazan and those in the West Bank uou will just radicalize their diaspora including the Christians, of whom their are quite a few in the diaspora. For example, Sirhan Sirhan was Christian. You ignorant psychpathic f*ck.

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How do all those peaceful Muslims suddenly get radicalized and become jihadists?

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You always think you're right even when you're wrong. Can't you see that the writer is referring to the majority of 'palestinians" who are not, I repeat not Christians?

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The Hamas guys came with AK47’s. When the IDF finally showed up, they fired on everything and everyone with tank rounds and Hellfire missiles. According to surviving Israeli victims, most of the hostages were murdered by the IDF. The weapons Hamas brought couldn’t incinerate or char people or rip houses apart.

There are IDF helicopter pilots admitting what they did.

There is no evidence of rape. That claim is just as bogus as the 40 decapitated babies.

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The media is complicit in this by labeling honest discussion about the issue "Islamophobia"

Whenever you speak of atrocities committed by those the corporate whores support, you're silenced and suppressed. In their eyes, violence isn't violence... but "hate speech" is!!

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A religion of peace???

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I saw an Israeli propagandist working church groups in the late 1990’s in northern Illinois. He was prepping Christians so that, when the 9/11 attacks happened, his audiences would be primed to accept Arab terrorism as the fully sufficient explanation of the events that day. But that explanation is bogus.

Here is the book Avi Lipkin was pushing:


I head a few years later that I was not the only person who thought Lipkin was propagandizing in advance of 9/11. A suspicious FBI agent came by asking members of that church group if they knew which other churches Lipkin might have visited.

At least someone in the FBI understood what was going on.


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The FBI, like you, is clueless on Islam.

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You are the clueless one. Or you were hired to spew crap.

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‘Palestinian’ Mother: I Will Happily Sacrifice My 17 Children, 65 Grandchildren for the Sake of Allah


And that's a mother. Imagine how the father thinks.

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Jewish and Christian faiths are based on characters who were willing to, or actually DID make those sacrifices.

Besides, falling back on religious faith is where people go when tortured for 75 years. You should be happy Israel wasn’t doing to Texans what they’ve been doing to Palestinians. Texans would fall back on guns, not faith and there’d be no Israel today.

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Obama is still running the show. Good analysis by Larry Alex Taunton. We're on for Crusades 2.0. Book Defenders of the West is one hard to put down, about the bravery of those that fought off the crazy Muslim invaders, during Crusades, but decades after, which I didn't know. They kept coming back to various places in E Europe. Finally got rid of them after many deaths and destruction, raping, staking slaves etc etc just like today. Nothing has changed, driven by the same dribble, the Quran and Hadiths. All a fraud.

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Jihadism is evil. 100%. But let us not lie to ourselves. According to the Guttmacher Institute, long associated with Planned Parenthood, in recent years there are an average of 70+ MILLION, that's right, MILLION, abortions EACH year. Staggering. But because it doesn't get nightly news coverage, and media long ago decided it would never actually show the end results of innocent babies who were dismembered or chemically burned to death, the public is "blissfully " unaware. That 70 million annually [which is just a "statistic" to use Joseph Stalins verbiage, equates to almost 8,000 per HOUR, or more than 2 innocent babies every second being murdered in their mothers womb. The place that should be the safest place for them anywhere in the world. Is Islamic Jihadism evil? Yes. But let us not conflate that with the over 190,000 babies killed EVERY SINGLE DAY from abortion, and if we are honest, truly honest, we'll admit that the majority of those are in non Islamic countries. No equivalency or excuses . Both are evil, Islamic and abortion, but Western societies have pushed abortion for more than a century and the deaths from abortion are truly staggering...

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Nobody forces Americans to abort their progeny Sherlock. It's Americans' choice. Nobody holds a gun to their head. And who is it that aborts, primarily? It's blacks, Democrats and criminals. I understand the desire of your ilk to foist more of them on society but at the end of the day they make their own choices. Nobody is forcing them to cleanse the genepool. They do it voluntarily.

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I know that; I am not ignorant of this subject. I said they have their issues. My point was, as I said, Israel is complicit in the attacks against their own people; just as the US is complicit in it's attacks against it's own people; be it by Covid vaccine, 9/11, etc. This is a Free Masonic inspired effort to bring about WWIII and he aim is to bring Zionist Israel in to conflict with the Muslim world and rope in all of their allies in a step by step methodical order. Jews might not wish to lop off my head but I have no doubts that certain aspects of that population would undoubtedly like to do me in (as a Goy ) via other means. They loathe Christianity, also.

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The Late Great Christopher Hitchens Had This One Pegged Decades Ago

Feel free to check out his Videos

Sam Harris as well.

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Hitchens only became famous after becoming a sycophant for US war-crimes in Iraq. And Harris is a pathetic poseur.

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Oh for Christ sakes I made a statement ,

A factual Statement. Backed up by evidence.

If evidence us not good enough for you then conversation closed

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Evidence? Where?

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Stripper and pole dancer and self-descibed "wife and mother of a Jew" turned Florida GOP state Rep Michelle Salzman has reportedly called in the Florida legislature for the extermination or genocide of the Palestinians.

Specifically, in response to one of her colleagues stating in the House that 10,000 Palestinians had been killed already in Gaza and asking how many dead Palestinians (i.e., Palestinians, not Ham-ass) would be enough, Salzman reportedly shouted out "all of them!"

News has spread rapidly around the world.

Some Palestinians are Christians and others are atheists and agnostics but many are born into Islamic families.

I don't think it is a good idea to exterminate entire populations or to commit genocide or approve of the idea but I think there would probably be several commenters here who would support the GOP Rep's proposal for extermination of "all of them" (i.e., of populations with significant numbers of Moslems) as a way of dealing with Islamic extremists.

What do others here think?

Now that some US politicians have said the quiet part out loud and are are openly proposing genocide as a solution to the Palestinian problem, how do people here who think that extermination of other populations with large numbers of Moslems would be a good way of dealing with Islamic extremism propose that the genocide be carried out?

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You practicing being on your knees with your butt in the air praying to Allah? With Islam, your choice is that or having your infidel head chopped off.

What's your choice?

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Do you know any Palestinians? Do you know any muslims? Or does everything you know about them come from Zionist propaganda?

Do you realize that one side is committing genocide and other is not? Can your brain process that? Can facts reach any brain tissue that has not yet been disabled by the high-pressure investment of Zionist bullshit?

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Fallacy of the excluded middle, dumbf*ck. Also known as "dichotomous thinking." Get Elon Musk to chip your brain for an IQ increaee. I support neither islam (not even the so called "moderate" version) nor extermination of entire races or population groups.

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It looks like Hamas has already figured out how to make that happen.

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There are 5,000,000 Palestinians to exterminate in the occupied territories alone. That's a big job. Ham-ass have no army, air force, navy or marines and no control of the West Bank which is governed by Fatah who are their political enemies so their chances of success are negligible.

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Which may by why Hamas provoked Israel into getting the job done for them in a process similar to "suicide by cop."

After all, I understand that Gazans missed out on their mRNA-LNP injections. Seems their Hamas leaders, safely ensconced in luxury accommodations outside of Gaza, found an alternate way to depopulate them.

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Suicide by cop is a good analogy. It's not going to get any better over there. The world is becoming more antisemitic including on the left as well as on the right and growing numbers of people desperately want the Jewish people to stay far away from them in Israel. However, the descendants of the local inhabitants whose ancestors lived there for millenia before Israel was created and imposed on them against their will by foreigners and the surrounding Arab nations are always going to hate and resent the Jewish people

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If anyone in Palestine hates Israelis, the Israelis EARNED that hatred. Anyone who doesn’t understand that is a absolute idiot.

Israel deserves to experience exactly what it is inflicting on Palestinians.

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See my reply to Jomico where he contrasts the British response to IRA terrorism with what's happening now in the middle-east where I stated the following:

There are many Irish who are not terrorists who, despite the far more decent, restrained and responsible manner in which the British conduct themselves compared to the Americans or the occupiers in Gaza, despise the English but that hatred pales in comparison to that of both Christian and non-Christian Palestinians for Israel and the reason for the intensity of that hatred is the US style measures they are subjected to. US style mass killing of civilians just risks breeding future generations of terrorists.

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Why then does the government of Israel and the West sustain what is called Eurarabia. Orinana Fallici 30 years ago spoke up.

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If I am correct, Israel, itself, gave rise to Hamas as a counterweight to the PLO; not unlike the CIA probably gave rise to Al Qaeda oR the Taliban. I'd say the greatest terror threat to the U.S. is it's currently existing 'government', and I use that term VERY LOOSELY.

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Say wut?!🤌🙃 islam hates the infedels , Jews ,christians and the Non muslims .. which r you?

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth


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Not much mention in the MSM about the thousands of Palestinian civilians killed by the Israeli attacks on the Gaza. My point being is that if we are to hate violence against innocent citizens we can't pick and choose who are the perps or the victims. I am fully aware that the Muslims have their own skeletons but that Israel is , by no means, without their warts; just like the US is a lot more evil in world 'goings on' than what the average American is aware of.

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Muslims where you live are commanded to chop off your (ignorant) infidel head if you don't convert to Islam. You OK with that or believe it's the same with the Jews and Judaism?

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I have little interest in either Arabs and Islam or Judaism and the Jewish people. There is not much difference between them from what I can see. I'm white and my cultural background is Christian. I have Jewish friends who tell me that the horror stories about the practices of some sects of Judaism are true. I don't know whether to believe them or not. I don't have any Arab or Moslem friends. If I meet or have to interact with Muslims I'm always wary unless they are atheists or have converted to another religion. I assume they could be a potential jihadist. I'm not a fan of Islam, to put it mildly, but I don't support the extermination of population groups. You can take your lust for genocide and shove it.

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Islam does not give that choice.

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Nov 11, 2023
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He/she/they whatever its pronouns are is just a dumb f*cking low IQ psychopath with the same mentailty as those who pushed the jabs, Milton. Don't give its bullshit any credence.

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Nov 11, 2023
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Sirhan Sirhan was a Christian Palestinian you lying f*ckwit.

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9/119/11 was an inside job Cia and israel…it was an exuse to install the patriotay act and islamic jihadism was the scapegoat

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Gawd, you’re an idiot. 9/11? RFK? You can’t be real. Someone must be paying you to spout thus diarrhea.

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YOU are probably complicit in several of these Muslim atrocities by voting for the facilitators. Your neeocon RINO god Bush failed to act on intel that could hsve prevented 911. That's on YOU. The US neocon RINOS armed and funded bin Laden and the mujahadeen that gave rise to al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The US, under predecessors of those YOU support, did jack shit about the Ottoman Empire. From the middle to the end of the empire, when it was on its long slow decline to collapse, the empire faced three main rival powers that crop up again and again in Ottoman history: to the east, the Persian Safavids; to the north, the tsars of Russia; and to the west, the Hapsburgs. The US, under predecessors of those YOU support, diplomatically engaged with and recognized the Ottoman Empire on February 11, 1830. The US accepted the regulations of the Ottomans for trade. The US appointed a delegation to make negotiations between the US and the Ottoman Empire. As a result, the US agreed to pay the tribute to be part of the trade-in the Mediterranean Sea. The US facilitated the genocides of the Ottoman Empire. Your neocon RINO god Bush precipitated the genocide of Christians in Iraw when he toppled a secular regime and butchered up to a million civilians. That's on YOU. Bush and your other RINO neocon god Songbird McStain precipitated the rise of ISIS. McStain armed and funded jihadis in Syria. That's on YOU.

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Islam is currently slaughtering Blacks in Africa by the thousands if not tens of thousands.

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And blacks are currently slaughtering whites in South Africa and Zimbabwe. I'm not a black or a muslim. I'm white. I'm concerned firstly about what's happening to my own people. 75 million people died in WW2 and a very big proportion of them were white. Churchill, who started WW2 in Europe, a completely unnecessary war, was an admirer of Islam and nearly converted. But of course you never talk about that or the dead white Christians.

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