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‘Palestinian’ Mother: I Will Happily Sacrifice My 17 Children, 65 Grandchildren for the Sake of Allah


Given a chance, she would slowly saw off your ignorant infidel head. So would any of her 17 children and 65 grandchildren. The boys would gang rape you first.

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Don't argue with a fool or you will become a fool. AwakeNotWoke usually has very good insight, but he also has trantrums, which causes misinterpretations.

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You genocidal f*cking maniac

"... it remains common for Israeli extremists to view Palestinians as modern-day Amalekites. In 1980, the Rabbi Israel Hess wrote an article that used the story of Amalek to justify wiping out Palestinians. Its title has been translated as “Genocide: A Commandment of the Torah,” as well as “The Mitzvah of Genocide in the Torah.”

In his 1997 book, The Vanishing American Jew, celebrity attorney and Harvard professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz made a point of expressing his disgust about the article and the idea that Palestine was Amalek. He asked, “How can anyone distinguish this incitement to murder from similar incitements by Muslim fundamentalists who quote the Koran as authority for genocide against Jews?”

The Brooklyn-born extremist Baruch Goldstein also saw Palestine as Amalek. In 1994, he slaughtered 29 Muslims praying at a mosque in Hebron, a city in the occupied West Bank that is sacred to Jews and Muslims. Goldstein carried out the massacre on Purim, one week after he would have heard the biblical retelling of the command to wipe out a rival nation. As the journalist Peter Beinart and others have written, the timing was not a coincidence.   

Goldstein’s grave has become a pilgrimage site for the Israeli far right. His tomb says he died of “clean hands and pure heart.” Goldstein’s admirers have included Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s current minister of national security. For Purim, a holiday on which Jews sometimes wear costumes, Ben-Gvir dressed as Goldstein on multiple occasions in his youth. He kept a picture of Goldstein in his living room until 2020. He has an extensive criminal record that includes convictions for supporting a terrorist organization and inciting racism.

Shanes said that it was “incredibly dangerous and irresponsible and deliberate” for Netanyahu to invoke Amalek, given the ongoing war and it how is understood by the far right. He added that calling the enemy Amalek will make it more difficult for people who try to defend the position that Israel is not “involved in a crime against humanity or a genocidal act.”

Beinart, an Orthodox Jew who previously edited the New Republic and now writes on Substack, expressed similar concern. “The wisdom of rabbinic tradition was to declare that we no longer know who Amalek is because that restrains the genocidal plain meaning of the Biblical text,” he wrote in email. “So in claiming that he knows who Amalek is, [Netanyahu] is undoing the moral scaffolding created by Jewish tradition and asserting a Biblical literalism that is alien to the Judaism of the last two thousand years and, given the military power at his disposal, is frankly terrifying.”

Jacobs stressed that Netanyahu saying Amalek does not mean that Israel is carrying out genocide. She said that while Hamas and Israel have committed war crimes, Israel’s actions do not meet the international standard of genocide. “It’s not a term that should be thrown around casually at all,” she explained, particularly against a people that have experienced genocide. Instead, Jacobs sees Netanyahu, who she described as “totally right-wing and incompetent,” referring to Amalek as yet another case of him “being irresponsible and inciting.” (Netanyahu has previously compared the prospect of a nuclear Iran to Amalek.)

Harvard professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz told me this week that he supported Netanyahu “100 percent” to the extent that the prime minister was equating Hamas with Amalek.

In a brief phone call, Dershowitz told me this week that he supported Netanyahu “100 percent” to the extent that the prime minister was equating Hamas with Amalek. When I mentioned the command to kill Amalekite women and children, Dershowitz responded, “There are other parts of the Bible that say the opposite; that you can’t even destroy a fruit tree.” That is true, but Netanyahu did not cite those parts of the Bible. Instead, he turned to something that the far right has long used as a justification for genocide during a war in which some argue Israel is committing genocide. (On Thursday, a group of United Nations experts said that Palestinians are at “grave risk of genocide.”)

Shanes was not convinced by Dershowitz’s defense that Hamas is Amalek. For one, he said, Amalek is clearly described as a nation, not a political party. “If someone says, ‘I just mean the bad members of the Palestinians. I mean Hamas…,’ that’s not the effect it has in the body politic,” Shanes said. “The effect it has is, We have tom wipe these people out.”

"The Dangerous History Behind Netanyahu’s Amalek Rhetoric: His recent biblical reference has long been used by the Israeli far right to justify killing Palestinians."


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I'm well aware of the threat of extremists like them and you but I think they'd be more likely to be gang raping you. They'd not get that chance with me. It sounds like you've already taken it up the ass from them. That would explain your ignorant paranoia. There are nearly 274,000,000 muslims in Indonesia alone and any Westerner who has to do business with them or tourist who stays in their resorts or in many other muslim country knows that the average muslim is not raping or murdering anybody. Most of the non-muslim population in their annexed province of West Irian are still alive. Muslims don't all do what their book tells them to do. That's bullshit spread by ignorant fools like you. That Palestinian mother you refer to is likely radicalized for the same reason you are. She's personally experienced mistreatment at the hands of those she hates, just like you were probably sodomized by muslims. Mistreatment is the main cause of racism. You can't exterminate them all. Even if you succeed in killing every last Gazan and those in the West Bank uou will just radicalize their diaspora including the Christians, of whom their are quite a few in the diaspora. For example, Sirhan Sirhan was Christian. You ignorant psychpathic f*ck.

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How do all those peaceful Muslims suddenly get radicalized and become jihadists?

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In substantial part, because of real or perceived injustices. Probably the same way it happened to you. How do hundreds of millions of them like those in Indonesia not get radicalized?

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They get radicalized by reading the Quran and they doing what all good Muslims are commanded to do. 9/11 only required 19 true believers.

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Hundreds of millions of them read it and don't do what it says, fortunately. Personally I'd prefer their book didn't exist or that the incitements to violence in it were criminalized. But then the same would have to be done with the Old Testament.

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No, they don't. Jihad happens when they do.

The OT was replaced by the NT.

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More of your low IQ bullshit. Jihad is caused by abnormalities of the temporal lobe.

The OT was not replaced by the NT for Jewish people and is still part of the Bible for most Christian denominations.

When nutjobs like you have temporal lobe abnormalities and take it literally, it provides your justification to kill.

Theology Network - Reading Violence in the Old Testament

"As theology and biblical studies students we are constantly faced with deeply troubling images of violence: the gang rape, murder and dismemberment of an unnamed woman; children being mauled by bears at the command of a prophet; a woman being threatened with death by fire for being pregnant while unmarried; children being offered up as sacrifices; not to mention the divinely-mandated genocide of several people-groups.  

As evangelical Christians (and signed up members of our Christian Unions) we’re onboard with the whole ‘infallibility of Scripture’ thing. As the UCCF Doctrinal Basis puts it: 'The Bible, as originally given, is the inspired and infallible Word of God. It is the supreme authority in all matters of belief and behaviour.' "


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If you actually knew anything about the Old Testament, you'd know the WHY.

If you knew anything about covenants, which obviously you don't, you'd know that the OT and Judaism is based on them. However, in Jeremiah 31:31 (that's in the OT) GOD says the previous covenants will be replaced by a NEW COVENANT. That happened a few hundred years later with Yeshua and the atonement (or redemption) for all sin on the cross for "without the shedding of blood there is no atonement from sin" (Leviticus 17:11)..

In Genesis 22, Isaac asked his father Abraham "where is the lamb for the burnt offering" to which Abraham responded "God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." (Genesis 22:7-8).

Yeshua was the perfect Lamb of GOD who shed his blood one time for all mankind's sins, even yours.

Without Yeshua, the Tenakh and Judaism is as asinine as the Quran and Islam and Jews are just as lost and living unredeemed lives as Muslims. are

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"That happened a few hundred years later with Yeshua and the atonement (or redemption) for all sin on the cross ..." Not according to Judaism it didn't.

Muslims believe that Jesus (called “Isa” in Arabic) was a prophet of God and was born to a virgin (Mary). They also believe he will return to Earth before the Day of Judgment to restore justice and defeat al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or “the false messiah” — also known as the Antichrist.

In contrast, according to Judaism, Jesus did not fulfill messianic prophecies that establish the criteria for the coming of the messiah. Judaism teaches that it is heretical for any man to claim to be God, part of God, or the literal son of God. 

According to the Torah (Deuteronomy 13:1–5 and 18:18–22), the criteria for a person to be considered a prophet or speak for God in Judaism are that he must follow the God of Israel (and no other god); he must not describe God differently from how he is known to be from Scripture; he must not advocate change to God's word or state that God has changed his mind and wishes things that contradict his already-stated eternal word.There is no concept of the Messiah "fulfilling the law" to free the Israelites from their duty to maintain the mitzvot in Judaism, as is understood in much of Christianity or some Messianic Judaism.

Deuteronomy 13:1 says, "Be careful to observe only that which I enjoin upon you; neither add to it nor take away from it."

Any divergence espoused by Jesus from the tenets of biblical Judaism would disqualify him from being considered a prophet in Judaism. This was the view adopted by Jesus' contemporaries, as according to rabbinical tradition as stated in the Talmud (Sotah 48b) "when Malachi died the Prophecy departed from Israel." As Malachi lived centuries before Jesus it is clear that the rabbis of Talmudic times did not view Jesus as a divinely inspired prophet. Furthermore, the Bible itself includes an example of a prophet who could speak directly with God and could work miracles but was "evil", in the form of Balaam.

The Yeshu in rabbinic literature was a disciple of Joshua ben Perachiah, and not to be confused with Jesus (Vikkuah Rabbenu Yechiel mi-Paris). 

Profiat Duran's anti-Christian polemic Kelimmat ha-Goyim ("Shame of the Gentiles", 1397) makes it evident that Duran gave no credence to Yechiel's theory of two Jesuses.

In the Toledot Yeshu the name of Yeshu is taken to mean yimakh shemo. In all cases of its use, the references are to Yeshu are associated with acts or behaviour that are seen as leading Jews away from Judaism to minuth, a term usually translated as "heresy" or "apostasy."

In 1910, Hermann Strack wrote Jesus, die Häretiker und die Christen nach den ältesten jüdischen Angaben (Jesus, the heretics and the Christians according to the oldest Jewish data), which found no evidence of a historical Jesus in the Talmud.

The identification of Jesus with any number of individuals named Yeshu has numerous problems, as most of the individuals are said to have lived in time periods far detached from that of Jesus.

In the Talmud in Gittin 56b and 57a, a story is told in which Onkelos summons up the spirit of “Yeshu the Nazarene”, who had “sought to harm Israel”. Yeshu describes his punishment in the afterlife as boiling in excrement.

You are full of excrement pfwag.

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