The greatest threat to USA and the world is none other than USA… Wake up pal!

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You refer of course to the woke wankers brain washed as children by fake education. Everything is corrupt. Second amendment must be practiced. Must be guns in every home. Kill or be killed and it might come down to that. It is the harsh reality.

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When or where does it end?

I often admire people who, like Dr. Alexander, still hope that there some democracy left in the US or in so-called developed countries…

A lot of people stooped believing in God because they can’t reconcile the so-called Judeo-Christian values USA was supposed to be built on…

One thing though, when the dust settles after the so-called covid-19 pandemic, those who don’t believe in God will have no choice but to believe in the Devil..

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Jesus’ disciples asked privately for a ‘sign’ that would ‘foretell of the sign of His coming, and of the end of the age.’ His immediate response was, ‘See to it that no one deceives you.’ and..

‘Because of lawlessness, the love of many will grow cold.’

Read, for yourself, The Olivette Discourse, Matthew 24.

Most who read it, will find the events described therein to sound very familiar, which is the whole point of Bible prophecy.

We’ve also been forewarned that God’s written words will be rejected by many.

‘For the message of the cross is foolishness [absurd and illogical] to them that are perishing, and spiritually dead [because they reject it], but to us who are being saved [by God’s grace], it is [the manifestation of] the power of God.’ 1 Corinthians 1:18

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Do you know how to explain this?

Matt 24:21

‘21For there will be greater anguish than at any time since the world began. And it will never be so great again. 22In fact, unless that time of calamity is shortened, not a single person will survive. But it will be shortened for the sake of God’s chosen ones.’

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As I understand it, it’s describing the beginning of seven years of tribulations. Which will be hell on earth, because of lawlessness. If no one has any reason to fear consequences for their actions, they will do those things that seem ‘right’ to them. As described, ‘such has not been since the beginning of the world.’

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I think I’ve heard this before. I just don’t know where the 7 years of tribulations come from. Do you?

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Daniel Chapter Nine.. the seven ‘weeks’

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You are instantly correct in terms of Islam being a threat always has been and always will be Leslie change their thinking, and I believe Obama‘s attraction to Islam is evidence by his arranging things through the Biden White House that seem to always benefit, and in fact I have found Islamic sentiments in the backgrounds of the editors of UpToDate and as well at PubMed…….That explains those publication’s articles often following the NEWS NARRATIVE in support of Biden & Anti-Trump & pro-covid vaccine written articles…..(ie- THEIR corruption is DEEP !)

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Why then does the rest of the world instantly complain when the USA occasionally opts to not step up to police the world? The whole world relies on the USA. They are not perfect, that's for sure and bad people do get into positions of power. My gosh, just look at the CIA who under Allen Dulles elected to kill president Kennedy. The CIA runs amok! And Trump is the only person who has the ability to control them. I dearly hope that his fate is blessed.

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America is being systematically destroyed from within at our expense. #ndAPECnow #EndFreeTrade #FreedomIsNotFree

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Obama massacred thousands of innocent Muslim civilians with his drone program. In regards to Radical Sharia Islam being the greatest threat, aren't most of the terrorist groups that the US and Israel provide weapons to Sunni, like ISIS? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaboration_with_the_Islamic_State

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You never answered my question as to how many billions of US tax dollars to you think the United States should hand out to Israel and the Ukraine over the next 5 years. If you refuse to answer that question, then I think we are done here.

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Why didn't you ask how many stars are in the sky, or how many grains of sand on the beach? Same difference

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LOL. yea, warmongers like you seem to feel that the US can afford to give unlimited billions of taxpayer dollars to the Ukraine and Israel, and always support the next round of $ to be handed out.

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We'd rather defeat Russia in Ukraine, than in Finland or Sweden. If we lose Israel, we lose massive scientific advancements, technological gains, all of which Muslims do zero.

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That sounds like something that is going to cost more than $500 billion. I'd guess at least 10x that.

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You understand Paul, if Trump & his Administration does attempt the type of deportation effort you promote and prescribe, it will be 40% vs. 60% of the country in a protracted CW2 10x more death than then CW1.

You think the invaders are just going to jump on the deport bus or the local police with authority will just corral them like sheep?

Are people really ready for the brother vs brother battle to set the population clock back ?

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Then for sure it must be done! The alternative is to have these transplanted communists take away our democracy! This is the full intention! Wake up and stop being a pushy ass!

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“Unless they change their thinking” (NEVER !!!).

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Resume the ban on Muslims serving in Congress. #EndFreeTrade

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Absolutely positively Dr Alexander!

There’s many distractions being thrown into the mix.That’s part of their cover and justification for such, “TREASONOUS” and “Illegal Border Invasion” abuses!

So precisely designed and executed, nobody knows how to stop it! They’re trying to make us believe, make us think and feel bad. Or try to influence us into believing, the only reason they’re coming to America is for a better life. A chance. A leg up.

All they really want is a better life.

We must all feel bad for them and open your hearts, your homes and good God, give them a bed with clean sheets please! A notch up is all they’re asking for! Surely “WE THE PEOPLE” can afford this, right? WRONG!

Look at the deficit spending, look how veterans and much needed American Citizens social services are being destroyed! Yes, to pay for and to help the much needed, only looking for a better life, “Border Invaders”! The “NON-CITIZENS”!

Remember, “when you bring there here, here becomes there”!

Simply look no further than NYC or Boston, Chicago.

Ultimately, as you’ve once again explained so well Dr, “Shariah Islam” is the direct assault and ultimate goal! This is being covered up and concealed. Why? Why are they overwhelmingly and completely attacking women’s rights? Why? Shariah Islam, that’s why!

How about forcing us to accept, while protecting, ugly and mentally deranged men, (who honestly need professional help), and who dress up as ugly, mentally deranged woman? Why? Shariah Islam again!

All while these “NON-WOMAN” MEN, are allowed to compete against “REAL WOMEN”? Simply because they say they’re now a woman? I don’t think so! Why? Shariah Islam once again!

One example here or there, which are the (real percentage’s) of Gender Dysmorphia, I could understand, but this is another form of “invasion”! Indoctrination and an outright assault on our rights! Remember, we’re all supposed to play nice in the sand box now, right? WRONG! But WHY? Shariah Islam!

Example after example. All are designed and executed to once again, usher in “SHARIAH ISLAM”! Exactly right Dr Alexander!

The insanity is sickening! The majority of those forcing their beliefs onto others have deep, deep mental illness’s!

This is how weak and cowardly these people are! When they’re enforcing and promoting this behavior, what else can we say? They have to use literally and abuse, “mentally unstable” individuals and prop them up into some sort of superstar beauty queen! It’s very sad though extremely dangerous!

Evil, Evil and Evil is the only way to explain this abuse “WE THE PEOPLE” are facing.

Real sisters, mothers, aunts and nieces can’t speak out, speak up for and protect against these “predators”! Again, as completely dangerous and destructive this is, they’re trying to insight violence and or force “Good and Decent” people into a violent situation!

Good and Decent people can’t and or will not resort to violence. Obviously voicing their thoughts is enough to be arrested for! Certainly if they stand against such absurd and dangerous, ideological twisted nonsensical policies, they could even be killed! Yes, America “we have a lot of problems”, self-inflicted completely initiated and controlled by the,


And many wanna be’s too.

Think about how “deranged and evil” someone must be, in order to justify, this kind of thinking and insane behavior? Remember who’s responsible for these moronic and destructive actions, against all Americans?

Ultimately, they’ve been able to divide and silence “Good and Decent”, Mom’s and Dad’s, Grandma’s and Grandpa’s , Brothers and Sisters! This all part of their goal!

To weaken, scare, silence and threaten, any and all Americans who speak out against this BS!

We can’t allow them to destroy our country, our children and our grandchildren, our families and our communities all need to and must start fighting against this evil regime’s destruction! This isn’t going away and it’s certainly not a fad!

Thank you Dr for getting my motor running!


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Most farmers and ranchers, at the discovery of rats or mice, adopt a cat or two. (The natural enemy)

That’s exactly what islamabama has pulled on America.

Ask any person that is even vaguely familiar with the Quran. It repeatedly commands the reader and adherent to

‘murder every Christian and every Jew.’ Look it up. Israel is currently fighting the radical Islamic jihadists, of which there are approximately

170 MILLION, and many of that number are now on American soil; they will all likely vote on November 5, and then

Wait On Further Orders

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With-Out-A-Doubt Frogman!

We were told, as it was expressed numerous times by BHO through actions he took to infiltrate America, both publicity and privately.


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‘Woe unto them who call evil good, and good, evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.’

Isaiah 5:20

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“Judgement is coming”, Frogman.

Isaiah 5:20, IMO spoke to warn, express, as for the signs of each specific moment or event, shall bring “Good and Decent” people to their knees.

We must heed these warnings and prepare for “EVILS” destructive attacks, intentional acts.

For “Satan loses” to “Our Lord and Jesus Christ” each and every time!

Thank you Frogman, “EVIL” signs abound, encircling us before many a closed eye. Still many choose to be blind while others see quite clearly!

Evil has a been brightly illuminated with God’s bright light exposing the wicked ways evil has chosen, to “Devour” unprepared “God Fearing” people all around this spectacular place, called earth.

We must all prepare for and stand firm against “Satan”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!

Frogman, Thank you!


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Dr. Alexander: A friend wrote this: Radical and Sharia are words used as an excuse to defend Islam. There is NO such thing as Radical and Non-Radical. ISLAM is ISLAM.

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40 Years ago, the Muslim Religion covered 80% of the World's populations and was the fastest gerowing religion, because the Muslims breed like flies and they have a lot more kids than any other religion does, so they keep extending their borders, of their communities like a black disease. Nobody wants to be part of that growth and homes are recovered at cheap prices when non Muslims sell out to escape being consumed by the Muslim community growth - it is dangerous to live as a non Muslim in a Muslim community.

Trump sounds like a typical American "Scum Bag" to me.

But the basic facts of the case are actually straightforward, "revealing a criminal conspiracy" that was designed to help Trump win the White House in 2016. Donald Trump is running for president 2024 to stay out of Rikers prison.

Over the past year, he has been facing criminal charges in four separate cases. "The facts in all of the cases go against him", and he and his lawyers know it. Trump is now a convicted felon in a very complicated legal situation, brought on by his utter disregard for the rule of law and a convicted "Sex Offender" who owes over US$500 Million so far, he is unable to repay.

In state court in Georgia, where Trump is accused of election interference, efforts are already underway to discredit the local prosecutor.

Trump was unable to bully the New York's state’s legal system into delaying his case there, and the judge showed little patience for the antics Trump has employed with impunity in other legal venues.

The jury only deliberated for a day before issuing a sweeping verdict convicting him of charges related to paying hush money to a porn actress.

Trump "engaged in a wide-ranging fraud" to hide damaging news in the middle of the presidential campaign, Think back to Friday, October 7, 2016. In the closing weeks of the presidential election between Trump and Hillary Clinton, a Washington Post story was posted online that night reporting on a 2005 “Access Hollywood” video in which Trump talked openly about how he frequently groped women, adding that, “When you’re a star, they let you do it.” Almost immediately, shocked Republican leaders began to call on Trump to drop out of the presidential race. It was the biggest crisis of the Trump campaign.

The 2024 New York case also featured the role of the sensationalist tabloid National Enquirer in the practice of the “catch and kill” of stories potentially harmful to Trump. David Pecker, the former chief executive of the company that owned the Enquirer, testified during the trial in New York that he was involved in three payments to silence people with negative information about Trump: a Trump Tower doorman who said Trump had an illegitimate child, a former Playboy model who had an affair with Trump, and Daniels

In his closing arguments in the New York trial, prosecutor Joshua Steinglass emphasized the connection between the political firestorm surrounding the “Access Hollywood” tape that was engulfing the Trump campaign in October 2016 and the scheme to silence Stormy Daniels, the adult film star. Steinglass pointed out that the deal to pay off Daniels was made just after the “Access Hollywood” tape came out. “It’s critical to appreciate this,” Steinglass told the jurors. “Stormy Daniels … would have totally undermined his strategy of spinning away the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape.”

AND Trump is still The "Father Of Vaccines" signed for their purchases to 2027 and responsible for the injuries and deaths caused by them, to 2027, World Wide. Got to wonder if Trump's Legal Team are doing it "for free" because there is little chance of them getting paid, given his US$500 Million in debts so far and Newspaper Reporter Berenson said that both Trump avoided Call Up to Vietnam and never went, once, and Biden 5 times, unlike your relations who did their Duty and were proud of their sacrifice for America.

Parts of this overview came from The Intercept Update: May 30, 2024, 8:12 p.m.

11th July is Red Letter Day for Trump when his (prison?) sentence is passed on him.

So if you elect Trump as your President again 2024, how do you think that we, the rest of the World will view America and Trump, as its President and what message do you think that sends us about you and how American's treat women everywhere, in general?

Your President, is your World Representative, for America.

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Each and every so called "indictment" is pure bullshit, nonsense, lawfare, Democrat attack on an innocent man

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Here’s the thing, evil always over plays its hand and one must realize that evil/sin makes one stupid (and ugly I might add). So with this backdrop, at some point these demons will launch and at this point they’ll become targets to be dealt with…sounds belligerent…yes but it’s the truth. This goes especially for the radical Muslims amongst us… these fuckers will not be tolerated here…especially amongst their own communities who by and large want a better way of life. They’re afraid of these demons just like everyone else. Pax

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What is there to do about this? Except place our hopes on 45 getting elected, November 5!

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Do your thing. Arm yourself. Do not be cowards and pushovers. If it comes down to kill or be killed one must fight

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I get it.

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