That's just your opinion, and I'm sorry to have to break it to you JAired but your opinion is not the same thing as a fact.
You confuse your "SHOULD" with a law of the universe when there is none. If I say an apple that ripens and comes loose from a tree SHOULD fall down, not float, then the laws of the universe back me up. No law of natu…
That's just your opinion, and I'm sorry to have to break it to you JAired but your opinion is not the same thing as a fact.
You confuse your "SHOULD" with a law of the universe when there is none. If I say an apple that ripens and comes loose from a tree SHOULD fall down, not float, then the laws of the universe back me up. No law of nature backs up your SHOULD.
You've plucked your "should rule" out of your ass.
That's how full of yourself you are.
You conflate what you would prefer with some "moral imperative" which demonstrably does not exist.
So you are the one that's unhinged.
You behave in a negative, bigoted manner because you're conspiratorial and in a cult.
You wouldn't want a JURY (not a judge) to decide on your mean-spirited accusations, because you know you'd lose.
You're close minded and Malone's already guilty in your bigoted mind, so there's no way he'd get a fair hearing from you.
No power exists to compel Malone to face judgement by Webb who he rightfully views with contempt, like millions of other Americans do.
Arguing with a fool only proves there are two so I'm happy that was your last comment to me personally.
"No power exists to compel Malone to face judgement by Webb who he rightfully views with contempt. I've seen enough hate from you cultists." You speak with authority, Jill. You should know.
Ghebreyesus, Kaliko, Mike Yeadon, Schwab, Karen Kingston, Malone, Bourla, Bancel.
All in the Freedom Movement who were formerly, or maybe still are, working for Big Pharma, the WHO or the WEF, need to be put on the stand.
Go for a total fishing expedition, no lawyers to represent them, to ensure "fairness," let them be cross-examined aggressively. If there are lawyers who hate them, who have a collateral purpose, let them do the cross-examination.
Total McCarthyist witch hunt is what's needed, apparently.
Malone is on record warning people early that the shots didn't stay in the deltoid and were distributed through the body.
What about the others?
What did Mike Yeadon know and Karen Kingston know and when did they know it?
Could they have done more?
None of this just going after Malone because people suspect he's a Jew, disguising their sadism, like "margie" et al, wrapping it up in some noble pretext.
Malone's work made him a contender for the Nobel Prize and Nobel laureates are disproportionately of full or partial Ashkenazi descent.
So what if he's a Jew?
Ignore the racists and antisemites like the "margies" and "JonesySmarts", "JAireds" the vile filth, of this world.
That's just your opinion, and I'm sorry to have to break it to you JAired but your opinion is not the same thing as a fact.
You confuse your "SHOULD" with a law of the universe when there is none. If I say an apple that ripens and comes loose from a tree SHOULD fall down, not float, then the laws of the universe back me up. No law of nature backs up your SHOULD.
You've plucked your "should rule" out of your ass.
That's how full of yourself you are.
You conflate what you would prefer with some "moral imperative" which demonstrably does not exist.
So you are the one that's unhinged.
You behave in a negative, bigoted manner because you're conspiratorial and in a cult.
You wouldn't want a JURY (not a judge) to decide on your mean-spirited accusations, because you know you'd lose.
You're close minded and Malone's already guilty in your bigoted mind, so there's no way he'd get a fair hearing from you.
No power exists to compel Malone to face judgement by Webb who he rightfully views with contempt, like millions of other Americans do.
Arguing with a fool only proves there are two so I'm happy that was your last comment to me personally.
I've seen enough hate from you cultists.
"No power exists to compel Malone to face judgement by Webb who he rightfully views with contempt. I've seen enough hate from you cultists." You speak with authority, Jill. You should know.
Ghebreyesus, Kaliko, Mike Yeadon, Schwab, Karen Kingston, Malone, Bourla, Bancel.
All in the Freedom Movement who were formerly, or maybe still are, working for Big Pharma, the WHO or the WEF, need to be put on the stand.
Go for a total fishing expedition, no lawyers to represent them, to ensure "fairness," let them be cross-examined aggressively. If there are lawyers who hate them, who have a collateral purpose, let them do the cross-examination.
Total McCarthyist witch hunt is what's needed, apparently.
Malone is on record warning people early that the shots didn't stay in the deltoid and were distributed through the body.
What about the others?
What did Mike Yeadon know and Karen Kingston know and when did they know it?
Could they have done more?
None of this just going after Malone because people suspect he's a Jew, disguising their sadism, like "margie" et al, wrapping it up in some noble pretext.
Malone's work made him a contender for the Nobel Prize and Nobel laureates are disproportionately of full or partial Ashkenazi descent.
So what if he's a Jew?
Ignore the racists and antisemites like the "margies" and "JonesySmarts", "JAireds" the vile filth, of this world.
Treat them all equally.
Go after the lot.