I watched Malone for a while but once he started this lawsuit I turned away from him. We should be working together to solve the problems we have had shoved upon us. I think he is just after the dollars because he knows his life will go to shit. Shame, shame , shame Malone. You have shown your true colours and they are not nice!

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Thank you Dr. Paul. I almost paid $5 to comment on Dr. Malone’s Substack and ask him the same question earlier today when he posted about the ‘thin line.’ The truth shall set us free!!! P.S. I decided against wasting my $ on his Substack.

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The moment your heart drops and there’s a message from Dr. Robert Malone is in your ‘notifications’ inbox. He’s not suing me yet, phew!!

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The strength of a man ... is how silent he stays when bricks and bullets are coming towards him... he never runs to a judge to fight his battles.. especially if he has any intelligence.

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Dr Malone must be calm and keep his emotions under control. This is a fight to save humanity. His personal reputation can be attacked, questioned and even be strongly criticised. Well, a very thick skin, is all that is needed when you are in the public sphere.

Look at Ole Joe Biden. He has been called enough names to launch a 1,000 lawsuits. Biden has been cursed, wished by some to die soon, etc. Well, to be a world leader he expects such kind of harrassment.

Once you get personal, you need to withdraw from all blogs, all websites and take a break.

What is our mission? It is to save millions of lives. Our common foe is the Evil Elite that has fiercely promoted the toxic Covid vaccines, who have led billions to be jabbed. We do not know the future i.e. how many will die, be crippled or damaged.

Focus on the Mission, not on quarrels.

Malone: Time to drop all lawsuits. Or put up your substack to answer all critics. We will read and draw our conclusions.

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IMO, if he wanted to answer to all critics, you wouldn't have to pay for the privilege to comment and the paying members making a criticism wouldn't immediately be unsubscribed by the kind doctor.

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I wish he would unsubscribe me and give me my money back but so far he hasn't.

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😂🤣 I'll be praying for your pending unsubscription. Although, I'm not sure how much money you'd get back. 😉😊😋

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it would have been 30 at the beginning of the month but he's dragging it out just to be nasty. so yeah, i went in for the year sub, but that was before i knew what i know now all too well.

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Shocking. 🙄 (Not at all.)

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When You don't have agruments in the matter you attack the person you are arguing against...

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Well well said Jon!! I like Your style! The personal physician of the Sultan of Cairo and great sage Maimonides said: If someone wrongs you and you keep decent towards this person, it will feel to the other as if you were heaping burning coals on his head... Maybe that's another approach for You Malone - and would shed a more faviourable light on you _ 'cause now you really look rather yacki in your suing rage... !

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Someone has probably already said this.

Did not Malone suffer from a vaccine injury?

Gee ya think he would be keen to prove vaccine fraud and sue the vaccine manufactures or something like that.

Says it all, Malone is in damage control and a medical freedom movement fraud.

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good chance he's lying about that the way he lies about his cia connections and everything else.

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" ... and everything else." What % is "everything" if we convert it to a numerical scale? It's 100%. You sound like a feminist whackjob. "ALL men are rapists." To falsify your mindless proposition, one need only find one exception." Your mind is made up. You're a bigot, demonstrably so. You're a conspiracy theorist whack job, low IQ, deluded, obsessed with Malone, with a confirmatory hypothesis testing set. You're obsessed with Malone, like all your fellow conspiracy theorist looney tunes. A PET scan of your brain when asked to think about him would be indistinguishable from someone in love with him. Typical fucking control freak. Full of shit. Talking out of your ass. Why don't you go fuck yourself. Nobody else would.

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Well, didn't he make his Nobel level breakthrough about 40 years ago, and Kaliko who invented the clot shot far more recently is telling lies about him? She's still a VP at BioNech so maybe you should ask her to share the details and you can then pass them on to him. He's out of the game, on the outside now looking in, and there are plenty of people working to prove fraud. Can you get the docs? Or ask Mike Yeadon? I'm sure your time is less valuable than Malone's, so why don't you do it? And how many lawyers has Naomi Wolf got signed up to try to prove fraud? 1,000 isn't it, or thereabouts? Malone''s probably pretty busy trying to earn a living, while at the same time, warning people off the jabs, fighting the global predators, and contending with, no offence to you, conspiracy theory whack job cultists, so he may have other priorities apart from what you, in your great wisdom, think he should do. I'm pretty sure he'll be among the first in line to sue the arse off Pharma and take them to the cleaners when the time is right. He'll do it when he's damn good and ready, not when you think he should.

You sound like controlled opposition.

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Hit a soft spot.

Malone has already stated to the effect "The pharma companies can't be sued."

Malone is also invested in making more vaccines with his LNP patented technology.

Malone makes money off the patents that's used in the jabs, he's making tones of money.

Malone has also stated to the effect on Glen Becks show "LNP technology is the platform gate way to transhumanism.", like it's a good thing, your hero will become a zero in good time, unless he tells the truth one day perhaps.

Malone has said too much, he will be thrown under the bus by his handlers. Just as Professor Charles M. Lieber was thrown under the bus.

No, Malone is suing the man, Dr Breggins who pointed out the predators are trying to blame the victims. That would be?

Not to bright are you mate.

Hit an underbelly soft spot.

Vaccine cowboys making money...

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You're in a cult, obsessed with Malone. You're just another conspiracy theorist whack job.

As I said in another post, the Breggins' argument has huge flaws. It's the same argument exposed in the book "Hitler's Willing Executioners". I'm probably speaking to an antisemite, but, a rabid mass of nut jobs such as yourself brought Hitler and the Nazis to power and they participated willingly in what took place, later claiming "I was only following orders." These were not global predators, but everyday citizens, just like the ones today who sacked their employees for being unvaxxed or denied them entry to their premises etc.

They're the victims? Let's give them an amnesty.

Not too bright are you, cultist?

So what if Malone is working on new LNP technology. 100 years from now it may be commonplace.

Right now, as he correctly points out, it's unsafe and immature.

Like probably 99%, or thereabouts, of the world's population, he's not an anti-vaxxer. He's just against the current jabs. What do you want to do? Shoot all the vaccinologists? Go to the universities and shoot all their professors?

Isn't that what you nutjobs do?

Aren't most mass shootings carried out by conspiracy nut jobs like you?

Before I go, I met someone who knows you.

You're a pedophile.

You've been befriending the mothers of young girls for years, grooming them, and raping them.

And that, is a fact.

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Victim blaming, just like a mind rapist would, your pathetic projection will haunt you when you die. Have a teaspoon of concrete in your cuppa tea in the morning and harden up butter cup, you're going to need to, in your future.

The inventors of LNP technology should be in jail just as the inventor of liquid computing is in jail. I see his future already.

Not too bright are you mate.

Gaining discovery on Malone and all his handlers like you would be a dream come true. I think the laws should be changed murders, rapists, pedophiles and pediatrists, should be hung until dead.

Malone didn't care nor think it was unsafe when his LNP technology to deliver liquid computing into the bodies 44000 soldiers, sailors and airmen back in 2003, tested on us like Lab Rats. I was one of them. Dr James Giordano, didn't care either, that name is going to haunt Malone and his handlers in the future. How is Dr James Giordano and his toys going nowadays?


You don't know 💩 scared little handler.

No amnesty for Malone nor YOU!

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"Mind Rapists have no individual thought and need to rape the minds of intelligent individuals to survive. Mind Rapists will also claim that it is YOU who are the Mind Rapist and it is YOU stealing their thoughts." - Urban Dictionary

That would be you!

I'm unjabbed, never pushed the jabs, don't know Maole, never worked for Big Pharma

Malone influenced me and millions of others not to get the jabs.

No amnesty for pedophiles like you Medicine Man.Someone else already called you out for being a pedo on another stack.

Your reputation precedes you.

Go and get yourself castrated, delusional pedo filth.

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Your baseless projection bores me. If you read Dr Alexander's substack, you must have an extremely poor memory. Sucks to be you, my poor friend to have a memory akin to a human gold fish. The shedding must be affecting your brain, causing aggression. Perhaps you need to detox. I'll pray for you to return to full health. With love.

Dr Alexander pointed out that Malone DMED company has pedophile links to crypto currency. Your hero Malone connected to Pedophile monies. HMMMM I hope and pray that's not the reason you are defending Malone? You know how I feel about pedophiles... Laws should be changed so Hung till dead.

"So Ryan, keep it focused on Malone and the pedophilia issue I raised (and I not once included your name, Malone knows who we are talking about, let him state it) for yes, this is and was a real concern with his crypto backers (that DMED company, you are not DMED) in Miami and again, it is why a select number of us did not decide to work with Malone in his COVID company; there are things you do not know so stay in your lane, you were not part of conversations we were involved in that were very troubling as to the pedophilia link to the backers. What I said about the pedophilia in the crypto backing people Malone works with is 100% correct as per occurrence. Read my substack carefully."


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and you sound like bob, jill.

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That was hilarious if it wasn't so serious..

Got me smiling.. hope it reaches

You know who lol

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Of course there is no concern for the many people who have been injured by mRNA injections that Malone supposedly helped to invent. It's all about how he has been mentally harmed which is nonsense.

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Thanks for putting pressure on Malone regarding the Breggi s!

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Dr. Malone and his wife need to be placed before a committee -- the likes of independent investigators/journalists George Webb, Mark Kulacz. Karen Kingston and others AND Drs. Lee Merritt, Jane Ruby, Sherri Tenpenny JJ Couey, Paul Alexander, etc., etc., etc. -- without restriction, to determine WHAT Dr. Malone knew, WHERE he collaborated and with WHOM -- WHO he associated with before and over the course of the 'demic' -- WHEN it all transpired and HOW his 'invention' of mRNA technology played a part in this. Questions asked by an extremely knowledgeable contingent of critical thinkers. (Sources: georgewebb.substack.com; Housatonic Live on YT, housatonicITS.com; Peter Duke at thedukereport.com, etc.). Place Dr. Malone on the stand and ask the REAL QUESTIONS of him.

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Yeah, he's volunteered to take the stand JAired.

He can be cross-examined.

The defendants can throw as much mud as they like, but they'll be cross examined on it.

However, he's not going to agree to breathe the same air as an oxygen thief like discredited, unethical psychopathic "journalist" (joke) George Webb.

If he's got, prima facie, a case to answer, then get some funding and sue him.

You're pissing in the wind with your idea of "a committee."

Instead, do what's more realistic.

Sue Malone!

Get reputable, competent attorneys to put your questions to him.

Of couse, you run the risk of being shown up as cultists, as conspiratorial whack job lunatics.

But sice you have no insight into the fact that you are, why not take that risk?

So, i repeat, sue Malone.

Go ahead. Why are you not doing it?

What are you scared of?

What are you hiding?

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You are unhinged and mean-spirited so, this will be my last comment to you, personally, Awakenotwoke. Whatever George Webb is, he -- perhaps, above all others -- knows the questions to ask Malone that will reveal the truth of all Malone's dastardly deeds and associations. What is needed is knowledgeable, INDEPENDENT investigative journalists -- not a slurry of unknowledgeable lawyers in front of compromised, corrupt judges. That I have hope -- still -- that this is what needs to and could/SHOULD take place, so be it. Am going to 'battle' until my dying breath knowing the truth shall set us free.

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That's just your opinion, and I'm sorry to have to break it to you JAired but your opinion is not the same thing as a fact.

You confuse your "SHOULD" with a law of the universe when there is none. If I say an apple that ripens and comes loose from a tree SHOULD fall down, not float, then the laws of the universe back me up. No law of nature backs up your SHOULD.

You've plucked your "should rule" out of your ass.

That's how full of yourself you are.

You conflate what you would prefer with some "moral imperative" which demonstrably does not exist.

So you are the one that's unhinged.

You behave in a negative, bigoted manner because you're conspiratorial and in a cult.

You wouldn't want a JURY (not a judge) to decide on your mean-spirited accusations, because you know you'd lose.

You're close minded and Malone's already guilty in your bigoted mind, so there's no way he'd get a fair hearing from you.

No power exists to compel Malone to face judgement by Webb who he rightfully views with contempt, like millions of other Americans do.

Arguing with a fool only proves there are two so I'm happy that was your last comment to me personally.

I've seen enough hate from you cultists.

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"No power exists to compel Malone to face judgement by Webb who he rightfully views with contempt. I've seen enough hate from you cultists." You speak with authority, Jill. You should know.

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Ghebreyesus, Kaliko, Mike Yeadon, Schwab, Karen Kingston, Malone, Bourla, Bancel.

All in the Freedom Movement who were formerly, or maybe still are, working for Big Pharma, the WHO or the WEF, need to be put on the stand.

Go for a total fishing expedition, no lawyers to represent them, to ensure "fairness," let them be cross-examined aggressively. If there are lawyers who hate them, who have a collateral purpose, let them do the cross-examination.

Total McCarthyist witch hunt is what's needed, apparently.

Malone is on record warning people early that the shots didn't stay in the deltoid and were distributed through the body.

What about the others?

What did Mike Yeadon know and Karen Kingston know and when did they know it?

Could they have done more?

None of this just going after Malone because people suspect he's a Jew, disguising their sadism, like "margie" et al, wrapping it up in some noble pretext.

Malone's work made him a contender for the Nobel Prize and Nobel laureates are disproportionately of full or partial Ashkenazi descent.

So what if he's a Jew?

Ignore the racists and antisemites like the "margies" and "JonesySmarts", "JAireds" the vile filth, of this world.

Treat them all equally.

Go after the lot.

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I don't know the details here but I am with you in principle. I liked Malone but just unsubscribed as paid because he is a bit too paranoid for me and I think he has a personal agenda, he has ambitions. The fame gets to him a little. He is not a bad man but like all of us, he has a few chips on his shoulder. I hope he can sort it out and calm down a bit. When I unsubscribed I gave him a bit of feedback along that line.

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The Breggins have proven their integrity far above Malone. I fear it's too late for Malone. Lawsuits against the Breggins and Jane Ruby and no sign of dropping them? He is not to be commended. Even if Malone were to drop the lawsuits today; he has lost much respect. Can he ever be trusted?

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I don't think he should ever be trusted. Here's an excellent piece by Diana West:


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That is the fight against the mainstream narrative that they have all been fighting, that WE have all been fighting. One of us is in the wrong place.

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And has anyone noticed that Mattias Desmet never sued Dr Breggin (to my knowledge), after Breggin's highly critical review (as he is highly qualified and free to do) of Desmet's most recent book. Poor Malone and his ego. Like Catherine Austin Fitts said, "if you can't deal with the refiners fire" ..... then don't enter into it !

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