of US Vets supplemented with Vitamin D. Supplemented black veterans were at ~64% lower risk relative to controls; supplementation associated with a 45% & 48% lower risk of suicide attempt & self harm
I take Vitamin D3 but I take K2 with it so calcium goes to my bones and not into the blood stream. My friends husband found his veins were clogged with calcium until he started K2 with his D3.
The reason it says black Vets is because they have more melanin in their skin and it is harder for them to get as much vitamin D from the sun on their skin.
Many vitamins and natural occurring supplements cure or reduce risks of disease. Given to us by our creator and hidden or removed from literature, to provide a way to promote the chemical pharmaceutical complex.
I have read you will practically get no infections with a high enough D count. Mine was 80 ng/ml, I was surprised. My doctor said to try to reduce it. That along with a few other crappy recommendations may have me looking for another.
I’m a big believer in Vitamin D too. I don’t think 80 is too high either but over 100 can be toxic. Don’t take it from me though. I don’t trust the medical professionals much either. Read a lot. Then do what makes sense. Critical thinking and prayer. A line from a book always stays in my head. Think and survive. 🙏🏼
It is an amazing vitamin. Enhances immunity, helps reduce toxic load from chemicals and molds, etc. Helps prevent depression , and other mental health issues. It’s amazing to me that all psychiatrists don’t test for low D and t prescribe before they jump in the band wagon to prescribe SSRI and other psychotropic medications.
Certainly an inexpensive and less harmful alternative.
For so long we’ve been covering every inch of our bodies with clothing or sunscreen when out doors. In the general population who ever brought the issue up regarding the issue of checking to see if their vitamin D levels were adequate? None of the Dr’s I’ve ever seen ever asked if I take Vitamin D. I had to ask my last provider to add that to my lab work. The lab informed me that it wasn’t covered by insurance, and when I got my results the vitamin D levels were not done. That was telling. Most have to take matters into their own hands.
I tell them to do it anyway. I’ll pay out of pocket if I have to. And when they do the blood draw, I ask the phlebotomist what my dr ordered to make sure. I supplemented with 4000 IUs of D3 for years and was still around 30! And I’m outside golfing or gardening ever day. So don’t assume you’re optimal. Everyone is different. I have to take 10,000 Oct-Apr and 5,000 May-Sept to stay around 80-90. And always with K2. Get tested is the point.
I did tell them I would pay what ever the charge was, there were several other nutrient based items that weren’t covered and I did get those results but not the vitamin D. So it was omitted for some reason. So I will do it myself with a home test kit.
And when they do test vitamin D levels they often recommend a subpar dosage of 2,000iu. When I and my son were tested , he was critically low and prescribed 10,000iu with vitamin k and to be taken with coconut oil for better absorption. He’s been on that dosage for 3 months and still his levels are low.
Most of the RDA of vitamins are so low. Like vitamin C and omega fatty acids. He also eats foods high in vitamin D, but many of our foods are nutritional deficient due to depleted soil, etc.
WOW, is right! That is very cool to know. After learning about how in Canada the Vitamin D level prescribed as "normal" is the bare minimum for people to feel well, I've increased my own Vitamin D levels. Now this finding, just reaffirms that our definition of "good health" needs to be reevaluated. I find myself researching more ways in which food, vitamins and minerals can increase our well-being. Thanks for posting this Dr. Alexander.
I collect old books…the best! I have a book from 1928 that says it all about the heavy importance of Vitamin D…
1.”…recent intensive study of Rickets (vitamin D deficiency) has produced the important discovery that lack of an environmental factor, sunlight, is also of direct pathogenic significance. It has been THOROUGHLY shown that the rays producing the UV portion of the solar spectrum exert a rickets curative effect which is apparently identical with that of the food substance D.”
What happened to the overpriced medical schools loaded with ‘experts’ who forgot to teach this important health advice to the medical students? My favorite doctor learned all he knew about VITAMINS AND MINERALS from a skinny, junky, boring book put out by UPJOHN PHARMACEUTICALS given to the med students in his class in the 80s. All doctors should be blood testing their patients for vitamin D blood levels…a cheap test…and encouraging supplementation if needed!
Paul…comment for all of us as to how much you were taught about vitamins and minerals in your medical school?
2. 1928 book…”Importance of Sunlight - Early observations on the geographical distribution of rickets showed that the disease is rare in the Tropics (lots of sun) and in the Arctic regions (eat lots of fish/cod liver oils high in vit D); it was essentially restricted to the North Temperate Zone.” This begs the question…Where are all the commercials warning those in the North Temperate Zones to make sure you do Vitamin D supplementation? And how about from all the healthcare ‘experts’? I have taught all the doctors around me this MOST important information for their patients!
An exercise most important for ALL of you to understand why this Vitamin is vital for health…look up what Vitamin D deficiency causes… should freak everyone out!
We need ALL patriots who are going to help with the next step in winning the war for humanity…UNITY…to be healthy and ready for the fight of our lives for ALL future generations!
God Bless all ready for the most important calls for God’s work…defeating Satan and his fallen angels!!!
When the VA is run by Big Pharma Medical Bureaucrats and not the caring physicians that see the harm, you can't solve the medical problems! Nutritional deficiencies abound in Vets that are over medicated by the allopathic medicine model. Here is a copy of the letter I wrote to a medical bureaucrat in 2019 that didn't have the courtesy to recognize my letter!
November 1, 2019
Dear Dr. Barbara Van Dahlen
Director of Prevents Programs
I am very convinced that the VA’s approach for treating PTSD can be enhanced. I cry for all our Veterans that are dealing with negative health issues. I’m saddened by the unacceptable rate of suicides that are occurring.
This spring in Phoenix I met on separate occasions with Vietnam Vets who had struggled with PTSD. The VA physicians would not allow them to be weaned off the psychotropic drugs that they prescribed. In both cases, they sought help in the private sector and stopped taking the psychotropic drugs. Their regimen today is to take daily doses of Vitamin D3 and Omega-3 fatty acids for mental health. They are healed.
I read the transcript of the July 24th COVER meeting. The VA physician warned about using “Alternative Medicine” for treating Veterans issues. The words “Alternative Medicine” connotates that such treatment is outside the accepted Allopathic Medicine model embraced by our medical system in the US. Consequently, the VA is seen resisting any efforts to bring in treatment models outside the current Standard of Practice.
The MVP research programs are admirable, but the VA has not embraced their own research on Vit D which demonstrated greatly improved health for those veterans with a healthy blood value of Vitamin D. (see attached) Why has the VA not implemented this program by testing all veterans for Vitamin D blood level and correcting deficiencies?
I prefer the term “Integrative Medicine” coined by Dr. Weil and practiced by Dr. Weil who started the Integrative Medicine model at UA in Tucson. His mantra is: We try any type of treatment that works that will Do No Harm. We are failing with the Allopathic medicine model since it has been documented that “Death by Medicine” is the number three cause of death in the US.
The Vietnam Vets who I met in the spring have validated this viewpoint. Dr. Leslie Matthews a Brain Trauma physician is an expert on Vitamin D. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Medicine In his field he has demonstrated the value of nutritional supplementation to help heal brain trauma. (See attached study) Dr. Matthews is recognized as an expert on the true value of vitamin D by the FDA, the United Nations and many countries around the world including Saudi Arabia. He is working with the US military to improve the health of our soldiers.
Dr. Weil has testified before a Congressional subcommittee on the need to change our approaches to treating disease states in the US. His focus, which I agree with, is to look for ways of prevention and reversing disease states. Understanding the role of nutrition for prevention and reversal of disease states is poorly understood in medicine today. The enclosed chart suggests why.
I’m on a mission to help our veterans, since my father and my brothers were military. I would like to offer my services if you would like to learn more. I have a PP presentation that provides an in-depth look at what has transpired since WWII that has led us into this current crisis.
Well done! As a nurse who is also a veteran I have been so deeply disturbed by the over use of psychotropic drugs. I’ve lost 3 friends to suicide secondary to PTSD
Been taking it for over ten years... initially at 4K IUS / Day now at 50K IUS weekly - Blood levels solidly - in 60 -65 range. Just added the Vit K 7 for calcium balance
I should have noted in my earlier comment that Vitamin D has long been called the “Happiness Vitamin “ I’m no MD but my readings into Vit D literature indicate it is far more akin to a regulating hormone than it is a vitamin.
I wonder if that would help my teenage family member who is prone to self harm. She is taking meds, but something like vit D+K would be so much better.
I take Vitamin D3 but I take K2 with it so calcium goes to my bones and not into the blood stream. My friends husband found his veins were clogged with calcium until he started K2 with his D3.
So true. K2 is super important, particularly when taking high doses of D3.
I don't think calcium blocks veins. Maybe arteries.
Yes that's probably what I meant, LOL. To err is human, have a Happy Easter Bobby.
The reason it says black Vets is because they have more melanin in their skin and it is harder for them to get as much vitamin D from the sun on their skin.
Sunshine ☀️ anyone???
Many vitamins and natural occurring supplements cure or reduce risks of disease. Given to us by our creator and hidden or removed from literature, to provide a way to promote the chemical pharmaceutical complex.
I have read you will practically get no infections with a high enough D count. Mine was 80 ng/ml, I was surprised. My doctor said to try to reduce it. That along with a few other crappy recommendations may have me looking for another.
I’m a big believer in Vitamin D too. I don’t think 80 is too high either but over 100 can be toxic. Don’t take it from me though. I don’t trust the medical professionals much either. Read a lot. Then do what makes sense. Critical thinking and prayer. A line from a book always stays in my head. Think and survive. 🙏🏼
It is an amazing vitamin. Enhances immunity, helps reduce toxic load from chemicals and molds, etc. Helps prevent depression , and other mental health issues. It’s amazing to me that all psychiatrists don’t test for low D and t prescribe before they jump in the band wagon to prescribe SSRI and other psychotropic medications.
Certainly an inexpensive and less harmful alternative.
Which is why the fda wants to control what and if you're allowed to buy them. Write your senators!
Wow, this is amazing! Vitamin D seems to underpin just about every system in the body.
For so long we’ve been covering every inch of our bodies with clothing or sunscreen when out doors. In the general population who ever brought the issue up regarding the issue of checking to see if their vitamin D levels were adequate? None of the Dr’s I’ve ever seen ever asked if I take Vitamin D. I had to ask my last provider to add that to my lab work. The lab informed me that it wasn’t covered by insurance, and when I got my results the vitamin D levels were not done. That was telling. Most have to take matters into their own hands.
I tell them to do it anyway. I’ll pay out of pocket if I have to. And when they do the blood draw, I ask the phlebotomist what my dr ordered to make sure. I supplemented with 4000 IUs of D3 for years and was still around 30! And I’m outside golfing or gardening ever day. So don’t assume you’re optimal. Everyone is different. I have to take 10,000 Oct-Apr and 5,000 May-Sept to stay around 80-90. And always with K2. Get tested is the point.
I did tell them I would pay what ever the charge was, there were several other nutrient based items that weren’t covered and I did get those results but not the vitamin D. So it was omitted for some reason. So I will do it myself with a home test kit.
And when they do test vitamin D levels they often recommend a subpar dosage of 2,000iu. When I and my son were tested , he was critically low and prescribed 10,000iu with vitamin k and to be taken with coconut oil for better absorption. He’s been on that dosage for 3 months and still his levels are low.
Most of the RDA of vitamins are so low. Like vitamin C and omega fatty acids. He also eats foods high in vitamin D, but many of our foods are nutritional deficient due to depleted soil, etc.
They do my D level everytime. No additional charge. Maybe my age? Different insurance?
WOW, is right! That is very cool to know. After learning about how in Canada the Vitamin D level prescribed as "normal" is the bare minimum for people to feel well, I've increased my own Vitamin D levels. Now this finding, just reaffirms that our definition of "good health" needs to be reevaluated. I find myself researching more ways in which food, vitamins and minerals can increase our well-being. Thanks for posting this Dr. Alexander.
Paul and all,
I collect old books…the best! I have a book from 1928 that says it all about the heavy importance of Vitamin D…
1.”…recent intensive study of Rickets (vitamin D deficiency) has produced the important discovery that lack of an environmental factor, sunlight, is also of direct pathogenic significance. It has been THOROUGHLY shown that the rays producing the UV portion of the solar spectrum exert a rickets curative effect which is apparently identical with that of the food substance D.”
What happened to the overpriced medical schools loaded with ‘experts’ who forgot to teach this important health advice to the medical students? My favorite doctor learned all he knew about VITAMINS AND MINERALS from a skinny, junky, boring book put out by UPJOHN PHARMACEUTICALS given to the med students in his class in the 80s. All doctors should be blood testing their patients for vitamin D blood levels…a cheap test…and encouraging supplementation if needed!
Paul…comment for all of us as to how much you were taught about vitamins and minerals in your medical school?
2. 1928 book…”Importance of Sunlight - Early observations on the geographical distribution of rickets showed that the disease is rare in the Tropics (lots of sun) and in the Arctic regions (eat lots of fish/cod liver oils high in vit D); it was essentially restricted to the North Temperate Zone.” This begs the question…Where are all the commercials warning those in the North Temperate Zones to make sure you do Vitamin D supplementation? And how about from all the healthcare ‘experts’? I have taught all the doctors around me this MOST important information for their patients!
An exercise most important for ALL of you to understand why this Vitamin is vital for health…look up what Vitamin D deficiency causes… should freak everyone out!
We need ALL patriots who are going to help with the next step in winning the war for humanity…UNITY…to be healthy and ready for the fight of our lives for ALL future generations!
God Bless all ready for the most important calls for God’s work…defeating Satan and his fallen angels!!!
Well said! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Chelie!
Vitamin D is VERY important!
Like I am repeating…check what is associated with vitamin D deficiencies?
That information should scare many who value their health to get blood tested (cheap test) and determine if they need a vitamin D supplement!
I DARE YOU today to those who still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…
Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting
P.S. Good luck pondering!
Well :) in winter time or when we have a hard rainy season I get depressed, the lack of sun kills me. I suppose is the vitamin D thing
I used a lamp every morning that simulated the sun when I lived in the Syracuse New York area, it’s very cloudy & depressing. The lamp helped
When the VA is run by Big Pharma Medical Bureaucrats and not the caring physicians that see the harm, you can't solve the medical problems! Nutritional deficiencies abound in Vets that are over medicated by the allopathic medicine model. Here is a copy of the letter I wrote to a medical bureaucrat in 2019 that didn't have the courtesy to recognize my letter!
November 1, 2019
Dear Dr. Barbara Van Dahlen
Director of Prevents Programs
I am very convinced that the VA’s approach for treating PTSD can be enhanced. I cry for all our Veterans that are dealing with negative health issues. I’m saddened by the unacceptable rate of suicides that are occurring.
This spring in Phoenix I met on separate occasions with Vietnam Vets who had struggled with PTSD. The VA physicians would not allow them to be weaned off the psychotropic drugs that they prescribed. In both cases, they sought help in the private sector and stopped taking the psychotropic drugs. Their regimen today is to take daily doses of Vitamin D3 and Omega-3 fatty acids for mental health. They are healed.
I read the transcript of the July 24th COVER meeting. The VA physician warned about using “Alternative Medicine” for treating Veterans issues. The words “Alternative Medicine” connotates that such treatment is outside the accepted Allopathic Medicine model embraced by our medical system in the US. Consequently, the VA is seen resisting any efforts to bring in treatment models outside the current Standard of Practice.
The MVP research programs are admirable, but the VA has not embraced their own research on Vit D which demonstrated greatly improved health for those veterans with a healthy blood value of Vitamin D. (see attached) Why has the VA not implemented this program by testing all veterans for Vitamin D blood level and correcting deficiencies?
I prefer the term “Integrative Medicine” coined by Dr. Weil and practiced by Dr. Weil who started the Integrative Medicine model at UA in Tucson. His mantra is: We try any type of treatment that works that will Do No Harm. We are failing with the Allopathic medicine model since it has been documented that “Death by Medicine” is the number three cause of death in the US.
The Vietnam Vets who I met in the spring have validated this viewpoint. Dr. Leslie Matthews a Brain Trauma physician is an expert on Vitamin D. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Medicine In his field he has demonstrated the value of nutritional supplementation to help heal brain trauma. (See attached study) Dr. Matthews is recognized as an expert on the true value of vitamin D by the FDA, the United Nations and many countries around the world including Saudi Arabia. He is working with the US military to improve the health of our soldiers.
Dr. Weil has testified before a Congressional subcommittee on the need to change our approaches to treating disease states in the US. His focus, which I agree with, is to look for ways of prevention and reversing disease states. Understanding the role of nutrition for prevention and reversal of disease states is poorly understood in medicine today. The enclosed chart suggests why.
I’m on a mission to help our veterans, since my father and my brothers were military. I would like to offer my services if you would like to learn more. I have a PP presentation that provides an in-depth look at what has transpired since WWII that has led us into this current crisis.
Thank you for your dedication.
Well done! As a nurse who is also a veteran I have been so deeply disturbed by the over use of psychotropic drugs. I’ve lost 3 friends to suicide secondary to PTSD
Thank you! I am greatly saddened by the indifference of our medical community to the root cause of so many ill states!
I believe the SSRI’s, sedatives and antidepressants directly contributed to their suicide.
Chemicals nterfere with normal biological functions!
Good to know. Also, morning sunshine, even in dark winter Canada, is the best absorbed and useable. Cloths, hats and sunglasses block sunshine Vit D.
Been taking it for over ten years... initially at 4K IUS / Day now at 50K IUS weekly - Blood levels solidly - in 60 -65 range. Just added the Vit K 7 for calcium balance
Here is a link to the pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9891532/pdf/pone.0279166.pdf
I should have noted in my earlier comment that Vitamin D has long been called the “Happiness Vitamin “ I’m no MD but my readings into Vit D literature indicate it is far more akin to a regulating hormone than it is a vitamin.
Have a look at Dr Ray Peats website.
This could be a contributing factor among kids and the increase in suicide rates.
I wonder if that would help my teenage family member who is prone to self harm. She is taking meds, but something like vit D+K would be so much better.