“The net effect is that the DNA of the “vaccinated” is irrevocably altered”’

The above statement is from the end of the first paragraph from the second screenshot. What more needs to be said, “humanity” was and from this point forward, will remain the “target” for all the Dr. Frankenstein’s of the world!

What was / what is the benefit of changing / altering “Human DNA”? I believe this is a perfect starting point and actually the only starting point now. Why alter human DNA? Why? And what else will be uncovered as time passes? This entire “human bioweapon experiment”, gone horribly wrong in millions, if not more people worldwide, has been deliberately executed for a specific purpose! For what reason I ask? What’s their purpose? What’s their ultimate goal? Only a handful of articles I’ve read from less than a handful of Doctors, have shed light on these main questions, I’ve been trying to find answers to. “TRANSHUMANISM” is one possible answer. And remember that Biden, on September 12 2022, signed an executive order removing “Informed Consent” which stood in the way of the merging of “Humans and Technology”!

Again, why! And why inject children? Children had near “zero.zero” chance of dying and of infecting anyone, never mind the fear mongering of grandma and grandpa! Altering human DNA on a massive scale doesn’t make any sense, so why? Is this the beginning of the end of mankind? Will cyborgs be the new species, eliminating humans? Is this why Biden or whoever signed an executive order in September 2022, removing all informed consent? These evil creatures know why which is exactly what is more important at this point to be asking / uncovering. All the “ZIPPER LIPS” will not shed light Dr Alexander, which is why I’m asking you to find out the most important question I have and humanity needs to know, and that is, why alter human DNA? Why?

“A coin has two sides as does science”.

Biologically experimenting on an entire human species, at this juncture, at any time is downright evil and at the highest level! Certainly, if there were any beneficial reasons to inject billions of shots, into millions of people arms, worldwide, the forces wouldn’t have had to deceive anyone! Instead they inflicted misery and death upon people worldwide! So I’ll ask once more, why?

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Just published on the substack of Aussie17 > https://www.aussie17.com/p/scientists-stunned-by-first-proofs

- Scientists Stunned by First Proofs of Contaminated DNA getting absorbed into Human Cells

"These cells did not merely interact with the vaccines but absorbed them, incorporating foreign DNA into their very structure"

This is truly terrifying news.

There is now proof of integration of foreign DNA in human cells, and prof dr Sucharit BHAKDI explains the devastating consequences of this phenomenon in the short 5' clip.

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