Unfortunately, we can't afford to lose the House. Muslim Hakeem is on deck. No way is he worse

than traitor Paul Ryan. Anyway, it makes no difference, because they are all the same.

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yes all the same...that photo of him and Ryan in the stairway, that was not for public consumption...anything Ryan is linked to is deadly to Trump...look at it that way...Johnson had no business as new speaker even going near Ryan, I dont trust him.

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Right....Neither do I ....

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agree as to Hakeem, talks nice but beware of Greeks bearing gifts...though he is no Greek

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If we lose the House before the election, Congress passes a law defining “insurrection” from the 14th Amendment, just as SCOTUS recommends, and Trump is blocked/barred from becoming president. Or Congress refuses to certify the 2024 election. The water level in the sewer is rising fast.

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I know and Johnson is playing games...as i said many times, the enture congress has not one testicle to rub together

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Johnson was nominated then elected “turbo” fast so I would argue that is suspect and therefore so is he.

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Probably installed to hammer the final nail in the coffin.

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Just how dumb is Trump?? Here's an example of DUMB, he just handed his lead to Biden; Me thinks forever;

Dumb fucking TRUMP dug this hole for himself, BIDEN just gave him a bigger shovel

Trump calls for "Israel First"


NOPE Pelosi still has a following and Schumer came out first, and the UN guy too that those who follow Israel, will go down in history as "Worse than Hitler", and suddenly the entire cage of a millions rats was opened and they scurry for safe harbor from the coming storm, when 100's of 1,000's of mutilated Palestine children are shown to the world

Biden calls for "Israel Last"


The days of MIGA for Trump are over; It's a used, stale product that nobody is buying anymore; At the very least Biden is wise enough to know the kids don't approve genocide by Israelis upon Palestine children; Trump being narcissistic asshole wouldn't get it either way;

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Please don't give Fraudster JOE any credit. He's playing good cop bad cop. Sitting on the fence. Someone out there doesn't care too much for Trump at all. If JOE wanted to stop the

genocide, why did he enable Israel to do it?

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How do we know Joe is smarter? Same reason this 'lynn' is dumber than a fucking rock, its a bot and doesn't read and/or learn, same as the Trump dildo-man;


Just how dumb is Trump?? Here's an example of DUMB, he just handed his lead to Biden; Me thinks forever;

Dumb fucking TRUMP dug this hole for himself, BIDEN just gave him a bigger shovel

Trump calls for "Israel First"


NOPE Pelosi still has a following and Schumer came out first, and the UN guy too that those who follow Israel, will go down in history as "Worse than Hitler", and suddenly the entire cage of a millions rats was opened and they scurry for safe harbor from the coming storm, when 100's of 1,000's of mutilated Palestine children are shown to the world

Biden calls for "Israel Last"


The days of MIGA for Trump are over; It's a used, stale product that nobody is buying anymore; At the very least Biden is wise enough to know the kids don't approve genocide by Israelis upon Palestine children; Trump being narcissistic asshole wouldn't get it either way;

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Suck on it hard, can't have it both ways, just maybe old joe diaper, is smarter than the orange seaman?

The problem is not new the demoRats play to WIN, the RINO's play to suck cock and get ass fucked;

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How do you know that? JOE couldn't be smarter, if he tried. Answer the question? Why is

JOE enabling Israel to kill Palestinians?

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Israel is the master, USA is blaster, go back to 'road warrior' 101

Israel is the BRAIN BUG, USA is the slave bug;

London Zionism runs USA since 1620, and owns wash-dc since 1871,

Now in 2024 ZOG has gotten bored of playing two-party and uni-party will soon be your 'choice'


Think it odd that CHINA & Russia are ran by 'real leaders'? That USA only gets a choice of an orange-pimp, or a gray bed-wetter? The entire game of ZOG in USA with cutting off the junk of the kids, and getting all the adults hooked on to fentanyl is to de-moralize the goyim, same as London did to its peasants in 1500AD, and to the Irish, ...

Begging for anything but this two-party hell is their only option for the dumb fucking goyim

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Why is Israel always at the forefront?

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Trump & Raygun both grade-B actors late in life play RINO, but spent their entire adult lives as 'demo-Rats'

Both Trump & Raygun didn't 'convert' to RINO until 50 years of age and declare themselves 'conservative', prior to that age, both were bolshevik demoRats'

All that can be said is "Made in Hollywood", Bolshevik heroes for the right-wing USA mythology, Trump led his J6 lemmings to hell

See a pattern yet??

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All the politicians at a high level are compromised. They would never get into these high positions, unless they can be controlled through blackmail, bribery and death threats against their families.

Many are dual citizens or have taken a Blood Oath to Secret Societies, religious orders or the CCP (yes, I believe there are US politicians who are members of the CCP). Any one who has an oath like that does not represent the voters that put them into office (assuming they actually won a real election and weren't "dominioned" into office). If you want to hold a high office, you will need to sell your soul -- literally!!

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🎯 100%

If you've made it, you got little kids in your closets adenochrome in your gut and crooked money in your account.

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Yes!! Vacate the seat and keep it up until we get a true conservative as speaker. WTF difference does it make for Republicans to hold a slim majority with all of these effing RINOS in the party? We're better off having to play defense !! I'm sick to death of these ASSHATS!!

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It was originally named the Democratic Republican party for a reason!

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Most of the Congress members have their hands in big pharma’s pocket and are corrupt in some sense. MTG had stock in Pfizer during the plandemic. She was against the muzzles but because congress members weren’t “mandated” to get the jab then it was okay to sit on her hands for that part of the tyranny partaken by almost all of our government!! Rand Paul has had all the evidence to put Fauci away for life from the very beginning of the trial against Fauci, which by the way was given to him by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, but yet used that evidence to further his campaign to hold his seat longer. Both Kevin and Mike are Zionist pigs. The list goes on and on!!

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Anybody that isn't a zionist pig would be a good change, but sadly does such an animal exist in Sodom & Gomorrah??

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Shiva Ayyadurai is not a Zionist. He is building a bottoms up movement while educating those who are participating in it as an independent candidate running for president.

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No, and if he was angry then, he must be fuming now. Rest assured, He will address ALL. OF. IT(THEM)

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No, correct me otherwise;

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But the Pauls are busy cointing their money from the remdesivir stock they purchased early 2020. They all must have been so giddy at their gay drug parties waiting for the covid movie to be released on the common citizen.

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Watch closely, Pelosi & Schumer have criticized Israel, now UN has stated that supporting Israel is 'satanic'

Biden came out demanding immediate unconditional ceasefire

If Obama comes out along the line of Pelosi, expect to see a sea-change support of AIPAC totally on RINO vs demoRat lines, the demoRats clearly know the kids know, and the RINO's can only sell their rotten fish to old geezers who don't care;

Trump has 100% expended all of his capital for 'Israel', so he's toast;

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Trump just made another $5B from the latest Truth Social merger and IPO. He is far from broke.

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The GOP is a party not capable of putting away the fucking swamp rats in government, because most of them are fucking complicit in the act of treason and violation of conspiracy guity of the “Nurenburg act”- ( this was worse than Bush & Cheny’s 9-11)

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Yes! A brave representative and can carry this through.

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Like who for instance?

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Its a representative Government in DC

They represent ZIONISM, and the goyim herds in USA finance it;

It's does't matter the clown who run's they have all signed the exact same pledge, decades ago, just running for office requires signing fealty to zionist London and Israel proxy's

They have owned wash-dc since 1871, and now have their thumbs with fed police (FBI, DHS,CBP) on the entire nation;

It's a secret government but most just call it the deep-state, because no matter what puppet clown leader is held up, the shadow people call the shots;

But they are insane, like killing JFK, or all aboard the USS Liberty, or now killing all the children in Gaza eventually their shit catches up, like always they have been ran out of +1,000 country's in human history;

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"The US Government you don't know about" is how one of them described it to me, when I asked if he worked for the US Government.

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They told you they would take you places;

They never said they would be "Good Places"

Satan only leads morons to hell

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I was a young man when Kennedy took on the SES crowd (AKA deep state). The next to come with similar ideas was Reagan and he promptly got a bullet in the chest lodged 1" from the heart. He was NEVER the same man. I've been involved behind the scenes in politics since 1963. It's a Vegas racket. A numbers game and that's ALL that matters. It takes far too much $$ to run for anything other than relatively local office but that's not what controls the politicians. What we have for government we largely deserve because 97% of Americans don't participate in the Republic. Bitching about it on Social media is NOT participating!! Wanna make a real difference? Political staffing has a few jobs but job 1 is counting. Counting the number of phone calls, texts and letters received in the candidate or Representatives inbox. Then they do a bit of simple multiplication and then they respond accordingly. It's that simple people!! When I was much younger every communication from a constituent was considered equal to 10K voters. Today the multiplier is 50K! If you want to get your influence back then prioritize your time accordingly. For instance, my free time is given 90% to telling the Representatives at every level of government exactly what I think and want from them in order to get my vote. That VOTE is truly all that matters to them! The other 10% of my free time I am spending on social media trying to re educate Americans as to how to be most effective in the political arena. If I have written one note to a politician, I have written 100K notes and if everyone else, especially conservatives, would do the same, the change would be shocking. And this country needs that shock very badly. She's on the operating table and her heart has stopped!!

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Some thing like that but I grew up in LA and happen to know that before GE ( general electric ) re-invented RAYGUN, he played chimp movies and did gay-porn in 1920's and spent his entire life running the Hollywood Film Union as a demoRat, GE in 1963 told him to become a RINO in 1963 when they re-designed him.

As to why Hinckley shot him? Shit happens; They don't let people near the POTUS anymore, notice that??

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I know the history as well as you and perhaps even better but that's hardly the point of my post.

PS. Hinckley/CIA/Mind control. Sure, shit happens and some shit is made to happen.

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Sorry I write a lot about Raygun because his story is same as Trump the MIC came to Trump and offered him this role of a lifetime as a 'made for TV" POTUS

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IMHO they groomed Raygun for his role as CALIF GOV, then POTUS and then they had him shot to be replace by BUSH, dumb fucker survived, so of course he was no longer the 'actor' he had been, his enter life had been dodging fake bullets and parrying fake punches, suddenly death was real and he was no long an actor on a set having 'extras' take his falls;

Reality is a Bitch;

That said, actors still make the BEST politicians like Zelensky in Urkaine, or Rogan ( another stand up comedian ) they're battle tested to ignore the audience and march on; Not human by any means.

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I did an entire POST on how GE ( general electric, atomic bombs, and mini-guns ) created and made "Raygun"


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Sure yep, right, like you were there in LA with me back in the day, I don't remember seeing you there;

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For Christs sake, I wasn't with Newton either but I understand gravity.

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I doubt that's true, nobody understand's Gravity; Gravity is still the most elusive and unknown field force in nature; Gravity at large distance can be measured, but nothing is known about gravity a sub-atomic distances;

General Relativity is still an unsolved problem and dark matter & energy are highly questionable as to whether they exist;

What your saying is you have laymans knowledge of the subjects at hand;

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Yes, but like lionizing Trump, Raygun, or John Wayne, its important to remind cucks that all their heroes are 'made in hollywood' homos;

Turning Homo's into 'tough guys' and having society worship mythological figure's is all they got;


Regarding Hinckley apply occam's razor spoiled silver spoon RINO homo raised by TV, so he was 'influenced by taxi driver', happens a lot, he had access, and wanted to make himself 'famous', they let him in, cuz he was 'vetted';

Sick fucks do sick shit top to bottom. Hinckley is/was your typical RINO silver spoon trust fund HOMO spawn.

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It's looking like you are incapable of focusing on a simple point that I was making. A point that is critical to the survival of the Republic, if it's not too late. Pay attention!!

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You have gone from a self proclaimed 'expert' to a common village idiot

Stop digging for gods sake;

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That could be true, but your missing my point that your Hollywood mythology of America is 100% ZOG-SHIT


There is only one reality, USA is ran & owned by Satan

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You are the only self proclaimed expert on this thread yet you have not once mentioned the original point I made because it clearly decimates your defeatist views on America. Sorry, but I will not buy into the bullshit if only because it requires we find another planet to inhabit. Either we the people do what I suggested or perish under the yoke of another thousand years of service to the modern Oligarchs. You can have it but I will fight that ending until my last breath.

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If MTG wasn't such a supporter of Israel, I'd be a lot more comfortable with her. Most of us were happy to see McCarthy gone. The trouble is we keep hoping that The GOP still is going to help us. They don't worry about groceries and gun laws, their guards are paid by us. The elite caste is the same no matter what they call themselves.

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They are vetted, it doesn't mean they're owned by Israel lobby, they wouldn't be there if they were not vetted in the first place. You can't be a dog catcher in GOV if you haven't signed an 'Oath to Israel", just like all Trump People are required to "Sign an Oath to Trump"

There is nobody in DC that isn't 100% MIGA, and if they're not they're lim-opp hangouts like Ron Paul, or even AOC's Squad just Zionism-Light;

They have dug in since killing JFK in 1963, now they intend to take USA down with Israel

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That "Oath to Israel" is the lite version of the Blood Oath.

To get to higher levels of power, they must be initiated into The Cult and take the Blood Oath.

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Same for Epstein & Trump they both require all employees to take a life 'Oath'

For example Epstein & Trump will pay for employee's college education, but if the person ever or their children testify in court or deposition against them, then all has to be paid back.

Which is why in no deposition of Trump or Epstein pilots did anybody testify other than 5th

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Rhe new, "chridtian conservatove" seems to be more democratic than mccarthy, BUT they are all the same. BUSY, BUSY, BUSY, pervert war in ukraine, tinkering in Israel, impeachment on biden. Impeachment on homeland security, politically persecuting xonsrvatives. Sure is a lot of theater. I wonder how long, if they rehearse or they're natural ad-lib'ers?

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Johnson has shown his true color. Blue. The alternate being floated is no better Hakeem Jeffries. A liberal yes man who jumped into blue without even a threat. They are both self servants. Like most tools in congress, johnson or jeffries you get fucked. Unless you're a blue haired piece of shit you are not happy no matter which dog gets put into the spotlight. Treason today is commonplace. Scum I call "Cons" in congress have done nothing good for We The People in my lifetime. I am tired of being the 'Good guy" who supports these TRAITORS while they in turn make it harder for everyday Americans to survive let alone thrive. The "Land of Opportunity" is no more unless you're a Filthy, Lying, Criminal, Politician in The USA. REVOLT OR DIE TRYING.

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Johnson told your he was a 'christian zionist' and you thought that was a flavor or ronny raygun ice cream, you bought it, your own it;

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These so called politicians or should I call them ALL, “RAT-DWELLERS” would sell their own mother at the border! I am sick beyond words how delusional, deliberate and embarrassing, Congress is!

It matters not, what side of the fence one occupies, they’re all “traders” they’re all “creeps” they ARE ALL EVIL!!!!! They’re all responsible for this

“deliberate destruction”!

While “WE THE PEOPLE” watch America, yes “OUR COUNTRY” be systematically destroyed, there is a complete disregard for OUR Constitution, at every level, at every turn!

What we are seeing, what’s actually happening, IMO, to STOP THE MADNESS, isn’t happening and America will eventually collapse! But don’t worry Joey Boy has it all under control, now doesn’t he?

People have had enough lip service, enough lying, enough cheating and enough stealing of our taxpayers money!

Without any repercussions, how many cookies would a child take from the cookie jar? Any guesses? This is exactly how congress, these “political hacks” behave, day in and day out!

Whether it’s because the CIA has ordered each and every political hack to “stand here” or “vote this way” or “stand-down” or even if they’ve been threatened, this is not America anymore! Sorry people, America has been “SOLD”!

If what we’re witnessing today is because the entire Congressional Institution has been completely compromised, “then it’s over”! And I do believe it is over because there isn’t a rats ass chance in hell those in power will stop now!

Not a single chance! They were out for blood and WON! They were out for themselves and WON, this is what Barack Obama was talking about when he said,

“Fundamentally Transform America”!

Americans interest, citizens of America, yes “citizens” you know those who pay these political hacks salaries? Well now we can’t afford to pay our own bills anymore.

And guess what, today “illegals” contribute NOTHING and are now “First-Rate”! They’re “WE THE PEOPLES” so called replacement theory! Or is this just a theory?

“Citizens of America need NOT APPLY”! Thanks for your years of service! We’re forever grateful and thankful and forever in your debt!

I’ll say it again, Stop the “slow boil frog” death blow and put a nail in Americas “proverbial” coffin, because once again, “it’s over”! This is NOT AMERICA!

This literally pains me to think, to say and to certainly write my thoughts, what else can anyone think, say or write? Pretty much the same message I believe. I can’t believe “it’s over”, but damn, it sure does feel that way.

Please do not blame me for my opinion, we all have one. For more than three years now “WE THE PEOPLE” have watched our country being destroyed! To say more eloquently, America we have been;

“Fundamentally Transformed”!

I pray I’m wrong, every day I pray what we’re all witnessing is only a dream. The problem is, each morning I awake I see the same dream playing out. I believe we all are.

Yes, one could say it is all a dream, just ask any of the millions of illegal border invaders, illegal criminals, gangsters, terrorist, jihadist, rapist, child traffickers, they will with certainty all say / tell you how wonderful it is to be here! Welcome to:

Biden’s and Obama’s, “Fundamentally Transformed America!

After all we all voted for this, RIGHT? I THINK NOT!!

May God Bless America and The Entire World! Lord knows we need it!


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USA is/was a satanic penal colony since 1620, they would tell you the truth but you can't handle the truth, called babylonian slave management system, +3,000 years old, the best slaves don't even know they are slaves;


Deal with reality;

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She better😡

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I said it all

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Sort of like a younger version of HRC that doesn't bake cookies without the Bill Clinton at her side, they don't age well, all end up looking like Nuland or Madame Halfbright

MTG is a RINO version of AOC,

AOC is to attract younger voters to DNC

MTG same-same, but RINO's are sodomites and MTG is their image of woman that their father wanted to nail;

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I am totally sick of her.

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Sort of their plan 'learned helplessness' to have you begging for a new world order, ran by real man as seen in China & Russia;

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