Fact is, they,every miserable one of them, is a fucking felon just by being here. So if they are felons, send em to Mexico. The shithole country that helped Joey with his plan.

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boom, fucking felon and mist be deported.

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Right. When they crossed the Border, they broke our law. If, we even have any left!

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So true

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My Mother-in-Law was a Surgeon In Budapest, Hungary. She and my husband have a long story. They came to US and became citizens. They lost everything to the Communists. Her husband's construction business was nationalized 3 times. On the third time he died of a heart attack at age 50. They came to the US with very little in their pockets. They didn't get the help like the illegal aliens are getting. Through hard work she passed all her tests and became a Doctor in the US. Your husband was in the military?

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If Mexico knows we are going to start shoving the illegals back into Mexico, they would stop them at their Southern border.

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The whole damn government is a FELON.

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I don't think we can be passive and let the military do it in January. We need to take some action now, military, veterans, regular Americans -we all have the power, and the capacity to protect our own nation.

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yes we do, the issue is we have to do it humanely and legally too...issue is what are the laws that guide and protect us...we dont want good people fucked up over some felon bad people...our lives matter...

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see me, I will help you and anyone, will give you my food and eat none, but dont come in my home and attack me and take from me and hurt and rape me...I will then have no mercy on you

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Unfortunately in key border states we don't have the elected leaders behind us. California, Arizona, and New Mexico, can't come together and see a useful solution to this problem.

This is partially due to the border being a federal creation than a state creation.

Also,Mumzy, at what point do we take up arms with out a state wide mandate?

While I agree with your sentiment, the organization is not there.

While we watch the walls of Newvo Rome collapse, we should not cry over Romes' demise.

Instead, look to how you can survive the coming hurricane of chaos.

That's the best any of us can do.

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kind of agree but we want to act to protect nation and ourselves...so I am saying lets see what Trump will do, he said he will, so let us trust again...I do...and hold his feet to the fire...he loves his name and legacy so a lot is riding...now.

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We can hope for that Dr Paul. My goal is to encourage as many people as possible to prepare for a long struggle and an unpredictable outcome. At the best we are looking forward to two decades of hard times as the USA resets boundaries with Mexico and struggles with anew currency.

More will starve and die of disease than on any Battlefield we as a nation have ever seen.

Is Trump the right man for the job?

No one else running can stand a chance

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May 28·edited May 28

Trust again???!!! How many times does Lucy have to jerk the football away? This country is circling the drain, and anyone who cannot see and accept this reality is an idiot.. This has all been PLANNED for decades. There is no voting it away. Prepare accordingly.

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We can't just watch and let them take us over. We know not the time. We will do what needs to be done at the time of calling. We won't live in their alternative.

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Exactly Darkstar, I cut and pasted your last paragraph.

“Instead, look to how you can survive the coming hurricane of chaos.

That's the best any of us can do.”!

And I must emphasized your last statement. Because, after nearly four years of unvetted illegal border invasions, a giant number of “military age men” have breached our borders and have been deployed around America!

Yes, they’ve encircled Americans! It’s past the point of no return. Think about how everyone and everything is seemingly normal. Or as normal today can be.

Nobody’s in an uproar about this “Border Invasion”! A few lines here or there, but not in any sense to cause an immediate reaction or panic.

This is also by design to keep the masses calm, cool and collapsing, as I call it!

Not collected!

I’m more convinced we won’t have an election this November! There’s been to many indicators pointing to “a complete calm takeover” or something like this.

There’s far too many signs of this. Everything from the Trump trial nonsense to the border invasion! This is no longer a crisis, this is a well planned “Takeover of America”!

And all of Americans will go quietly for the most part, while some will GO HOT, rightly so!

They’ll be skirmishes and some bloodshed, but more than likely, we won’t be seeing any kind of full blown civil war / unrest!

There’s no other reason why so many, some estimates are 3 million military age men! Or 3% of our population!

3 Million Military Age Men? Think about that for a second. Let that sink in for a minute. If 19 men took down the world trade towers, what in God’s name can 3 million military age men be capable of?

I have had enough of the “Monday Morning Quarterback” talking points. The reality is, America has been overtaken! For that matter the reasons congress is silent is because of this.

Oh there’s little battles and name calling nonsense, but no one is doing a damn thing about the real issue which is “MILITARY AGE MEN INVADING OUR HOMELAND”! AYKM?

Think about this for a second, say you come home from work to find “4 strangers in your home” and they say to you, it’s over! Give us? Well what would you do?

The same thing has happened to America! Only larger! Much, much bigger!

The ink is probably dry, or the deal may have already been signed and for formality, breaking NEWS will be aired live once the time is right TO TELL AMERICANS THE DETAILS!!

I believe before the November Non-Election!

I can’t believe with all the infiltration and deliberate decaying of society, this will last much longer. And lastly, if anyone believes this is not happening, then please tell me what is?

I pray I’m wrong, my gut tells me I’m not

Peace be with America and the entire world!


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problem for them is this, there are 500 million guns in the hands of largely law abiding people, good Americans and most are Trump's army...he may not have the stones in the end, but Americans can handle their business...we never want it so but Americans went to Revolution, went to civil war...we know how to war...were are the most lethal fighting force in the world and many, most soldiers and vets etc. want their border sealed.

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Thanks AJR. The deal is set. I'm sure of that . Now we all must pick some friends and find somewhere to go that will.be a safe retreat. Before that day comes everything you and your teammates do to add to the security of your retreat will be like money in the bank. And keep your place unknown to outsiders. You don't need to wind up like the folks did at Waco.

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You’re welcome Darkstar, though you didn’t need to thank me, however I am appreciative.

Yes the deal has been struck! Simply ask yourself a few questions and the answer is right in front of your nose!

Are “Military age Americans”invading China? NOPE!

Are Americans buying up properties in China next to Chinese military bases? NOPE again! Is America working to undermine our biggest adversaries, China and Russia? NOPE one more time!

And the list goes on and on.

Covid was a test as well as H1N1 when Obama was?

Was deliberately setting the corner stone for a complete and disgusting overthro of America by,

“Fundamental Transformation of America”! as I’ve learned IMO was the,

“Beginning of the End” as we’re witnessing today!

And both Covid & H1N1 test results were positive! Positive for a “Compliant Society” willing to follow ORDERS and then inject an unknown and untested poison!

This act in and of itself was the “Green Light” needed to give the order to advance into the “Homeland” as we’ve been watching everyday since lockdowns!

This is what’s happening in droves today and yes, there’s documented verification how overwhelmingly the amount of “Military Age Men” has been!

Brought here illegally and paid for illegally once again by “Taxpayer Dollars”! Literally!

Americans are funding and paying our own collapse and demise! Thanks to the corrupt congressional politicians and this corrupt government with their most corrupted EVER and illegitimate President Biden!

It’s amazing how obvious this is and how “In Your Face” these corrupt people are! Which means they know there isn’t any stopping them now!

Thank you Darkstar for your “Common Sense” eyes wide open plan. Everyone needs to heed your advice! Thank you again.


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yes, it is as if we have lit our own funeral pyres...and watching it but it is for us.

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"Situation is normalized" just like Yuri Bezmenov said it would be.

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Yes Grumpy Steve you hammered the nail, well done! Below is one of Former KGB Agent Yuri. It is amazing how true his statement below reflects today’s events! As well as your stated post:

"Situation is normalized".

I’ll add to this by saying “watch the left hand while the right hand is talking”,

and around and around we go, where it’s stops, nobody knows!

Thank you Grumpy Steve


Quotes] Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov - "The highest art of warfare is not to fight at all but to subvert anything of value in the country of your enemy until such time that the perception of reality of your enemy is screwed up to such an extent that he does not perceive you as an enemy." ()

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I like this for it helps us sensitize but what I fear AJR most is that many are ready to defend their land and it will not be nice.. Rusch would say 'this is what democracy will look like and it will not be pretty'

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Why do you say in January?

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Jan is when whoever is elected takes office. It's not a fine deal, regardless of govt. We won independence from a tyrannical government before, we can do it again, and there's more of us now!

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TRUMP....That's all I have to say. Because, there will be NO coming back. OBAMA will make

sure the United States will be taken over. Why do you think he decided to take up residence in DC. You see any other President doing that?

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Trump is only option

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Obama and Biden have worked to near destroy USA...border must be closed and all deported

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We don't have to except the Obama Biden model. Nor do we have to accept the AI bumblings! (It never interprets things correctly!)

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Many more. And a hell of a lot more better guns.

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Inauguration. 2025

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We made it in 2017. Hope to make it again in 2025 :-)

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Exactly Mumzy! We’re “Sitting Ducks”!’or “Fish in a Barrel” waiting for? Waiting for what actually?

To be rounded up? Yes, possibly!

Or to be told to report to some encampment? Yes another possibility!

Does anyone really know? NO! Not in the least!

All I hear is “Trump” this or “Trump” that! Yes Trump served his usefulness IMO.

America and the American people have been deliberately “SURROUNDED” by our government and their cronies, responsible for “INVADING” America!

IMO, this is all theater to “KEEP THE PEACE”! While our illegitimate president and administration cronies, along with NGO’s and the UN, FLOOD AMERICA WITH MILITARY AGE MEN, OUR ENEMIES!


As I read all these comments, I realize that all of us are pretty much saying the same thing, in different ways.

When a nation is overwhelmed with illegals and MILITARY AGE MEN, in the millions, anyone can make the argument,

“Our Country Has Been Taken Over”!

And it has! Nobody can tell me otherwise!

We can go quietly or the opposite! It seems to me most will go quietly! Because nobody in government is doing anything about this! In contrast, they’re allowing this to happen!

Sadly, America has seen its better days! We are / we have been OVERRUN!

The next step is for these CORRUPT NON-LEADERS TO

SIGN THE DEAL!!! And they’ll sign believe me you, THEY WILL SIGN!


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I think we have time

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I’m not sure it matters anymore Dr. and here’s why I say this. Absolutely nothing and you know as well as I, nothing is being done to secure and stop this invasion.

It seems as though congress has either surrendered to or knows there’s nothing they can do.

Either way, the American people are basically on our own. IMO, they’re doing everything they can to stop President Trump and they’re not going to stop until he’s 1. Incarcerated. Or 2. Worse!

This is only my opinion obviously but we need to be honest about this. America hasn’t been this far corrupted in my lifetime and certainly I’ve never watched an invading force walk right in unabated!

I understand there 500 million weapons at Americans disposal and yes thank God for our Founding Fathers! Nobody wants violence and violence is seemingly inevitable.

More importantly and certainly not least is what today stands for.

My Father and my friends fathers all fought to protect our country and give us the freedom we enjoy today. So many people have given their lives for all Americans!

Sadly, we’re witnessing a well oiled and well trained and well planned destruction of our freedoms. Certainly we may have time, time though, IMO was 3 years ago when this invasion and continued attacks on our democracy should have been stopped!

I do pray you’re right Dr. Alexander and I certainly as millions more people want, is to see the madness end! This is where I collide internally!

Thank you for always sharing your thoughts and ideas and your never ending optimism Dr.


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AJR, thank you for being here for your insights are invaluable, driving debate. it is important we be civil, decent, law abiding, people loving, as we assess our situations and share and educate. thank you for being the calm voice too.

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We need people like you on top of our government and thank your family for their service from all of us.

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You’re welcome Dr Alexander, quite welcome!


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correct, we want them all mass deported and our borders closed for a 'season'...we will fucking figure out what season means but Trump best stand by that statement, I will remind him.

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You and many others will remind him. Problem is, the visual!

It is a very ugly visual . Mass deportation will not be a good or uniting look at all! IMO he won’t do it after he is elected. He will close the border , but mass deportation is a much riskier and uglier agenda

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And the world will be watching ! Worrying about the deep state is less than worrying about all the fired up American lions that are awake if he doesn't do as promised!

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Deporting just those who have committed crimes and military aged males would go a long way. Get more judges and adjudicate all of those asylum claims quickly. That's the way it should be in the first place.

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Dr. Paul you need to understand there are agreements between all the governments involved: those that are sending, those that allow passage and the one that receiving. This is a take down of the US by the globalist fascists. They already have Europe now is time for the US. None of this happens without the government in charge agreeing to it. The people in this areas most affected must stand up and put a stop to it. Like the Bundles did when they stood against the BLM.

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boom, boom, boom, we are being played...and again, we will not give Trump a year, he has weeks to act on the border and then his name will be mud...I will help destroy it. if he does not do what he said he will...we elected him past and likely again but we sought a leader for our movement...it needed not be him...I hope we are not being fucked.

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He allowed so many moles around him the first time (and Jared Kushner is still like a rat his back pocket) I just don't think he's the guy. If the boarder is secured and deportations commence in earnest and the Federal Reserve is abolished, Soros is arrested and thrown out of this country, tribunals are stood up to try those responsible for the mass murder of millions across the globe, tribunals for the treasonous bastards in Congress and throughout the country that participated in the coup of 2020, then you'll know he's the guy.

Anything else is just lipstick on a pig.

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you are right, these beasts make deals

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sell us out

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The Bundies were the tip of the spear! The precedent is set! We will NOT comply,govt or no govt.

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A whole lot of folks complied when they were told to put a mask on the face and stand six feet away from each other and stay home take a BIOWEAPON and disclose if you've been jabbed in order to go to a concert or eat a fucking meal at a restaurant. I'm pretty sure the sheeple will just go right on bleating while the gate to the slaughter house is closed behind them.

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hope not

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There's a lot less sheep asleep now, we still trusted our govt was there for us! We had a rude awakening, but most of us ARE awake!

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We? Most are awake?

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Mayorkas went to South America and signed a deal a year or so ago. He wasn't impeached either. So, the politicians are good for nothing. They will be protected.

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The call is coming from inside the house.

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You mean the enemy is already in the US?

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When "they" installed the baby sniffing, daughter molesting pedophile rapist with an obvious ballot coup, they thought (like invaders would) that we would revolt. But we didn't. Then the false flag American Reichstag was initiated on Jan 6 where three of our patriots were murdered and they thought we'd revolt. So like a tyrant invading army would do they put up security fence around "their" new Capital thinking surely we'd revolt. But again we did nothing. So then they initiated the mass killing of people with the mandated BIOWEAPON injections and some of us resisted and their "patience" were "wearing thin". At the same time they began the ground game by cutting the rope to the draw bridge allowing their troops to enter the castle. But the kingdom is vast so they needed to facilitated transportation throughout the kingdom because the people were walking up. So they bussed them and flew them to strategic places throughout the kingdom to places they knew they would have support. And still the people did nothing because they still think that they can vote their way out of this.

But they can't.

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TRUE. So, what does that tell you about the feckless Republicans? It's all Kabuki Theatre and they play their parts. I can't wait until the next step. We never took the JAB or wore their stupid Communist mask. My Brother, age 65, died suddenly of cardiac arrest on 9/5/23.

He took the JAB, but not of his choice. Long story. So, I'll die on the hill, because at this

point what do I have to lose. We are fighting no matter what the cost.

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Lynn, we are so sorry for your brother, thank you for sharing and it is very painful, thank you for being here...

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I hope you don't mind me asking, Do you have your brother's vaxx card and death certificate?

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There are Democ-rat's and Republicants and both are either Communist Fascistic Marxist's or they are sympathizers.

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So far!

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I think Americans with legal weapons, legal, and training, must be willing to defend USA if threatened and attacked. We can defend USA from within. if life is threatened, we must be willing to defend our lives. our 2nd guarantees this.

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this is holy war, jihad being waged on us via Obama...we just did not understand, using the Southern border, many, most are islamic even the chinese you see. it is jihad on USA USING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION

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Here are your Islamic jihadists laid bare:


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this is the synagogue of satan finishing lucifersatan's world order

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They should be immediately all be caged like the animals they are. Get the cannons give them a dose of reality. Welcome to America 🇺🇸 let’s go Brandon

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We can sit here and FUCKING yap all you want and nothing will change to stop it. The time for talk is over.

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And the time for action is not yet.

Instead organization is important.

Setting aside a place as a mutual retreat stockpileed with arms and food is good.

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Yep I have just exposed our government state and federal pushing the murderers in CSL TO SYPHON TAXPAYERS MONEY

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Who cares what the government says! We can defend our own homeland. We are all part of the American militias. We don't need deep state corporate government leaders to tell us what needs to be done. That's what the Second Amendment is all about. It's OUR country, not government "anybodies".

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Yes but many folks will have to see the storm for what it is. We can expect a 200km battle zone north and south of the border. The civilians will have no centralized leadership.

Planning is imperative.

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Schumer has now admitted the illegals are here for replacing the population. Ask who is running this?

The NWO means to wreck things and then come in for total control. The State Department and the UN are running this along with other sundry traitors in the USA most if not all are compromised pedophiles, closeted homosexuals who have been compromised, organ harvesters, etc.

The imported commandoes are just waiting for orders to take out bridges and the grid.

Los Angeles has about 3 days of food if supply chains cut off... it will be MAD MAX time after that.

The plan is to start a nuclear war with Russia to cover up the fiat monetary system is a Ponzi scheme that has run its course.

We can not follow our faux leaders down this path.


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This is all true. I saw a video of some pushing our agents and saying “you have no idea who we are”. That was creepy. And they looked like criminals.

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they are fucking criminals, we will handle them when they act up and do crime and move to rape our girls and wives...

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Y'all, watch this video if ya can...This is the type of SICK SHIT we're being FORCED to deal with! Also, I agree wholeheartedly with @Grumpy Steve. This was and continues to be all done quite deliberately by the far left government officials- GLOBALLY.

It is literally going to take an act of our Creator to undo this shitshow! I happen to know and believe in the POWER OF PRAYER, especially when done in masses. Let's cry out to God folks and do NOT cease prayer until we see the much needed miracle of RIGHTEOUS JUSTICE PREVAIL IN WITHIN OUR COUNTRY!

I pray that anyone reading this will consider commiting to prayer each day... PLEASE join me even right now as you're reading these words...join me in praying for God to expose the wickedness and corruption for ALL TO SEE while bringing about a much needed miracle of RIGHTEOUS JUSTICE TO PREVAIL! And whenever this prayer is answered we shall all remember to GLORIFY OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN WHO HEARD OUR CRY! PRAISE BE TO GOD ALMIGHTY IN ADVANCE FOR HEARING OUR CRYS AND FOR HEALING OUR LAND! HALLELUJAH!


(Jesus Christ)



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thank you for this sharing, it is incredible and that video makes our blood boil

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We MUST START OVER. Here is our holding ground. Join with it in prayer. Contact site:


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At this point, my approach would be to “surround congressional members”! They’ve allowed “WE THE PEOPLE” to be surrounded, it’s time, to surround all of them!

Fight fire with fire! We are past the point of no return! This should’ve been “STOPPED” the moment it began!

But congress didn’t do a damn thing! They’re responsible and of course, Obama and Biden Cronies acting in concert with the UN, NGO’s!

So why should congress get the first planes out of dodge? Why? They wanted this, they need to stay and be used as collateral!

This isn’t how American people are! We’ve been more than charitable, far more generous than any nation on earth and yes completely more forgiving!

So we’re supposed to sit back and let these, “INSURRECTIONISTS” called congress and the “illegitimate administration” USE WE THE PEOPLE FOR BAIT?

We’re sitting ducks quite frankly and I don’t like to think about the bloodshed which, more than likely, is going to happen!

What happened to Americas BACKBONE? Yes I am complicit as is everyone else sitting back playing Monday morning quarterback.

Personally, this is a downright shame “WE THE PEOPLE” are floating like “fish in a barrel” waiting for? Waiting for what?

Good God! I say the time is NOW!

We may never see November, has anyone thought about that? Why that is more likely than not to become reality?

These monsters in power WILL NOT ALLOW TRUMP NEAR THE WHITE HOUSE! How many turned over cards do we need to see? The enemies have been SHOWING US THEIR HAND! Have they not?


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I agree with you, our biggest issue is Trump may not live to see Jan 20th 2025...his VP pick has ot be able to serve as POTUS and be re-elected...must be that person...sorry, not like Kennedy's pick...I actually enjoyed listening to him until that move. that VP pick, made me realize he does not want to be potus. its a game.

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The President doesn't have to be in the White House to be effective. And allow? Remember the Bundies! And they didn't stand alone!

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Trump is the most powerful POTUS, ex, even more than sitting POTUS and all past...he can move millions if he decides. no one holds as much power. we just dont want it to go there...we want peace as we solve shit

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I know you believe in organized Moslem invasion on our country, I see it differently. The Zionists (to avoid currently antisemitic word Jews) arranger/organized this massive border crossing and all related crimes to prepare the ground for an easy turnover by Zionists. Look, 80% of our officials i government from up to down consists of Jews. They did it. almost...

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Very true. Trump has his pockets filled with Zionists gold. The people that call us Goyim and Shieshkas want us eliminated. While conservatives give them our tax money. The same conservatives that want vengeance for child rape always forget that child rape is condoned in the Talmud.

When we must fight these intruders we can that the jews for our lack of firepower, as the ADL is behind so many anti gun laws.

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The Talmud is the alternative scripture of the Torah. It was established by the same Pharisees that had Jesus assassinated! That should tell you something about its focus. An adulteration of God's law?

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I totally agree.

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They're brought over by the likes of Soros. Blame the real perps ($$$) dude. By acting like it's all these people's fault, you are doing exactly what the powers that be want you to do. Which, excuse me, is pretty stupid if you want things to change

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