Dr. A,

What about Trump's apology to all of us? His apology for allowing warp-speed to happen. His apology for still supporting the deadly clot shots. His apology for the large numbers who took the shot and suffered/died because he promoted and still promotes it.

He was lied to? Does he have a brain? He had at least two advisors who told him the truth--you and Dr. Atlas.

The swamp wants him back since he cowered when they made fun of him.


He wants to pretend it did not happen. He ALLOWED IT ALL TO HAPPEN!


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I am not covering and dont you think he knows? He knows and he will deal with it but in some ways his nomination was highjacked for COVID was on the platform...so there are people who are working against his best interest. I wrote this stack knowing I will take huge heat but I dont give a fuck.

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thanks for sharing...and remaining respectful...I know you are angry

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Yes. He runs on the anit-swamp platform then when confronted with the swamp...he runs away while we suffer. Businesses closed. Schools closed. He did not do anything to counter the swamp in 2020. Give him 4 more? Not until he comes clean. He failed last time. Why should this time be any different?

Between him and Biden/Harris: Tweedle Dee and Tweedel Dum!

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I have been saying this on this substack over and over! Paul refuses to acknowledge or admit Trump is a big pharma shill…Bobby Kennedy Jr is the only one that can and will do the right thing.

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Bobby Jr. is good, but Trump is the only option now...he will deal with it, we have time...I have written directly when asked for 5 points to place in front of him...and among these 1)retroactive reversal of liability protection 2)whistle blower protection for doctors to come forward who did wrong 3)victim compensation fund etc. for those harmed by lockdown and mRNA vaccine etc.

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we are trying hard behind the scenes

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The whole country was harmed physically and financially.

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I appreciate your efforts and loyalty to Trump. I just don’t think it’s time to give up on RFK Jr. Watch him go! AND what happens when Pfizer hands over 500k + to Trump (if he’s elected) to get him to lay off….you don’t think he’ll take the $$$ and drop our cause?

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Bobby is a lifelong democRAT. Every time a democRAT gets in power The American People get fucked. Trump was president when C19 was launched to get rid of DJT by Deep State. Duh.

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I would have to believe that he is not stupid-If we look at the media hype and the ;phenomenal propaganda used by the administration you have to take a second look

there are a LOT of good citizens (and patriots) that fell prey to their fucking bullshit- They had a powerful organization -with the backing OF 95 % OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION WHO TOOK THE 250,000 DOLLARS FOR STARTERS As well remember at this time WE had lost the 4th estate Which is still MIA-I MIGHT HAVE FALLEN PREY AS WELL HAD I NOT LISTENED TO A CLOSE FRIEND WHO CALLED ME AND SAID “ STAY AWAY FROM MRNA-BUY A TUBE OF IVERMECTIN-as it turned out --THIS IS THE FRANKENSTEIN





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See my own post - Jorge Fernandez.

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The “Masters” are much too big for any “Puppet” including Trump! Harsh but absolutely true!

DOD was in control of Covid and DOD is still in control of Covid! And everything Covid related.

We are past the point of no return!

Anyone with a sliver of common sense knows, when “avoidance is premier, truth is being buried”!

As well meaning as a President Trump seems to be, remember he did right “The Art of the Deal”?

His words are carefully crafted, his statements premeditated and yes at times, he shoot’s from the hip, At times!

“Controlling powers Control”! Trump is no different, if anything he’s tightly controlled! Almost like a loose cannon! How crazy is that? Because in times past Trump often shot from the hip and he was sort of a loose cannon!

Yes lately he’s more “can you pass the gray poupon” refined, seemingly. But ultimately he’s controlled. As all of us are, to some degree. Especially during lockdown! Especially being censored. Like now?

So what happens from here? Nothing! Any question remotely relevant to Covid will be confirmed before being asked.

IMO, to keep the “Covid target” out from the “scopes line of fire”

I have said from the start, Trump must come clean regarding Covid. Anyone would expect this knowing what we’ve learned. Except Trump isn’t just “anyone” and those responsible just gave away their hand. Why?

Because not a single mention of anything Covid during the RNC! This was the opportunity of a lifetime for all the world to hear! To come clean, to apologize and explain what actually went wrong! The who, the what and why’s about everything Covid!

Talk about bringing the entire world together? Talk about breaking the backs of these “Evildoers”? WTF? Please excuse my infrequent use of profanity? But this was a moment in history they let slip away.

Simply because, no mention of OWS, or anything Covid including

“Shots to the Heart” shots, or lockdown related restrictions, etc.

In fact, the fact is, since Dr Francis Boyle signed an affidavit stating Covid,including the

“Bioweapon Shots” are a

“Weapon of Mass Destruction”, how can they allow anything remotely close to this to be discussed further? They can’t and they won’t!

They can’t and they won’t! I’ll say it again. They can’t and they won’t!

This is the end of the most corrupt, military organized and executed “ATTACK” on the American people and America in our 248 year history!

Nobody can convince me otherwise!

Americans and the world, were attacked with a

“Weapon of Mass Destruction” by our own military / intelligence / DOD / Governments and yes absolutely, President Trump!

IMO, the biggest bullet I would have ever taken for America, would have been the

“Covid Bullet”! As I believe Trump should have! Tell the world , explain to “We the People” all people, the damn truth!

Politics and politicians suck, lying sucks worse!

Thats how passionate I feel and how strong willed I am about this situation! Tell THE DAMN TRUTH!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Your eloquent comment is why I'm done with voting in 2024. Also because of the steal in 2020. The pols do not represent us. They never did. And i was too stupid for too long to ever be LIE ve that they represented us the citizens. They do NOT. They're at war with us. They're trying to KILL us.

Yes, it was the DOD behind it.. The DOD ***under the command of the Swiss Banks, NATO, and corporation of London banking interests*** which dictated to 190 countries during Covid in 2020 that either you must all kill off a % of your citizens, OR ELSE we the Swiss banks/NATO will shut down all the loans your countries need to keep things running. Kill your citizens or else. Remember also: the bank repo crisis of October 2019 was simultaneous with the kickoff of Covid-19. It's mass murder.

190 countries would never act all in unison UNLESS an entity FAR MORE POWERFUL than the individual countries ordered them to do so.

So who or what is it that is more powerful than the individual countries? Only the BANKS who keep loaning money to the government even though we're a bankrupt country with 45 trillion in debt in the U.S.A.

Switzerland NEVER sees war within its borders. Death and destruction is visited upon all of the surrounding countries -- England, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, Japan, Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, etc., -- but NEVER the nice "neutral" banking country of Switzerland which finances BOTH sides of the World Wars literally making a killing! Switzerland home of NATO, the W.H.O., the B.I.S. [Bank for International Settlements], whose Swiss guards in their pretty, colorful blue, red, and yellow uniforms also guard the Vatican enclave within the City of Rome.

All the pols do is send our tax dollars to Ukraine and Israel, who then gives some of the stolen money back to the crooked Congress critters as campaign contributions to own them and to insure their continued loyalty to Israel and to crooked dictator Zelenskyy.

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Thanks “Don’t drink the Kool-Aid” thank you!

I am as you are and I believe millions more, fed up to high heaven! Yes they are killing us off, en masse and one by one if they so choose.

There’s only one thing I’ve figured out, America is literally FUZKED! The weaponized government has run its weapons inwards, directly at

“We the People”! We’re the target and it’s only a matter of time!

They’re such cowards they flood America with the “worst of the worst” from all around the world! In conjunction with an organized NATO military force invading America as well!

Overwhelmingly obvious! Half of America is asleep, the stupid white liberal WACKADO woman across America! Those same “pop another anti-anxiety pill”! who’ll believe anything and will do anything to destroy America!

Yes voting is optional, only for those who feel “empowered” as if they matter! Psychologically they feel better voting only to loose their collective minds when the same person keeps winning! That same person they never voted for! AYFKM?

Thanks again “Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid”! More people should wake the freak up and “heed” the warnings!


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I thought you'd find this "Bailiwick News" post by Katherine Watt of interest:

"Why are military servicemen and servicewomen targeted for poisoning by military-directed vaccination maim-kill programs?"


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Yes I absolutely do “Don’t drink the Kool-Aid”! There’s absolutely no doubt that’s what’s happening to our men and women in the military!

The “Globalist” want to build their our own military, if they haven’t one already? I do know the UN and American Sellout’s are ensuring this by allowing America to be overrun by illegals and Chinese Military age men along with UN funded military age men!

It’s completely destroying our country and things will get worse!

Thank you “Don’t” you know the rest.

I’m certainly NOT DRINKING ANYONES COOL-AID, I never have nor will I ever, that’s for damn sure!


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interesting point. Can we see the lack of Effect ie death rate in Switzerland and compare to the rest of the world...hmmm

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You said everything perfectly! I’m still so dam angry but you say it better than I ever could. Thank you AJR

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Thank you Muzikluvr, thank you!


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You know something Dr Alexander, what happened at the RNC was a huge gigantic “kiss my ass” you stupid American people! Kiss my ass! And oh while you’re at it,


Why? Wby? Why?

Look at what’s happening at the damn border? That’s why!

First, they inject millions by force! Millions dead! Now the damn border is OVERRUN! Period!

What does anyone honestly think will happen will all the prisoners from around the world are HERE IN AMERICA? What?

This is all “Dog and Pony” BS show! The RNC, the DNC or whatever the hell is going on with the “communist loving” use to be or use to call themselves democrats! Use to be’s!

America is being DESTROYED!

I’ll leave the rest of my anger for tomorrow! Because this is only going to get worse!


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Hypothetically I would like to find every human involved in the mass genocide of all people brought forthwith to answer for crime against humanity to take lives of the elders, unborn, children in between age people that died or survive and injured. For those who are still with full vitals why are they not being taken care of by specialists remote telemedicine if needed to bring them back to quality of life. Why is the cov bounty for the disease created by man still being rewarded especially if a long hospital stay and the only possible cause of death was cov nothing else. When the truth of death is murder in the simplest form premeditated by greed, lust, power. Has anyone forgotten the 10 commandments though shall not steal covet physical artifact or human life. Not to kill, yet that forgotten also. Do no harm medical code ethics. It does not matter the person nor the money, nor position, you cannot buy your way out of it.

Please, cease the inappropriate actions of profit over a human life. The clot shots continue today, why? Get on knees, repent, can you be forgiven by the creator is the question! Do you have what it takes to stop this disaster time is ticking away? For those involved let it befall upon you family friends and others as you have done to others. For we out number those without a soul what's the excuse?

End of hypothetical situation.

Now anyone that has lost their loved one to the clot shot or seriously wronged and injured. Let's get it going to say no more to the clot shots. People die within 15 minutes after getting the poison injection Don't give a dam who these people are you cannot buy your repentance or eternal salvation. Test subjects animals all died. There is no protection when you lie misrepresent the product. I don't wish to see the innocent ones perish for profit. I don't want to see any child or grandchild perish due to money hungry people.

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excellent informative sharing, thank you, lots to digest...thank you for helping us

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Absolutely agree. The greatest scam-demic of our American history must be answered. Obviously not by these weak men in the GOP. Trump surely wears some of this and it was my hope that he would have wore it humbly and used this as an opportunity to seek a reckoning for those killed, damaged and/or financially hurt by this globalist attack upon our God-given autonomy. I love Trump’s role in Gods plan but he needs to wake up to the evil of our medical institutions and the self proclaimed gods of globalism. He needs to see the true evil behind the very linchpin of this satanic group. Moloch is the demon they serve and the murder if children in the womb has always been their blood lust. Watch PROJECT 1916.

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absolutely beautiful writing here, thank you, 100% agree

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Isn't that the way politics works nowadays? If you are wrong, you don't apologize, you just pretend it never happened and ignore it. I expect that from Biden, but I am disappointed in Trump for that.

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yes, you are right but we cant let that happen here

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Agree that Covid must be addressed and clinical leadership must be held accountable.

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yes, hugs

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I’d like to think Trump is being wise not taking on pharma at this point as Andrew Bridgen in the UK has demonstrated Pharma’s power is huge.The power to bring pharma down lies with the people simply refusing to touch their product and treating those that promoted the poison as pariahs ( given the state refuses at this point to address the problem)

I remain confident that in the end the industry will be brought to its knees and adverse publicity is THE tool to do it. Humour is also very powerful ridiculing the absurdities.

In this regard I have long though a book pointing such out would be very valuable!!

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I think i can understand the strategy-45 does not want to antagonize big pharma right now

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We must have a promise that never again will government take away our rights the lockdowns, essential worker BS, mandatory masks, shuttering certain businesses, mandatory testing, mandatory experimental injections, etc.

never ever again, we need that stated outright by federal, state and local govt.

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And...get it right: Trump, Malone, Bourla, Bancel, et al. mRNA vaccine.

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I saw what you did here

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Yet you all think they will save you...

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Time will show, it was a humungous mistake. The question is, how much time.

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All Trump wants from you is your vote. Your opinion isn’t welcome.

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The fact that they did this *supports* my hypothesis regarding Trump. *Support*, of course, is not confirmation - we're a long way from confirmation. But the pieces continue to add up. No mention of the greatest crime in all human history. No calling out any of the perpetrators. No promise of justice for the tens of millions that have been harmed or killed or whose lives have been devastated.

I just saw one person - "DB" - who is asking many of the same questions as I have been for years. Listen carefully: just as the mainstream media and government officials criminally covered-up for Biden these past years, DO NOT do the same. If Trump is trash then SAY SO - don't do as they did!!!

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did you hear any mention of COVID or the deadly vaccine? no, it was devastating that 100 speakers 5 days and no mention...about the most devastating public health disaster...I dont blame him...there is and was lots of monkey business behind the scenes

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he needs to take control of the messaging...he does not yet have that

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That's right - NOTHING! So apparently the "monkey business" you speak of is going to continue unopposed, since those with the 'clout' - the power, authority and resources to make something happen - opt to remain silent and not act.

That was what Trump did in 2017-2020. By his silence and non-action, Trump paved the road for the Globalist Cabal to take over the helm completely - which, of course, they did. For the past 4 years and counting we have been living the consequences of Trump's silence and non-action. Much more to come.

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When you're eyeballs deep in shit...

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