Retire! I say Retire Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin, Weissman, Kariko et al.! Why? You MUST give back all your research grant monies, prizes, your salaries for you 6 are IDIOTS, damn stupid MORONS,
dolts, technically inept, academically sloppy, for you knew, you 6 especially Malone & Bourla that the COVID mRNA vaccine induces ANTIBODIES 'systemically' (SYSTEMIC COMPARTMENT aka blood stream)
and CANNOT, as there is NO suitable effective mechanism, whereby mRNA vaccinal induced antibodies to a target antigen (in this case the spike protein) can effectively enter the RESPIRATORY COMPARTMENT (respiratory mucosa) where the pathogen/virus resides e.g. nasal mucosa, upper respiratory tract, oral (mouth to digestive tract) mucosa, lower respiratory tract…where the vaccinal induced circulatory antibodies cannot effectively protect…stated again, the antibodies induced after getting the COVID vaccine in the deltoid enter the blood stream (systemically, serologically) and they cannot effectively (properly) enter the lung/respiratory tract where they are needed. Where they were needed. So the COVID mRNA vaccine COULD NOT effectively work, day one! It was dead and I ask, anyone reading this, show me/us how this vaccine helped one person, just one!
‘Vaccines that are injected into the muscle – i.e., the interior of the body – will only induce IgG and circulating IgA, not secretory IgA. Such antibodies cannot and will not effectively protect the mucous membranes from infection by SARS-CoV-2.’
I argue that the COVID mRNA vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer etc.) never ever even protected the upper airways. It was moot and never worked and I ask Malone and Bourla and Bancel etc. to challenge me/us on this. We really want to know…I know Malone reads my stack, each post, I know what goes on in his orbit for people who are there remain friends with me. He is obsessed with my writing so I challenge him, prove to me and the world, that this vaccine with your mRNA technology worked, show us. Show us how mechanically it worked to confer protection, show us the data too, the unambiguous data you said existed, show it to us, that the mRNA vaccine reduced deaths…
bottom line, the COVID mRNA vaccine by Moderna, Pfizer, BioNTech could have never worked for the antibodies (IgG antibodies, immunoglobulin G) that they induce exist systemically (serologically) and what is needed is antibodies in the nasal mucosa locally (nostrils, back of the throat, upper respiratory tract etc. where the virus resides, lands and resides and begins the infection sequelae. IgA or SigA or secretory A is what functions at the nasal mucosa and what is needed, not serological circulatory IgG or circulatory IgA. Serological IgG antibodies as per Bhakdi, ‘cannot and will not effectively protect the mucous membranes from infection by SARS-CoV-2.’ They cannot get there.
Why did the famous 6 stay silent and not tell us this. A simple statement.
And you 6 dolts above, you 6 preeners, who remained silent knowing the mRNA vaccine COULD NOT work, could never work, and never worked, setting aside that you chose the spike protein which was the toxic end of the virus as the target antigen for the immune response, you chose the spike protein where the mutations accumulate and so the vaccine would always MISS (viral immune escape) the circulating sub-variant, you knew there would be original antigenic sin (OAS) (immune fixation, immune priming, immune prejudice) where the response is to the initial prime or vaccine exposure, you knew there would be antibody-dependent enhancement of infection (ADEI) and of disease (ADED), you knew that the vaccine was non-sterilizing and thus would not stop infection or transmission (making mandates moot yet you remained silent on this and why), that the vaccine could not cut the chain of transmission and thus could have never gotten us to HERD immunity, yet on top of all this that you knew and remained silent, and shame on you Malone for you (folk like you) strut about lying and deceiving the nation, the world and are a con (cons) man, grifting and grafting, for all of this you/you all knew yet was silent, lying to us about the shots (defies logic), yet on top of all of this, you knew the vaccine just COULD NOT work!
We needed a mucosal ‘localized’ vaccine, one that was targetted to the nasal mucosa (liquid slimy ‘snot’ lining) inducing SigA (immunoglobulin A)…a vaccine that conferred mucosal immunity, induces nasal immunoglobulin responses…note, (secretory IgA) is produced by immune cells (lymphocytes) which are located directly underneath the mucous membranes that line the respiratory and intestinal tract.
ppppssstttt, see what Bhakdi said about this:
Note, I am no expert, no immunologist, no vaccinologist.
Perhaps the MRNA VACCINE was needed to achieves different goal and not made to help fight COVID 19. Was there something the powers that be wanted circulating in our blood? The white clots that have killed so many? The self—assembling graphene nano structures for future downloading info to our bodies? Does anyone know?
No, we don’t need any “vaccine” ever! They knew this was a bio weapon against humanity. They knew. Well in advance. Maloney baloney knows he worked with the US government to help create a bio weapon. He knows who he works for. He is a sociopath hiding in plain sight behind the medical freedom movement. We see who he truly is. He’s not fooling the majority of us. Enjoy your horse farm Maloney. Your ill gotten gains. What a pathetic POS!