The content here I think is critical to share to help further unravel the madness we have been living and the many questions that still about about this fraud COVID pandemic...
With the high percentage of excess deaths and significant injuries in the vaxed and boosted, a more virulent variant seems like redundant overkill.
It would appear that the current situation where the majority is declining boosters should decrease the likelihood of a virulent variant emerging. This positive effect could be threatened by pressured or mandated annual or biannual covid shots.
If "covid" is all a lie, and the covid shots (countermeasures) are the disaster, why do we continue "testing" for covid with inaccurate and useless tools (tests made in China).
Remind people (who have poor diets and do not take care of themselves) that they will have 2 or 3 colds a year and should stay home to recover.
We still have to make Ivermectin and hydroychloroquine available over the counter. "Covid" should be treatable without a doctor.
The criminals in the DOD and the Deep State likely have more evil plans for us that we cannot possible anticipate.
I intend to continue avoiding crowds and all strangers and keep my unvaxed family and friends close. I will trust that my strong immune system that allowed me to survive a bad case of "covid" in mid-February 2020 will continue to protect me as I continue to protect it with a healthy diet, exercise, fresh air, and Vitamin D supplementation.
I will also avoid all doctors and hospitals to the greatest extent possible.
The body's natural immune system has to be allowed to function properly, not highjacked by an mRNA toxic protein, and supported as mentioned above with lifestyle components (remember that corporate processed food manufacturers put in sugar and seed oils which are highly inflammatory). As a kid, I observed what my Great-grandparents ate and where they ate their real food, what activities & jobs they had, and their groups of friends. They built their own houses, cows were butchered, meals were eaten at home or put in lunch boxes, they either worked outside or did stuff outdoors (one had a push-mower for cutting the grass, no gas engine), they walked a lot, fruits and vegetables at the end of summer were "canned" in glass jars, vacations were spent to either visit relatives or driving to tourist areas with friends, i.e., caravans. It was a different era. Obesity and T2 diabetes were rare.
I am so disheartened by all of the infighting- every day we lose lives and witness maiming and injuries- every second is crucial to our cause and someone needs to take control of the situation or humanity is doomed! Waiting for a 2024 election that will be rigged is just wasting precious time and lives!!!!!
You'll all be there once you all finally admit it's Nano technology that is designed to track and trace, if the owners don't like you... they can kill you.
Who are the real owners of this technology, and ordered its deployment? That is the question.
I'll pose a more pressing question; how do we best neutralize the injected/ingested/inhaled/transfected bioweapon system before they mass 5/6 and 7G irradiate the carriers/casualties of the programmed LNP's and activate them to release their payloads?
If there are survivors, there will be time to sort particulars.
EDTA Chelation IV, Dermal or liposomal oral. Alkalizing, Chelating and Mitigating diet. Good supplements. 4D sacred geometry modulating audio lasers and 4D sacred geometry modulating audio frequency, technological shamanism, very hard to get your hands on. Unless you have a rare chanting voice like mine, plus law of attraction. Frequency shielding.
Ultimately shutting down the 5G, 6G and 7G, or replacing the peoples in charge of it. The peoples of the world will have to rise up, Fatima prophecy style.
Some of this does not make sense. We have been told that the mutation variants are continually weakening which contradicts the prediction of more virulent microbes. Now if what is predicted is new toxic 'microbes' that will be more virulent, that makes sense. As has been revealed by that young whistleblower from Pfizer, the intent is to increase mutational development of microbes from other species. And we know the US continues to fund/support bioweapons labs in China and Ukraine and probably other countries that accept this as well.
I also question the limited view that money/greed is the sole goal of these pandemics. Control of the population, depopulation, genocidal eugenics is clearly at the core of what is happening.
I think this is the reasonable approach: consider that more than one hypothesis can be true, and can, in fact, reinforce one another to gain a more comprehensive perspective. It’s when we try to force one over others that the picture seems inconsistent. Taking them together is a form of sense making.
Both/and thinking rather than either/or. It’s important to keep an open mind when the data is incomplete (or withheld as in many instances).
Dr.Paul....Thank are sacrificing your Life, your Income,& your Science to right this criminal-wrong-doing. You are a Patriot Sir...and We thank you.
I think WHEN people actually experienced Covid SYMPTOMS should be considered as important possible evidence of WHEN large numbers of people actually began to be infected by this virus.
It would follow (logically?) from our understanding of previous viruses/outbreaks that the earliest version(s) of this virus were the most lethal. Most of the (relatively few) deaths that occurred were from the "original" virus and probably occurred in the time span when .... MILLIONS of people developed "Covid-like" symptoms. However, as many authors have pointed out, no noticeable spike of deaths occurred before March 15th, 2020.
This hypothesis makes me (and others) think the vast majority of later deaths were from, or caused by, other myriad (iatrogenic) reasons. This makes me think there is a massive unreported scandal - crimes against humanity - that produced all of these allegedly "Covid" deaths, which couldn't have all been from this virus ... if the virus actually becomes less lethal the longer it's been circulating.
I still think it's significant that the massive spike in "Covid deaths" also happened in the warmer-weather spring weeks and months. Historically, this is NOT when people die from a respiratory virus. These people die or are hospitalized or have symptoms in the "cold and flu" months.
This week I plan to publish a story presenting overwhelming evidence that far more people in America experienced ILI/Covid symptoms in the "flu season" of 2019-2020 than in recent flu seasons. I'm not saying every person in America who became "sick" between November 2019 and early March 2020 had Covid. However, I think a certain percentage (maybe 20 to 30 percent?) who had these symptoms probably did have Covid. If one believes in asymptomatic cases, you could probably double the "case" numbers of "early spread." I think the virus was very contagious, but it was NOT "lethal" to 99.9 percent of the people who contracted it.
I think tens of millions of Americans had already been infected by the lockdown dates. I also wonder why our experts and officials never considered the possibility this virus had already spread across the country given the copious evidence of much-increased ILI cases in America.
Do you consider the non-neutralizing impact of ineffective "vaccines" putting evolutionary pressure on the virus to mutate into a form more lethal to those vaxed individuals whose immune system has been trained into a state of Antibody Dependent Enhancement?
I think that is likely happening, Taylor. This fits my maxim "The Law of Opposite Effects" - whatever the experts say will happen, the opposite will almost certainly happen. If the experts said the "vaccines" would reduce cases, they probably increased the number of cases. Paul, among others, writes often about this.
The truly sad and difficult part to accept is that there were no meaningful mRNA gene therapy injection trials before these deadly substances were unleashed upon the fearful public. We are now in year 3 of the trials involving the entire human race and one has to wonder if they will end after billions are murdered.
Yes, Gorgo, no excuse for that --except for the lies that there were no repurposed treatments for "covid," and that all segments of the population were equally at risk of a horror-movie death from "covid."
Pfizer's covid drug trial documents, concealed by the FDA until they were court-ordered to disclose them to the public in monthly tranches, were enough to convince me that mRNA gene therapy is as disastrous a concept as eating a forbidden apple from the biblical Tree of Knowledge. It should be outlawed with as strong deterrents and punishments as human cloning experiments should be outlawed.
You’ve pretty much provided a complete primer here on Geert’s well-studied, SCIENCE-based work in explaining the “dance” between viruses ( or Couey’s engineered plasmid encased Spike exosomes ) and a huge percentages of human populations that were “vaxxed” in the middle of a pandemic with a non-neutralizing “vaccine”. As you and Geert make clear, we aren’t out of the woods yet.
GVB is predicting mass death caused by the "coming variant." You agree? What will we do if he's right? I want to hear more from you Dr. Alexander. Please write more about GVB's predictions.
Spoiler alert: The coming variant is already on board the population. It's programmed in the LNP's already delivered to some 5.5 billion carriers/victims. Awaiting release/activation by 5/6 and 7G irradiation trigger. The what to do is decontamination STAT. By all means possible to include specifically IV EDTA chelation. Read Dr. Anna Marie Mihalcea. She's on substack.
I don't know about everybody. I don't even know about me and mine. I do know I googled it and there are practitioners in Middle Tn. I'll be calling some Monday to find out about pricing. My friend got oral EDTA yesterday at a local supplement store. ~24$ for 30. I bought a transdermal cream Dr Anna recommends online. $60. If I have to sell some shit, I'm gonna do this detox. If it's at all possible. I just don't cotton to the idea of a chemical lobotomy. #FJB and everyone else that's done this to us. They'll be hunted. Probly not long from now.
There's nowhere near me that has any of this stuff we're supposed to be taking. I'm a state and a half North of you. We never have anything cool. 😉 I don't want any kind of lobotomy! Take care!
There is a National registry of chelation therapists. As Larry the Cable Guy says, Git 'er done! You take care too. God Bless us all. The sons of bitches will be taken out. I just don't want to be a victim. I've lost folks to this already.
The problem is they are already slipping it into the food system . Dr Ana has found contaminated grocery store meat. There might be no escape. Also unvaxxed blood showing contamination.
At this point I can't see entertaining the possibility of not being contaminated as anything more than naive wishful thinking. I hate it, but there it is. I am gonna pursue a vigorous decontamination process and buy more food, guns and ammo. In that order. Given they've already murdered some millions of us and can't back away from that fact, I have to prepare for the inevitability they will proceed. It doesn't get prettier from here in the near term.
The VAYERS dead is right at 40K. Given the gubment is still pushing the bioweapon as Safe and Effective Vaccines... everyone will believe what they will
"Did the makers of the vaccine, did the CDC, did the FDA and NIH experts not know this? This is basic immunology 101. IMO it is as if they designed the gene injection vaccine response to fail."
Yes, of course they knew it: the "gene injection vaccine response" was designed not only to fail, but to kill as many of us as possible. Either immediately post shot, or more gradually, or eventually... ingenious, as it's harder that way to pin down to the deathshot.
The evil people running our lives really meant it when they said they want to reduce the earth's population to 500 million. And every last thing that's happening now, from "trans" mutilation /sterilization of children , to the toxic plumes of East Palestine ruining thousands of acres of farmland, is aimed at this Agenda.
If you don't already, Dr. Alexander, I strongly recommend reading Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova here on Substack. And Sage Hana if you enjoy cryptic sarcasm.
Thank you for being one of our heroes exposing their lies.
I thought we all agreed the entire COVID19 theatre is BIOTERRORISM 101 planned, funded and produced by the worst government on earth…in DC…aiming high to destroy ALL of humanity EVERYDAY???
Paul…Like what commenter, Dennis posted, “YOU are needed in the Global ER!!! If there are survivors, there will be time to sort all the rest.”
Dennis is right! All the small differences can be ironed out in a conversation AFTER…we win!
Your Global psychopath enemies have at least 100 war plans ready to go against you while you are focused on minutia unimportant to winning the most serious, dangerous war for humanity! Our enemies understand the value of strategic planners to win against us! The Right does not get this YET!
Paul…hope you are getting hooked up with serious strategic planners for our team! Focus must be on highest priorities…NOT distractions!
Yes…Our government is ground zero for ALL the pain and suffering of ALL humanity! Who is supposed to hold politicians accountable at every level?
Need I ask any more questions except the most important one?
If it is..the following message that I repeat EVERYDAY is for you!
The buck stops with us…The People!!!
UNITY is critical to the survival of ALL humanity and winning this war for future generations!
We must unite and fight with ALL we have…Satan cannot win!
Lex Greene says it all at this DANGEROUS moment in America’s history! Contact Lex if you are ready to FINALLY unite with serious strategic planners…
Dear Dr A. Really appreciate your professionalism and all you've done, but your talents are needed on the Front Lines. There's a War on. Someone (and you would be the logical choice) needs to tell your readers "the coming variant" is already on board the population. It has been injected/ingested/transfected to virtually everyone on the planet. The LNP's are programmed synthetic biological technologicial weapons carrier platforms which will be triggered to release their toxins by irradiation from 5/6 and 7G towers and/or cell phones. Best case survival response RIGHT NOW is whole body blood detoxification via IV EDTA chelation therapy combined with known Covid recovery protocols. Ivr. hydrox, Vit D, C, etc.
You are needed in the Global ER!!! If there are survivors, there will be time to sort all the rest.
Respectfully, I can't know who the we are you are speaking for, but do know I am not among them. I will continue to count myself among those who are more inclined to "believe my own lying eyes" than criminal government imposters' patent propaganda campaigns. And thanks for your encouragement to not panic. I'll take it into consideration.
With the high percentage of excess deaths and significant injuries in the vaxed and boosted, a more virulent variant seems like redundant overkill.
It would appear that the current situation where the majority is declining boosters should decrease the likelihood of a virulent variant emerging. This positive effect could be threatened by pressured or mandated annual or biannual covid shots.
If "covid" is all a lie, and the covid shots (countermeasures) are the disaster, why do we continue "testing" for covid with inaccurate and useless tools (tests made in China).
Remind people (who have poor diets and do not take care of themselves) that they will have 2 or 3 colds a year and should stay home to recover.
We still have to make Ivermectin and hydroychloroquine available over the counter. "Covid" should be treatable without a doctor.
The criminals in the DOD and the Deep State likely have more evil plans for us that we cannot possible anticipate.
I intend to continue avoiding crowds and all strangers and keep my unvaxed family and friends close. I will trust that my strong immune system that allowed me to survive a bad case of "covid" in mid-February 2020 will continue to protect me as I continue to protect it with a healthy diet, exercise, fresh air, and Vitamin D supplementation.
I will also avoid all doctors and hospitals to the greatest extent possible.
excellent compilation. the key is pressure have to be reduced, either virus or has to be stopped.
Very insightfully stated!
The body's natural immune system has to be allowed to function properly, not highjacked by an mRNA toxic protein, and supported as mentioned above with lifestyle components (remember that corporate processed food manufacturers put in sugar and seed oils which are highly inflammatory). As a kid, I observed what my Great-grandparents ate and where they ate their real food, what activities & jobs they had, and their groups of friends. They built their own houses, cows were butchered, meals were eaten at home or put in lunch boxes, they either worked outside or did stuff outdoors (one had a push-mower for cutting the grass, no gas engine), they walked a lot, fruits and vegetables at the end of summer were "canned" in glass jars, vacations were spent to either visit relatives or driving to tourist areas with friends, i.e., caravans. It was a different era. Obesity and T2 diabetes were rare.
You are very lucky to have unvaxed family members. All of mine complied and I'm far from the only one in this category.
I am so disheartened by all of the infighting- every day we lose lives and witness maiming and injuries- every second is crucial to our cause and someone needs to take control of the situation or humanity is doomed! Waiting for a 2024 election that will be rigged is just wasting precious time and lives!!!!!
You'll all be there once you all finally admit it's Nano technology that is designed to track and trace, if the owners don't like you... they can kill you.
Who are the real owners of this technology, and ordered its deployment? That is the question.
I'll pose a more pressing question; how do we best neutralize the injected/ingested/inhaled/transfected bioweapon system before they mass 5/6 and 7G irradiate the carriers/casualties of the programmed LNP's and activate them to release their payloads?
If there are survivors, there will be time to sort particulars.
Food and ammo.
This is gonna get shitty.
EDTA Chelation IV, Dermal or liposomal oral. Alkalizing, Chelating and Mitigating diet. Good supplements. 4D sacred geometry modulating audio lasers and 4D sacred geometry modulating audio frequency, technological shamanism, very hard to get your hands on. Unless you have a rare chanting voice like mine, plus law of attraction. Frequency shielding.
Ultimately shutting down the 5G, 6G and 7G, or replacing the peoples in charge of it. The peoples of the world will have to rise up, Fatima prophecy style.
Reads like you have a grip on this. Way cool. There will be survivors. There will be a Reckoning.
In answer to your question.
16 minutes
Some of this does not make sense. We have been told that the mutation variants are continually weakening which contradicts the prediction of more virulent microbes. Now if what is predicted is new toxic 'microbes' that will be more virulent, that makes sense. As has been revealed by that young whistleblower from Pfizer, the intent is to increase mutational development of microbes from other species. And we know the US continues to fund/support bioweapons labs in China and Ukraine and probably other countries that accept this as well.
I also question the limited view that money/greed is the sole goal of these pandemics. Control of the population, depopulation, genocidal eugenics is clearly at the core of what is happening.
Stop the injections NOW! Save our children!
I think this is the reasonable approach: consider that more than one hypothesis can be true, and can, in fact, reinforce one another to gain a more comprehensive perspective. It’s when we try to force one over others that the picture seems inconsistent. Taking them together is a form of sense making.
Both/and thinking rather than either/or. It’s important to keep an open mind when the data is incomplete (or withheld as in many instances).
Thanks, Doc
Dr.Paul....Thank are sacrificing your Life, your Income,& your Science to right this criminal-wrong-doing. You are a Patriot Sir...and We thank you.
I think WHEN people actually experienced Covid SYMPTOMS should be considered as important possible evidence of WHEN large numbers of people actually began to be infected by this virus.
It would follow (logically?) from our understanding of previous viruses/outbreaks that the earliest version(s) of this virus were the most lethal. Most of the (relatively few) deaths that occurred were from the "original" virus and probably occurred in the time span when .... MILLIONS of people developed "Covid-like" symptoms. However, as many authors have pointed out, no noticeable spike of deaths occurred before March 15th, 2020.
This hypothesis makes me (and others) think the vast majority of later deaths were from, or caused by, other myriad (iatrogenic) reasons. This makes me think there is a massive unreported scandal - crimes against humanity - that produced all of these allegedly "Covid" deaths, which couldn't have all been from this virus ... if the virus actually becomes less lethal the longer it's been circulating.
I still think it's significant that the massive spike in "Covid deaths" also happened in the warmer-weather spring weeks and months. Historically, this is NOT when people die from a respiratory virus. These people die or are hospitalized or have symptoms in the "cold and flu" months.
This week I plan to publish a story presenting overwhelming evidence that far more people in America experienced ILI/Covid symptoms in the "flu season" of 2019-2020 than in recent flu seasons. I'm not saying every person in America who became "sick" between November 2019 and early March 2020 had Covid. However, I think a certain percentage (maybe 20 to 30 percent?) who had these symptoms probably did have Covid. If one believes in asymptomatic cases, you could probably double the "case" numbers of "early spread." I think the virus was very contagious, but it was NOT "lethal" to 99.9 percent of the people who contracted it.
I think tens of millions of Americans had already been infected by the lockdown dates. I also wonder why our experts and officials never considered the possibility this virus had already spread across the country given the copious evidence of much-increased ILI cases in America.
Hi, Bill: Not sure how to word this:
Do you consider the non-neutralizing impact of ineffective "vaccines" putting evolutionary pressure on the virus to mutate into a form more lethal to those vaxed individuals whose immune system has been trained into a state of Antibody Dependent Enhancement?
I think that is likely happening, Taylor. This fits my maxim "The Law of Opposite Effects" - whatever the experts say will happen, the opposite will almost certainly happen. If the experts said the "vaccines" would reduce cases, they probably increased the number of cases. Paul, among others, writes often about this.
The truly sad and difficult part to accept is that there were no meaningful mRNA gene therapy injection trials before these deadly substances were unleashed upon the fearful public. We are now in year 3 of the trials involving the entire human race and one has to wonder if they will end after billions are murdered.
Yes, Gorgo, no excuse for that --except for the lies that there were no repurposed treatments for "covid," and that all segments of the population were equally at risk of a horror-movie death from "covid."
Pfizer's covid drug trial documents, concealed by the FDA until they were court-ordered to disclose them to the public in monthly tranches, were enough to convince me that mRNA gene therapy is as disastrous a concept as eating a forbidden apple from the biblical Tree of Knowledge. It should be outlawed with as strong deterrents and punishments as human cloning experiments should be outlawed.
With the evil intent already proven. How long before the next "virus" is released to kill the already weak & compromised immunity, remaining people?
You’ve pretty much provided a complete primer here on Geert’s well-studied, SCIENCE-based work in explaining the “dance” between viruses ( or Couey’s engineered plasmid encased Spike exosomes ) and a huge percentages of human populations that were “vaxxed” in the middle of a pandemic with a non-neutralizing “vaccine”. As you and Geert make clear, we aren’t out of the woods yet.
GVB is predicting mass death caused by the "coming variant." You agree? What will we do if he's right? I want to hear more from you Dr. Alexander. Please write more about GVB's predictions.
Spoiler alert: The coming variant is already on board the population. It's programmed in the LNP's already delivered to some 5.5 billion carriers/victims. Awaiting release/activation by 5/6 and 7G irradiation trigger. The what to do is decontamination STAT. By all means possible to include specifically IV EDTA chelation. Read Dr. Anna Marie Mihalcea. She's on substack.
Yeah, 'cause EVERYBODY has access to IV chelation. 🙄
I don't know about everybody. I don't even know about me and mine. I do know I googled it and there are practitioners in Middle Tn. I'll be calling some Monday to find out about pricing. My friend got oral EDTA yesterday at a local supplement store. ~24$ for 30. I bought a transdermal cream Dr Anna recommends online. $60. If I have to sell some shit, I'm gonna do this detox. If it's at all possible. I just don't cotton to the idea of a chemical lobotomy. #FJB and everyone else that's done this to us. They'll be hunted. Probly not long from now.
There's nowhere near me that has any of this stuff we're supposed to be taking. I'm a state and a half North of you. We never have anything cool. 😉 I don't want any kind of lobotomy! Take care!
There is a National registry of chelation therapists. As Larry the Cable Guy says, Git 'er done! You take care too. God Bless us all. The sons of bitches will be taken out. I just don't want to be a victim. I've lost folks to this already.
I'm sorry to hear you've lost people to this mess. God bless us all, is right! God bless us everyone!
The problem is they are already slipping it into the food system . Dr Ana has found contaminated grocery store meat. There might be no escape. Also unvaxxed blood showing contamination.
At this point I can't see entertaining the possibility of not being contaminated as anything more than naive wishful thinking. I hate it, but there it is. I am gonna pursue a vigorous decontamination process and buy more food, guns and ammo. In that order. Given they've already murdered some millions of us and can't back away from that fact, I have to prepare for the inevitability they will proceed. It doesn't get prettier from here in the near term.
Where is the evidence?
Atty Todd Callender /FreedomProject
The VAYERS dead is right at 40K. Given the gubment is still pushing the bioweapon as Safe and Effective Vaccines... everyone will believe what they will
Dr. Alexander, can you please post a link to Dr. Rob Rennebohm's Substack?
"Did the makers of the vaccine, did the CDC, did the FDA and NIH experts not know this? This is basic immunology 101. IMO it is as if they designed the gene injection vaccine response to fail."
Yes, of course they knew it: the "gene injection vaccine response" was designed not only to fail, but to kill as many of us as possible. Either immediately post shot, or more gradually, or eventually... ingenious, as it's harder that way to pin down to the deathshot.
The evil people running our lives really meant it when they said they want to reduce the earth's population to 500 million. And every last thing that's happening now, from "trans" mutilation /sterilization of children , to the toxic plumes of East Palestine ruining thousands of acres of farmland, is aimed at this Agenda.
If you don't already, Dr. Alexander, I strongly recommend reading Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova here on Substack. And Sage Hana if you enjoy cryptic sarcasm.
Thank you for being one of our heroes exposing their lies.
Paul and all,
I thought we all agreed the entire COVID19 theatre is BIOTERRORISM 101 planned, funded and produced by the worst government on earth…in DC…aiming high to destroy ALL of humanity EVERYDAY???
Paul…Like what commenter, Dennis posted, “YOU are needed in the Global ER!!! If there are survivors, there will be time to sort all the rest.”
Dennis is right! All the small differences can be ironed out in a conversation AFTER…we win!
Your Global psychopath enemies have at least 100 war plans ready to go against you while you are focused on minutia unimportant to winning the most serious, dangerous war for humanity! Our enemies understand the value of strategic planners to win against us! The Right does not get this YET!
Paul…hope you are getting hooked up with serious strategic planners for our team! Focus must be on highest priorities…NOT distractions!
Yes…Our government is ground zero for ALL the pain and suffering of ALL humanity! Who is supposed to hold politicians accountable at every level?
Need I ask any more questions except the most important one?
If it is..the following message that I repeat EVERYDAY is for you!
The buck stops with us…The People!!!
UNITY is critical to the survival of ALL humanity and winning this war for future generations!
We must unite and fight with ALL we have…Satan cannot win!
Lex Greene says it all at this DANGEROUS moment in America’s history! Contact Lex if you are ready to FINALLY unite with serious strategic planners…
Personally…I have worked with Lex and the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years…America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!
Mother/Grandmother Lion of now almost 7 as of yesterday! New life is the best!!!
Dear Dr A. Really appreciate your professionalism and all you've done, but your talents are needed on the Front Lines. There's a War on. Someone (and you would be the logical choice) needs to tell your readers "the coming variant" is already on board the population. It has been injected/ingested/transfected to virtually everyone on the planet. The LNP's are programmed synthetic biological technologicial weapons carrier platforms which will be triggered to release their toxins by irradiation from 5/6 and 7G towers and/or cell phones. Best case survival response RIGHT NOW is whole body blood detoxification via IV EDTA chelation therapy combined with known Covid recovery protocols. Ivr. hydrox, Vit D, C, etc.
You are needed in the Global ER!!! If there are survivors, there will be time to sort all the rest.
(We don't actually know this to be true. Please do not panic.)
Respectfully, I can't know who the we are you are speaking for, but do know I am not among them. I will continue to count myself among those who are more inclined to "believe my own lying eyes" than criminal government imposters' patent propaganda campaigns. And thanks for your encouragement to not panic. I'll take it into consideration.
Best wishes.
Thanks, and to you.