There is not a snow ball’s chance in Hell that Biden, Trump and RFK Jr will stand and debate on a stage together.

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RFK Jr is great on the vaccine issue and ending endless wars,but he's in favor of the continued bloodshed of over 63 million precious innocent defenseless helpless voiceless babies made in God's image,God will destroy this nation due to this. Wicked,evil. He's doesn't support free speech or the right to bear arms to defend our families our lives,that's a dangerous man who needs God annd limited government is best not more government like he would like and all politicians love, trust in Jesus Christ He idls Faithful and True, politicians are not,He is our Great God and Savior and hope. Titus 2:13, Psalm 33 12 Psalm 9 17 Psalm 2 Psalm 118:6-9 Jeremiah 17 5 John 3:16,John 14:6,Acts 5:29, Acts 16:30-31, Ephesians 2:8-9 Romans 5:1 Romans 6:23 2 Timothy 1:7 Titus 3:5 Philippians 3:20,4:13 Revelation 17:24, Revelation 19:11-20. Blessings

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RFK has nothing to lose, Biden has already lost it & doesn’t know it, Trump is revealing terrible judgement

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“Safe and effective” is Trump-speak confirming he is in Big Pharma’s pocket. How else can anyone justify the man’s continued promotion of the rat poison injections?

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Will this mRNA insanity ever end? I fear the Pharma complex will win its war against truth and debate with the help of legacy media, the worthless federal bureaucracies and power hungry congressional representatives. Are we fricking doomed? Can we ever get back open and honest debate?

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Good point Dr. Alexander. RFK Jr has a huge advantage over both Biden and Trump, because he will tell the truth about the dangerous and worse-than-ineffective "vaccine".

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Absolutely! I believe it will take a

REVOLUTION to end this once and for all. The day of us wanting & waiting are done! Over… at what point do we the people finally end the abuse and put the evil ones down the black hole never to see the light of day ever again?!?

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I agree, but then could never vote for RKJ. The question is? Why have so many complied? Could they not see how shady this whole thing was from the start. The way they demonized early treatment, doctors, and Ivermectin???? And Bill Gates was involved???? Please!!! And why are the developers of this technology not held accountable on some level?

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No act will EVER make America "Whole" again after Depopulation efforts.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13


The RealClearPolitics polling average of a hypothetical five-way race between Trump, Biden, Kennedy, West, and Stein shows the candidates earning 41.3%, 38.4%, 12.9%, 2.4%, and 1.7%, respectively.

Legal Challenges

Assuming no candidates drop out or surge to prominence unexpectedly, Trump's legal woes remain one of the potentially most significant factors that could impact the lineup of the race.

Why am I posting this? Simple, rfk Jr can't win this race. This is between Trump and Biden. You continue to beat the same dead horse. Less ans less people care about covid. Our main issues are the economy, cultural Marxism and worldwide wars.

Given the choice between the two main candidates you have to factor in their records.

Trump had a successful first run while being persecuted by the deep state 24/7/365.

Trump created a strong economy and no new world conflicts. Biden has undone all of that.

Biden mandated the jab, Trump didn't.

Trump has continued to maintain that he will cut funding for any organization that mandates the jab.

Look at what the deepstate has us is doing to Trump to try to stop him from getting back in the White house.

Your recent stacks are complete nonsense.

Trump's ows may well have stopped years long lickdowns.

What if Trump issued a statement condemning the vaccines as deadly?

What would the bad guys and media do?

They would call Trump a murderer and reinstate their draconian lockdowns and mandates. Trump has been consistent in his messaging, no funding for mandates.

You are hurting Trump by beating this same dead horse day after day and that is hurting our chances at getting Trump back into office so he can restore our economy and world standing.

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You people are way past a joke. The damage done by the vaccines is above what publicly known technology can fix, and it was designed to be deadly and is deadly.

However, .........MEDBEDS.......technology is not from this planet.....and can fix and restore DNA.

That is just waiting to be released when you people will wake up, if ever, out of your stupor and ingrained ignorance. Turn of your bloody TV and get on the internet and do some bloody research.

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Kennedy is no gun grabbing shit lib. He supports 1A, 2A, border security and will try to reign in the war machine and big pharma. We haven’t had a candidate like him in decades. He’s the only one speaking honestly.

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Both Biden and Trump should be scared to death of him.

In a debate with Kennedy, the only recourse they would have is to ad hom relentlessly.

But that will show them to be what they are, empty bought shills for big pharma.

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POTUS Trump is a fruad. Send him and his vaccine out the door.

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I don’t come here to debate or argue. Your beliefs aren’t given any credence or validity because of your education. The world is filled with apostate, heathen and pagan teachings and beliefs and belief systems and they don’t prove, in any way, that Christian beliefs and history are invalid in the least. They are the beliefs of men and the world and they are entitled to believe what they want. But again those beliefs do not invalidate Christian history and/or beliefs in even the least way. I don't mean that to say your beliefs are heathen or pagan I just mean there are many beliefs that oppose my Christian faith and that doesn’t make my beliefs and faith wrong. As I reread my opening words they do seem harsh and I apologize if they insulted you. It was not my intention and why I followed those words with my point of saying them. As far as the disciples you named they all walked with the Lord during his ministry. The Apostle Paul (Saul of Tarsus) was very highly educated and “met” the Lord on the road to Damascus and turned from being one of the fiercest persecutors of the Christians into possibly the strongest Saint of his time (or ever, IMHO). All of these are historical facts backed by not just “religious” writings but by secular historians also. To try and answer your question I do know that John was exiled to the Isle of Patmos (where through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he wrote the Book of Revelation) and that is written of in ancient Roman documents. I’m am absolutely certain based on your education I am not telling you anything you don’t already know. I’m not saying that to patronize but so you don’t think I say it because I’m trying to “educate” you. But what is ultimately important is not debating or anything like that. What really matters is we all will have to answer for our words and deeds. You have a strong educational background and your apparent beliefs are grounded in that education. I have no education of any kind. I joined the Marines at seventeen, was saved by God’s Grace and Mercy by accepting Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior through faith. Far wiser people than myself are incredibly more knowledgeable in Scripture than I am. My Faith comes solely from God through His Holy Spirit and Holy Word but has also been confirmed to me many times as I walked out of the death all around me unscathed. The fact I am able to type this to you today confirmed to me ALL I know about the Great I AM is absolute fact and I have followed Lord Jesus Christ for almost fifty years and by His Grace and Mercy I will continue to until my days on earth are over. I have no idea what people do here debating, arguing, fighting, criticizing and insulting. I am not that person. I have lived through far too much and know what matters in life. I don’t agree with your thought process but I have seen and heard it countless times before. I don’t say that as an insult or with disrespect. I say it to just let you know I understand how you think as you do and I respect your right to do so. As I said I have no education and certainly not any match for you. If you want to debate or argue or whatever I’m not your opponent. If you would like to discuss thought and beliefs then I would be happy to do so. My purpose is not to judge and it’s not my purpose to “convert” either. Beliefs are a very emotional topic for many that elicits sometimes harsh and disrespectful words between people. I am not that person. I have some emotional and mental challenges and typing is also a very weak point of mine. I type with one finger and I am extremely slow (this reply has taken me almost two hours, that’s how slow I am). But you took the time to “write” me so you deserve a reply. Regardless of the time it takes me I would be happy to talk with, not debate, you and listen to your point of view. Just because we don’t agree does not mean you don’t deserve decency, kindness and respect. I always do my best to conduct myself with those traits. I’ll close by saying regardless of what you do, or don’t, believe and our differing beliefs and points of view I sincerely hope only the best for you and yours. Be well!

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Dr. Alexander, I couldn't agree more. RFK JR is our best option for truth telling.

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